Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 14 Divine Consciousness

Chapter 14 Divine Consciousness
When Shen Zhiyu changed into clothes, the original clothes were too big, but as soon as she put them on, the clothes automatically shrunk to the point where they fit her body just right.

She wanted to find a mirror to see how she looked, but she couldn't find it after searching for a long time, so she gave up regretfully and decided to buy another mirror when she went out.

She picked up the jade slip from the gate, feeling a little helpless, she only knew that there were things transcribed in the slip, but she didn't know how to use it.

Shen Zhiyu sighed, picked up the jade slip and pasted it on his forehead to feel it, but there was no other feeling except for a slight coolness on his forehead.

Is it to use real yuan?
Shen Zhiyu thought about it, and poured his true essence into it, but there was still no response.After tossing and tossing for a while, she still couldn't figure it out, so she had to let it go.

Shen Zhiyu picked up the disciple's common sense handbook again, sat on a chair and read it.

The beginning of the manual is an introduction to the five realms of monks' Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, and Huashen.At that time, she had already read it in the book she bought, and she also roughly understood the division of cultivation bases. The twelve levels of Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying and Huashen are divided into three stages: early stage, middle stage and late stage. stage.

The second part is about the introduction of Lingshi.

Spiritual stones contain the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, which can be absorbed for cultivation, can also be circulated as currency, and can also be used to drive magic weapon formations, etc., with extremely wide uses.

There are three divisions of spirit stones, which are low-grade spirit stones, middle-grade spirit stones, and high-grade spirit stones.The exchange rate of each class is one thousand to one, that is to say, a high-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 1000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and a middle-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 1000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.So far, she has only seen low-grade spirit stones.

Lingshi are generally cut into standard sizes for circulation.

After reading the spirit stones separately, Shen Zhiyu turned to the introduction chapter on magic tools, pills, arrays and talismans.

The magic weapon is divided into magic weapon, magic weapon, spiritual weapon, spirit treasure and immortal weapon.Each category is further divided into four levels: low level, intermediate level, high level and extreme level.

The elixir is divided into first-rank to ninth-rank, and there are immortal elixir, but the celestial elixir only appears in legends.

Arrays and talismans are divided into ranks one to nine.

Scroll down again, and you will see the disciple guidance.

It introduces in detail the main buildings of the sect and various benefits for new disciples.

The main buildings include Wenxin Road, Zongmen Hall, Zangshu Pavilion, Mingdeng Bridge, General Affairs Hall, Trial Tower, Inheritance Hall and so on.

Shen Zhiyu decided to take a good look at the main buildings of the sect when he had time.

The first benefit is the school.

Shen Zhiyu was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect that she would have to go to school at such an age.

And the school is very different from the school in the mortal world, the rules are relaxed, you can go to the class if you want to, and you don't have to go if you have something to do.New students can also go to the school to learn the Four Arts for free, and they only need to prepare their own materials.

Moreover, on the fifteenth day of each month, there will be Master Zhuji preaching.

Shen Zhiyu was a little yearning, she decided to go to the school to attend classes after cleaning up the courtyard.

The disciples of the sect can receive a share every month, and the disciples of Qi training have 15 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, a bottle of second-level qi-nourishing pills, and a bottle of first-order bigu pills.But qi training disciples also have to pay [-] contribution points to the sect every month.

Contribution points can be obtained by completing Zongmen missions, and excess contribution points can also be exchanged for cultivation resources in Shuwutang.

Turning to the end of the common sense handbook of practice, Shen Zhiyu saw the method of reading the jade slips.

Paste it on the forehead and read it with the divine sense.

Shen Zhiyu was silent, she had decided, she was going to Cangshu Pavilion, and she would go now!

She went out, got on the paper crane, and followed the map to the Zangshu Pavilion.

It's okay to be ignorant, she reads!
The Zangshu Pavilion is the place where the Zongmen collects books. The Xuanji Sword Sect's Zangshu Pavilion is built on a cliff.At this moment, the sky was getting dark, and exquisite glazed lamps hung from the eaves. Instead of candles inside, they were round stones emitting soft white light, setting off the entire building complex brilliantly.

This was the first time that she saw exquisite ornate buildings in the Xuanji Sword Sect. She thought that the entire sect followed a simple and simple style.

