Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 62 A Trip to Guilin

Chapter 62 A Trip to Guilin
After breakfast, the time is almost up, and the tour guide car arrives as scheduled.They called my cell phone and put me in the car.

After getting in the car, I saw a car of "donkey friends" traveling together.As far as the eye can see, there are basically uncles and aunts. Among a group of elderly people, there are a couple of middle-aged people sitting here and there. They look like couples and lovers. There are only two young people who are about my age, sitting alone Looking at the slowly rising sun outside the car window in a daze.

There was a girl who was wearing a white canvas tourist hat all the time, her head was tightly covered by the hat, and her face could not be seen clearly.I think it must be a soul that is as lonely and free as I am, and full of guard against the outside world.

The tour guide is a middle-aged married handsome guy with a slim build and a powerful voice like a bell. The moment I picked up the microphone and spoke, I knew this was a tour guide with certain hosting experience.

After introducing himself, the tour guide said: "It's a pleasure to meet everyone here. I believe everyone has heard the saying that anyone who appears in your life has a special mission and meaning, and they are all related to you. You have an unusual fate. It must be a special fate for us to gather here. I hope you can have fun and have fun during the two-day trip, and you can become friends with everyone around you.

In addition to leading a group, I usually host some commercial performances.Judging from my years of experience in leading tour groups, all of you here are traveling near the end of the year. Needless to say, the older ones come out for fun and can have a comfortable and happy old age. Some of the younger ones are on annual leave Those who come out to play, some are out of love and feel bad, and of course it does not rule out that they are in trouble in their careers and come out to change their mood
When he said the last sentence, he just hit my point. I grinned involuntarily and smiled bitterly. The OS in my heart was like this: Wow, this tour guide is very good, interesting, and rich in experience. Can see through people's hearts and analyze everyone's motives for travel.

The car drove slowly in GL city, and I saw the city of GL through the window.Just like the tour guide said: Wherever you go, it is difficult to see high-rise buildings, and the highest floor will not exceed 8 floors, and will not exceed "Solitary Beauty Peak".

Because Guilin is an international tourist city and the "business card" of Guangxi, in order to protect the environment and not affect the landscape, urban planning does not allow the construction of high-rise buildings.

Hearing this, I was suddenly moved. Although Guilin does not seem to be rich, it has made an immortal contribution to maintaining the most primitive ecological tourism environment for tourists from all over the world.

Our first stop is Xiangshan Mountain. With the rising sun, Xiangshan Mountain is covered with a golden veil, which is really dreamy.Everyone rushed to stand in front of Xiangshan Mountain to take pictures. The only fly in the ointment is that the river waters at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain are a bit dry in this season, without the contrast of clear waters, a bit less aura.

The donkey friends asked me to take a few group photos for them, and I also asked them to take a few personal photos, but because they are not very good at taking pictures, I feel that the effect is not good, and I am worried that I can’t find a good photography partner to help me take some photos When Meizhao came home, I found that a young man with the group was sitting on a rock in the shade of Xiangshan Mountain with his back facing us, and asked the donkey friend next to him to help him take a photo of his back.

I think this idea is very good, because from this angle, although the face cannot be seen, but the whole picture of Xiangshan and his figure are just captured, adding a sense of poetic mystery.

When the young man turned around, I found that he was of medium build, with an ordinary appearance, single eyelids, a square face, and the shadow of a beard could be seen faintly at the corner of his mouth, and he had a very stable and simple smile.

After he finished taking the picture, I immediately ran to his place, praised him first, and then asked for help: "This angle is very good. The silhouette feels very good. Can the handsome guy take a picture for me?"

"Okay. I'll help you take pictures."

He readily agreed, and while helping me take pictures, he asked me: "Are you also traveling alone?"

"That's right. I came out alone, and no one took pictures for me, so I had to ask passers-by to do it for me every time."

"Haha, me too."

"How about this, next time you want to take a photo, I'll take it for you. When I want to take a photo, you take it for me."

