Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 60 The Wayward Miss Jin

Chapter 60 The Willful Miss Daughter
I contacted the workers in the factory and shipped more than 500 products to the company in batches. Those that needed to be refrigerated were placed in the freezer upstairs in the company, and those that did not need to be refrigerated were placed in kraft cartons.

Two days before the shooting, I checked the products one by one according to the product list.Before that, at the request of the leader, I had found three photography companies and made an appointment with them for the specific shooting time.

I assigned the shooting task to them in advance, asked them to prepare the relevant shooting props, and signed the shooting contract agreement with them respectively, and negotiated the shooting requirements and the shooting price.

I personally edited the content of the filming contract, reviewed it with Fatty and the boss, and only started to formally arrange the filming after getting their approval.

These three units are photographers who have worked with boys in T city (I list it as partner A), one is a photographer from a photography factory highly recommended by a man-in-law (I list it as partner B), and One is my former colleague Jiang Moji (I listed it as partner C) that I recommended to my boss.

The shooting "asking prices" of these three companies show a trend from high to low, that is, A>B>C.I think everything is reasonable. After all, A is a long-term cooperation unit in the past and has successful experience in shooting milk tea products. B is a professional art photo studio that has been established for many years with complete equipment and facilities. C is a new generation of photographers born in the 90s. , has no company or store, but has its own independent studio, and its works have its own style and characteristics.

Ink is the cheapest asking price. The other two are one or two hundred sheets, and he only charges 61 sheets.I have seen and compared the previous photographic works of the three companies.

Although I am not a professional photographer, I am just an advertising graphic designer, but art is interlinked. From my design point of view, I need to use product photos to design a picture, not just relying solely on the photographer's photography skills So simple, but also rely on the powerful PS function to process the image.

Especially for the online picture, I hope that the product shooting will abandon those gaudy backgrounds and decorations, and use a pure white background and white props to capture the true appearance of the product.

Because the color of the wrapping paper bottle of each product is different, if each photo uses the same color system of the product itself as the photography background, it will virtually increase the difficulty of shooting.It means that every product has to be arranged with a different background. In this case, it will not only be inconvenient to cut out the P picture in the later stage, but also the cost of shooting will more than double.

Therefore, shooting with a uniform white background, one saves the cost, the other is convenient for photoshopping, and the third also tests the photographer’s photography skills. It is not easy to shoot excellent works on a white background.The little boss also hopes to use this shooting to test the water and see which one has the best skills and is the most suitable for long-term cooperation in the future.

The filming was completed one by one, and the family was filmed for two days, a total of one week.

The photographer takes three to four shots of a product, and will give me a look after the shooting, and I will help to place the props together; canned food needs to be opened, and the sauce should be dug out with a spoon, and the shot material is taken from the bottle by the spoon The natural flowing transient dynamics of pouring out; the photographer also needs to take some close-ups of the material according to my requirements.

I hope to show a close-up shot of "real materials", to restore the most authentic and simple face of milk tea raw materials as much as possible.

So when the photographer takes each group of photos, I will personally help to set up the props, take the spoon, take out the material body, and wash the material body.Just standing silently for eight hours alone is exhausting, not to mention that I am busy with the photographer all day long, and after taking pictures for seven days, I feel a little cramp in my legs.

But I didn't complain a bit in front of the boss. I can't help but devote myself to work. I think these are the things I should do as the design leader.

I finally finished the shooting. After getting back the original photos from the three photography companies, I copied them to a USB flash drive and showed them to Fatty. I thought she would thank me for my efforts after seeing so many finished photos. Who knew she They called me over with just one phone call, and scolded me right away.

The reason is that she thinks the photography skills of these three units are very poor. She said that A used all filters, B had wrong lighting and did not capture the product level, and C is what kind of composition. She said that the photographer does not even know the basic composition. .

In the final summary statement, I even said that all the thousands of photos could not be used.I thought she was making a fuss out of a molehill.

I always thought that this girl was young and sensible, but it wasn't until she picked at the photographer's work and beat them all to death with a stick that I realized that the "pure art student" was really paranoid about beauty and ugliness to the point of horror.

