Chapter 15 Guidelines
The moment Shen Zhiyu woke up from meditation, she felt a difference.

Regarding the perception of the surrounding environment, Shen Zhiyu felt that her five sense organs suddenly opened up, and the outside world became extremely vivid.

She has sealed off her five senses, but within 20 meters of her as the center, her spiritual sense seems to have formed a dense net, and everything is under her control.

She can "see" a cricket lurking on the tree outside the house, the pattern on the roof of the house, every silk thread of the spider web outside the wall...

She could "hear" the low chirping of crickets and the flapping of flies across the room.

She could even touch these things with her spiritual sense, she "saw" that after her spiritual sense brushed over a green leaf, the leaf would move automatically without wind.

It's an amazing experience.

It's as if she has become the master of this world, which belongs to her domain.

Is this the spiritual consciousness of a monk?
Shen Zhiyu, who was born as a dark guard, immediately noticed the benefits of divine consciousness in battle.No matter how strong the ears and eyes are, there will always be a blind spot, but the spiritual sense does not have such a shortcoming. She knows best how terrifying the effect can be when controlling the surrounding environment during a battle.

And it seems that this consciousness doesn't know the purpose of perceiving the environment. Thinking of the green leaves that were brushed just now, Shen Zhiyu was thoughtful.

At this time, there was a roar in her abdomen, and she was hungry.

After eating the Bigu Pill, she remembered one thing. Just now, she sensed that the sky was bright, and she didn't know if it had exceeded Chenshi?
Shen Zhiyu went out to look at the sun, and found that it was only half an hour away from Chenshi.

She quickly packed up and went out, and hurried to Yanwu Square before the hour of the hour came.

Shen Zhiyu saw a large group of people standing under the stone statue at a glance.She walked over and just happened to see a few children she had seen on the flying boat.

The one at the front is a round-faced nun, wearing a purple martial attire, with an easy-going smile on her face.Presumably this is Luo Hongmian who sent out the sound transmission talisman yesterday.

Shen Zhiyu walked over quickly.

Luo Hongmian looked down at the list in his hand, "Is that Shen Zhiyu?"

Shen Zhiyu nodded, "Yes, Senior Sister."

"Okay," Luo Hongmian put away the list, "Everyone is here, let's go."

The group followed Luo Hongmian.

At the beginning, I came to the Mingdeng Bridge. It was introduced in yesterday's practice manual that it is the place where the soul lamps of disciples below the level of foundation building are stored.

The soul lamp is a low-level magic weapon, and the soul flame burning on it is ignited by the medium of blood, which can observe the life condition of the monk.

Mingdeng Bridge is a quaint and simple stone bridge, without guardrails on both sides, which is very in line with the style of Xuanji Sword School.

In the river under the bridge, there are lanterns with bean flames floating one after another. Driven by the current, they slowly float downstream, like the scene of the lantern festival in the mortal world. The scenery at night must be very amazing.

At this moment, Shen Zhiyu is holding the soul lamp he lit and queuing up, because the Bright Light Bridge is too small, there is no room for more than a dozen people to put the lights together, so they can only line up one by one, go up from one end, and then from the other. head down.

Shen Zhiyu slowly slandered: In such a big place, why can't a bigger and stronger bridge be built? She felt terrified even walking on the bridge deck made of stones.

After she put down the soul lamp, she hurried down the bridge.

After everyone finished setting off the lights, Luo Hongmian led them to the library again.

Shen Zhiyu had already been here last night, but she didn't go inside. She was still looking forward to it at this time, but Luo Hongmian took them around outside and left, as if she was just taking them to confirm the location.

Then, he walked around in a formal manner like the Trial Tower, the Hall of Inheritance, the Hall of General Affairs and other places.By noon, the trip was over.

Shen Zhiyu: ...So what's the use of this trip?
Seeing that Luo Hongmian asked other leading disciples to take the children away, she walked towards her with a smile.

"Let's go, eat in the cafeteria, and let me tell you about my experience."

Shen Zhiyu followed her in a daze.

Randomly found a restaurant that was the closest, and after Luo Hongmian ordered something, the two of them sat down in the corner with the food.

Luo Hongmian went straight to the point, "I heard Zhou Ying talk about your situation. You just came from the mortal world, so you don't know much about cultivation?"

Shen Zhiyu nodded truthfully.

"Okay, then I'll give you a brief analysis of your situation and give you some suggestions." Luo Hongmian said while eating quickly.

Shen Zhiyu stared dumbfounded at the sight of her eating gracefully and the contents of the bowl rapidly decreasing.

"You have entered the sect after you have already cultivated, so you can't be the same as those children without cultivation, but you will also be exempted from the three-month contribution points. After three months, you will start to pay [-] contribution points per month. Point, it's not very difficult, as long as you do the few suggestions I told you within these three months. First, you take your identity sword order and go to the school to find the uncle who is in charge of transferring exercises to guide you , and convert the exercises you are currently practicing into the "Longevity Sutra."

"Second, try to learn "Basic Armor" within these three months. No matter what tasks you take in the future, you will need it."

"Three, after you arrive at the school, don't rush to learn the Four Arts. Learn the two subjects "Spiritual Beast Basics" and "Spiritual Plant Basics" well. You will need them in the forest to hunt monsters and gather herbs in the future."

"Fourth, I suggest that you find the two books "Compendium of Habits of Common Spiritual Beasts" and "Records of Daily Life of Spiritual Medicines" in the library, and spend some spirit stones to re-enact them and read them several times. If you really can't do the above Three suggestions, go to the Hundred Beasts Garden to take care of spirit beasts or go to the Medicine Garden to grow elixir. Also, Zangshuge is a good place, if you have spare time, you can go there twice.”

"The last point, if you still don't understand anything in the future, you can come to me, and I will only charge you one Lingshi for a message. I will live in the No. [-] courtyard below your cave." Luo Hongmian swallowed the last mouthful of rice , picked up the empty bowl, got up and left.

Shen Zhiyu watched her furious back, sitting and digesting the information Luo Hongmian said.

Her eyes were originally dark, but after listening to what Luo Hongmian said, she immediately saw a bright path.

She felt even more grateful to Luo Hongmian and Zhou Ying.

After a quick meal, Shen Zhiyu went to Cangshu Pavilion and found the "Compendium of Common Spiritual Beast Habits" and "Life of Spiritual Medicine" that Luo Hongmian had mentioned.

She took the jade slips she found to the gray-robed monk she met last night, "I want to re-engrav these two jade slips."

"Your spiritual consciousness has been activated? It's fast enough." The gray-robed monk asked curiously while taking out a new jade slip for her to engrave.

"Yes, it was opened by luck last night." Shen Zhiyu said.

"Blank jade slips, one spirit stone and one spirit stone, one spirit stone for re-engraving, and four spirit stones for inheritance." The gray-robed monk gave her the re-engraved jade slip.

"Thank you, brother." Shen Zhiyu returned to the small courtyard with the jade slip after paying for the spirit stone.

 The second update is coming, although I don’t know if anyone is waiting to see it, but I have learned to have fun while suffering, hahahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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