Chapter 8 Don't Talk to Strangers
Looking back on the work experience of the past ten years, every time I changed jobs, got a promotion and a salary increase, my journey went relatively smoothly, I didn’t encounter any big storms, and I always met career dignitaries and Bole who appreciated me.But my love experience has been stumbling along the way, with constant ups and downs, and more or less my career has also been adversely affected.

When I was in Nanjing, I met a colleague who knew the theory of numerology. He was a training lecturer in the sales department. It is said that his ancestors were all masters who could read fortunes. .

That time, the company notified everyone to go to collect their salaries years ago, because it was already a holiday, and a large group of colleagues were waiting in my office to sit and chat.Everyone said that that colleague had done calculations for many people, and what he said was very accurate.I don't know who started it, gossiping about my love experience over there, so everyone shouted and asked me to tell me my birth date, and insisted on asking that colleague to count it for me.

That colleague looked at me seriously and said, "I really know how to count. If you don't believe me, try it?"

So I dubiously said my horoscope, he talked about my past, present and future, I didn't listen to it, I only remembered one thing, he said that my real marriage would have to wait for four years I will meet later, and those who met before that will not be my true love. Even if we are together, we will break up, and those who get married will also get divorced. It will not be until 2021, when a boy will give me "flowers" , that is my right fate.

Colleagues sighed after hearing this.I'm also a little guilty, I don't have much contact with him, and he doesn't know much about my past, but his calculations have already told half the truth, that is, I have indeed been divorced.

In order to divert everyone's attention, I immediately smiled and said: "No, I don't believe it. Although the Book of Changes is the crystallization of wisdom handed down by our ancestors for 5000 years, the theory of fortune-telling has no scientific basis. I have Is it that miserable? I am 33 years old now, and I have to wait four years? Wait until 2021, will I be 38 by then? Maybe I will meet my love in two years, this kind of thing Believable or not, everyone must not be superstitious."

In fact, since I was a child, my family has often found someone to help me tell my fortune.The fortune tellers basically said that I had a lot of bad luck in the first half of my life, and the "Pearl" was secretly cast, and the marriage would be very difficult.So much so that my mother took precautions when I was in elementary school and started to help me pay for "marriage insurance" every year.

Although I don't believe in fortune-telling, I firmly believe that my own hard work can completely improve my innate fortune, and I have successfully broken the fortune-teller's prediction by applying this belief in my studies. Therefore, in the face of marriage, my subconscious Li also doesn't believe in numerology. I think that even if I did experience failed marriages in the past, it was because I made wrong choices at an age when my outlook on marriage and love was immature.In other words, "I" is the root of all problems——

Looking back, I met my first love "Sun Yue" in the second year after working.

I'm a late bloomer when it comes to love.I love learning, and I want to apply what I have learned after graduation. After breaking through the world, I have been among the best in four years of university and have received scholarships every year. But if there is a course of "love" in university education, I think my credits must be is failing!I have never been in love, I am too naive, I don’t know enough about the opposite sex and human nature, and I have no experience in love, so I plunged into the vortex of marriage and love, and almost ruined my life.

The year I met Sun Yue, I had just celebrated my 24th birthday.That was the first real love in my life, because before him, I had a short period of online dating, but I didn’t communicate in real life. I saw the photos of the other party on the Internet, and I thought it was quite handsome, and I was a little moved , but after contacting the reality once, I found that the boy lied to me a lot.He has no fixed job and no fixed place to live. He worked in Yangzhou, Jiangsu for a while, and ran to the northeast in a few days without making a sound.

The most exaggerated thing is that when we met for the first time, he wanted to touch me. After I rejected him, he disappeared. There was no reply to QQ, and countless calls were not answered.One night when I called, the other party got through suddenly, but it was a girl who answered, she said she was his girlfriend...

Although I haven't known him for a long time, I can only be regarded as having just had a good impression of him, but this is the first time I want to meet boys, and I am willing to date boys. When I met such a scumbag, I was still a little hurt and lost a lot. "Golden Peas".With nowhere to vent, I am ashamed, annoyed and sad, so I can only talk to strangers online.

At that time, Sun Yue took the initiative to add me, and the reason why he was willing to accept the addition was very simple, because he had a name that seemed quite poetic called "Then Go Home". A literary young woman like me still values ​​how others give herself "" Nickname".After reading his information, I learned that we are the same age, he is only one year older than me, and the city where I live is also very close to the city where I live, so I agreed to add.After adding it, he learned that I was in a bad mood when I met a scumbag on the Internet, so he asked him if he was bullying me...

