Chapter 65

On the third day back from Guilin, when I woke up in the morning, when I opened my eyes, he was the first person I thought of as usual.

It's hard to describe what kind of feeling it was, as if I was suddenly guided by God, and there was a powerful energy behind me pushing me to look for the little fish, and this powerful energy made my heart flutter.

Or maybe I realized that if I didn't go to him again, I would never see him again in my life.When I thought of how the first goodbye turned out to be a farewell, I couldn't help but feel sad. I admit that until that moment, I still couldn't accept the cruel fact that I had separated from Xiaoyu.

I also can't explain why my inner world has missed him so deeply in the past three months. Facing a person who has only met him once, it seems that I have known him for a long, long time. It seems that we have accumulated a deep friendship for centuries, which makes me unwilling to be separated from him from the bottom of my heart.

I got up and opened the bedside table, and found a few small gifts I prepared for him on Qixi Festival: Time Tree's notebook, sunny doll, bookmark holder...

I saw the line printed on the box of the bookmark holder: The spring breeze is not as good as you.Can't help feeling:

"It's the end of autumn and the beginning of winter now. Winter is approaching, and spring shouldn't be far away, right? When will my spring come?"

At the beginning of our acquaintance, before blocking and deleting each other, I once told him: I don’t like to be separated from the people I care about. Whether it’s friendship or love, I don’t know why. In the days when you don’t reply to my messages, every time I I miss you every day, I don't know why, we only met once, but I already want to never be separated from you in this life.

Yes, I still remember this one-sided promise. I don't want this relationship to be frozen by fate. I must go to find him and get back the fate between me and him.

I thought to myself: If I can still find Xiaoyu here, it means that our marriage is really inseparable and inseparable as the Tarot fortune teller said. If I can't find it, at least I am worthy of God's arrangement This fate, I really did my best!

I also took the Bodhi bracelet that I bought for him when I was traveling with a group in Guilin at night, because I chose it at the Guilin "Handwork Workshop". The store didn't have a beautifully packaged box and only gave me a transparent My plastic bag let me put the bracelet, and I was a little worried that the male god would see it and see it as a cheap gadget.

In fact, although this bracelet only cost me two hundred yuan, it is not an ordinary bracelet to me. When the store helped me string "Bodhi beads" on the spot, it asked me: "Who is this gift for Miss?" Without thinking about it, I said, "I brought it for my boyfriend. Can you add a few more? Boys' arms are usually thicker than girls'." (Although I feel guilty inside, I managed to fool passersby And coaxed myself to be very happy.)
At that time, I held this string of bracelets and prayed for Xiaoyu in front of the gods and Buddhas, and I also prayed to heaven: I want to give this string of bracelets to my future "husband", and I hope you can bless him with safety, health and good luck.

But right now I don't have time to think about it. These gifts seem to be small items, and they are not particularly expensive things, but each of them hides my love for the male god.

I think the most important thing right now is to find someone else, if you can't find someone, everything will be empty.Maybe I'll have to go back the same way with these presents.So I didn't bother to buy a beautiful beautiful box bracelet.

I searched for the bus route on the map of Gaode, and found that taking a bus from the center of CZ to the unit I was looking for would cross two districts, and I would have to transfer along the way, passing a total of [-] or [-] stops.I estimated that it would take at least two or three hours to get to that unit.

I decided to have lunch at home before setting off.The happiest thing for me every day when I leave my job and stay at home is to be able to eat the meals I cook.

I cook very delicious food. I am used to eating at home, but I am not used to eating food outside. After cooking, it is already past one o'clock after lunch.I simply tidied myself up, drew my eyebrows, put on lipstick and set off.

I walked to the bus stop and began a three-hour "shaky" time.

When I was on the road, I was really anxious the whole time, thinking about how to greet and ask the guard when I arrived at the gate of the factory, and I kept rehearsing in my heart.At the transfer station in the middle, I waited for another half a day for the bus, and when I arrived at the park, it was almost dark.