Shen Zhiyu landed in front of Zangshu Pavilion, imitating the monks she entered, and handed her identity sword order to a gray-robed monk at the door.

"Are you a new disciple?" The gray-robed monk raised his head and looked at her as soon as he received the sword order.

Shen Zhiyu nodded, "Yes, I just passed by Wen Xinlu Entrance in the morning."

"Have you opened your mind?" the gray-robed monk asked.

"Not yet." Shen Zhiyu stared at the jade slip he took out.

The gray-robed monk silently put down the jade slips, then took a stack of books from the cabinet behind him and handed them to her, "Take it, condense your spiritual consciousness before going to the school, and then switch to the exercises after attending the class." .”

"Okay." It seems that Zangshuge is quite experienced in her situation.

Shen Zhiyu, who didn't even enter the door, went back home.When she came back, she saw a sound transmission talisman posted on the door.

Is this someone coming to ask that uncle again?Shen Zhiyu was a little amused, and stretched out her hand to tear the sound transmission talisman off.

As soon as I touched the sound transmission talisman, a crisp female voice came out from inside, "My name is Luo Hongmian, and I am the leading senior sister of the new disciples. Tomorrow, gather at the Yanwu Square on Wenxin Road. I will lead the team to familiarize themselves with the sect's environment. Just this once, never wait."

Coincidentally, she also wanted to get acquainted with the future living and training environment.


The meditation room in the small courtyard has not been used for a long time, and it is full of dust. Shen Zhiyu threw away several dust-cleaning formulas before cleaning it up.

The meditation room was empty, with some lines and lines on the ground, and a futon was placed in the center, but there was nothing else.

After Shen Zhiyu opened the Spirit Gathering Formation, she sat cross-legged on the futon, and began to gather her spiritual consciousness according to the "Soul Gathering Art" she got from the Library Pavilion.

Speaking of divine consciousness, we have to start from the dantian.

Dantian is divided into upper dantian, middle dantian, and lower dantian. Upper dantian refers to the position between the eyebrows, which is called the sea of ​​consciousness; middle dantian refers to the part of the heart nest, also known as the heart palace; Inch, practitioners call it the Sea of ​​Qi.

And spiritual consciousness is a person's outward perception and will, which is placed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

She was able to perceive the surrounding situation with her eyes closed before, thanks to her spiritual sense, because her spiritual sense is the eyes and ears of a monk, and within the range, every disturbance is under the monk's control.

After drawing qi into the body, the sea of ​​consciousness has already been opened up, but it is only the inner spirit, which cannot be released outside, and this "gathering the gods" is the method to gather the spiritual consciousness and make it take shape.

Shen Zhiyu sat cross-legged quietly, letting go of her thoughts, gradually slowing down her breathing, sinking into nature, and began to meditate according to the "Ju Shen Jue".

It is said in "The Art of Gathering the Gods" that one must first enter the state of harmony between man and nature and blend into nature during meditation.

Shen Zhiyu felt that she had entered that kind of mysterious and mysterious state, but she didn't see the aura of heaven and earth mentioned in the brochure. Her consciousness was slowly wandering in the darkness, like a gust of wind and a cloud, free and easy.

After wandering in the dark for an unknown amount of time, a faint light suddenly appeared in front of Shen Zhiyu's eyes. She took a closer look and found that it was a tiny colorful spot of light dancing and dancing around her.

This is……?
Shen Zhiyu raised her hand to touch it, but the spot of light mischievously avoided it, and was still floating around in front of her eyes.

She didn't continue to wander, she stabilized her mind, and silently recited the formulas in "The Art of Gathering Gods".

While reciting the mantra, she observed those light spots.

The colored light spots seemed to be drawn towards her by something, and after a few circles around her fingertips, they jumped into her consciousness.

Immediately, a colorful light burst out in front of his eyes.

She saw a landscape of beautiful mountains and rivers emerging from a dark space.Before she could look any further, she felt a sense of weightlessness, as if she was constantly falling.

 This chapter is very tiring, and Chapter 2 will be at night.

  Is there Baozi watching? Just talk to me, it's okay to squeak, I'll be the first to squeak.


  I love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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