Chapter 83

In the company, in addition to doing a good job in project bidding, I also assisted the sales department, purchasing department, personnel department, general manager's office and other departments at the request of the boss, helping them edit and write project contracts, purchase agreements, and make quotation forms. Integrate the company structure and formulate departmental management system.
According to the promise I made to my boss before I joined the company, I managed to balance the two jobs of graphic design and assistant to the general manager.

At the beginning, everyone was quite friendly to me. The HR manager would appreciate the meeting minutes I made, and the manager of the biotechnology department would also treat me when he saw a girl like me accompanying them to work overtime with a few seniors. I take extra care and even drive me home after overtime.

However, gradually, the atmosphere in the workplace became more and more strange unexpectedly.

One day, the company held a meeting, and the boss assigned me a new task in front of everyone. He hoped that the company would establish a new organizational structure and formulate a new management system. He planned to develop the company into a sales department as the core. In the project marketing management center supplemented by purchasing department, finance department, biotechnology department, warehouse management and other departments, each department needs to have a clear and detailed management organization structure, and also needs a standardized management system to constrain everyone's code of conduct .

He entrusted me with this glorious and difficult task.As a newcomer in the workplace, I naturally feel that I am duty-bound. After the meeting, I began to prepare for the preparation of the system.

After all, I didn't graduate with a major in administrative personnel management, nor did I study business management. If you ask me to compile a detailed business management system out of thin air, I can't make it.

So I was a stupid bird, and after going back at night, I checked a lot of information on the Internet, carefully studied the system templates of similar companies, and combined with the current status of our company's business development, I wrote a set of project marketing center management systems suitable for our company's operations. In three days, I presented the management system of five or six thousand words to the boss.

"Mr. Liu, this is the management system of the project marketing center you want." I respectfully put the printed new system on the boss's desk.

When the boss took the stack of thick documents, he was stunned for a moment, and replied: "Okay, let me take a look."

He glanced at the thick stack of documents in front of him, with a look of surprise in his eyes. He probably didn't expect that he would just say that in the meeting, and I would really sort things out very quickly.The mission must be fulfilled, and it is my consistent work style to efficiently complete the tasks assigned by the leaders.

A few days later, at the company's weekly meeting, the boss made further discussions on the management system I wrote, put forward some suggestions for revision and improvement, and specifically praised me by name, and asked the page manager of our department to give me a good report. study:
"Cheng Yifei is really a rare talent. She completes every task I entrusted to me. I really didn't expect that she would make the system in less than three days. It can be said that She is by far the most capable of words among all the designers I have seen.

I have assigned this task to other designers before, including the page manager.But none of them really presented something to me, and it has been dragging without any news.

Yifei's serious attitude towards work and efficient execution are worth learning from everyone, especially Manager Page. You should also learn from Cheng Yifei.Colleagues should learn from each other. "

Although I was gratified to be appreciated by "Bole", but I felt a little bit uneasy because I privately thought that the boss was very happy this time, and the praise was a bit too much, and he directly named me by name. The name of the manager, let others learn from me.

If you think of a management leader, even though he is my age, he is my boss anyway. It is reasonable for him to feel "uneasy" when his boss points out his shortcomings in public and asks him to learn from the newcomers who have just arrived.

In the days that followed, I gradually felt the workplace situation of "a tree is more beautiful than a forest, and the wind must urge it".

At the beginning, the personnel manager spoke politely to me and greeted me with a smile, but soon changed to "Heng Mei coldly pointed at thousands of husbands".Because the boss wanted me to work part-time in HR and administrative management and transition to a management position, he asked the HR manager to hand over part of the work that she originally needed to do to me, and always said to her: "You send the information to Xiao Cheng , ask her to help you edit it. Xiaocheng, you can revise and improve the document in Xiaoyue's hand according to your understanding. Huh?"

Naturally, the HR manager didn't dare to disobey the boss's words, but every time she received an order, she kept silent and looked reluctant.

"Okay, I see." I couldn't pretend I didn't hear it, so I had to agree first.

I thought about it differently. I think that as an old employee who has worked in a unit for many years, if the work that belonged to me has to be handed over to another person for rectification, or if it is a newcomer who just arrived, I will feel awkward in my heart. Comfortable.

Although the original intention of the boss is to have "fresh blood" to improve the old models and materials, he only defines me as a specialist who assists various departments to complete their work better, but it also hurts the self-esteem of the old employees virtually.So from then on, Tian Xiaoyue, the personnel manager, began to flirt with me intentionally or unintentionally.

The network cable on her side was broken, and she ran to my place to fiddle with the router, saying that her network cable was connected to my router and had to be unplugged and replugged, and I fiddled with it twice, but I didn't say anything.I thought to myself that you can't keep coming and tossing after you've done your work.