His appearance was like an emotional life-saving straw for me back then. I was naive and insecure and felt nervous. I always recalled the scene where the scumbag man touched me that day, and asked Sun Yue: " I was just pushed down to the ground for a while, and then I pushed away with all my strength, and he walked away silently without doing anything, so it shouldn't be possible to get pregnant, right?"

Faced with such a childish and silly question, he patiently comforted and enlightened me and said, "How could it be? If you hug me and you get pregnant, I don't know how many little girls I got pregnant when I was in kindergarten. Haha, silly girl, don't think about it. Don’t be sad, just think about happy things.” Come to think of it, my trust in him started from that moment, he listened patiently to my chatter in order to comfort me, and accompanied me on the other side of the network until I got out of online dating shadows.

One day he asked me: "What kind of boy do you like?"

I replied without thinking: "I like gentle ones, good-natured ones, and ones who are dedicated to feelings."

At that time, I was too young, and I didn't know what kind of other half I wanted in my heart. I only vaguely felt that I liked a man with a gentle temper like my father.After listening to my answer, Sun Yue immediately said: "I am like that. Forget about him, I can give you the happiness you want, do you want me to be your boyfriend?"

I didn't agree to him, because I suffered a loss once, and I didn't dare to put my true feelings on the opposite sex on the Internet. I just regarded him as a friend who could talk about everything.I always feel that the world of the Internet is illusory. I have never met each other in reality, nor have I had any formal contact with each other. How can I really know someone?
But at that time, my family started urging me to make friends, and my neighbors and relatives would ask me: Feifei, you are already 25. If you don’t find a boyfriend, it will be too late, and all the good ones will be picked away.Thinking about it now, those seven aunts and eight aunts really just eat radish and worry about it. They are only 25 years old, so there is no need to worry about life-long events.

Seeing that I have always been chubby, my mother was worried that I would not be able to find a boyfriend and marry me. Occasionally, when she was in a hurry, she would scold me: "Look at you, you still have such a good appetite, eat less, you are so fat, and you are so fat. Can't find anything!"

I was a little angry that my mother looked down on my daughter, so I said: "What's wrong with being fat? You know that I am still growing. I was 1.65m when I was in school, and now I am 1.68m. It is a blessing to be able to eat, but I am also fat Who said that no boy likes me anymore? There are boys who like me! It’s just that I don’t want to talk about it yet!”

As soon as the mother heard the excitement, she deliberately added fuel to the fire: "Where are you, where is the boy? Then you should talk to me! I will believe you only after you talk. Otherwise, you are just kidding with me."

I was speechless, after she urged me like this, I thought in my heart, maybe I should really pay attention to the matter of love, why don't I just give them a chance and try to meet and contact in reality.It has to be said that without the urging of parents and family members again and again, some love affairs may never have the chance to officially start in a lifetime, and some wrong encounters will not gradually evolve into a tragic fate.

On our first date, he heard I like pizza, so he asked me to meet at Pizza Hut.The first time I saw him, I thought he was not the tall and handsome boy I liked, because he was not tall, less than 1.75.But he is wearing a turquoise plaid shirt and a light-colored vest. His white skin looks clean and refreshing. Boys rarely have such fair skin. He is from Suzhou. Nong's soft language, speaking in a soft voice, made my first impression of him not bad.

But I am not very satisfied with his academic qualifications and career.He dropped out of TV University after only one year. He has no academic qualifications and works in a computer company to repair computers.After returning home, I told my mother my concerns. Who knows that the mother who is a teacher doesn’t mind at all. She also said that as long as the child has a good character and is willing to work, it’s fine to treat you well. If your education is low, you can continue to study in the future .I think about it too, character has always been the first in my heart.After all, it is rare to see a boy with such a gentle personality.

In the beginning, everything was really good. I really believed that he was the kind of boy with a gentle temper, so I agreed to formally try to date him.But the progress of the love affair was a bit out of control later, because the parents of both parties got involved.

My mother was a little worried when she learned that he was from out of town, so she had to go to the man's house to have a look.When his parents heard that my mother was going to go there, they also waited for it. They called all the seven aunts and eight aunts in the family. When I went to his house for the first time, they asked me to visit all the relatives in the family one by one, and arranged for us to get together. Had a meal.His cousin, aunt, grandpa, and grandma were all dispatched, making it as if my daughter-in-law and I were about to go through the door.

