Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 44 Don't want to miss it

Chapter 44 Don't want to miss it
The sun is shining brightly in September, and there is still one month to usher in the annual National Day.Every time around this time, the hospital starts to become very busy again.Because on October [-]st, the whole world celebrates, and the hospital is about to usher in a grand festival.

The company, led by the marketing department, planned a themed event for the Golden Autumn, October, and National Day celebrations. The boss attached great importance to this special event. Regarding the pictures of the theme posters, Xiao Ran and I were asked to design several different plans for the hospital to choose from. .

Xiao Ran and I tried our best to find a lot of materials, trying to present the most creative and aesthetically pleasing visual works.

For this reason, I have been busy for several nights until the early hours of the morning, when everyone else fell asleep, I was still "burning the lights at night", just to try different composition methods and express different design styles.

As soon as I enter the working state, I will devote myself wholeheartedly, and the creative passion ignited all over my body will make my blood boil.

Some people say that if you stay in one industry for a long time and you complain about it, you will unconsciously experience a state of job boredom, but I am just the opposite, because I really like it, so even if it is hard work, it will feel bittersweet.

They all say that once a female designer is over 35, she is no longer competitive for the job, and I think I've proven them wrong.

Compared with Xiao Ran's "task-oriented" work style, where she would like to disappear as soon as she gets off work, my love and devotion to design is obviously far more than hers.

In everything, every hard work will result in a harvest. If there is no effort, there will be no harvest.This is the unchanging truth. In the end, the work plan she put forward was passed by the boss. The boss thought it was too immature. As for the two sets of plans I gave, the boss gave an evaluation of "feasible".

The final answer given by Manager Ding was to let me continue to revise and improve my creative plan, and modify a few more different colors to see different visual effects.

I was very happy that my proposal was not rejected, so I followed the instructions of the leader very conscientiously, and modified two screens with different tones: one is purple and gold (the company's LOGO and corporate color are both purple), and the other is red Department (echoes with the theme of National Day).

I have revised every detail of the design to perfection.The designers of the other two departments also followed my design plan and began to design the theme page screen of the website and the main screen of the advertisement on the WeChat official account.

Time always flies by in a busy environment, and before you know it, there is only one week left before the official release date of the ad.

That day was Monday, the boss got up early in the morning, put on delicate makeup, smiled brightly, ran to the lobby of the office while laughing, clapped everyone, and announced loudly:

Tell everyone a good news.Everyone has worked hard recently. After these few days, the new designer we hired will be in place.This National Day-themed event screen is produced by the new design director who is about to join the job, and he will bring us excellent design solutions.We wait for the good news.

"Nani! WHAT?"

"Then isn't our previous work all in vain?"

As soon as the boss's words fell, all the designers were dumbfounded. They whispered to each other online, and a hundred question marks and exclamation marks flew through the air.

"We have been working overtime for half a month. How dare you tease us. You told us that there is an 'airborne designer' who will design a new plan when the advertisement is about to hit the shelves?"

"Is this asking us to overthrow all the fruits of our previous labor and start over?"

Everyone discussed in the private chat dialog box that the new design supervisor mentioned by the boss is Bao Wenlong, who was strongly recommended by her before Jianqun. However, we know very little about this mysterious "design master". How much does he weigh? No one knows the double.

Seeing the boss so excited, with admiration and anticipation on his face, and his eyes shining brightly, we just believe that he must be superior in the field of design, and the design ideas he came up with must be better than our existing ones. Design proposals made by several designers.

So our tight strings were relaxed, and everyone said that we should put down the plan for the time being and wait and see, waiting for the design master to start a new design era for MG.

But the funny thing is, after waiting for six days, the mysterious master designer never showed up.His works are also unknown.

"Is this guy not coming? Hehe, maybe Mr. Shi will be let go this time. I still think that Sister Fei is suitable to be our supervisor. I don't know what the higher-ups think?"

Seeing that the newcomers were not coming, Moji was just having fun over there.He is the best colleague I got along with after I joined MG. He has a straightforward personality and has no plans for anyone. He never cares about others when he is upset. I think he is the only one who does not care about others Hope my place is taken by fellow men.

