Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 46 "Fleeing" Cinderella

Chapter 46 "Fleeing" Cinderella

The male god ordered a plate of jade rabbit pudding. When the waiter brought a pair of cute little rabbits to the table, I also had a cute and surprised expression on my face. I said: Wow, I like little rabbits so much.So cute, the little fish is also a rabbit.

Seeing that I like it, the little fish gave me one of them very gentlemanly and politely, and said to me with a smile: "It's just as long as you like it."The rabbit I specially ordered is about to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. With the Jade Rabbit to help out, it’s like we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together in advance.

This was very pleasing to say, and I responded with a sweet smile from him.

After Xiao Yu'er finished speaking, he pouted his mouth and dragged his cheeks for a while, and his appearance looked cute, which formed a natural "contrast" with the more MAN appearance before.

After eating the pudding, the male god made a gesture of lighting a cigarette, and changed back to his cool appearance, very masculine.

I just wanted to ask if the thing like a pen in his hand was the legendary "electronic cigarette", but before I even opened my mouth, he explained to me: "Don't mind, this is just an electronic cigarette." .I'm quitting smoking."

I said, "It's okay, I don't mind."

I heard the male god talk a lot that day, and now I can't remember many details.I can't say a few words about the displeasure in my heart.

I think it's mainly because I was too tired that day. When people are tired, they will be very sensitive to hear certain opinions that are contrary to their ideas.

In addition, the male god suddenly asked me to meet, so I was busy jumping up and down all day during the day, thinking that I might miss the time to meet at night.Fortunately, in order to fight for the meeting, I desperately raced against the clock to get everything done before I got off work. I was greatly relieved.

But during the date, due to overwork, he was so sleepy that he yawned, his mental state was very bad, and his whole person looked like a flower that was about to wither.

I felt very embarrassed, the male god was really good at chatting, his eloquence was excellent, and I listened very carefully, but subconsciously I was tired and resisted him from talking too much.

I didn't sleep well one night, and the next day I was so busy that I was like a spinning top. At this moment, I stopped suddenly. The natural reaction of my body was to be super sleepy and sleepy.

Both eyelids wanted to close involuntarily, but I held back and forced my eyes to open wide, watching his "Balabala" lips open and close.

The male god also noticed my strangeness and asked me several times: Are you too tired from work and didn't sleep well at night.Are you going to sleep now?I smiled wryly.

I can feel that our first date, just like the male god said, he still feels very good to me.

Because I have a baby face and a slightly chubby type, I usually look fatter than myself in photos, giving people the impression that I have an average figure.But it is not.

After we finished eating, we left Haidilao. When we went out to wait for the elevator, the male god suddenly turned his head and looked at me carefully and said, "You are actually quite tall."

I gave a faint "hmm", but I was flattered in my heart, thinking: The male god is praising my good figure.Apparently he just looked at the photos and didn't expect me to be so tall in real life.

After dinner, we got off the elevator together, and I followed Xiaoyu to the underground garage in a daze. I didn't know what his plans were going to be, so I asked him a little dazedly: "Where are we going from now on? "

Xiaoyu said: "I can do it, look at you, I can drive you wherever you want. Do you want to go to the supermarket to buy something? If you want to buy something, I can drive you to the supermarket. "

This answer seemed a little careless, but in fact, it had already thoughtfully arranged the next activities for me.

It's a pity that I was dizzy and stupid that day, and I realized afterwards that even the male god had offered such an invitation on his own initiative, and I should have agreed without hesitation, so that I could buy more time with him.

I'm a real person, I don't have so much scheming, I foolishly thought: I don't lack anything, I don't have anything I want to buy, I'm too tired today, anyway, the future is long, let's meet again next time if I have a chance.

Thinking of this, I rejected Xiaoyu's kind proposal without hesitation, and said to him: "Why don't you just send me home. I'm really tired today."

Maybe I was still a little unconfident in my subconscious, for fear that the male god would see my nervousness and uneasiness in front of him, and I wanted to run away like Cinderella who had to go home before the clock struck midnight.

Hearing what I said, the male god had no choice but to say angrily: "Okay, then it's up to you, then I will send you back."

I followed him to the parking space, and the moment I saw his car, I was stunned.The male god also drove a "Porsche".

This is the second time I have taken a Porsche, and it has been about four or five months since the last time I took a Porsche.

