Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 100 Preparations Before Entering the Ruin Realm

Chapter 100 Preparations Before Entering the Ruin Realm
Shen Zhiyu saw the contents of the wooden sign clearly, thought for a while, and said, "I still have to find someone to exchange for some pills, talismans, etc. I don't have enough on me."

She had lived alone in this secret realm for two years before, and the pills and talismans on her body had already been used up for more than half, so she continued to replenish them.

Lu Baiheng limped over, just in time to hear Shen Zhiyu's words, and said, "I have it here, and I can just give it to you."

Seeing his wretched limbs, Shen Zhiyu smiled helplessly and said, "Take a good rest if you are injured. If you run out now, Senior Sister Xu will scold you again if she finds out."

When the disciples tried that day, the monks who surrounded Lu Baiheng attacked extremely fiercely. Even though he was powerless to resist, they still broke his hands, feet and limbs. In the end, they were about to strangle his meridians, but it was the fellow monks who rescued him , and then sent him out of the competition venue.

The Senior Sister Xu that Shen Zhiyu said was Xing Linfeng's Senior Sister, her name was Xu Feining, she was a very rare medical practitioner in the Xuanji Sword Sect, her temper was completely opposite to her demure name, she was probably too busy, so she had a bit of a temper Irritable, especially impatient with disobedient patients.

"It's okay, Senior Sister Xu went to treat other people, I'll go back later." Lu Baiheng touched the tip of his nose embarrassedly, "And my injuries are all skin trauma, nothing serious."

"It's better to cultivate yourself, the sword repairer's hand cannot be ignored." Shen Zhiyu said.

Lu Baiheng naturally knew that in order to heal his injuries, he hadn't held a sword for half a month.

"By the way, I'll give you something." Lu Baiheng said, reaching out his hand to lightly wipe on his storage preceptor, and suddenly many pills and talismans appeared on the ground.

Most of them are pills for supplementing aura, healing pills, and some special pills for specific environments. Talismans are also commonly used, which happen to be what Shen Zhiyu needs.

"Then I won't be polite to you, I will return it to you after I get out." Shen Zhiyu accepted it directly.

Lu Baiheng nodded slightly.

"It's the first time I've explored that Ruins Realm, so it's going to be very interesting." Then he said a little disappointed: "It's just a pity that I can't go with you this time."

The others didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

But soon, he laughed again, "However, the situation in the ruins world is also unclear, you should be more careful."

"Okay." All four nodded.

After chatting with each other for a while, Lu Baiheng quietly slipped back, and Shen Zhiyu and the others began to practice.

In the middle of the night, Shen Zhiyu sorted out her things.

Her previous storage bag was already filled with all kinds of spiritual plants and various monster materials obtained in the wild secret realm.

She didn't keep the few storage bags she got from the He family group of five before, but integrated the contents into the storage ring.

However, she didn't dare to take out that storage ring and use it blatantly for the time being. She decided to find someone to refine it again in the Qitang after going out, and change the appearance before using it.

Fortunately, there was enough space for the wooden magic weapon, so it could be regarded as a solution to her urgent need.

Shen Zhiyu took out a few emergency pills, sealed them with wax, put them into the hollow wooden bracelet on her right hand, twisted it slightly and closed the bracelet.

Then I put some emergency things on the places where I could hide things on my body.

After doing this, check again to make sure that everything that should be prepared is ready.

Shen Zhiyu didn't practice meditation, so she checked the little flower in the spirit animal bag, and seeing that it was still sleeping, she withdrew her spiritual consciousness again.

Ever since Xiaohua ate the metamorphosis grass, she has been in a deep sleep. When she was in the cave before, she could still feel Xiaohua's faint consciousness fluctuations, but since she entered the wild secret realm and got a chance of good luck, Xiaohua Then fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long I will sleep.

Shen Zhiyu sighed a little worried, probably sensing her emotions, Yue Yue stuck out a thin rattan stick from her sleeve to wrap around her fingers.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Zhiyu smiled, and flicked the tip of the rattan that it shook happily with her fingers, "It's nothing, I'm just a little worried about Xiaohua."

"Sister, don't worry, I can feel that it's in a good condition." Yue Yue felt that Shen Zhiyu was interacting with it, and the end of her voice was so happy.

"Okay." Shen Zhiyu touched it, took out a few Spirit Beast Pills and handed it to it.

The moon accepted it happily, and then put the elixir into her storage space.

Shen Zhiyu also continued to practice meditation.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, the [-] qi training monks who got the quota gathered together and got ready to go.

Soon, more than a dozen powerful high-ranking monks stood up in the center of the square. After they looked at each other, they waved their hands, and each took some of the monks who had obtained quotas, and disappeared into the sky in the form of light.

Shen Zhiyu and other 29 people were rolled into the sleeves by Yuanying Zhenjun of the Xuanji Sword Sect. More than 20 of them rolled around on the white soft cloth like dough.

But after all, they are all monks, even though the place where they are located is very bumpy, it didn't take long for everyone to barely sit still.

Everyone looked around and saw that they were all in the sleeves of Senior Da Neng. The cuffs were covered with a layer of light film, but it didn't affect the line of sight. Through the cuffs, they could barely see the scene passing by outside.

Shen Zhiyu slowly moved to the edge of the sleeve, lay on her stomach and looked out.

Cultivator Nascent Soul was flying too fast. With Shen Zhiyu's eyesight, he couldn't see the specific situation clearly. He could only see the rough terrain passing by, the space cracks that flickered, the endless bitter wind in the midair, and the distant At the end of the sky, there are dark monsters and fierce and swift black thunder.

Even though it was separated by the shield set up by monk Nascent Soul, Shen Zhiyu still felt an aura of destruction that made her heart skip a beat.

No wonder it is called a forbidden place, and it is still protected by Yuanying Zhenjun. It is so terrifying, and I don't know what it will be like if I face it by myself.

Shen Zhiyu sighed in his heart.

Not long after, everyone felt a sudden pause, and then a powerful spiritual force pushed them away, and they were all thrown out immediately.

The monks were thrown out one by one like beads with a broken thread, and they sat staggered on the ground.

Soon, they all calmed down, and they all stood in a line obediently without Senior Yuanying's instructions, waiting for dispatch.

Shen Zhiyu looked up quietly.

The surrounding environment was dark, and five hundred monks were standing in a mountain depression. A powerful barrier was erected around the mountain depression to protect this small area from being eroded by the strong wind.

The Nascent Soul cultivators who brought them all gathered together, watching a powerful restriction in front of the slowly rotating space vortex in the depths of the mountain depression, discussing silently.

(End of this chapter)

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