Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 103 Forging Meridians Under Pressure

Chapter 103 Forging Meridians Under Pressure

When Shen Zhiyu made movements under that pressure, she felt as if she was in the water, her hands and feet were heavy, and every movement required great physical strength.

But this pressure was wonderfully pressed on a critical point, just stuck in the middle between free movement and being completely pressed down, allowing her to barely move, but every move cost a lot of real energy.

Shen Zhiyu didn't know about this thing just now, she stepped up, caught off guard, almost squeezed out by the huge pressure, and fell to the ground.

And when she reached out her consciousness, she found that this pressure was not only aimed at the body, but also at the soul.

Shen Zhiyu's consciousness that came out to observe was suddenly suppressed, and his mind seemed to be trapped by a heavy stone, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

And she also found out sadly that once the consciousness was released, it could not be taken back.

It was fine when it was released, and there is no going back!
She was no longer as relaxed as before. Every time she took a step up, the sweat on her body fell like a waterfall, and the veins on her forehead twitched. She gritted her teeth and endured it. .

At this moment, Shen Zhiyu couldn't help but rejoice in her heart that this Qingya sword is the sword of her own destiny, and she can act according to her thoughts, and she doesn't need to expend a lot of effort to control it.

After struggling to climb several feet, Shen Zhiyu saw a small bump and could only lie down on her own.

When Shen Zhiyu saw it, she felt like she was pardoned. She tremblingly grasped the raised edge like an old lady, and when she turned over and lay down, she suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

Not long after, Shen Zhiyu came back to her senses. She checked the real energy in her body, and found that she had only climbed a few feet, and the real energy consumed was twice as much as before.

Shen Zhiyu exhaled slowly and sat up slowly.

After sitting cross-legged, she began to adjust her breath.

Here the golden aura became more intense, and the true energy in Shen Zhiyu's body seemed to be squeezed and refined under strong pressure, and it moved slowly.

Soon, she realized that when she was adjusting her breath under pressure, she suddenly found that this inexplicable pressure had penetrated her body directly and entered her Dantian meridian, causing the true essence in her body to flow slowly.

Although the running speed of the true essence has slowed down, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy has become faster, and the condensed true essence in the meridians of the body is repeatedly washed and tempered.

Practicing under this pressure can not only condense and purify the true essence, but also gradually strengthen the meridians under the constant erosion of the true essence.

Shen Zhiyu stopped in surprise, and immediately realized the huge benefits contained in it.

This is the first time she knows that the strength of meridians can be increased in this way.

You know, it has always been a very difficult thing to purify the true essence and increase the strength of the meridians. Apart from improving the cultivation level and washing the meridians and cutting the marrow, there are only some people who take Tiancaidibao or practice powerful and special skills. Only the law can do it.

But this inexplicable pressure can be done!
Of course, Shen Zhiyu would not let go of this good opportunity. She set up a formation beside her, and then said to the moon in her mind: "Moon, protect me."

"Sister...sister," Yue Yue's usually cheerful voice was weak, "...I can't move."

Only now did Shen Zhiyu realize that the moon, which used to be entwined and rubbed against her hand, was now lying softly in her sleeve, motionless.

"Are you... also suppressed?" Shen Zhiyu was a little surprised.

Could this pressure also have an effect on the monsters?

Shen Zhiyu raised his hand and took out the moon. It was soft, like cooked noodles.

"How do you feel now?" Shen Zhiyu asked it.

Yue Yue tried her best to lift the rattan stick to her wrist, "Sister,... I'm fine, just a little uncomfortable."

"Then does this pressure hinder you?" Shen Zhiyu was a little worried.

"It's not a hindrance, but it can suppress the devilish energy in my body." Yue Yue said.

Shen Zhiyu took a closer look, and sure enough, at the intersection of blood red and emerald green on its body, the blood red was slowly fading away.

Shen Zhiyu put it by his side, and manually coiled it into a coil like a snake in hibernation, "Then you stay a little longer, I think your body is being corroded deeper by the devilish energy."

The moon can release a lot of vines, but they are all branch vines condensed with demon power, which are not very useful, and its main vines only have twelve, which gather all its demon essence.

Usually wrapped around her arm sleeve is one of the twelve main vines. When the contract was signed with it before, the blood red color on the main vine occupied two-thirds of the vine, and it continued to spread as time went by. Look, it has already accounted for a full three-quarters.

However, the moon's bead is on her body, so there is no need to worry about being infiltrated by demonic energy for the time being.

Shen Zhiyu also thought about looking for things to restrain the demonic energy after leaving the secret realm, but now she finds that this pressure has such benefits, so of course she must make good use of it.

After doing everything well, Shen Zhiyu began to purify his true energy with all his strength to temper his meridians.

Soon, half a month passed by.

Shen Zhiyu is working hard to purify her true energy and exercise her meridians every day, besides taking Bigu Dan and checking the moon's condition.

After half a month passed, no matter how much she practiced, she could no longer purify her true essence, and the toughness of her meridians seemed to have reached the limit, and there was no way to continue to improve.

Shen Zhiyu stopped practicing, looked at the situation inside her body, and found that her true energy had become thicker and purer than before, and her meridians were also more tenacious.

Not only that, Shen Zhiyu found that the effect of the heavy pressure that she felt before was gradually weakening. Although there is still pressure, she can already move freely in it.

No longer need to be like an old lady, shaking her body tremblingly.


Shen Zhiyu let out a breath slowly and opened his eyes.

She glanced at the moon on the left and right sides, which were neatly coiled into twelve scrolls. Except for the place where Shen Zhiyu sat cross-legged, it completely occupied the narrow bulge.

After half a month, the demonic energy on the twelve main vines of the moon has dissipated a lot, and has retreated to two-thirds of the previous position.

This gold spar does not have such an effect, it must be the previous method of Xuanxumen.

Shen Zhiyu thought about looking around to see if he could find the cause of this pressure.

If it can be found, it will not only be useful to the moon, but it can also be handed over to the sect. Presumably, it can be exchanged for the excellent body escape technique she needs.

Shen Zhiyu continued to let the moon stay here, and then began to look for the source of the pressure with a sword in hand.

She first descended to the area where the stress started, and was surprised to find that the stress here had completely disappeared.

But it didn't take long for Shen Zhiyu to understand that this pressure gradually increased with altitude.

So in this way, the source of that pressure should be from above.

Although she had guesses in her heart, Shen Zhiyu still searched around the golden spar, inch by inch, and finally returned to the raised place where the moon was.

Shen Zhiyu withdrew the formation, took the moon and climbed to a higher place.

(End of this chapter)

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