Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 49 One Mountain Cannot Hold Two Tigers

Chapter 49
After returning to MG after a holiday, we finally saw the "real body" of the new design director Bao Wenlong.This boy who has not presented his design works to the boss for a long time was invited three times by the boss.

This person is also born in the 80s, about the same age as me, and his height is less than 1.68m. (Because when I stood with me, I found that he was half a head shorter than me).

Chubby figure, chubby face.She also wore a pair of old-fashioned round-rimmed black-rimmed glasses on her round face, and an old coffee-colored jacket from the 80s and [-]s.It looks like a veteran cadre, but no matter how you look at this image, you can't think of him as a designer.

But as the saying goes, a person cannot be judged by his appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. As long as he can really do practical things for the company, the "talent" hired is "worthy" for the boss.

Unexpectedly, when Comrade Lao Bao first arrived, he gave everyone a "offensive" to revive MG. He called designers from various departments to the small conference room one by one, and held a small "political understanding" meeting in turn.Of course, there is also me in the middle.

He didn't embarrass me, but he just asked me about the distribution of personnel in various departments of the company, what they are currently busy with, and asked me which designers are more professional.

I think these questions are very good. After all, we need to coordinate and manage all designers in the follow-up, so as not to fight unprepared battles, and to know the details of each of our designers in advance, so that we can carry out better management in the future.

And when we first came, he was quite polite to us.It's just that the good times didn't last long, and he soon learned from Xiao Ran that my original position was exactly the same as his current title.

So the new official really lived up to "her" expectations and began to "fire" on me.It's just that he drives so unnoticed that outsiders can't see it without sharp eyes.

Before I went to MG, there were seven floors in the hospital, and various posters were posted in different departments on each floor. It can be said that the design styles are varied, and the design and layout forms are very different.

In order to unify the design style and form a standardized visual management, I spent a month or two in the hospital in the first half of the year, designing and formulating a unified style model for hundreds of framed posters on all floors.

Originally, this unified design plan was approved and appreciated by the boss. I didn't expect that he would ask me to change it all as soon as he came.If I want to change it, I can change it. As long as you can put forward reasonable suggestions to make the layout bigger and more refined, I am obliged to do so.

As a result, he was extremely bored and came up with a bad idea——

The corporate color of MG's brand logo is fuchsia, so I adjusted all the posters in the courtyard and the logo in the upper right corner to the corporate color.

But Comrade Lao Bao didn't know what kind of style he smoked, so he insisted that I change all the LOGOs to black or gray.

I questioned his idea, and I said: Although there are men in the aesthetic and plastic surgery hospital, they are a minority after all, and most of them are basically female customers. They need to show more soft and feminine design elements, so they need to use soft Feminine design color, which is different from enterprises that produce industrial products, LOGO can uniformly use cool colors such as black and gray, and uniformly change to black and gray to make the brand too solemn and impersonal.

But he didn't listen, and ordered me to replace all the hundreds of posters in the courtyard with the color system he wanted, and reprint them.If you just change the color of the LOGO, it can barely be seen.

But this guy not only asked me to change the LOGO, but also asked me to change the layout and font color of all the text.The original soft and sweet color scheme, which was biased toward femininity, has completely changed into a strange industrialized product scheme with black, white and gray tones after such a change.

There are so many posters in the whole hospital, and each of them has to be changed again. It is not a small project. I have to work overtime and change it for a whole week.

After finally finishing all the revisions according to his request, I finally heard him let go of my reply: It’s ok, that’s it, let’s arrange for reprinting.

With a sigh of relief, I sent the document to the advertising company. After explaining the printing production requirements, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. I was just about to get up and get off work when he suddenly sent me another message: "Wait a minute, don't print yet."Mr. Shi said no black LOGO, you can change them all back.

At that time, I really felt a group of "crows" and "grass mud horses" flying over my head in an instant, and I had an urge to pick up the "big hammer" in WeChat and "beat" him directly on the head. (Don't take it seriously, it's just a symbol)
But I didn't post it, whoever asked him to come, just caught up with the good time for "company reform", and took the position of design director.

The leader is about to overhaul the company's design department.In the past, the designers of the network department, the new media operation department and the marketing department showed a trend of "three pillars" in the company. Opinions and ideas have to be allocated to work, and all must be approved by the department head.