When I got out of the car, I saw the dark road and a few scattered street lights, all of which illuminated my way forward. I was so confused that I looked around. There were thick exhaust pipes on the side of the road in Nuoda. .I clicked on the navigation and searched for the location of that company.

The navigation guide led me to a large road. There were no street lights on this road. I could only look at houses in the dark, look at the number plates on the gates of their factories, and look for the name "Tianxing".

After a while, the navigation told me that Tianxing had arrived, but there was no house number or house number for this door. I couldn't help but wonder if the navigation guided me to the wrong location.

A janitor saw me approaching the gate of the reception room step by step from the window, so he poked his head out of the window and asked, "Beauty, what are you doing? Who are you looking for?"

I said, "Master, I'm sorry, I heard that a friend of mine works in this factory and just passed by. I would like to ask if there is an employee named Yu Qingyuan in your factory?"

The master asked, "Which department does he belong to? What does he do?"

I replied, "He's from the Purchasing Department."

The master said: "Oh, our area is a factory area. I work night shifts. I don't know the people in their administrative building. I have never heard of this name. Our door is the South Gate. The employees in this area are basically It's an employee on the factory line. There should be no one you're looking for. But our unit has a north gate, which is quite far away. It takes a big circle, and it's at the northernmost part of the factory area. I don't know if you are there. The person you are looking for."

I went straight to the point and directly reported the name, but the master's reaction was not far from what I expected. He said that he had never heard such a name.

I couldn't help thinking: It's over, I really haven't heard of it.I'm afraid my hope will come to nothing. How can I have such good luck, blindly choose a unit, and I can guess right, Cheng Yifei, Cheng Yifei, thank you for thinking it out, you are really outrageous!
But you must not tell the truth. If you tell the truth, you will definitely be regarded as a "idiot". Now you can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, pretending to be sure that he is working in this unit. If you can't find this person in a circle, just go back home.

Before I came here, I had prepared for the worst, thinking that if "this master" is not in this unit, then I can only find another paint factory in this industry another day.

And I think the probability of looking for it another day is very low. I really don't have the courage to accompany myself "crazy" for the second time.

This kind of thing of finding a "needle" in a haystack is really the first time in my life, and it is enough to do it once.

I don’t know what kind of evil I fell into that day. When I woke up in the morning, a strong “idea” seemed to rise above my head. There was a magical force pushing me to go out to find him. It told me loudly: Feifei, You must go find him now!Don't be afraid, you go to him, don't ask the result!Just go find it.No effort is worth it for the one you love.
Just when I was a little discouraged, the doorman unexpectedly said again: "Girl, you go west from here, go to the corner in front, turn right and go north until you reach the second intersection, you can ask again." People nearby will be able to find the North Gate."

He is familiar with their factory, and his words are extremely simple, but I, an outsider, really listened ignorantly, but I was too embarrassed to ask more questions. Why, why do you, a girl, come to work so late to find someone", that's even more troublesome.

So I said "thanks, yes" sensibly, and rushed into the darkness quickly without looking back.

I was wearing five or six centimeter high heels that day, and it was very inconvenient to walk.When I searched for this unit on the Internet, the navigation told me that the unit was not far from the bus stop, so I thought it would be fine for me to walk a few steps in high heels.I didn't expect to reach the destination, and I had to continue to walk a long way to find another door. (I didn't think it was because I found the wrong door)
When I walked to the first corner, I saw that there were still several intersections ahead, and then I remembered that I forgot to ask the master, which turning intersection to go west, and then turn north.The point is that I am a "road idiot". When I arrive in a strange place, it is easy to be confused about the north, south, east, and west.

I had no choice but to comfort myself and say, take it as the first turning intersection and turn right. Since the factory area runs across the north and south, there should be no need to go further and make a big circle.It can only be said that I was very lucky. I successfully cleared the first pass, so I was right.

