Chapter 58 Crisis Hidden
In the days after my mother left Changzhou, I was worried every day, not because my family urged me to get married, but because I found myself missing someone every morning when I woke up.

That person is none other than Xiaoyu.From the first second when I opened my eyes and became conscious, his face would appear in my mind unconsciously, until before I fell asleep at night, his shadow was like being forced into my body, like a shadow .

It was a strange experience that I had never had in my growing up, and I was a little panicked.It's as if you have always been alone, and suddenly another soul lives in your soul, "breathing the same breath and sharing fate" with you every day. Facing this "soul invader", anyone will feel Be terrified.

I thought we were just passerby A and passerby B who had a one-sided relationship in each other's world. On the premise that the two sides have blocked each other and deleted each other, and when I clearly know that the other party does not have me in their hearts, they are as rational as I am, and I can get it Letting go is my consistent style of life and work!

Just like what I plausibly told Xiaoyu: "I, Cheng Yifei, will never like someone who doesn't like me at all, and I will never waste my good years for someone who doesn't have me in my heart. You don't cherish me, yes If you have no vision, there will naturally be someone who knows how to cherish me."

At that time, I lived a proud and noble queen in my bones. I really felt from the bottom of my heart that as time went by, it should not be difficult to forget a person who didn't have me in his heart.

But I actually lost, I can't deceive myself, Xiao Yu'er has already quietly lived in my heart.

Every morning, after dressing neatly and washing up, I ran to the nearby bus station and waited for 22B, listening to music with earphones on, and began to think about him over and over again.

Looking at the beautiful scenery along the canal, I remembered the first time we met at Haidilao beside the canal. On the way to meet the male god that day, I was full of joy and joy. Wedding dress, I even thought that maybe one day I could also put on a white wedding dress for my male god.

Although those were all thoughts that flashed through my subconscious mind, they became more and more vivid and profound now.

Go to work as usual every day, don't be distracted when you go to work, force yourself not to think about him, and work hard.

But on the way to and from get off work, it is difficult to restrain my thoughts. When I am free, I miss him all the time. I spend every day in the torment of missing him, so that one morning, I was so distraught that I left my laptop on the bus. superior.

That day, because I completed the brand planning book at home the night before, and needed to use a notebook to show the plan PPT to the boss the next day, I took the notebook with me on the BUS.

There were too many people in the bus in the morning. When I got on the bus, I found that there was no place for a long time. A bunch of people crowded the aisle in the middle of the bus with the handrails. I had a handbag on one shoulder and a laptop on the other. Then temporarily put the "books" in the gap between the seat and the back of the seat.

I wobbled along with the bus, and when I arrived at the station near the company, a large group of people swarmed down. I was so crowded that I almost fell down. After standing still, I quickly got off the bus with the flow of people, and after getting off the bus, I followed the flow of people through the underground passage. Run to the company in a hurry.

Because I was going to be late soon, I stepped on high heels and sprinted to the company like a [-]-meter sprint. The moment I entered the company's glass door and saw the conference room, I remembered that I forgot to take my notebook.

I was panicked and annoyed all of a sudden, thinking that this time it was really over, I was out of my mind every day, and the male god couldn't come back, and I was accompanied by my own food, it was really not worth the candle.

When I was young, I went to kindergarten and played with my friends after school at night. I threw my schoolbag on the swing in the kindergarten and was scolded by my mother. When I grew up, I almost never lost important things.

The last time I lost something, I remember the time when I was preparing to divorce my ex. At that time, I was very depressed. I wanted to buy some new clothes to cheer myself up, but I waited for the bus at the bus stop. When the bus came, I just got on it. There was no need for clothes either, a bag of new clothes was left on the side of the platform and taken away by someone.

Clothes only cost a few hundred yuan, not particularly valuable items, and you can buy them again if you lose them.But this time, he was really going to make a fortune, and for the first time, he even lost his computer.A notebook cost me nearly [-] yuan. When I bought it, I was planning to do my own design, so I bought the highest configuration, which was expensive.

This is a change from the past, when you drop a valuable item in a public place, and you go back and look for it, it will be picked up by someone in less than 10 minutes. The vast crowd may find one in tens of thousands.

When my colleagues heard that my laptop was on the bus, they chattered nonstop. Some asked me to call 110, and some asked me to call the hotline of the Changzhou bus company.Ask the person who called the bus company to say that you can call them for consultation, and ask them to adjust the monitoring to see who took your notebook.

Let the person who called 110 say that it is useless to call the bus company. You have to call 110 first to call the police, and the police will help you to ask the bus company to adjust the monitoring. If you ask the bus company to adjust the monitoring, they will not agree.

As a result, I made both calls, and the response from 110 was that they would check with the bus company, and the bus company replied that they would immediately help me contact the driver of 22B to find out for me.

During the waiting process, I was very nervous. Once someone took it out of the car and took it away, there was no hope of finding it again, unless the notebook was still in the car and no one took it.

An hour later, I called the bus company again, and the operator told me: I found the thing, it was still on the bus, it was picked up by the bus driver, now I can bring my ID card, take 22B to the bottom station, go to Ask the staff at the office at that station to claim the lost property.

