Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 16 "Auspicious Day" Flash Marriage

Chapter 16 "Auspicious Day" Flash Marriage

The subsequent developments were really a bit unexpected for me.

I don't know what Xin Bao thinks, anyway, I haven't confirmed this relationship unilaterally. After all, the time of acquaintance is too short, it's completely like a dream.But the two parents, you sing me and you, you beat the gong and I beat the drum, have already finalized this marriage in private.

As soon as we returned to our hometown from AH, his parents went to the village to find a fortune teller to read my and his horoscope. My mother did the same. As soon as I got home, I went to the famous Fengshui master in our town non-stop to analyze me. and his horoscope.

Chinese-style marriages are so unconventional that they will give two children a combination of horoscopes before marriage. Believe it or not, they will go to match each other first. After analyzing the marriage, both parties figured out that if they arrange a marriage on the eleventh, it will be bad for both parties. It's not good for both parents, saying that someone's body will be rushed, and what's even more outrageous is that if you arrange to get married after the next year, you won't be able to find a good day to get married for two consecutive years.

What to do, both parents panicked.They were really anxious to let us get married immediately, and send us to the bridal chamber immediately, for fear that if there was any delay, I would run away from the marriage.

Finally, I asked a feng shui master, and he said that it was not "incomprehensible". If we can get married before the eighth day of the first month of the new year, it will be fine. , all happy.

Time is running out, and there is only less than a week before the eighth day of the lunar new year. He rushed to my house from AH, brought tens of thousands of dollars to me, accompanied me to take wedding photos, bought wedding rings and necklaces, and bought them for himself. wedding dress.

I bought my wedding dress myself, not only that, our family did not ask for a gift money again, yes, you read that right, this is the second wedding in my life, and my family still didn’t ask the man’s family for a gift.In this world, there is a kind of parents who are always kind enough to exceed your imagination. They support themselves all their lives, and they will never dream of getting other people's "family wealth".As long as their children can live happily, they will never mind each other's family situation, let alone whether the other party gives a bride price.There are many families who can't agree on the bride price and have to part ways in the end, but in our family, such a thing will never happen.

After shopping with me, Xinbao took wedding photos, got up early in the morning before dawn, took the bus from my house, and then rushed back to AH.My mother said: "Xinbao is really good at handling things. In less than a week, he first sent us back to Qidong, stayed with us in the county town for one night, and then drove to Qidong by car, non-stop. , and now I have to take a long car ride back to my hometown. In order to catch up with the schedule, I get up before dawn every day. I can see that there are bloodshot eyes in the corners of his eyes, sleepy and tired, and he doesn’t even have a word of complaint. This patience There is really nothing to say about force resistance.”

From this, the mother came to the conclusion that the character of the son-in-law she was looking for this time was definitely one in a hundred.Not to mention anything else, the spirit of hard work and hard work is something that many people of the same age do not have.

Hehe, now that I recall this "farce" back then, I just want to say that it was hard to get into a mother-in-law whose family background is much better than his, so I have to behave well, and I don't want to be so eager to cheat my wife back sooner. Home, do you wait for the "dongchuang incident" and the undercooked ducks to fly away?It's a good thing to be able to cheat, so why complain?What can't be tolerated if you sleep less?
After returning home, Xinbao and his family ordered four wedding cars. They set off from AH in the early morning of the eighth day of the eighth day, and picked me up in the afternoon of the eighth day to go to my hometown in AH.

My family also temporarily arranged a wedding banquet for me. At noon that day, all relatives, friends and neighbors from all walks of life were entertained.When the welcoming team suddenly appeared downstairs in our community, the neighbors were shocked, and they ran out to look around: whose family is here to get married, whose daughter is married?
No one thought that I was going to get married. They didn't realize it until the wedding car drove up to my door.

Because before that day, my mother had never mentioned to anyone that I was talking about a boyfriend, let alone that I would get married during the Chinese New Year.Teacher Wang next door said to my mother: Teacher Zhu, your family is making a fortune in silence?Such a big thing didn't reveal anything?

In this way, the two of us got married for the first time.To get the certificate in a hurry, in order to catch up with the so-called "auspicious day" and to save time, no one thought that a premarital examination must be done before marriage. The main reason was that the other party's health would definitely be fine, and it was too troublesome to do the premarital examination.

Now that I think about it, don’t blame life for being like a drama, just blame the world for having too many “actors” and the world for being too “into the drama”.

Marriage comes too fast like a tornado.This wife seems to have snatched it home without any effort, TV dramas don't dare to act like this, right?But it actually happened to me.