Where have I seen such a battle, in this kind of warm atmosphere where the whole family treats us like distinguished guests, I have a feeling that our meeting is blessed and approved by both parents, and if we marry him, I will definitely The illusion of happiness that will be treated with tenderness and kindness.

That day, his family was upstairs talking with my mother about the family life, so he called me downstairs and wanted to take me for a walk in the community.When I went downstairs, he told me to be careful, and he took my hand naturally, and I didn't refuse. For the first time, I felt a wonderful feeling like electric shock when holding hands with the opposite sex.The corridor was a little dark, and the unfamiliar environment made me a little scared.He took the opportunity to kiss me, that was my first kiss, I can't remember the taste of that kiss clearly, I just remember that my whole body was numb, flustered, heartbeat, and body throbbing.

He knows that I like boys with a good temper. He has always acted gentle and gentlemanly in front of me, allowing me who have never been in love to experience the sweetness and beauty of love. He began to change his temperament drastically, revealing his true character.

As a Scorpio, he is suspicious all day long. I have lunch with my colleagues at the company during the day, and he will keep calling to check on the post, always asking me if there is a man around. During lunch time, he makes five or six phone calls back and forth, which makes me dizzy. I couldn’t even eat it, so I said: How could there be no men in the unit?The colleague heard our conversation and said with a smile: "Since you are so worried about you, why don't you ask him to come and have dinner with us."

There are always men in the workplace, whether it is colleagues or customers. This society is composed of men and women. I am a "social person". I went shopping with my female colleague for a while after get off work, and when I got home before [-] o’clock, he would throw things in a rage; the leader of the company dinner toasted, and as a courtesy, I just drank a little wine, When I went back, he sniffed at me for a long time, and then started to be angry with me, yelling at me to go back to my hometown; when a female colleague called me and chatted with me, he thought it was a man, so he ran over suddenly, and viciously turned the phone off. The sixth floor was thrown out...

I can't remember how many such trivial things, in the eyes of others, normal social interaction, he would yell at me heart-piercingly, and I can't remember how many times I was forced to cry bitterly because of such trivial things.Seeing his irritable roar, indifferent and fierce face, I realized that it was the real him.

So can you imagine how a chubby 150-jin fat girl quickly lost weight to less than 100 catties within two or three months?Every time I see someone on the Internet say, find someone to fall in love with, come to me as a "scumbag", as long as it can make me thinner, I silently want to call him a "bad pen". Do you think it is a blessing in the world to be thin as lightning?You have such naive thoughts because you haven't experienced the inhuman torture and pain, and you haven't tasted the pain.You must know that being a fat man who is always happy and carefree is also God's preference for you.

During that time, I was unhappy every day and insisted on going to work, but he suddenly resigned from work and stayed at home playing games all day long. As a result of doing nothing all day long, his suspicion became more serious.Every time he yells at me and scolds me, after quarreling with me, I will suffer from insomnia all night, unable to eat, the kind that I can't eat at all, so I can only force myself to drink some soup and water.

Once when I went back to my hometown, I met my math teacher in middle school. It took her a long time to recognize who I was, she was too surprised to speak, and after a while she couldn’t help asking me: "Are you Cheng Yifei? How did you get so thin?"

Colleagues and friends who knew me all persuaded me to leave him, saying that he was a devil, that he was like the pervert in "Don't Talk to Strangers", with a twisted mind.But I can't let go, I'm too conservative, I think he is my first love, my body is his, how can I not marry him?
I endured everything in silence.Even if my mother went to find someone to tell me a fortune, and the fortune teller said that his horoscope would bring me misfortune, I didn't believe it.My mother tried to persuade me to break up with him several times, but when she saw me crying when I said we broke up, she knew that I couldn't let go, so she gave up persuading me.

Maybe the IQ of girls in love is usually zero. I thought my sincere devotion could influence him. I helped him with "college English" and accompanied him to finish all the courses of the vocational college of TV University, and finally got the diploma of technical secondary school smoothly.

I always feel that it is the road I chose, and I have to walk it even on my knees. If I haven't tried my best, how will I know that it must be a "dead end".But I think the fortune teller is right about one thing. I am indeed very "prosperous". The five elements belong to wood, which always burns myself and helps to prosper the lives of others.

(End of this chapter)

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