But as soon as he came, the situation changed completely. He was directly entrusted with a heavy responsibility and became the design director in charge of the design work of the three departments. Moreover, he heard that Mr. Shi originally planned to promote me to his current position, so he naturally He paid special attention to and took care of me.

Design is the same as painting. Whether it is beautiful or not is a matter of "the beholder sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom". Unlike mathematics, physics and chemistry, there are numbers, formulas, and standard answers.

Human beings judge beauty and ugliness, as long as the overall external effect is not much different from the mainstream aesthetics, and it does not look particularly ridiculous. If you say it looks good, you can give a thousand reasons. If you want to say it is not good-looking, you Can also pick out ten thousand kinds of faults.

So under the leadership and guidance of this new director, my position as the former design director of the marketing department was really "overhead".

I have gradually become one of the ordinary designers, and I am often directed by him to do some thankless and creative tasks, but it is just a small job that deliberately requires you to go back and forth.

Just like what my mother said when persuading me, "Anyway, the boss will not pay you less salary, it's just that the job title has changed. There is nothing you can't bear." I want to persist in doing this job well, and never change jobs unless it is absolutely necessary.

But what is unbearable is that he has a dark heart, and almost every day he thinks of all kinds of harmful tricks to trick me and irritate me.

He will deliberately "pretend" in front of me, call me to his seat, and let me stand and listen to him talk about "big principles".

You think that an employee who comes out of a four-A advertising company will definitely learn a lot of design skills, and you think that he will tell you some amazing design ideas when he specially calls you over.

Sorry for thinking too much, he will point to a circle or a rhombus on the screen, and teach you how to draw a circle, draw a rhombus, and how to draw a line.

There is a saying that is very apt, "It is not harmful, but it is extremely insulting." It cannot be used here to describe this kind of leader who is good at putting on airs.

You think I am an advertising graphic designer with ten years of design experience, how can I not even draw simple geometric figures?I need you to teach me personally, do you think I am a newly graduated soldier Galazi?

I suppressed my anger, and I couldn't take it anymore after listening halfway through. I said, "Director, I can draw these myself. I can just draw it myself when I go back." He just gave up.
But it’s not over yet. Once, after we all got home from get off work, it was already past 9:[-] p.m., he deliberately pretended to be in a panic like “wolf is coming”, and asked me to go back to work overtime all over the world.

First, @我 in the department’s work group, I saw it, and thought it was an urgent and imminent matter, but I clicked on it and saw that it was a small gadget that would be used after three days from the department’s account, and it could be made in half a day There is no need to go three days ahead of time and have to go back to the National People's Congress to work overtime at night.

I saw right away that it was his little trick.Because I specifically asked him before leaving get off work that day: "Director Bao, there is nothing urgent today, don't you need to work overtime?"

He said, "No, you go back."

He @我 in the WeChat group, I ignored him, he went to the DingTalk group to continue @我, I still ignored him, he started @Other colleagues, asked them for my mobile phone number, after asking for the mobile phone number , I started to call CALL frantically, I didn’t answer the call twice, and I turned off the phone directly the third time.

At 10:[-], I turned it on.

"Pretend to be mean to me, right? I'll play a serious game with you," I thought to myself, and slowly typed out a line in the group: "Director, what's wrong? I just went out on an urgent matter and left my phone at home." .The power went out and shut down. This society just got on the power, what do you want me to do?"

He fell silent, he knew it was almost 11 o'clock, and he was too embarrassed to take such a trivial matter in front of everyone in the group and then ordered me to go back to the company to work in the middle of the night.

Those who have worked in the field of advertising creativity know that as a designer, to design every pattern and make every advertisement, you need to maintain a passion for creativity and have a good mental state.Only when you are in a good state can you create good works.

But working under such a leader, my work mood is really not good, and my nerves are always in a state of first-level alert, because I am always on the road of being picked on or being tricked.

In addition to the fact that my self-esteem is often suppressed and trampled, I also completely lose the control of free creativity, because he will impose his own design philosophy on me.

Although he continued to criticize and put forward more stringent demands, I could try my best to satisfy them, but as time went on, I felt less and less happy at work and more and more wronged.