The most ridiculous thing is that the master who helped us with Feng Shui at that time said a harmless sentence to my mother: Mr. Zhu, is it lack of consideration for you to marry your daughter in such a hurry for life's major events?Damn, the eighth day of the lunar new year that you showed is auspicious, and the opportunity will never come again. People accepted your opinion, but you said that people lack consideration. There is something in your words. What do you mean?But it doesn't depend entirely on Feng Shui masters, the ones who believe in it are ourselves.Especially the two parents, they feel that they have found soul mates in each other, and they think that the fate between their children must also be a match made in heaven.

No wonder, maybe my "marriage line" was touched again, and this time the parents of both parties became our biggest matchmakers.They couldn't help us to think more, so they tried their best to match up and made the marriage decision for us.

I was also dazzled by the happy event at the time. Although I felt that the marriage was too hasty, I still felt very happy and lucky. I used self-hypnosis and comforted myself and said: Flash marriage is not so terrible. If you really meet the right person Man, isn't there also some very happy examples of flash marriages in reality?
In addition, the seven aunts and the eight aunts usually instilled in me, "You are already a second-married person. To put it bluntly, you are a second-hand product, and you are not a big girl. What kind of man do you want to pick? People don't pick you." It’s not bad!”, “What do you want to love or not, and what do you want to feel? We didn’t have people who loved or didn’t love at that time, and life was pretty much the same. There were people who cultivated feelings after marriage, and they were kind to you. It’s okay” and other theories, so sometimes I’m a little distracted by their nagging, and subconsciously wonder whether as a second marriage, I should lower my status and posture, lower the requirements for marriage and love, and find someone who is “almost” Is the correct attitude towards marriage and love for a person who is about to settle down?

But in my own thinking and will, I never think that a divorced woman should be regarded as inferior "second-hand goods". Women are not goods, and the failure of marriage is not equal to the failure of life, except for the marriage letter What is the difference between a divorced woman and a girl who fell in love and lived together before breaking up?
A person's emotional life cannot always be smooth sailing. If you are deprived of the right to pursue the happiness you want because of ups and downs, you can only settle for the next best thing and find someone you don't like to spend the rest of your life with. What happiness can there be in your marriage?

The marriages of our generation are basically due to the age of marriage. Your parents, your family, your friends, and the whole society think that it is time for you to get married and have children.So under the urging of everyone, under the pressure of the social environment, you can't help but choose to listen to everyone's opinions and walk into the siege of marriage.It's not that you feel that you have really found the love you want, that you understand each other, appreciate each other, and automatically want to start a family and work together to create a better tomorrow.

Although I have a very positive view on marriage, I have to admit that I have too little love and know little about the dark side of human nature. I was hurt once, and the scars healed. I forgot the pain. In marriage It is too easy to be deceived.

I'm like a naive, cute, romantic and affectionate little white rabbit. It's too easy for the big bad wolf to target me. When the wolf approaches me in sheep's clothing, I'm like a Pleasant Goat again.

Many women from poor families hope to change their lives by virtue of their beauty, through marriage, and by marrying into a wealthy husband's family.Why isn't this true for men with realistic egoism?Finding a wife with a wealthy family can save them ten years of struggle.From ancient times to the present, the starting point of too many marriages is not based on the premise of knowing each other and loving each other, but more on considering the right family, equal conditions, and equal strength.

My mother is a teacher, my stepfather is a doctor, and my family is kind-hearted. Everyone works hard and earns their own living. They never thought of marrying their daughters in exchange for material money that should not belong to them.Like my parents, I have never had the idea of ​​climbing the dragon and the phoenix. I neither climb the powerful nor look down on the poor. I treat everyone equally, so my family never cares about the bride price. How much dowry can you give.

I didn't dislike him at all for having no house, no car, and no savings. On the contrary, I felt how lucky I was. I thought in my heart that I would meet a handsome guy, and God gave me a handsome guy. A good-looking man with a kind heart.

I was so naive to think that when I was not in good health, he didn't leave me alone, and even sang the national anthem to encourage me.What a good boy, he must be an angel specially sent by God to heal my inner trauma after seeing that I suffered too much in my first marriage.

Looking back now, I think my thoughts at the time were really naive and naive.I never thought that there was a shocking secret hidden behind this flash marriage.The angel I thought would hit me like a devil later on.The man who looked good-looking, kind and considerate in front of him turned out to be a hidden high-ranking liar.

(End of this chapter)

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