Chapter 102
The shadow under Shen Zhiyu's feet is also always facing the golden spar when she is constantly surrounded by the gold spar.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she retreated a large distance again.

But as soon as she retreated, Shen Zhiyu found that her shadow was always a short one, and did not elongate as she retreated.


Not only is there something wrong with Chrysanthemum's shadow, but is there something wrong with her own shadow?
It shouldn't be, what went wrong?

After Shen Zhiyu pondered for a moment, she raised her eyes to look at the dazzling round ball still hanging directly above her head.

Along the way, I didn't find anything wrong. There was a strange scene in the shadow. Apart from its own problems, there was only a problem with the light source.

After thinking for a long time, she thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the luminous ball on the top can move, and it has been moving with her since the very beginning?
Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyu suddenly realized that the explanation would make sense in this way, why he couldn't see the shadow of the golden spar, and after he moved, the shadow didn't change at all.

Now that the source of the problem has been discovered, it is natural to investigate.

But this ball is too high.

Shen Zhiyu raised her head to make a visual inspection, and found that the ball was at least ten thousand feet above the ground. With her own ability, she might be exhausted after flying halfway through.

At this time, Shen Zhiyu's gaze was fixed on the huge piece of gold spar not far away.

This huge golden spar should also be thousands of feet high. If you fly up from the top of this golden spar, you should save some effort.

But even if it is a thousand feet higher, there is still no way to fly up.

She also doesn't have any large flying instruments that can stay in mid-air, and the flying instruments in her hands are all driven by true energy.

After all, those large flying instruments that can stay in the air are extremely expensive, and any small airship needs tens of thousands of spirit stones, and it also needs to be driven by spirit stones.

Shen Zhiyu didn't have that many spirit stones at all.

Sighing, Shen Zhiyu didn't care about the mess, and decided to fly up to try to see where he could fly.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyu didn't hesitate, she approached the huge golden spar.

Looking at the golden spar in front of her, she chose a place that was easy to climb. She took a few steps back and jumped onto the golden spar.

Looking closer, Shen Zhiyu found that this piece of gold spar had a translucent texture, and the smooth surface revealed a faint metallic icy luster.

Shen Zhiyu stood in a depression and looked up.

Although it looks roughly smooth, there are some depressions on the surface of this gold spar, which can be used to step on the armrests and use force to climb up.

It's not necessary for her to open the way by herself.

Shen Zhiyu saw a sunken stone crevice on the left, and she stretched out her hand to grab it, and was about to borrow strength.

His fingertips suddenly hurt.

Shen Zhiyu's complexion changed, she quickly withdrew her hand, and jumped off the golden spar.

I saw a small opening on her fingertip, and the bright red warm blood dripped down.

Not only that, but there was also a gap in her vamp.

Shen Zhiyu narrowed her eyes slightly, and began to check the condition of the wound on her finger.

Her finger was injured by the sword qi, and there is still a faint trace of the sword qi in the wound, which is preventing the wound from healing.

Although it is extremely weak, Shen Zhiyu can feel a mighty momentum from this sword energy, which is very subtle.

The longevity essence was circulating in the body, and Shen Zhiyu gathered it to the wound on the fingertips, intending to dispel the sword energy on the wound.

Unexpectedly, the sword energy was extremely stubborn, even if it was very weak, she couldn't dispel it with a lot of real energy.

Shen Zhiyu thought for a while, and she let out a small sword energy.

She carefully controlled the sword energy to cover the wound on her fingertips, and with a slight movement of her mind, the sword energy suddenly strangled towards the strange sword energy at the wound.

Thinking that the sword energy was too weak, Shen Zhiyu didn't expend too much effort, and the strange sword energy was strangled away.

Shen Zhiyu thought for a while, then waved out Qingya Sword, and Yujian flew to the height of the depression where she had borrowed strength before, and looked intently.

Sure enough, there was a weak sword energy in these two depressions.

Could it be that the depression was made artificially?
Shen Zhiyu looked up, down, left, and right, and found that although the edges of these depressions had been eroded for a long time and fell off, and the sharp edges and corners were no longer obvious, it could barely be seen that the depressions were indeed cut out by someone with a sword.

With a thought in her heart, she flew up a certain distance, and looked at those depressions one by one.

There is sword energy in every depression, and all the sword energy comes from one person.

It turned out that it was artificially opened up, no wonder these depressions are so evenly distributed.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the depression from bottom to top, and wondered in her heart, could it be that there was someone who climbed up from this golden spar like her?

But looking at this sword energy, it seems that it has been aged for a long time, and it is about to dissipate naturally.

Generally speaking, sword energy exists for a long time, unless it is intentionally erased, it will take thousands of years for it to dissipate naturally.

Otherwise, the sword energy stone forest of Xuanji Sword Sect's outer sect would not be able to survive for thousands of years.

Could this be the sword energy left by monks thousands of years ago?

Thinking that she had entered the ruins in the Xuanxu ruins, she thought silently, could this sword energy be left by the former monks of the Xuanxu sect?
Shen Zhiyu thought about it, bypassed this place, and prepared to go up from other places.

After going around to other places, Shen Zhiyu used the Qingya sword to cut holes in the gold spar, she reached out to grab it, and quickly climbed up.

Soon, she reached a third of the area.

Although only a little over [-]% of the real energy in his body had been consumed, Shen Zhiyu stopped on a half-foot-wide raised stone platform for the sake of caution, preparing to return to his peak state before continuing to set off.

This bulge was formed naturally, and there was no sword energy or other things remaining. Shen Zhiyu set up a formation, and called the moon out to protect her queen.

Shen Zhiyu sat cross-legged on this stone platform, meditating and adjusting her breath.

There is only gold aura in this space, and it happens that Shen Zhiyu is the root of the golden fire spirit, which can absorb gold aura and fire aura. If it is replaced with aura of other attributes, it will be difficult.

However, after the altitude rises, the concentration of aura seems to increase.

Nothing happened during the breath adjustment process, half a quarter of an hour later, the true energy in Shen Zhiyu's body returned to a sufficient state.

She stood up and went on.

Gradually, Shen Zhiyu felt strenuous.

Her previous feeling was correct, the higher she went, the more aura contained in the air became stronger.

Moreover, when she climbed halfway to the height of about five hundred feet, a heavy pressure suddenly appeared in midair.

And that pressure is not unilateral, but from all directions, pervasive.

(End of this chapter)

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