And Xiao Ran was in stark contrast to him. She was in a particularly good mood those few days, even more excited than Mr. Shi, and her whole face was full of smiles.She doesn't mind whether the company will open the skylight on the day of the advertisement release, as long as someone can replace me, that is her greatest wish.

"It's okay for the works to arrive first before the people arrive, right? Tomorrow is the last day for the advertisement release. He's not in a hurry, but we can't wait!" The designer Xiaoxia was a little impatient in waiting. Holding his chin, he complained.

"That is to say, it's like before Sister Fei joined the company, didn't she also design a few advertising plans, and Manager Ding recruited them because she thought it was feasible. But where is the work now? It can't be just a cover for fooling people." Xiao Lu, who operates micro-management, also echoed with a look of disdain.

I was also helpless and looked out the window, muttering in a low voice: What is this called?Tomorrow is the deadline, is this to let us all open the skylights with the new head of design?
That night, I didn't sleep well all night, and I didn't close my eyes until early in the morning.The boss was silent, he didn't say let's continue to complete the previous plan, and he didn't say whether the new designer could come up with the design draft tomorrow.In this way, the attitude was not clear enough to be dealt with coldly.

I thought to myself, if the new design director really opens the skylight tomorrow, who will be responsible for the consequences?It's not that our group of designers are unlucky with us.

So I kept an eye on it, and worked overtime at night to further revise and improve the draft plan that the boss finalized with me.

What I thought in my heart was that in case the great master couldn't come up with a new design plan tomorrow, my plan is still a high-quality spare tire.

The next day I got up early to go to work, and five or six outdoor advertising publishers called me, asking me: Is the picture of this issue ready?Why is it still not good?If you don’t send it before 12 o’clock today, the advertisement will be opened.

I was extremely anxious, and was about to go to the boss to find out how to deal with this matter. Manager Ding hurriedly ran behind my seat: Feifei, the plan is finalized, I still use your draft, the Zijin version, you should revise it quickly Different sizes, post out.

I didn't bother to ask him what the new designer was like, and I didn't care to curse at other designs nearby. I opened the software with a "hmm", pulled out the plan and started to modify the size.

Rescue is like putting out a fire. We have 6 different advertising media partners, each of which has different media horizontal and vertical sizes. I need to follow the design plan of the main screen and redesign the screen elements according to the new size. The composition sets the new size and position.

It looks simple, but a reasonable arrangement in a short period of time is also a test of proficiency in computer software operation technology and aesthetic adaptability.

Moreover, outdoor advertisements are very different from web advertisements. Web advertisements have low pixel requirements, small screen size, and take up little space on the computer. Outdoor advertisements have high requirements for pixels because of their large size and large files. The computer is easy to freeze, and the software runs slowly. It is very laborious, and often after several steps are continuously operated in turn, the PS software has already crashed and stopped working.So you have to reboot and open again, and do it all over again.

Mo Ji ran over and said with concern: Sister Feifei has worked hard, Sister Feifei, come on!
I feel warm in my heart. There are always one or two warm-hearted colleagues around me who will cheer you up at critical moments. This feeling is really good. He will make you feel that you are not fighting alone, and that your dreams are reflected in the struggle of reality. On the road, you are not alone.

Just when I was so busy and overwhelmed that I couldn't even go to the toilet, my male god's WeChat profile photo suddenly lit up: Are you free tonight?I want to invite you to have a meal together.

My first reaction was that I don't know how long I will be busy today, but I finally got the male god's initiative to invite me. I don't want to lose such a precious opportunity. I hesitated for a few seconds, thinking about how to reply .

I remember last time he told me that he is usually very busy at work, even if we make an appointment in advance, he may not always have time to attend the appointment on the same day.Because his work is mostly temporary affairs, he often needs to accompany his boss out for dinner and entertainment.

So I think I should seize this rare opportunity even more. If I decline the invitation this time, I won’t know the year of the monkey until the next time.

And to be honest, I was very afraid that the male god was too popular, and if I met later, I would be "snatched up" by other girls if I didn't pay attention, so I quickly replied to him with a message:
It should be free in the evening. We are very busy posting advertisements on the street this morning, but it is estimated that we should be able to finish before we get off work in the afternoon.There may also be a little overtime.

He said: That's okay, when the time comes, I'll find a good place and take a good seat.There is a food street in the Global Harbor near our company, and there are some pretty good shops there.Do You have a Car?If you have a car, you can drive here by yourself.

