Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 15 Meeting Parents for the First Time

Chapter 15 Meeting Parents for the First Time

Two months later, after taking traditional Chinese medicine to expel the stones from my body, my body slowly recovered. Xinbao called and told me: "Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I will be able to return to Suzhou a year ago. I want to take you with me then. Go back to our hometown in NH City, my parents want to meet you."

At that time, we had just known each other for three months, and the days we had been together were "few" in reality. I thought the progress of this relationship was too fast, but since I just talked about my mother before, I wanted to see him, and he didn't refuse. I I feel that reciprocity is reasonable, and I can't refuse him to take me to see my family, otherwise it will seem unfair.

Besides, I think that the boy who took the initiative to take me back to my hometown to meet my parents shows that he is serious about me and considers long-term development, so I told my family what he said, and as expected, my mother still has an old temper. If you want to come to Suzhou, go to AH with me.

But I don’t blame my parents for this matter. After all, I’m out of town, and the first paragraph I talked about was in Jiangsu Province. This time, I’m talking directly across provinces. It’s normal for a mother to be worried.So I didn't refuse my mother's proposal, and discussed with him: My mother also wants to go to your house with me, is it convenient?He replied to me: Of course, if your mother also comes, my family will definitely welcome her.

In this way, the three of us set off from Suzhou, first took the high-speed rail to Nanjing, and then took a bus from Nanjing to AH.

His family is in a small county town in AH. When he arrives in the city, he still has to go to the countryside by car.It was close to the end of the new year, and he said that there were not many cars to go to the countryside. His father was a soldier in the army and drove a truck. He would drive a big truck from home to pick us up.

Our hometown is located in the coastal area, and there are plains as far as I can see except for the sea. It was the first time I saw continuous mountains one after another along the road, and I was really curious and excited.

After his father came over, I, my mother, and Xin Bao sat in the passenger seat of the truck. Fortunately, the seat of the passenger seat was spacious enough. Otherwise, I felt that the three of us would have been a bit hard to get into his father's big truck. When I returned to my hometown, I had the illusion that I was shooting a liberation film.

The car bumped and turned all the way to the destination. His father parked the car beside a rural "roof tile house", and we all jumped out of the truck.In addition to his mother, we are welcomed from afar by barking big yellow dogs and groups of free-range chickens in his yard.

There is a small river in front of his house, the river water is full of green waves, and it looks like it is still in its original ecology and has not been polluted.I know that his family’s conditions are difficult, far worse than ours, because I was mentally prepared in advance, so I was not disappointed when I saw such a scene. On the contrary, I still felt a sense of "kindness and warmth" when I returned to my grandfather and grandmother's house when I was young. I feel that there is a strong sense of nostalgia in the air.

The whole family entertained my mother and me very warmly. The unique dark skin of AH people made their family look very simple.His parents entertained us with the farm vegetables grown by themselves, and several of his uncles came to have dinner with us.

His parents told us a lot of "interesting stories" about him when he was a child, because he was usually taciturn and seldom chatted with me. I never knew that the silent handsome guy in front of me would do a lot of work to help the "old, weak, young and disabled" when he was young. Good things, I suddenly felt that he not only has a handsome appearance, but also has a simple, kind and pure heart.

Everyone praised him in front of me, but his uncle, who drank a few more glasses in the evening, was drunk when he left, and said a meaningful sentence to me: Feifei, my nephew, usually doesn’t talk much , but the temper is called one. You have to take care of it in the future.

His tongue was a little tied and I couldn't hear what he was saying.But you can probably guess what he meant.Because during the time when Xin Bao and I met, every time I asked about his education, he hesitated and hesitated, not straightforward enough, so I thought it was a bit strange and said: "It's not that I can't trust you, the main thing is that we know each other after all. , I have no way of knowing what degree you have, but I hope you understand my feelings. If you trust me, you can show me your degree certificate if you have a chance. "

I said it politely and tactfully, but he suddenly lost his temper and yelled at me very loudly: "Education certificate, education certificate, what degree certificate do you want to see? Is this so important? No certificate! I don't know where it is! Letter It's up to you if you don't believe me! Don't ask!"

I asked: "Didn't you say you have a college degree? Why don't you have a certificate? Why are you so angry? Can't you say something well? How can I trust you with your attitude?"

After the unhappiness broke up that time, I also asked myself in my heart: I won’t meet another bad-tempered Lord, right?But my heart is still too kind. Afterwards, I always take a step back to consider the other party. I thought that education may be his weakness. People will feel a little bit unhappy when their weaknesses are mentioned, so I didn’t care about him.

This time I went to his hometown and learned from his parents that once he moved before a business trip and stored his luggage in his sister’s hotel. His sister was working in the hotel, so he found a cabinet to store his luggage for him. When he came back from a business trip, he went to retrieve his luggage from her sister, only to find that his graduation certificate had disappeared, and he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked.

Hearing this, I was thinking at the time: So there is a reason for the incident, why can't I explain it to me frankly with a better attitude.

Aside from his own temper, his parents are really nice people. His father is a bit nagging, but he is outspoken and has no intentions. His mother is generous and easy-going and has a good temper. My mother and the old couple hit it off immediately and talked Very happy.

When they met, they seemed like old friends who had been separated for many years. They had endless topics to talk about, and they could chat and laugh no matter how big or small, they were very harmonious.

My mother was in a very good mood, and told me: This old couple is straightforward and easy to get along with. If you marry into his family in the future, they will definitely not bully you, let alone hurt you.If it weren't for the Chinese New Year coming soon, otherwise I would be willing to stay at his house for a few more days.

It can be seen that his parents also like me very much. Feifei long Feifei shortly seems to regard me as a future "daughter-in-law".They didn't even ask us young people's thoughts, but they presumptuously proposed the idea of ​​getting us married as soon as possible after the next year.My mother said: This is a bit too fast, at least let them get along for another six months to see.We get along well, 10.1 National Day is also a good day, it's not too late to discuss marriage.

Fortunately, my mother was happy, and she didn't lose her mind. After staying at his house for two days, his parents asked us to stay at his house for the New Year. My mother refused, and secretly called me to the side and said, "You must I can’t promise, I have to go back to my own home to spend the New Year anyway.” I said, “Don’t worry, I understand this. I don’t want to spend the New Year at someone else’s home.”

Seeing that our mother and mother refused unanimously, his parents refused to give up, and even called several relatives of his family to the house early in the morning, and even called his grandparents, one by one, to persuade me to stay.

I was determined to leave, but in the end they had no choice but to send me and my mother away reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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