Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 17 The Medicines He Takes

Chapter 17 The Medicines He Takes
Our wedding was very simple. It was held at his parents' house. His parents and their family cooked the wedding banquet by themselves. The dishes were some special local home-cooked dishes of AH.Our wedding room is located in his parents' home.

His house is a one-story house divided into four rooms: a large living room in the middle, a room for his parents in the east, two small rooms in the north and south in the west room, and a small room in the north for his sister. Yes, his younger sister is married, and she will go back to live with her natal family during the holidays, so she lives in that house. The cubicle in the south is the "marriage room" reserved for our young couple.

At that time, his family was in such a simple and peaceful condition. I didn't feel bitter, and I didn't feel any regrets after following him, because my in-laws were very kind to me, and they really cared for me as meticulously as they would their own daughters. The warmth of my home.

Although my family bought a house in the town more than ten years ago and lived in commercial housing, I am not a spoiled princess. I grew up in the countryside, and I like and adapt to the simple, quiet and peaceful living environment in the countryside. .

After we got married, according to the local customs, his father drove me and him in a truck to give gifts to relatives for New Year greetings.I have to go to one family every day, and the seven aunts and eight aunts visited in a circle. The more than ten days of "marriage leave" will soon end.

Every time I go to a house, the elders will inevitably give the newcomers "ginseng" red envelopes, and entertain us with a good meal of wine and food. Every time, they will continue to toast him. I feel sorry for him because he drank too much and was tired of socializing. When I got home, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep without touching me, and I couldn't bear to wake him up, so the two respected each other like guests. Although they shared the same bed, they both slept on their own.

Later, the "walking relatives" ended, and finally the two of them had a serious time alone after dinner, and they both said, "A newlywed, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars". Now we have completely changed, and the original pair of pre-marriage "is on the line." He who had to put on a "posture" had already changed his face.

Later, when he stopped drinking, he couldn't find a reason to prevaricate, so he told me that he accidentally injured his lower body while riding a bicycle two days ago, scratched his skin, and needed to recuperate for a few days.
Just like that, half a month of marriage leave ended at a banquet with relatives. He always found various reasons to perfuse me. I vaguely felt depressed and unhappy but couldn’t tell what was wrong. On a business trip in Tianjin, until the day I saw him off again, we never became a real couple, and I continued to return to Suzhou for work.

I felt something was wrong, but I didn't tell anyone about it until my mother called me and asked me about the child. She said: "You are already 31, and the plan to conceive and have children should be put on the agenda. Then She will become an advanced maternal age at a later date."

I said, "Don't urge me to get married. I just finished urging to get married, and after a few days of marriage, I started to give birth again. He doesn't like me. Where did I get the child?"

My mother was surprised when she heard that, so she asked me what was going on, and I told the ins and outs of the matter.

My mother said: "Maybe he was really tired during this period, and he was not in the mood. Maybe he was physically sick."

I said, "It's possible, it's impossible for him to have physical problems, right?"

When my mother said this, I was also a little panicked. I felt that if I was really physically sick, the problem would be serious.My mother suggested that I go to Tianjin. She said that I was just newly married and living in two places was not conducive to the emotional development of the young couple.If it doesn’t work, you resign and go to Tianjin to find a job.Soon his family also found out about this, and his parents fully supported me to resign and go to Tianjin to accompany him.

In this way, I, who have never traveled far, set foot on the train going north for the first time.Tianjin’s spring is very cold. It’s still freezing outside, but it’s as hot as summer indoors. You can live in only shirts, because the indoors are heated all year round.

He saw that I really went to Tianjin, and he was a little surprised. After taking me to the dormitory, he went out to work.

Their company rented a one-bedroom suite for him as his dormitory. The layout of the room is one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. Some products of the company are placed in the hall, and a bed is placed in the hall and the room. , Suzhou can live in the living room when there are colleagues in the past.

I had nothing to do in the dormitory alone, so I started to help him clean the room.

When I was making the bed, I found that his white pillow was very dirty, with a layer of white dust on the surface, which couldn’t be removed no matter how I patted it. I felt very strange. I took off the pillowcase and found a thick layer of semi-wet and semi-dry. The thing I found was liquid foundation for girls.

According to the girl's intuition, it may be the "souvenir" left by his ex-girlfriend here before he met me, but I don't want to think about it, because everyone will always have their own past, and I think they are all married No, there is no need to worry about these pasts. If you think about it, it may just be traces left by a female colleague who came to stay here.

After cleaning the bed, I started to clean the table. When I was cleaning the table, I saw that the table was a bit messy, so I put some of the sundries on the table in the drawer. As a result, the moment I opened the drawer, I was stunned.

His drawer was very messy, lying in a mess, besides some daily sundries, there were also some medicines for men.

I'm not a medical student, and I can't remember those strange drug names, but I can understand the drug descriptions. They are all traditional Chinese medicines for the auxiliary treatment of male diseases. , and the date of manufacture of the drug is also impressively printed.

At that moment, my heart was very cold, because I am not stupid. As soon as I saw that the production date marked on the medicine was two or three years ago, I knew that he had discovered his andrological diseases many years ago and started taking medicine. .Looking at these remaining drug packages, I instantly understood his strange behavior before.

By the time he came home from errands outside, I had already prepared a table of delicious meals. I did not forget the purpose of my trip. I knew that I was no longer a child. Anyway, this was my second paragraph. Marriage, getting married, starting a family, even if you encounter big things, no matter how big the conflict is, you should calm down first, you still have to live, and you still have to eat.

So I chose not to be angry or lose my temper, and I had to prepare a meal for him to eat calmly. I wanted to sit down with him after the meal and discuss how to solve this problem.

After the meal, I said calmly: "To help you clear the table today, I saw those medicines in your drawer."

He was still smiling a moment ago, but when he heard me say this, the smile on his face disappeared, and he sat on the bed in the living room to fiddle with his laptop.

I saw that he didn't speak, so I had to continue to ask: "Did you know what obstacles you have in that area a long time ago?"

He stared at the computer screen for a long while without saying a word, nor looking at me.I feel like the air in the room freezes and freezes.

He has been so silent all the time, and I am very disappointed in him. I can only regard the silence at this time as a kind of acquiescence from him.I also don't want to force him to admit that he has a problem. I think boys must have a huge sense of inferiority and helplessness in their hearts when they face this kind of problem.

Because if he answers yes at this time, it is as if he is admitting his incompetence and failure, and even admitting that he deliberately concealed his illness and cheated the marriage before marriage; It would cause a quarrel, so he chose to face it in silence.

And I chose not to press the question.I asked myself in my heart: The marriage is over, and the marriage certificate written in black and white has been received.Even if it's a pirate ship, I'm already on board, and it's useless to quarrel. Do I want to divorce a second time because he's physically sick and can't have sex as a husband and wife?

(End of this chapter)

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