Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 12 This handsome guy seems a little "stupid"

Chapter 12 This handsome guy seems a little "stupid"

After a lapse of three years, I finally got out of that failed marriage and was willing to accept new emotional opportunities.

I was 30 years old that year. I returned to single life, and my weight gradually returned to normal. My face was no longer so thin that it was only skin and bones, and the flesh gradually became plump.

Escaping from the tiger's mouth seems to be able to see the dawn of fate's "rebirth", but I have been properly labeled as a "second-married woman".

Seven aunts and eight aunts, most of the people who kindly help to introduce are divorced and have children, and the family economic conditions are not bad, but I have never met a man I like.

Every time I have to bite the bullet and go on a blind date, and cooperate with everyone in acting.

In 2012, as the dating show "If You Are the One" hosted by Meng Fei became more and more popular, almost all over China, the online marriage platform also became popular among single young people. Most of the single young people born in the 80s and 90s Many of them have registered their personal information on some dating websites, hoping to find their favorite half through online dating.I haven't found a suitable partner in reality, so I also registered my account on the Internet.

Our parents’ generation didn’t believe in seeking marriage online, and always felt that it was too difficult to find a reliable relationship in the vast Internet through the screen.However, we who were born in the 21s have a relatively high acceptance of new things and new ways of dating. In our eyes, the Internet is just a medium and an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. If you want to really get to know each other, two people Under the premise of mutual recognition, it is completely possible to move from the Internet to reality. Take the most popular Internet slang nowadays, this is called "face base".

If the face-to-face is successful, then formal contact will be made. If the face-to-face is not successful, everyone can get together and disperse.For single dogs, the most fearful thing during Chinese New Year is being urged to get married by the family, and the most annoying thing is being forced to face one after another blind date arranged by the family.We are more eager to meet a free and romantic love like "Riffie Cai and Qingwu Feiyang" on the other side of the Internet.

The biggest advantage of seeking marriage online is that you can meet friends of the opposite sex from all over the country through the Internet.In the fast-paced modern life, many older leftover men and women choose to find fate online because they are usually busy with their careers, have narrow social circles, limited acquaintance with the opposite sex at work, and are shy to express themselves in reality, unable to speak freely.

But the biggest disadvantage of the Internet is that with just a few photos and personal information, you have no way of finding out the real details of the other party.Many emotional scammers, under the guise of marriage and dating, fabricate their identities and occupations, steal other people's photos, fabricate tall, handsome, white and beautiful personalities, and cheat money, sex, and feelings on the other side of the network.

Even cases of defrauding huge amounts of property have been common in recent years. Through investigation and arrest, the police found that the reason why these emotional scammers were able to defraud successfully was because they had a well-trained team organization with a fine division of labor behind them.That is to say, you think you are chatting with the Prince Charming or Snow White in your photo alone, but in fact, on the other end of the network, the person connecting with you is not the person in the photo at all, but a fraudulent "team".

They will formulate a detailed "pig raising plan" based on your personal preferences, personality, occupation and family situation, and then divide and cooperate until the final "successful killing of pigs".It is extremely scary to think about it carefully. Every liar has undergone professional psychological training and is well versed in the various needs of human nature.

After two years of registration, it seems that I am very popular on the Internet. I have received more than 1 letters from all over the country, but these letters can be described as multifarious, monsters, and demons dancing wildly.

As long as the photo looks good enough, it is either a stock market player, or a lottery player, or a micro business, or someone who tricks you into applying for a visa abroad.The routine is exactly the same, that is, chat with you for a day or two to cultivate a relationship foundation, and after you have a basic understanding of your personal situation, hobbies, and financial situation, it can start within three days, and the slowest will not exceed a week. Fishing, expressly and implicitly asking you to spend money to buy things.

Before that, they will definitely make you feel strongly the illusion of being loved, understood, and spoiled. They will make you feel how lucky you are to meet someone who likes you so much, who knows how to take care of your emotions, cares about your daily life, and loves you. A "friend" who is considerate and considerate to you.

Facts have proved that everyone in this world will have their own temper. Suddenly encountering unconditional liking for no reason, "unconditional" goodness for no reason, it is not love or fate, but liars are here, and they are eyeing Waiting for you, just waiting for you to enter the set.

