Chapter 99 Get a quota
The enchantment surrounding the field slowly descended.

Everyone stopped fighting, including Tao Zhiyu and Gu Ting who were fighting fiercely.

At this time, Gu Ting accurately found Shen Zhiyu's figure on the field, and his expression immediately became extremely ugly.

He walked towards Shen Zhiyu with strides, but was stopped by Tao Zhiyu halfway.

"Gu Ting! The competition is over! What else do you want to do?!"

Seeing this, Shen Zhiyu flew forward, and softly said to Tao Zhiyu, who had upside down eyebrows: "Thank you, Senior Sister Tao, let me do it myself."

Tao Zhiyu glanced at her, nodded slightly, and stepped aside.

Shen Zhiyu raised his eyes to meet Gu Ting's burning eyes, with a smile on his face, "Brother Gu."

Gu Ting didn't say a word, his body was full of energy, and there was a faint golden light on his skin. He stared at her gloomyly, with the tendency to make a move.

Shen Zhiyu was not afraid at all, and with a wave of her hand, the sword energy around her body was released, with a fierce and domineering aura, Qingya sword flew in front of her with a "shua", pointed directly at Gu Ting, and confronted him tit for tat.

"What is Senior Brother Gu trying to do?" Shen Zhiyu asked coldly.

Now she is in a very good condition, and the apprenticeship test has ended, the quota has been secured, no matter what Gu Ting wants to do, she is not afraid at all.

Sensing the gazes from all around, Gu Ting's chest heaved up and down for a while, but he still didn't make a move on the spot. He looked deeply at Shen Zhiyu, "...I remember you!" After speaking, Gu Ting flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

Seeing this, Shen Zhiyu raised his hand to recall Qingya Sword.

The monks on the field gradually retreated.

"Let's go." Tao Zhiyu glanced at Xuanji's disciple who was still on the field.

The group returned to the previous venue.

Shen Zhiyu looked around, and there were 29 disciples of Xuanji who got the quota.

Among the Xuanji Sword Sect discussed earlier, brothers Gu Fengchen, Zhang Junran, Xiao Min, and Du Lansheng, who are as famous as Tao Zhiyu, are all among them, and Luo Hongmian and Qin Xi, who have a good relationship with her, are also there. Special protection, also got a quota, and some unfamiliar fellow students.

At this time, the high-level monk who presided over the disciple test rose to mid-air again, "The disciple test is over, all the monks who have obtained the quota will adjust themselves, and enter the market after half a month." After finishing speaking, it turned into a streamer, Go back to the center of the square.

Scattered responses sounded from the ground, and then many monks sat down cross-legged and adjusted their states.


Half a month passed in a flash, and soon, it was the night before the day of entering the Ruins Realm.

The 29 disciples who got the quota were summoned and all gathered in a hidden place.

Shen Zhiyu arrived first along with Luo Hongmian, Chen Chen, and Qin Xi.

In that hidden place, there was a mighty male cultivator standing with his hands behind his back. Hearing the sound of people, he turned around slowly.

This male cultivator looks about thirty or so in the ordinary world, with a calm and handsome face, and a pair of deep black eyes that are very penetrating. His momentum is amazing.

After seeing his face clearly, Shen Zhiyu quickly averted his eyes.

During the half a year when she ran around during the baby ceremony, she once saw this male cultivator in the Law Enforcement Hall.

It's the Jindanqi elder of the Law Enforcing Hall, whose surname is Yue and whose name is Lingzhou. He has a gentle temperament and is quite friendly towards low-level disciples.

The four of Shen Zhiyu bowed and saluted, "Disciple pays homage to Master Yue."

Yue Lingzhou nodded slightly, and casually released a burst of spiritual power to lift them up, "There's no need to be too polite."

The four of them stood quietly and waited.

Shen Zhiyu, who kept her head down, didn't notice that Yue Lingzhou's eyes lingered on her for a moment.

Soon, the rest of the disciples also arrived one after another.

The 29 people stood neatly in front of Yue Lingzhou, obediently listening to the training.

Yue Lingzhou looked at the 29 people in front of him one by one, and spoke slowly.

"Tomorrow, we will enter the ruins of the Xuanxu ruins. Before that, I want to explain something to you."

"The ruins within this mysterious ruins have never been explored before, so no one knows what's going on inside, so you must be extremely careful."

"Moreover, according to the calculations of the senior Nascent Soul, the teleportation method of this ruin world is random teleportation, that is to say, there is a high probability that you will drop randomly after entering, and will not gather in one place, so I will give you special The magic weapon that came to communicate, after you enter the Ruins Realm, gather together as quickly as possible."

"have you understood?"

"Understood!" The 29 people answered in unison.The sound is loud and the scene is spectacular.

"Also, this world of ruins has never been explored before, so the resources in it will be rich beyond imagination, but the sect does not require you to hand in all the harvest. If you are willing, the sect will provide corresponding contribution points and You exchange. Also, as soon as you see these kinds of spiritual plants and fruits, try your best to fight for them," Yue Lingzhou waved his hand, and images of seven rare treasures of heaven, material and earth appeared in front of him. All kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures are resources that the sect urgently needs, and once you get them, the sect will give you a very generous reward after handing them in."

"Finally, in the Ruins Realm, one's own life is the most important thing in everything. No matter what, one must protect oneself before competing for resources."

After Yue Lingzhou finished speaking, he looked at everyone with a calm expression.

"Yes!" The 29 disciples responded in unison.

With a wave of Yue Lingzhou's hand, 29 black wooden signs flew right in front of them.

Seeing that the 29 disciples had refined the contact magic weapon, he waved his hand, "Okay, let's all go down."

Everyone retreated quietly.


Shen Zhiyu sat on the ground, playing with the small black wooden sign that was half the size of a palm in her hand, feeling in her heart that a product produced by the sect must be a high-quality product.

This small wooden sign can not only communicate with the same family within a thousand miles, but it is also a magic storage device, with a large space inside, equivalent to the space of dozens of storage bags, and inside this small wooden sign, there are some pills and talismans The jade box, Yue Moo is a material given by the sect.

"This wooden magic weapon is really good." The statement on the side also expressed admiration.

Luo Hongmian glanced at the happy Shen Zhiyu and the statement, and said slowly: "What are you thinking, this is a one-time magic weapon. After refining, it only lasts for one year. After one year, this wooden sign will be completely useless gone."

The statement was surprised: "Can it still be like this?"

Luo Hongmian smiled, "Otherwise, if it's really such a big spatial artifact, how could the sect release it so readily."

Shen Zhiyu felt that this was normal, but she was still a little disappointed because she was happy for nothing.

"Oh..." Chen Chen sighed, "I thought I got a big deal for nothing, and I was happy for nothing."

Luo Hongmian rolled her eyes, "While it is impossible for the sky to fall into the pie, it is also impossible for the sect to suddenly be generous."

"That's right." It's very interesting and cute to state the frown.

A smile appeared on Qin Xi's face.

(End of this chapter)

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