"Okay, but I don't really need to take pictures. As a man, just take a picture once in a while. If you want to take pictures, I'm willing to help you at any time. My name is Li Yang, what do I call you?"

"Call me Yifei"


In this way, we gradually became acquainted with each other and formed a tourist duo temporarily.He's not the type of boy I like, but he doesn't hate him either, and he feels like a good friend.

Because of the similar age, there is no obstacle to chatting.In addition, along the way, many projects and tour buses are double-seat, and one person cannot be allowed to pass, and you have to compete for seats with other strangers. With a temporary playmate, there is no such trouble.

After all, compared with completely unfamiliar tourists, everyone is in a group, and inexplicably there will be a little more trust.

He is a gentleman, he will take care of my safety in many cases, and he is very patient in taking pictures for me.It may be that the old saying goes, men and women match, and work is not tiring.Traveling is the same. Along the way, with the company and blessing of this friend of the opposite sex, I feel a lot more relaxed. When I go shopping and look around, there are people to meet me, so I don’t have to worry about getting lost. There are delicious food, and we will buy each other when we buy it. share.

When encountering some small troubles and obstacles during the journey, he will rush forward to help me solve them. When encountering happy or unhappy things, he can complain to each other as he likes. No matter what I talk about, he can always pick it up easily. Hold my memes.

Because there is no conflict of interest with each other in the real world, they can chat without any scruples.This kind of friendly and harmonious state of getting along reminds me of the days when Xiaoyu and I just met. In the world of the Internet, we also had a very happy chat and talked about everything.

But when I face Xiao Yu, I still can't do whatever I want like I face Li Yang.Because I like Xiaoyu, he is like a male god in my eyes. When facing male gods, he will be relatively more reserved.

Relationships in this world may be like this, you can't like and care too much about a person.Because once you like someone very much, you can't help but cringe in front of him, and you can't really be yourself freely and freely.

You will worry that what you say is not appropriate or appropriate; you will worry that the other party will look down on you because of your imperfect performance; you will worry that when you express a certain opinion, the other party will not agree with you .

You will over-interpret the other person's unintentional words.You care too much about his every frown, every move, every move.So there is no doubt that you will unknowingly lose part of yourself because of this. The more you want to express "naturalness", the more "awkward" you appear, the more you want to express "perfection", the more you express "failure".

I don’t know which writer said it, but the most beautiful and lovable moment for a girl is when she hasn’t fallen in love with you. She is full of confidence in her gestures and speech, because she is self-respecting and self-loving, and doesn’t care what you think of her. , just be herself.

Regardless of whether a person is in a relationship or not, only when he is truly himself will he exude a charming temperament, which is when he is the most attractive.

I think I was in the same state in those two days, relaxed and comfortable, free and easy, and my whole soul suddenly became enlightened.

Although I don't have the beauty of the world, when I am wearing a cheongsam, wearing a flower crown, and long hair fluttering, standing on a cruise ship, embracing the mountain breeze by the Yulong Lake with open arms, when I am sitting on a bamboo raft, in the lush green, lake and mountain scenery In Shili Gallery, when I stroked the bangs on my forehead and smiled at the camera, I heard the uncles and aunts express their sincere appreciation and praise to me: Girl, you are really beautiful in the cheongsam.Can wear that taste.I even saw a little boy who came to play in Guangzhou, waving at me from a distance: pretty girl, pretty girl, so pretty...

In addition to the beautiful mountains and rivers in Guilin, the most amazing thing is its karst landform. We followed the tour guide to the Yinziyan Scenic Area. This cave runs through twelve peaks. In the cave, there are stalactites that have grown and grown in different geological ages. They are crystal clear, white and flawless, like The Milky Way in the night sky pours down.

The ancients said:

Yangshuo, Guilin is connected by a river, and there are endless magical milk caves.

Opening valleys and digging mountains to startle ghosts and axe, carving jade and carving jade to marvel at the divine workmanship.

Lava water drips into stalactites, and fossilized ice sticks form palaces.