I have also seen a few liars on the Internet. After a few times of ignorance, I can see the routines of the liars clearly, so many times I am too lazy to read and reply to the letter, and let the red in the mailbox "Unread bits and pieces" are piling up.I also told my friends that online dating is really unreliable, and it is rare to find someone sincerely.

Just when I lost confidence in online marriage, I received an email from the same city. He only had one photo in the same city, but the photo was almost a bland ID photo, no, to be exact , is a self-portrait photo of himself sitting in front of the computer respectfully.

In the photo, he has a square and long face, dark complexion, and his hair looks like he has just cut it. It is a very short flat head. His forehead looks very narrow, but his eyes are beautiful, with big eyes and long eyelashes. Silly and simple "earth flavor" handsome.

He just greeted me briefly, and after reading my reply, he told me that there was an international mountain bike exhibition in Suzhou Expo Center recently, and his company participated in the exhibition as an exhibitor, and asked me if I would like to meet at the exhibition, by the way Want to visit the exhibition together?I readily agreed.

Because I had already returned to work in Suzhou at that time, the place I rented was very close to the exhibition center, and I felt that the possibility that anyone who dared to openly meet in public during the day was a liar was very small.

My mental activity at the time was: Liars generally dare not accept video invitations. Once you say you want a video, they will fabricate all kinds of lies that cannot be video, and they will not agree to meet in reality.It is also a good thing for me that he offered to meet up. It is better than chatting online for a long time before finding out that it is not me but a liar.

Frightened by the scammer, I decided to take a small risk. I said to myself, let’s see if the person matches the photo first.It just happened to be able to check on the spot whether the other party really works in that unit, killing two birds with one stone.

So I arrived as scheduled and went to the exhibition on time.When I arrived at the exhibition center, there were many people. He told me to wait for him at the gate of Area A of the exhibition hall. As soon as I came to the gate and stood still, I saw a tall man wearing a white long-sleeved jacket, black jeans, and white sneakers. He walked towards me and I recognized him at first sight.

Although they all said that there are many photos on the Internet that look very different from me, but I, who is naturally very sensitive to the facial features of people, have already developed a pair of sharp eyes. His basic characteristics and the comprehensive temperament exuded by the whole person predicted his general appearance.

He walked steadily and walked towards me with a smile.With sharp eyes, I caught sight of the flamboyant handwriting on the work card he was wearing on his chest: Dai Xinbao.I found that the photo on his work card is much more handsome than the photo on the website, because he has a small crew cut and slanted bangs on his forehead, which makes him look very tough and handsome.

He is 1.80m standing next to me who is wearing high heels. He is half a head taller than me. I quietly glanced at his forehead. It is indeed not high and a little narrow, but it is much more pleasing to the eye than the one in the photo, because the matching Those two dark and thick sword eyebrows with slightly upturned eyebrow tails, and the big flickering eyes under the long eyelashes will make people completely ignore the small blemish on his forehead.

I didn't expect that such a handsome guy with good looks would upload a picture of his average appearance on the Internet, and in reality he was also dressed very casually, with a carefree look.I was secretly delighted: This is a natural model face and a clothes rack. She is so handsome without dressing up. If you want to dress up, I don’t know how many girls will be around.

When we met for the first time, the Capricorn man didn't talk very much, and he basically appeared in the state of me asking a question and he answering a sentence.Fortunately, I, a Taurus who is also an earth sign, is also extremely patient, and I don't dislike a handsome guy who doesn't talk much.

But one detail during the meal made me a little queasy——

He took me for a walk around the convention and exhibition, and it was almost time for dinner after the shopping. We both said that we could eat something to fill our stomachs at noon, so he took me to the KFC store to order something to eat. At that time, we ate hamburgers and French fries, he wiped out all the burgers in a short while, and then started eating French fries.

I saw that he tore open the ketchup, squeezed all the package of sauce onto the "paper liner" on the dinner plate, and then dipped French fries in the sauce on the paper to eat. After eating, his hands were dirty, Rub directly onto your coat.

I suddenly felt a little disgusted, and I said: "The piece of paper on the dinner plate is for cushioning things. It is not hygienic for you to squeeze the sauce directly on it." He smiled, ignored it, and still put the rest The sauce continued to be squeezed onto the paper pad and eaten up.

His family is from the AH countryside. Although I think this action is very "rough" and "unhygienic", but after thinking about it, I think that the children who grew up in the countryside are not artificial, they are simple and honest, and they are used to informality. Let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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