When I got in the car, I saw the exquisite red interior and the logo on the steering wheel. This time I recognized the logo of the car as the logo of Porsche at the first sight.

I used to never pay attention to cars, and I don’t know much about car brands. I don’t know how expensive this car is, but since I met the Internet scammer Big A last time, I have a deep memory of this LOGO.

As a girl who has not passed the driver's license test, she really doesn't know anything about the performance of the car and how to drive a car, but as a designer who graduated from an art design major, she is very familiar with the materials, appearance and graphic design of the car. , but I can see the doorway just by looking at it.

From the bottom of my heart, I think Porsche's LOGO is really the most eye-catching pattern among all the car LOGOs I have seen:

First of all, the most eye-catching thing is the matching and application of LOGO colors. Red and black are the most classic color combinations, and the gold embellishment gives people a strong visual impact at first glance. The final shape of the shield-shaped outline highlights a A sacred, solemn and noble temperament.

Secondly, this logo also contains a brand story. The English on the top of the shield is the surname of Porsche founder Ferdinand Porsche.

The graphic logo adopts the coat of arms of Stuttgart, where the company is located.The word "STUTTCART" in the trademark is above the horse, indicating that the company is headquartered in Stuttgart; the horse in the middle of the trademark means that Stuttgart is rich in a rare stallion; the upper left and lower right corners of the trademark are antlers, indicating that Stuttgart used to be a good place for hunting. place.

No one told me this knowledge. It was the design knowledge I paid attention to online after seeing luxury cars by chance.

Maybe it's another girl who finally meets a rich boy, and she will concentrate on thinking about how to please the male god, or simply make indirect inquiries about the male god's family background and wealth, but I don't like it. These are of no interest.

I am more curious about the three views formed by my male god growing up in a family environment completely different from mine. I am full of curiosity about his hobbies, personality, behavior, and all the joys and sorrows he has experienced. .

So during the meal, I asked a lot of questions about his love experience and work experience, because I wanted to know more about his past.

Sitting in the co-pilot of the car, I couldn't help feeling the dramatic arrangement of fate.

The same brand, the same logo, the same car, but the owners are two completely different boys.One is a "Prince Charming" with a wealthy family, and the other is a hypocrite who pretends to be a successful person, a "false" existence who cheats money and sex.

The previous fake businessman seemed like God taught me a lesson in advance and rehearsed a blind date scene.

After getting in the car and putting on the seat belt, Xiao Yu'er started the car. He was a little bit sorry for the ups and downs of marriage I had experienced in the first half of my life, because I had chatted with him before we met.

He knew that every time I mentioned my ex at that time, I couldn't help crying.Now when he said this, my mood began to become a little heavy again. Seeing this, the male god quickly changed the subject, started telling me jokes and making me laugh while starting the car.

At the moment, I feel that this boy is quite good at adjusting the atmosphere, and at the same time, I am a little happy in my heart: I heard that the boy met a girl for the first time, and if he became very cheerful and talkative in front of her, he would tell jokes to make the girl happy , indicating that the boy must have felt good about the girl at first glance.

He sent me to the gate of the hospital, and we kept chatting throughout the whole process, but unfortunately, I never showed him the slightest bit of heartbeat and joy between men and women from the beginning to the end.In front of him, I couldn't even express my inner true views on marriage and love naturally and fluently.

I don’t know if it’s tiredness or nervousness, or the “displeasure” hidden in my heart, maybe there are all kinds of factors. I just listened to him talking endlessly throughout the whole process, and then dragged my tired body to silently digest in my brain. various meanings he expresses.Only his appearance was ignored, and he didn't even look carefully at his front face and side face at all.

No wonder emotional psychology experts suggest that when meeting a date for the first time, it is best not to talk too much, use more body language, and listen more than express to attract the opposite sex.

And we were going in the opposite direction.There was no ambiguous behavior between the two of them throughout the whole process.
Many people say that when they meet a male god they like, they should take the initiative to create opportunities and engage in some small ambiguous actions.For example, pretending to accidentally touch the other person's hand, deliberately straightening the boy's clothes, tidying up his bangs, and wiping off his sweat.

I have seen such dramas on TV, but I am sorry, that day I did not even have such a thought in my mind.There was only one thought at the last moment: I'm so tired, let's go home first.

(End of this chapter)

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