Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 5 Flying Against the Wind

Chapter 5 Flying Against the Wind
Half a year later, I gradually thought about it, completed self-healing, and slowly untied my heart. I kept hearing a voice in my heart urging me: Cheng Yifei, you can’t go on like this, your life can’t just be like this forever Dim down, you have to continue to study, you have to repeat, and regain your college dream!

You were once the pride of your father, you must not give up your studies and your dreams.You have to use your actions to tell those who laughed at you and hurt you that you will not be easily defeated by life. Without the protection of your family, you still want to be that smart and brave girl, and you have to live for yourself.

In this way, I took the initiative to propose to my mother the idea of ​​transferring to another school, and transferred to a high school near my home. This school is not as famous as Southeast Middle School, but it has also trained many outstanding students from Tsinghua University and Peking University.It was here that I met my second Bole in high school——Ling Ya. She was only four years older than me, and she became my big sister who was also my teacher and friend.

She graduated from the history department of a normal college. She was my new Chinese teacher for three years in high school and also our head teacher.She has black and beautiful waist-length hair, and she has a very good figure, tall and straight, and she is the goddess in the hearts of our classmates, especially the boys.At the age of first love, some boys even half-jokingly said: If I am not in school, I will definitely try my best to chase after such a beautiful girl as my girlfriend.

Teacher Ling is very strict with all the students, and everyone is afraid of her, but she is as kind and gentle as her own sister to me, and she never speaks loudly in front of me.

On the first day I transferred to her class, she held my hand and happily introduced me to the whole class like a baby: Cheng Yifei is very good. She transferred from Southeast Middle School. She is a talented girl who is good at what she does. From today onwards, she is a new member of our class. Everyone welcomes her with warm applause.
Because her major is history, not Chinese, so every time she encounters a difficult problem in class that she doesn't know well, she will not be ashamed to ask and discuss it with her classmates.When everyone can't answer the questions on the test paper, she often asks me to stand up and answer everyone's questions. Whenever I give a perfect answer, she always gives me sincere praise.

She asked us to keep a diary every week and hand it in once a week to exercise our writing skills. Every time I handed in a diary, she would mark me with a bright red "Excellent".I recorded my daily thoughts in the diary, including the psychological confusion of growing up, and she never made any comments or accusations.

Teacher Ling is the only teacher I have encountered in my entire high school career who fully respects the will of students, teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, and truly treats students as friends.At that time, not long after my father passed away, my mother married into my stepfather’s family, which happened to live on the old street opposite my new school.

I was often homesick and didn't want to stay in my stepfather's house. I often wanted to go back to my own home after school.But because my home is about 40 minutes away from the high school by bicycle, electric vehicles were not popular at that time, and I could only ride a bicycle back and forth, so once I go home, it is unlikely that I will go back to night classes at night.

I said to her: "Ms. Ling, I want to go home. In the evening class, I will take the books home and study at home, is that okay?"

She agreed without saying a word. She always believed that I was a good boy and would definitely keep what I promised.It is because of her trust that I never slack off my homework every time I go home.

During that time, although I slowly re-established my self-confidence in learning with the encouragement of my teachers, the shadow of my father's sudden death still lingered in my heart.Once Mrs. Ling had something to do at home and asked the Chinese teacher from the next class to take over. In the composition class, the teacher came up with a composition title called: My Father.

I sat behind the mountain of books, listening to the teacher's lecture, and listening to me thinking of my father, I couldn't restrain myself from crying.Most of the classmates didn't know what happened in my family. The teacher looked at me crying until tears streamed down my face, and I was stunned. Many classmates even thought that my mind was a little abnormal.

During that time, my personality became very introverted and even started to be autistic. I usually don’t like to communicate with other students. Even if I was misunderstood by other students after class, I would not open my mouth to talk to others. I had no choice but to write notes. Communicate with people.Over time, classmates who didn't know the reason thought I was weird and didn't like to talk to me.