Turning in from the corner, the road along the way is pitch black, the kind of black that you can't see your fingers.In the distance, I can hear the barking of a big wolf dog in the factory in the distance. Every time it barks, my heart will tremble.

What's more terrible is that this road is a broken brick road, and the road surface is uneven.Because I couldn't see the front clearly, I stepped on the high-heeled shoes and tripped over the stones on the road. I staggered and almost fell to the ground. I was so scared that I lost half of my soul.

"There isn't even a single street light in this ghostly place." I couldn't help but feel a little scared, because the road was deserted, and the moon and stars in the sky seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with me at this moment, hiding in the clouds and not coming out.

They are probably watching how I, a "love fool", make a fool of myself in the sky, and wait to see how I can't find anyone after working for nothing, and then go back in disgrace.

I can't walk very far in high heels, and my feet start to hurt after walking for a quarter of an hour.I finally saw a bright light on the side of the road in front of me. I was a little excited and a little confused. This also looks like the gate of a factory. I don’t know if I should go in and ask, in case my male god is here What about going to work?
Thinking of this, I once again did not hesitate, plucked up my courage, and greeted the doorman. The doorman didn't waste much time with me. He was very concise and clear, and said to me with a puzzled face: "Our family doesn't produce paint! You didn't say that." What celebration and what yuan? Girl, you misunderstood the place."

I felt extremely embarrassed in an instant, and retreated back to the brick-crumb road where you couldn't see your fingers. I stood there and muttered to myself: "Are you stupid? Maybe they don't work here at all. If you don't Keep going, I'm sure I won't tire you to death.

Who told you to go out and still want to dress beautifully to meet Xiaoyu, don't wear flat shoes, and insist on wearing high heels, now it's over, this high root can kill a person.It's so late, the male god should have left work early!Even if you find his unit, you won't see him anymore.

Why don't we just stop here today, and go back to the original road now, just walk another one or two kilometers, and your feet can barely support it. I really fell into a 'bottomless pit'. There is going to be an accident in this wilderness, but I can't even find a witness. "

When I think of this, I really feel very scared in my heart. The main reason is that I have never been active or worked here, so I don’t know anything about the road conditions and terrain here, and the distribution of manufacturers.

People are prone to fear of unfamiliar places.What's more, there are no lights at night, and there are no shops in front of the park or behind the village. They are all factory buildings, which are pitch black.

I walked forward for another 200 meters, and saw that the brick road suddenly turned into a dirt road, and I fell into a feeling of "Oh my god, where is this?", "I am an idiot, what am I doing?", " Is it in the chaotic delusion that there is no way ahead?"

I stopped and stood still in the mud. At that moment, I wanted to keep going to see what the hell was ahead, and I also wanted to turn back immediately and run back to the place where I got off the car at the beginning. place, go across the road and wait for the bus back to the city.

I stood where I didn't know what to do, hesitated for a minute, and finally chose to turn around and walk back. After walking 1 meters, I stopped again. I really didn't want to give up like this!

At that moment, I suddenly thought that on the way here, I was very anxious and played a small lottery game on the Internet. Coincidentally, the lottery poem I got was: There is no way out, there is no way out, and there is another village.

I asked myself: Cheng Yifei, since you chose to go out to find him regardless of everything, you finally got to this place, and you gave up halfway through, wouldn't it be a waste of all your previous efforts?
If you choose to take a gamble and continue to move forward, you may still have the possibility of winning. If you choose to return to the same path now, you really have no chance.

This is not your style of doing things.You've come to this damn place, why don't we just go forward and see if the road ahead is clear, and then decide whether to retreat or not.

Thinking of this, I turned my head back and rushed towards the darkness.

When I walked on the dirt road again, I found that the further I went, the brighter the road became. There was a road and lights 300 meters ahead.

I gradually saw that there was an area the size of a basketball court in front of the road, and there was a flat path paved with bricks on the right. There was a circle of railings on the side of the road. Inside the railings, there were scattered high and low everywhere, large and small chemical gas tanks. ...

(End of this chapter)

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