Originally, the photography unit A, which has been in cooperation with the company, was found outside by the designers in Taiwan.I saw some of his original photography works of new milk tea products, and to be honest, no matter the light treatment, color matching, or composition layout have reached a very professional level, he is actually completely qualified as a photography partner.

Therefore, for the shooting of milk tea raw material products, I think this unit should be kept in the list of suppliers, because after all, it is not that their photography skills are not good enough, but that our milk tea LOGO has no brand promotion advantage in the market, so we must not people's hearts.It is actually unwise to be too critical of the technical level of photography.

She judged the photography works of the three units as useless, and she repeatedly emphasized in front of me that the photography works of the photographers were not good, which was caused by the designer's on-site art guidance work.

I said: Boss, you know that after all, I am not a professional photographer. During the early stage of shooting, the texture of the temporary image in the photographer’s camera will be very different from the final effect on the computer. I was on the scene I can only take a rough look at the images presented in the camera to check whether the general composition meets the basic requirements for shooting. As for the quality of the pictures, I have no way to control and manage them.Unless I am a photographer myself, the final effect of the photographic works depends on the photographers' own skills.

She said: "They can't shoot well, and you can't escape the blame. Besides, the composition of the picture is not good. What kind of composition is this? How do you, a designer, guide others to compose pictures? Look at Jiang Moji's composition. No way, why is the proportion of the whole picture like this, it can't be processed in the later stage!"

I glanced at the composition, and I really didn't think there was a big problem, and it was completely easy to deal with.Because I asked them to shoot in two ways of composition, one is horizontal and the other is vertical.It is convenient for different page display needs in the later stage.

She faced a horizontal screen and cut it according to the proportion of the vertical screen. She also talked to me about the golden visual ratio, saying: "I was also born in art, so I know what the best golden visual ratio is. You are a professional Art design students can't even see the golden ratio cut point?"

I felt that Fat Ya had taken a gunpowder, and it was obviously a bit of a deliberate nitpicking.I couldn't help complaining about the photographers' works and said: "Little boss, I can't understand the golden ratio, I understand everything you say."But this is a horizontal composition. If you ask for a vertical ratio, of course it will not satisfy your aesthetics.In fact, I think the composition of these pictures is still okay, and it's not that bad.The clarity is also sufficient. The picture itself needs to be cut out and P pictured in the later stage. I cut it out and processed it with PS in the later stage. You can rest assured that the photo is completely usable.If it can't be used, I can't let them compose the picture like this.

Originally, these words were just reasonable explanations and suggestions for a professional person, but she couldn't bear it at all, and yelled at me: "Cheng Yifei, are you still stubborn with me?! Why are you stubborn?!"

I was stunned, and I was stunned by the side, and I said, "What's wrong with you? I didn't argue with you. It's just."

She didn't look like she was really angry, but the expression on her face was a bit weird, and her mouth was still strong: "Don't be stubborn with me anymore. If I say no, it won't work, obviously it won't work, and it's still quibbling ? You go back! Don't stand here and talk to me."

I feel that she is so angry, and I feel very wronged. She has worked so hard to complete the brand transformation plan. Her father agreed, but she disagreed, saying that she would go to Wuxi by herself and find another design company to cooperate with; This time, I worked hard and finished shooting more than 500 products, but she was not satisfied and even got angry with me.

Does this mean that she will be dissatisfied with me anyway?I have a big question mark in my heart?I also realized instantly that maybe she just wants to pass this month and ask me for a brand transformation plan, and then use some of my advertising network resources to see if there are more and better advertising partner resources. After I completed the brand planning plan and product shooting, it kicked me off.

Later, in my work report, I reported in detail my work content and experience for more than 20 days (less than a month), and put forward sincere suggestions for the company's brand transformation plan, which naturally also mentioned product photography.I sent a copy to both the boss and the little boss by email.

I thought that the little boss would be able to listen to my well-meaning and sincere suggestions, but I didn't expect that Miss Qianjin is still Miss Qianjin, very willful, and can't listen to even half a word of contrary opinion, and even unilaterally expressed that I don't agree with it. The employer of the company asked me to fire me.