Because as long as I think beautiful things, I will be rejected without mercy, and I think excellent ideas will be deliberately derogatory.

He threw me a lot of unimportant small design cases, but put forward extremely demanding design requirements for me on these small things that don't need to be picked up.

Everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's intentions. He just wants to completely replace my duties as the design supervisor.

Originally, I was responsible for such a big case as the National Day themed event going out to the streets, but now he has left it to "Xiao Ran".

The boss and several of our designers are looking forward to this new director to help guide Xiao Ran to draw an ingenious National Day theme picture. As a result, the two of them worked together for a long time to integrate and perfect, and the whole came out a mediocre and uncreative picture. ad screen for :

A model is placed in the middle of the red background, and a small colored circle like a ball of thread is added behind the model, which is not only uncreative, but also has no aesthetic feeling at all.

The small circle is said to be an element of the National Day ribbon, but they made it look like a "swimming circle" around the model behind it, which looks very strange.

It's okay if the patterns are weird, but all the advertising copy and product introductions with pictures are uniformly used in bold, and they are evenly arranged at the bottom of the model's portrait.

Even the matching theme slogan has not been designed with the slightest "variation of font".

Designers from several other departments looked at each other in blank dismay when they saw such a "straightforward" main picture plan with no creativity at all.

Xiaoya whispered to me: "Are you sure this is not the 'first work' of a fresh graduate? It's so speechless."

I believe that during that time, I was not the only designer who was depressed. Everyone silently drew a big question mark in their minds about the design level of the old bag.

But helplessly, every time he held an event or made a design proposal, he never personally participated in the design.Just as the regulatory leadership guides us.So we can only whisper in our hearts in private, no one dares to jump out and question him.

After the National Day, the marketing department held another themed event of "Golden Autumn Presents, Reversal of Time". He called me into the small meeting room and said solemnly: "Xiao Ran is on leave today. For the Golden Autumn theme event and the plan of advertising on the street, we Each of the three should come up with a design plan. You do it first, and Xiao Ran will come tomorrow, and I will ask her to design one too. "

I readily agree.I thought to myself that since he joined the job, he has always asked me to play the role of "player", and this time he finally gave me a decent big case. Although he might not use my plan in the end, at least it was given. I have a justifiable name, a fair competition, and an opportunity to show my talent and ability.

I couldn't help thinking silently in my heart: Could it be that I was overthinking before?This new director doesn't look that bad, maybe he's just used to being picky and demanding from clients in the [-]A advertising company, so he is so strict with me on weekdays.

So after I returned to my seat, I began to concentrate on how to design a new activity theme plan.

But in the morning, other departments in the courtyard approached me with a small design job, and I had to help solve it first, so I didn't start designing this big project right away.

Because the director said that Xiao Ran will also come up with a plan the next day, and after the three of us have come up with a plan, we will "compare drafts" to the leader.So I thought that this matter was not very urgent, so I dealt with other things first, and it would not be too late to design after lunch.

Who knew that when I finished my meal at noon and went back to my seat, just as I was about to pick up a glass of water for a sip of water, I received a message from a cooperative advertiser, who said: The picture will be released tomorrow, and this time the theme advertisement is yours designed?Do you have any designs?

I suddenly woke up from a dream, half of the water I drank almost didn’t spit out. Tomorrow is the release deadline. I was notified of the design today, and I pretended not to worry about it. I have to wait for other designers to come up with a plan tomorrow. ?
In the past, when we did activities, we started planning a week in advance. The manager began to distribute the planned text plan to us one week in advance, and let us design the screen according to the copywriting. Tell me to start designing.

I was immediately anxious and annoyed, but I didn't have time to argue with him, because I didn't know that Manager Ding of the marketing department deliberately made things difficult for him. He only gave him the planning copy the day before the release, and told him about it. Lao Bao deliberately made things difficult for me in order to get rid of me, and set up this trap?

It is not known whether the two of them are the mastermind behind the scenes, or if they simply colluded to punish me.

But at this moment, I am soberly aware: two people with similar salaries, not to mention Lao Bao racking his brains to kill me, from the perspective of the boss, she is not very willing to let us coexist for a long time.

Because if we all continue here, it means that the company has to pay two high salaries every month.So my position and job in MG are already in jeopardy.

(End of this chapter)

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