Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 7 Cheongsam Chivalrous Woman

Chapter 7 Cheongsam Chivalrous Woman
After graduating, I started to wander the "jianghu" like a chivalrous woman, and started my career as a designer.Because the advertising industry in my hometown is not well-developed and the salary is too low, I resolutely left my hometown and went to Suzhou alone. The advertising company there started as an ordinary apprentice and small employee, because I have a good eye for things. Enthusiastic", modest and eager to learn, my "masters" didn't make things difficult for me.

In school, the teacher will not teach us how to operate the software. In the university classroom, more is to learn the pure theoretical knowledge of design and art, so I spent a year with the senior designers from the basic software Skills began to be learned, and how to operate the software was explored in practice.

Because the master wants to ensure that his "job" is stable, he is rarely willing to teach you all the operation skills. Only when they are too busy to handle it, they will teach you one and a half key operation methods. , the main purpose is to ask you to help lighten his burden.Although it's just one and a half tricks, many of them are key steps and operation tips that you may not be able to get out of the software tutorial books you bought with a lot of money.After I have mastered the software operation skills, I can basically handle some simple commercial advertising orders by myself.

But this industry does not rely on software operation skills to make a living. If you don’t have your own aesthetic ideas and creative ideas, you can only be regarded as a simple artist because of software skills to help customers draw pictures. A real designer has received professional art design. Aesthetic education, with high aesthetic attainments, rich imagination, and excellent creative ideas, they will not simply follow the will of their bosses, bosses, and customers to draw pictures.So learning how to operate software is only the first step in the designer's long march.

As the saying goes, "Ten years of sharpening a sword", in the next ten years, I read a lot of design and fashion books, and often learned from outstanding peers, constantly improving my aesthetics, improving my planning ability, Brand thinking ability.In the past ten years, my position has changed from "artist" to "graphic designer", from "graphic designer" to "planning design", from "planning design" to "planning manager".And many of my college classmates have changed their careers in the past ten years. Those who are teachers become teachers, those who take the civil service test are civil servants, those who do business do business, and those who are housewives become housewives. Among the girls, I am one of the few girls who insist on doing This line of work has been done for decades and is still being done.Most people think that I rely on talent to make a living, but that is not the case. No matter how good the talent is, if it is separated from the accumulated hard work and persistence, it is impossible to achieve long-term success.

When I was young, I was the kind of girl who was very sensible and well-behaved. She was good at talking to elders and spoke like a grown-up. When I entered the workplace as an adult, I was a mature and reserved person. I have my own ideas and ideas, and I never copy what others say. I am still good at and willing to communicate with senior leaders and bosses who are much older than me, and I have never had stage fright.

In my opinion, the basic bottom line of the relationship between people, whether elders or leaders, colleagues or friends, customers or partners, should be equality and respect.So I don't like to put on airs with anyone, and I don't like others to put on airs to me. I treat people kindly and politely, act vigorously, and be fair, neither humble nor overbearing, which has won the admiration and respect of many former colleagues.

In the past ten years of working experience as a graphic designer, I have worked in first- and second-tier cities such as Suzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, and Changzhou, because the design work not only requires excellent creative ability, but also requires people who can withstand long hours of staying up late and working overtime. High-intensity stress resistance, and I have both these two abilities at the same time. Once I put into work, I will be very serious and responsible, and I have a strong sense of responsibility for the company and the project I am responsible for.Therefore, wherever I go, the bosses appreciate me very much, and the most evaluation I get is: Feifei is reliable in her work, has strong abilities, and is a veritable talented woman.

At the same time, as a designer, I pay great attention to my personal image and clothing. In the past ten years, no matter where I go, I hope that I can become a pleasing landscape in the eyes of others.

Among the dazzling array of costumes, I have a special interest in cheongsam.I have cheongsams of different materials and styles throughout the year.As a woman, there is no one who does not love beauty, shopping, and buying beautiful clothes, but when I go shopping, what I see at a glance will not be those modern styles of exotic clothes, nor the tens of thousands of famous brand clothes. It's the cheongsams that are fresh and elegant, beautiful in shape and exquisite in workmanship.

One is fat and tall, with a curvy figure, which is especially suitable for wearing a cheongsam. The other is that I wear a pair of glasses. I have loved literature and art since I was a child, and I am good at painting and writing. People who have met me say that I have a bookish air about an intellectual woman, so When I wear a cheongsam, I have a more natural beauty.Like many girls who love beauty, I have taken artistic photos of myself in different styles and styles in different periods. Everyone said that among the many styles, the most beautiful and most suitable for me is the cheongsam.

The cheongsams I bought are not expensive, the cheapest is less than a hundred yuan, the most expensive is no more than four or five hundred, and other styles of clothes are basically priced at one or two hundred. It is rare to buy one or two pieces of thousands of dollars within a few years Treat yourself with clothes.The money spent on clothing throughout the year does not add up to much, and it is completely within my ability.But these national quintessence treasures I found on "Taobao" are of high quality and low price, but they always give others the illusion that they are refreshing, pleasing to the eye, and expensive, at least thousands of yuan.

A good friend said that I have a natural nobleness, people who don't know me always judge people by their appearance, and regard me as a daughter of a rich family.

The nobleness I understand never comes from a person's origin, no one can decide his own origin, no matter whether he is born rich or poor, the real nobleness is only derived from that kind of "self-esteem and self-love", but It is the high-energy aura brought by the advanced aesthetic sense of "never let clothes wear me, but I wear clothes" and a strong sense of self-confidence.

I really like Audrey Hepburn's famous quote: You think beauty is sexy, but self-confidence is.

When I go out, I usually choose modern and improved cheongsams in solid colors with simple designs, bright and smooth design lines, light pink, purple, or bright rose red, and sapphire blue is my favorite.I always feel that the best way to dress up is to choose what suits me, so my love for cheongsam has not changed, and cheongsam has become my unique personal dressing style.

Wearing decent and good-looking clothes at work can not only become an elegant landscape in the eyes of others, but also please yourself.I always feel that as a designer, one of the most basic qualities is to be able to take good care of your clothes.

I used to be the planning director of a company. When the company recruited designers, the first thing I looked at was the basic dress etiquette. It’s hard to believe that a person who doesn’t even pay attention to his own clothing etiquette and doesn’t match the colors and shapes well He can do a good job in design; secondly, it depends on whether he really loves this industry. I believe that love and interest are the biggest motivation to really do a job to the best and the ultimate.

(End of this chapter)

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