I can feel that my male god is trying to understand my personal financial strength. Maybe in his mind, it is normal for a girl of my age to have a car and a house.It is estimated that most of the girls he knows are rich girls who own cars.

At that time, I didn't realize that there was a gap between me and my male god that he thought was difficult to bridge. Its name was: class.

Because in that year, I had neither a car nor a house.I used to take material things such as garages and houses very lightly. When I divorced, I didn't ask for a house, and the house was left to my ex-husband.

The half of the real estate was invested by my parents, and I didn't want any of it. I returned it all to my parents, and my mother kept it in the bank.

It’s not that my family can’t afford a car, but as a girl, I never thought about learning to drive by myself. I’m not very interested in cars. I always feel that it’s a hobby for boys, not a necessity for girls.

Moreover, in an intellectual family like ours, the family will train me to take computer programming courses, hoping that I will expand my career and have more knowledge and skills outside of this major, but no one has ever suggested that I take the exam. a driver's license.

So I thought it was normal for girls not to have a car.I didn't imagine him as the kind of boy who would pay special attention to a woman's financial conditions.

He didn't embarrass me either. When he learned that I didn't have a car, he didn't show any signs, and said in a gentlemanly manner: Then I'll drive over to find you, and wait for you to get off work at the WY Plaza near your unit. .

Because I prepared enough homework the night before, the temporary rescue scene the next day can be orderly and easy to deal with.I was busy until after five o'clock in the afternoon, and the work at hand was gradually settled by me. Thinking that I could finally meet the male god, the turmoil in my heart calmed down a lot.

I said to myself: calm down, calm down.Face it with a normal heart, maybe you can reap a good relationship instead.

After get off work, the male god said that the traffic jam on the road made me take it easy, so I really didn't worry. After getting off work on time, I went to a barber shop next to the hospital and asked the clerk to wash my hair for me.

I don't have time to make up and dress up carefully, but I think it's the most basic respect and courtesy to the other party to wash and tidy up the hair, and it will also make the whole person look more energetic.

After my hair was blown dry and straightened, I looked at myself in the mirror with noodles in clear soup, clean and refreshing but still dignified and delicate, and I was so satisfied that I showed a relaxed smile.

The clerk praised me and said: "The beauty has a good temperament, and the pink cheongsam suits you very well."Hearing the praise, I couldn't help but blush on my face.Fortunately, when I go to work every day, I will choose the most appropriate clothes, pack myself in a dignified and elegant way, and then go out.

So I feel that wearing this pink cheongsam to meet the male god should be a plus.The only regret is that he made an impromptu invitation, and he didn't bring the Qixi Festival gift specially prepared for him last time.Thinking about it in my heart, I will have a long time in Japan, so I will meet you first. We all work in Changzhou, and there will always be a chance to meet again in the future.

I stepped on pink pointed leather shoes, and the breeze gently swayed the corners of the cheongsam skirt, blowing through my shoulder-length hair, and a faint fragrance of beautiful hair wafted in the air.

The sunset at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn reddened the sky and my round, fleshy face.I saw a model wearing a retro white wedding dress in a bridal shop along the way, with a pair of white wings stuck out of her back, standing on the other side of the window like a pure and flawless angel with a smile.

At that moment, I said to myself: Feifei, can you still have the happiness of being a bride in a wedding dress in this life?In the previous two failed marriages, because you got married in winter, you couldn't put on a white wedding dress once when you got married. Don't you feel a little regretful in life?The boy you are about to meet, he is so handsome and outstanding, will he really be your future groom?
If I hadn't actually met Xiaoyu in reality, I never would have dreamed that that handsome man who looks exactly like the male god Hyun Bin and has his own personal charm would actually be able to sit across from me and drink tea and chat with me one day .

I will never forget that our first meeting was at "Haidilao" on the fifth floor of WY Plaza next to the Grand Canal.

The night view along the canal is very beautiful, with tall ancient city walls and ancient bridges in the shape of pavilions. On the sparkling water, ships often pass by.

Where the boat passed by, long ripples rippled on the clear water.Looking around, the silhouettes of the cornices of the Jiangnan buildings along the bank have a quaint charm in the reflection of the lake and lights.

(End of this chapter)

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