Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 101 What a Big Aurumite

Chapter 101 What a Big Aurumite
Soon, they secretly reached a consensus, and five powerful Nascent Soul cultivators came out more and more, all raised their hands, their fingers fluttered, and they all formed the same seal.

The extremely powerful spiritual pressure burst out from several Nascent Soul cultivators in an instant, and pressed heavily on everyone like a mountain. The five hundred Qi training cultivators standing in the mountain depression were instantly bent.

Shen Zhiyu's forehead was sweating frequently, as if she was carrying a heavy Mount Tai pressure, she gritted her teeth and "creaked".

Just when her legs were sore and trembling, the spiritual pressure suddenly dissipated.

The five Nascent Soul monks punched the Dharma seal into the restriction in front of the space vortex, and then only heard a few crisp sounds of "Ka Ka Ka", and the restriction cracked instantly, revealing a huge circular hole.

Suddenly, a violent and messy breath emanated from the exposed space vortex.

"You can go in." Yuanying monk gave an order, "Remember, this secret realm can only be maintained for a year at most. Before that, you need to find the space passage inside."

Five hundred monks filed in sequentially.


He held it in his hand in advance to avoid any problems as soon as he came in, which made it difficult for her to deal with it.

In the next moment, she was standing in front of the space vortex.

Shen Zhiyu turned back to Luo Hongmian, Qin Xi and Chen Chen and said softly, "Take care."

Then Shen Zhiyu hardly hesitated, she directly stepped into the chaotic space vortex.

As soon as her body penetrated into the vortex of space, Shen Zhiyu felt a strong suction force coming from it, she didn't resist, and was pulled in directly along the suction force.

The familiar feeling of dizziness hit, and after the world was spinning, Shen Zhiyu rolled on the ground a few times, and finally lay flat on a soft sand.

Immediately, Shen Zhiyu began to check her physical condition and things on her body.

Fortunately, no moths appeared this time, the body is full of true energy, and the consciousness can also be used.Spiritual consciousness can be smoothly penetrated into the storage magic weapon, which means that it can also be used, so there is no need to worry about insufficient supplies.

And there is light.

Shen Zhiyu still had her eyes closed, and felt the scorching light through her eyelids, she couldn't help raising her hand to block it slightly, and opened her eyes after getting used to it.

She finally arrived at a shiny place. Before, she always drilled into some dark and gray places, and now she didn't need to drill in the dark like a mouse.

After opening her eyes, Shen Zhiyu was a little surprised when she looked at the surrounding environment.

It's hard to describe what kind of space this is. Everything in the space seems to be shining continuously, and the surroundings are bright, so bright that it's a bit dazzling.

Shen Zhiyu looked at it, and even the soft sand under her body, after being picked up by her hands, shimmered with a thin golden gleam.

She took a closer look and found that it was not sand, but rather finely crushed metal ores.

Not only that, but there is also a very surging and rich metallic aura constantly surging around, continuously penetrating into her dantian meridians, making countless pores on her body open, making her extremely comfortable.

Shen Zhiyu stood up slowly, holding the long sword, vigilant about the movement around her.

Shen Zhiyu tried her best to expand her consciousness, and the surrounding environment was immediately imprinted in her mind.

This place is like a metal desert, the surrounding area is extremely empty, only a few towering and glowing boulders stand in the distance, and the spiritual consciousness spreads out, and even the edge of the spiritual consciousness has not explored the end of this metal desert.

There is also a round of glowing spheres like the sun hanging above the head, the light is dazzling, but there is no sense of burning.

On the contrary, the subtle metallic aura in the wind scraped against her skin, causing a slight pain.

Although this metal desert is still calm for the time being, Shen Zhiyu has a faint feeling in his heart that this place will definitely not remain so peaceful forever.

Holding the wooden sign for a while, I found that there was no movement at all on this magic weapon, which was said to be able to communicate within a thousand miles.

Yep, lost contact again.He is obviously a sect cultivator, but he always feels like a casual cultivator.

Shen Zhiyu was very helpless, and hung the contact wooden sign back to her waist.

I don't know what the hell this is.

I don't know what's going on now, but it's obviously not a wise move to stay where I am. It's better to find out the situation first.

After looking around, there is a vast expanse of metal desert, and the "sun" in the sky is also a fake, there is no way to distinguish the direction.

Shen Zhiyu chose a direction randomly, and flew towards the sword on her right hand.

The direction she chose to the right was the one closest to the glowing boulder she saw.

But the glowing boulder looked close, but in fact it was not close at all. It was a model of looking at mountains and running dead horses.

After Shen Zhiyu flew for half an hour, she came to the vicinity of the glowing boulder.

What kind of boulder is this? Its huge size is no less than that of ordinary mountain peaks. She stood at the bottom, her neck was sore and she couldn't see the top.

Moreover, what was in front of him was not a boulder, but a huge piece of metal.

Shen Zhiyu discovered after investigation that this was not an ordinary metal, but a kind of training material called amethyst.

What a big gold spar!Shen Zhiyu was amazed.

Although the value of gold spar is not high, it can only be used to refine low-level and intermediate magic weapons used by Qi training disciples, but such a large volume is enough for the sect to use for decades, and it is also a valuable resource .

It's just a pity that she couldn't take such a big piece with her.

A trace of regret flashed in Shen Zhiyu's eyes, and then he didn't stay any longer, bypassing the large gold spar and continuing to walk far away.

Halfway through, Shen Zhiyu suddenly remembered something, and with a wave of her hand, she carved a sharp sword mark on the golden spar, with a fierce and domineering sword spirit attached to the sword mark.

After making the mark, Shen Zhiyu took out another blank jade slip, and then centered on this golden spar, he began to record his route, trying to see if he could draw a simple map.

The next step is to move on, and after completely bypassing this gold spar, Shen Zhiyu Yujian's movements paused.

She frowned and looked at the ground around the golden spar.

Where's the shadow?
Even if there is no sun, if there is light, there will be shadows, right?
She didn't see a shadow on the ground before, she thought it was from the back, but now she has walked to the back, why still didn't see the shadow?

Strange things happen for a reason.

Shen Zhiyu retreated quickly, far away from this golden spar.

But she observed this piece of golden spar from a distance for a long time, but she didn't find anything wrong.

After going around a full circle, she didn't see the shadow of Jin Jingshi. While she was puzzled in her heart, she noticed the strangeness of her own shadow under her feet.

(End of this chapter)

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