It's not enough to look at all kinds of poses, and I come back from Kongtong, Myanmar.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it is difficult for you to appreciate the magical artistic conception in the poem.After being on the scene, you can't help but sigh that the material of the poet's magical pen is completely taken from the uncanny workmanship of nature.

When I exited the cave, there was a man-made time tunnel that looked like light and shadow interlaced, with a sense of depth. Tourists took photos one after another. I asked Li Yang to help me take pictures. But from the perspective of a straight man, he took me very short and fat every time. The young lady next to him is a staff member of the cave. Seeing the photos he took, she felt anxious for him. She danced and began to direct:
"Oh, handsome guy, if you take pictures like this, you will make the beauty ugly and fat. You should stand a little farther away and take pictures of her whole body. You squat on the ground, and the phone is slightly tilted back. Yes, yes, that's it."

Haha, the little sister taught Li Yang how to take pictures, and in the end she went directly to help me take pictures. I saw the photos she took, and I was really amazed, because the young lady immediately took pictures of me legs, and also photographed my exquisite side profile.Sure enough, as soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.

The two-and-a-half-day tour with the group came to an end soon.When I saw everyone getting off the bus one after another, I really felt a little nostalgia for this trip to Guilin.

The friends who accompanied you on the road of life may never be seen again, but they have left special imprints in our respective memories.

After returning to Changzhou, Li Yang would pay attention to my circle of friends from time to time. I cooked delicious meals in the new rented house in the canal and studied new dishes. He would always like and comment.

I still often think of the beer fish I ate with him in Guilin - I completely regard him as a "donkey friend" and a "buddy".During the dinner, the two of them chatted freely about the marriage customs in their respective hometowns. When he learned my real age, he was surprised and said, "Why haven't you found a partner at your age?" Talk to him about my bloody marriage experience with my ex.

He probably felt that I got along very well with each other. After returning to work, he heard me talk about those ridiculous blind date experiences, and he pretended to be joking on the Internet and secretly asked me: Last time in Guilin, what do you think? how am i
I have to answer generously: You are very good, suitable for being a good friend and buddy.

Obviously my answer was not what he wanted, maybe it was to save face, or maybe he did have a girlfriend, he said something vague: Actually, I just asked casually, I have a girlfriend.To be honest, I like to play, and when I got in touch with you, I didn't think you were like a girl who likes to play, so I didn't provoke you.There is no chance to be a boyfriend and girlfriend, but I can be your blue-faced confidant.

When he said that he was a confidant, I posted a tacit approval emoji on the surface, but it was just to give the other party a step down.

Because the world is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and it is impossible to see each other again, there is no need to be too serious about a harmless false identity.

But in my heart, I don’t really agree with him as a confidant, because I have high requirements for a confidant in my heart. The confidant in my heart must be able to help each other, appreciate each other, have similar three views, and be able to chat. When we get together, not only can we talk about everything, but we can also share weal and woe in the iron relationship of life.

He met the first few basic requirements, but the last one obviously has not passed the test of time.The journey of two and a half days is very short, not enough to understand a person deeply, only to see the surface of a person.

And just looking at his simple and simple appearance, you can't tell at all that he had "unreasonable" thoughts about me at that time.

Assuming that I was the kind of girl he thought was playing with coffee, and I came all the way to Guilin not only to see the distant scenery, but also to have an affair, he would definitely wish for it.

Therefore, girls still need to strengthen their awareness of safety precautions when they are alone outside. It doesn’t mean that they should make themselves like roses with thorns, unkind, not approaching people proactively, and fortifying everywhere. It’s just that I think girls should communicate with others normally. It is necessary to keep a few more minds and keep a polite distance from the opposite sex.

Don't judge people by their appearance and think that ordinary-looking men are not "dangerous". Men are naturally curious and sexual. If girls don't know how to clean themselves, if their behavior is too "bold" or "ambiguous", men may think you are a The egg with a seam, and then took advantage of the opportunity to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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