I was a little shocked, because in my more than ten years of working life, I have never encountered a new job just because of a collision of work ideas and concepts. There is no principled contradiction, and the trial period of the first month has not yet expired. I just can't wait, I don't want to continue to spend time to observe and adjust, and the unit is so desperate to kick out employees.

I don't know if her father was still buried in the dark at the beginning. I still have a glimmer of hope for his father in my heart. After all, when I just finished the brand renewal plan and gave it to his father, his father was still right. I admired my talent and expressed my support for my next work.

I told my boss about this on WeChat and asked if he knew about it?Said to meet him face to face chat.He didn't text me back.

I went to the boss's office to look for him, but I didn't wait for him to come to work for three days in a row, and no one answered my phone calls.I guessed what was going on.

This must be because the father and daughter have passed their anger. If the daughter is dissatisfied with the new subordinate, she can naturally give 100 reasons for her dissatisfaction. The father can only agree to fire him.

So I gave up the idea of ​​talking to the boss to save the situation, because brand transformation is not an easy task. In addition, "accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger", with such a wayward daughter as the "deputy head", the company's brand The renovation plan is bound to be difficult to move forward.Coupled with the company's complicated personnel background, those boys in the marketing department are obviously her "thorn in the side". Whoever gets involved in this troubled water will be unlucky.

After such a toss, I was really depressed.Moji asked me: When will I be called for the cost of product shooting?
I said: Don't worry, you have signed the contract, and within the date stipulated in the contract, they will naturally charge the fee to your card.

I couldn't help but tell him that Fatty blamed me for not being satisfied with their works.I didn't expect him to hear it, and he was more angry than me: No way?Why do people like this still exist? This rich second generation is too arrogant. Even if we don't take good photos, it is our photographer's responsibility. How can we get angry at you and use this as an excuse to fire you.What kind of robber logic is this?
I feel wronged in my heart, and I can only pour bitter water on the ink. I said: "This is probably the legendary saying that if you have money, you will be self-willed! Who made her the little princess of the rich father? What you photographers have done is just Commercial shooting is not a shooting of artistic works. She cannot use the requirements of artistic works to examine commercial works, which is a bit nitpicking. Just as a simple example, some are like powder packaging, which is just a bag , you have to ask the photographer how accurate the composition is, how perfect the color tone is, and how to shoot an artistic FEEL picture. high demands."

"Yes, yes, yes," Mo Ji saw that I was angry, and he kept echoing, comforting me and said, "It's okay, such an unreliable company, it would be good for Sister Feifei to see its true colors and leave early, so we won't be angry. "

"She said that I have never studied photography, and I am not professional in this area. I admit it, but after all, I am an old graphic designer for more than ten years, and the commercial works of photographers who need post-processing are not in my hands. A few, I might not be clear about whether the work can be viewed or used?

It doesn’t matter if I’m not professional in photography. You are all professionally trained photographers. If the things you shoot really have serious mistakes in all aspects of photography skills as she said, then your previous works will never be the same. Adopted by manufacturers.Isn't it obvious that you are talking nonsense with your eyes open, deliberately making things difficult for me? "

After complaining to Moji, I feel much more comfortable, but I am still worried that after the innocent dismissal this time, I might not get the compensation.

It suddenly occurred to me that Xiaogangpao had been excluded by the company for no reason before and went on strike through non-violent non-cooperation, so I called him and mentioned this. He was very surprised when he heard it, and he said: "Then you and Have you signed the contract yet?"

I said no, and I blamed myself for my negligence. As soon as I came in, I was asked to go to the market and go on a business trip. I was so busy that I didn't even think about signing the contract.

He said: Wouldn't it be a big loss for you?You can't ask for money.Only after you sign the contract can the company have to compensate you for the loss.

I said: maybe.Hey, I'm really dumb this time, I can't tell the pain of eating Huanglian.

I was a little reconciled, and shouted in my heart: once we working people change jobs, and encounter such a boss who does not pay attention to fairness and justice, but only acts according to his own mood, he will have to admit that he is dumb and suffer.Impossible, it is impossible for the labor law to be so sloppy and not consider the working people!

With this doubt and the energy of not admitting defeat, I searched the Internet for a long time, and finally found laws and regulations that are beneficial to me. When I saw the following paragraph, I felt that I had seen the dawn of victory——

According to the law, if the employer terminates the employee's labor contract on the grounds that "the probationary period does not meet the employment conditions", it should bear the burden of proof and provide evidence for the following parts.