It was also at that time that I was depressed, and I often bought various snacks to eat.My mother said that I didn’t like sweets and snacks since I was a child. Except for fruits, I was very satisfied with three meals a day, so that other children ate sweets and broke their teeth. I have never been mothed, because I don’t like sugar, and I don’t catch a cold or be greedy for any snacks. My mother thinks that I was very sensible when I was a child, which is very worry-free.

But when I was in high school, my temperament changed, and my habits also changed. It may be that I felt that life was too bitter and I couldn’t find any spiritual support, so I looked for comfort in food, and often bought myself various snacks after evening self-study.

Since then, I have become fatter and fatter without knowing it.But according to the art teacher, although he is fat, he is well-proportioned and not ugly. (Wry smile) So in this regard, I was never ridiculed by my classmates in high school.

It's just that some students know that I don't like to talk, and they always keep silent, so they deliberately provoke me, stimulate me, and quarrel with me.After Teacher Ling found out, she said to me: "Feifei, if you have any complaints, just speak up in front of them. Don't worry, even if you took the initiative to quarrel with someone today, I will definitely stand by your side Criticize them!"

When I heard that, tears were about to come out.I thought to myself that I must have accumulated some virtues in my previous life, and I only met such a good teacher in this life. In order to help me get out of my spiritual dilemma, she was willing to support me no matter what happened.

Although our students are the first graduating class brought by her after graduation, and she does not have much experience in Chinese teaching, she treats students as friends and uses her unique personality charm to manage every student in our class well. Obediently, under her leadership, our class's simulated scores have been ranked high in the city several times in several subjects, and some subjects even came out on top, better than the well-known Qidong Middle School.

In our college entrance examination that year, we took the comprehensive examination paper of the University of Arts and Sciences, which has never been seen before or since.No one has the freedom to choose liberal arts or science. Everyone, even art students, must study both liberal arts and science.

The cultural scores of art candidates are relatively lower than those of other majors. You can half of the comprehensive scores of the University of Arts and Sciences and half of the art test scores.As long as both of the standards are met, you can successfully enter the university.So I thought about it again and again, science is terrible, liberal arts is super good, and I am good at painting. When I was in the third year of high school, I chose to take the art test and was assigned to the art class.

That year I performed fairly well in the college entrance examination.If you apply for English majors or fine arts majors in teacher training, the scores are guaranteed for undergraduates, but I once again violated my mother’s wish to let me inherit the mantle and apply for English teacher majors as a teacher, because I wanted to be a designer at that time. In the near future, I will use my aesthetic design talent to design and create a more beautiful and colorful life.

So I filled in the application for art design major in art colleges.And he was admitted to the school as he wished.

On the eve of my college entrance examination, my mother went to several fortune tellers without telling me whether I would be able to enter the university. She asked several masters, and they all said that the child was hopeless and would definitely not pass the exam.

So she was depressed alone, and she didn't dare to tell me this prophecy, fearing that it would affect my mood in the college entrance examination. Sometimes the fortune tellers said that you could not pass the exam. I almost thought it was true.

I was very surprised, and then said with a smile: The so-called heavenly secrets cannot be leaked, it seems that leaked secrets are easy to be inaccurate.It's only true if you work hard.

In fact, so many years have passed, and I still remember that when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, a Fengshui master saw the Fengshui of my old house, said goodbye to my mother, and left on a bicycle.

I also walked to school with a small schoolbag on my back. Halfway, I met the master again. He had already ridden forward for at least 300 meters. From a distance, I saw him suddenly riding back in a hurry. , When he saw me, he immediately stopped the car, apparently coming back to talk to me.

He touched my head very seriously and said to me: "Child, you have one life, two luck and three Fengshui. You are talented and intelligent, and you have a bright future. You have the kindness of your ancestors and you are gifted with 'reiki'. You must study hard and work hard. As long as you If you don’t give up, you can get into university! Remember what uncle said, don’t give up.” I smiled sweetly at him, and said, “Uncle, don’t worry, I will study hard, and I must work hard!”

When I was young, I didn’t understand why the master would be so concerned about a strange child and came back to “lobby” him, but now I completely understand what he said. Fortunately, I didn’t give up. Fate or God It is certain, but things must be man-made.Commonly known as the victory of man.

(End of this chapter)

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