After hanging up the phone, I breathed a sigh of relief, asked the leader for leave, and went to the bus stop to take the bus again.

I have been to many domestic cities, including Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. Only the bus station in Changzhou left a deep impression on me——

At every intersection from the city center to the suburbs, in the middle of the wide road, a platform will be opened separately and a traffic guard box will be set up.

You need to swipe your card to enter the sentry box. Behind the sentry box is a long platform, about [-] meters long. The shape of the top of the platform looks like the first carriage at the head of a high-speed train from the outside, except that the outer skin is not white, but It is green and looks very comfortable. Sitting there and waiting for the bus will also feel very comfortable, because the ticket has been checked before entering the station. Once the bus arrives, you can go straight away after getting on the bus.

After sitting in the car for dozens of stops, looking at the scenery outside the window all the way, I had mixed feelings, and I couldn't help crying.

Maybe it's because I'm very excited to find the precious thing, maybe it's because I feel sad when I think that Xiaoyu will never come back to my world...

I don’t know what is the reason, but tears can’t be stopped. If it weren’t for the surveillance cameras installed everywhere in this era, if it wasn’t for most people’s living standards and quality of recuperation have generally improved, almost every household has With a computer, no one will be envious of your "books". If this was changed in the past, it would have been taken away by someone.

After I found the computer, I made up my mind to focus on my work and stop thinking about Xiaoyu.Because I was acutely aware that I was "too much" thinking about him.I feel that love can't affect my personal career anyway, let alone a relationship that can't end well like a one-man show.

Back at the company, the boss’s daughter, Fat Ya, asked me to take photos of the products, and said to me solemnly: “The company has four or five hundred kinds of milk tea raw materials. You can ask the administrative manager for product details, and then you can find a way to find them. Three photography companies, shoot for them in batches, and then you can compare and see which of the three has the best photography level, and choose one as our long-term partner."

In fact, when I first joined the company, my boss mentioned this task to me. Because I was busy with the renovation plan of the brand LOGO design a while ago, the photography plan was temporarily put on hold.

Now that the LOGO transformation plan is halfway through, and the partner is about to start designing a new LOGO, the plan has been stopped.

The advertising company I cooperated with recommended the company in Shanghai. The boss agreed, but Fatty disagreed. I can only temporarily suspend the new LOGO transformation plan and put product photography on the agenda in advance.

When I first joined the company, I worked with the boss and the others. Outside the chairman's office was the office of me and several other administrative personnel managers. Fatty would come and see us when he was free.

A few days later, the "male woman" and I were arranged to move to another office, both on the same floor of this office building, except that one was on the easternmost side and the other was on the westernmost side.

In the west office, there are a group of big boys, all from T city.Then after me and the tomboy went in, they added a new pair of desks for us on the side of their pile of desks.

At the beginning, the boss was very cryptic in his introduction, only saying that they were all in charge of the "market". After a long time, we found out that there are six of them in total, all of whom are boys: one is planning, the other is designing, and the other is male. One is the research and development of milk tea products, one is the sales manager, the other is the assistant sales manager, and the other is the driver.

The design and planning are actually the same things that I and the "male woman" are responsible for.

It’s just that the boss recruited us and set us with a higher title than them all. They are ordinary employees hired from Taiwan, and we are the newly recruited “design manager” and “planning manager” by the boss. Their.

The boss said that we are richer in terms of qualifications and experience than these boys born in the 90s, and hoped that we could bring a brand new look to the brand.

But brand innovation is far from as simple as the boss imagined. I didn't know the inside story of their company at first. I only heard from the boss that this brand was designed for them by a designer they found in an outside advertising company.

What I don't know is that their original brand was actually created by these young men from T City from scratch.

Although the original design is not their own, but from the implication of the LOGO to the preliminary determination of the shape of the LOGO, to the release of a complete set of product packaging, they are all based on their creative ideas and completed the actual production under their guidance.

After a year of research and development and production, although the market response was mediocre, they have extremely deep feelings and persistent beliefs in the original brand shape, and even everyone's head portrait uses the same LOGO pattern without exception.

If you don’t look at the nicknames or post notes on WeChat, it will be difficult for you to tell who they are for a while.

At that time, before the boss recruited me, he introduced that the company did not have designers, copywriters, event planners, and photographers. All these required me to recruit talents from all walks of life from scratch. Obviously, the reality in front of me was very different from what the boss said.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the boss thinks that the original team of the brand has a mediocre level of design, creativity and promotion, but since they have been working in the company for more than a year, they have no choice but to recruit new people to join the company under the premise of finding no reasonable reason to fire them. Slow replaces everything old.

What we saw on the surface was that these boys were all polite and welcoming with smiles on their faces, but in fact, they were already undercurrents, and they were full of resistance and rejection to our joining.

This is what I felt when I got along with their work later.

The boss's ideas and strategies are quite good. Brands and design solutions that have been eliminated by the market need to be innovated. Only brands that have been tested by the market and widely accepted by the public can survive the commercial wave for a long time.

If the old is not destroyed and the new is established, the brand will stagnate, not only will it not create any value, but it will also make all the previous investments lose money.

(End of this chapter)

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