I hurriedly read on and found that the company was not satisfied with the first item that bears the brunt, that is: the employer should prove the specific employment conditions of the employee.The employer is reminded that the employment conditions must be confirmed and known by the employee's signature when he joins the job, in order to be effective.

Obviously, they didn't show me the relevant employment conditions when I entered the job, and they didn't let me sign it.And it's not like Xiaogangpao said that if you don't sign a labor contract, you can't get relevant economic compensation.

According to the law, as long as the employer has employed labor and formed a labor relationship with the employee, even if the labor contract is not signed, the employee still enjoys the rights stipulated in the labor law, and the unit also bears various obligations in the labor law .

With the backing of laws and regulations, I feel a little more confident in negotiating with the company.Even if the company proposes to fire me, I am not afraid anymore.

Sure enough, the next day, the personnel found me, called me to the conference room of the east office, and asked me: You have been here for a while, do you feel happy getting along with everyone?

I thought to myself what the hell kind of problem is this?I said: It's okay.Most of them get along very happily.Individuals have some opinions, and everyone is for work, so it is inevitable that there will be disagreements.All in all it's okay.

Seeing that I was not the kind of person to be fooled by, the personnel personnel simply opened the window to tell me the truth: But the little boss is not satisfied with your work performance and thinks that you do not meet our company's employment requirements.So you know, you have handed over the work at hand these two days.

I said: "I'm still in the probationary period, and it will be almost a month soon. The employer can terminate the labor relationship at any time during the probationary period, but it cannot be terminated "casually". The company can't dismiss me casually just because I am not satisfied with my work performance." Well, in the end, where I did not do well, which job did not meet the requirements, she had to give me a reasonable reason.

According to the law, if the employer terminates the employee's labor contract on the grounds that the probationary period does not meet the employment conditions, the employer shall bear the burden of proof.I can't just fire me without reasonable evidence. "

I was stunned by what I said about personnel matters. They never thought that I had done enough homework before they approached me, and checked the relevant labor laws and regulations on the Internet.She paused for a while thoughtfully, and asked me, "Then what do you want to do?"

I said: "Either you tell the boss, after all, I have not been here for a long time, less than a month, and I have done a lot of practical things for the company since I came here. Of course, my work cannot be perfect everywhere. Give each other a running-in period and see how I perform later. After all, other companies have a three-month probationary period, and here it is less than a month. It is unreasonable to fire someone without a reasonable reason. Fire me, then I have no choice, according to the labor law, in addition to paying me this month's salary, the company must compensate me for half a month's salary."

She said, "OK, I'll report your situation to the boss. Let's see what they say."

Soon, the company agreed to my request. I wanted to chat with the boss before I left, but the boss didn't show up until I finished the handover and got the salary and compensation I deserved.

After leaving that company, the boss’s daughter quickly blocked my WeChat, but the boss never blocked me, and would send me occasional blessing text messages to say hello during New Years and holidays.

I think he was also very entangled at the time, and he was helpless to have such a precious daughter.Or maybe when they hired me, they didn't intend to use me for a long time, but only for short-term use?After using it, it is not impossible to find an excuse to fire me.But all this is not important to me anymore.

I helped them make pictures of their official account, and paid attention to their official account. At the beginning, the fat girl said that the product photos were not easy to use. Two years later, I saw the soft advertisements they posted on the app. All raw material product pictures are still those pictures taken by the photographer when I was in charge of product shooting.

That spoon is a bamboo spoon Moji found, I know it even when it turns to ashes.Those photos are for the two of us to take close-ups of the material of the product. I just held up the spoon over and over again to let the material flow down from an oblique angle in mid-air, and let the ink blot capture the "smooth" details over and over again.

Sometimes, the reality is so cruel. You are talented and capable, but you have no "money" or "capital". ", you can only admit it.

He doesn't know how to appreciate your talents, and doesn't listen to your opinions and suggestions. His capital only serves his own aesthetic ideas, so no matter how talented and capable you are, your ingenuity can only be ruthlessly wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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