I am busy bidding here. Seeing that the online bid opening time is about to close, I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. The leader is still putting forward suggestions for revision and improvement. When she finishes tinkering with the router, I will return to my seat immediately and rush to revise the bid. .

While she was busy, she suddenly rushed to my place again and yelled at me coldly: "Go away!"

I was stunned: "What's the matter?"

She was so angry that she replied to me: "I can't connect to the network cable again, get out of the way."

Then he rushed in without saying anything and pushed me aside.I had to retreat into the hallway and let her continue fiddling with the router.

I said: "Next time you have something to say, can you talk about it? At least say hello. Suddenly this attitude rushes over. Every time you don't even call your name?"

She said, "Why didn't I say hello? My attitude is good enough, what else do you want?"

I said: "The network cable is down, you have unplugged the router several times, but it still doesn't work, maybe it's not the router's problem at all, I'm still in the process of bidding, it's too late, can you wait a little longer and try again? It’s not too late to go online.”

She turned her head and gave me a bluffing look: "Do you think that you are the only one who is busy and no one else is busy?"

I didn't let her talk nonsense, I said: "I don't think I'm busy, no matter how busy you are, it's impossible for us to be busy at this meeting. We have worked overtime for several days in a row, and I am really anxious to bid ! Time is really running out!"

She just gave up and didn't continue to bother me.As a newcomer, I also want to have a good relationship with their old employees, but every time she looks high and doesn't take me seriously, even in front of them, I seem to be an existence without a name, which really makes me People feel very speechless.

She was sitting right in front of me. One time when she was about to get off work, she stood up suddenly and yelled at everyone: "I'm going to throw out the trash. Who of you also wants to throw out the trash? I'll help take it down together. Come and go. Don’t miss it when you pass by, there will be no store after passing this village.”

As a result, she stood up and yelled for a while, but the office was silent. Everyone seemed to be busy with their affairs at the moment, and no one paid any attention to her.I didn't want to embarrass her, so I kindly stood up and gave her my garbage bag. In fact, there was no garbage in my garbage bag, and there were a few scraps of paper in it. I just responded to help her resolve the embarrassment. She is full of face.

My kindness almost didn't show directly on my face, but what I didn't expect was that she shook her head directly, with a look of disdain, and said in disgust, "Throw it yourself! Who will throw it for you?"

"Forget it, I thought you were really kind enough to help throw out the garbage, so you were playing with people." I murmured in a low voice, feeling very uncomfortable: Come on, Cheng Yifei, you kindly wanted to relieve others from embarrassment, but you didn't expect it to end up , the clown turned out to be yourself.The other party is not only ungrateful, but also embarrassing you in public.

After that, I knew that HR deliberately squeezed me out, and she almost told the world: I just don't want to see you, what's the matter?I am willing to help throw away everyone's garbage bags, but I will not.

I worked overtime at night and got up a little late the next day. In order to rush to work, I didn’t have time to eat breakfast. I wanted to say that the work was so hard, so I should be nice to myself. After I arrived at the company, I secretly ordered a KFC soy milk and rice balls. I just took two bites under the table, and the personnel suddenly came over and knocked on my table: "Who told you to eat in the company? The company doesn't allow you to eat breakfast in the company! You still eat in the company blatantly?!"

She yelled very loudly, and other colleagues looked at me when she yelled like that.I was surprised by this sudden reprimand. I really didn't expect to be reprimanded as if I made a mistake after breakfast. This is the first time I have encountered such a "wonderful" personnel in more than ten years of work.

On weekdays, even if you have an opinion on the other party at work, as long as it is not a matter of principle, you usually raise it in private.This kind of method can only be said to be a deliberate embarrassment for me.

I said: "I don't know, the company didn't say that breakfast is not allowed in the office. What is blatantly eating? This word is not used correctly, it makes me seem to do something bad on purpose, and other people often eat in the office too." , it’s rare for me to order takeaway to eat at the company, so you’re just calling me like that?”

She said: "We ordered food at the company, and we ate it secretly."

I said, "I also ate it secretly. I didn't show it to the leader, and it didn't cause any bad influence. The leader was busy in the office, and no one came out."

I wanted to talk to her in private, and I asked if you could tell me in private next time if you have something to do, she knew that she couldn't tell me that she was wrong, so she pretended to compromise and shouted: "Just as long as you are happy! I don't want to tell you anymore! I Not happy talking to you."

While she was talking, she seemed to run out of the office while running away.I am also embarrassed to chase after people to communicate.I had no choice but to communicate with her on WeChat and tell her my thoughts.

I can't hide my words in my heart. I can bear you bullying me once or twice. If you bully me more times, I won't let you be a soft persimmon. My writing skills are far stronger than my verbal skills. , She felt that she couldn't talk to me, so she was itchy with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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