Chapter 219 Doubt
Immediately, the black and white long sword hidden in the Tai Chi image screamed loudly, and after Shen Zhiyu stretched out his finger, the black long sword in the Tai Chi image flew out swiftly, facing the attack of the demonic energy.

The attack of magic energy and the black long sword collided brazenly, setting off a huge wave of air, sweeping all directions.

Those demons were immediately knocked out in the huge air wave.

Seeing the huge wave of air rushing towards the sword array, Shen Zhiyu frowned slightly, raised his hand and waved, and the many white long swords let out a sharp sword howl, and flew out of the Tai Chi image, and the feminine sword energy immediately overwhelmed the powerful The submersion of the air wave is offset.

But soon, other demons rushed forward and began to attack the sword array.

When Shen Zhiyu saw the powerful attacks of those demons, she flipped her palms, and the Liangyi sword array made a "humming" sound again, and countless black and white long swords once again condensed in the huge Tai Chi image.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Zhiyu controlled the Liangyi Sword Formation to match those demons back and forth several times.

After a few loud bangs, Shen Zhiyu found that the aura of the two ritual sword formations was a little unsustainable. She wiped the storage ring with her fingers, took out a bunch of middle-grade spirit stones, and threw them into the core of the formation.

With sufficient spiritual energy replenishment, the Liangyi Sword Formation shone brightly.

At this moment, Shen Zhiyu felt tremors coming from the formations in other directions, her heart tightened, and she raised her hand to make a tactic. Immediately, the black and white long swords in the Liangyi sword formation spun rapidly, and then turned into a long sword. A giant dragon made of swords rushed towards the demons outside the formation.

The demons raised their magical weapons to meet them, and the two sides fought.

Seeing this, Shen Zhiyu flew to another dangerous place.

After manipulating the formation again to stabilize the situation, Shen Zhiyu went to another formation that was about to be breached.

The action of blocking the east wall to make up for the west wall has been going on for a long time, and Shen Zhiyu is exhausted physically and mentally.

Rather than manipulating the formation, Shen Zhiyu would rather fight the demons with her sword, but in this situation, she can't just go out with her sword to die.

Moreover, she is not good at coordinating the connection between these formations, so she just arranged those formations next to each other, and did not connect all these formations.

If it was Han Lian, with his skill in formations, he could combine and arrange these scattered formations. In this way, there would be only one formation core, and there would be no need to run around to manipulate the formations. , and the combined formation will be even more powerful.

Moreover, these formations consume a lot of spiritual energy and require a lot of spiritual stones.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the few remaining spirit stones on her body, and couldn't help pursing her lips.

There is no way to go on like this...

Shen Zhiyu controlled the formation, waved her hand, and then countless delicate red petals surged in the formation, and the petals flew out, instantly engulfing the demons outside.

Just when Shen Zhiyu was about to intensify his efforts to directly kill those demons, Shen Zhiyu was shocked to find that the control of the formation in his hand had suddenly changed hands.

what happened? !
Shen Zhiyu's complexion changed drastically, and there was a turbulent wave in her heart. With a thought, the Qingya Sword suddenly appeared by her side. While the sword body was constantly ups and downs, the sword energy flew and the sword light danced.

Just as Shen Zhiyu's face was solemn, dozens of formations around him were constantly changing and moving. It didn't take long for Shen Zhiyu to see the scattered light of the formation coming together to form a huge formation. The formations of each part were skillfully combined together. It is much stronger than the scattered formation before.

Shen Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, then she was overjoyed, Han Lian must have woken up!Otherwise, no one will rectify the formations and combine these formations.

She took a look and found that there was a small path that was not flooded by the formation light, leading to the inside of the formation, which should have been specially reserved for her by Han Lian.

Shen Zhiyu walked along the path, her body turned into smoke, and quickly ran to where Han Lian was before.

Not far away, Shen Zhiyu arrived at the place where Han Lian was placed before in an instant.

Han Lian really woke up. He was leaning weakly on the rockery beside him, and in front of him was the myriad formation diagram with mysterious aura. On the diagram was a huge disk of light and shadow floating. The array disk is constantly being moved, slowly adjusting the various formations on the light and shadow array disk.

Seeing her coming, Han Lian raised his eyelids to look at her, then moved his fingers lightly on the light and shadow array, and immediately, the small gap specially reserved was filled with the array.

Shen Zhiyu looked him up and down, and then found that Han Lian just woke up, but the injury on his body didn't get better, and the blood kept dripping down from the corner of his clothes.

Moreover, none of the pills she had left beside her had been taken.

Shen Zhiyu gasped, stepped forward a few steps, and took Han Lian's left hand that was resting weakly on his knee.

After detecting the pulse, Shen Zhiyu's mouth twitched, looked at him and said, "Senior Brother Han, you can rest after combining these formations, and let me control them." Then he frowned and looked at him, "Hurry up and adjust your breath, recover Injuries, otherwise, if this continues, your body will not be able to bear it even if it is made of iron."

"You don't have enough cultivation and you don't have enough skill in formation, so you can't control it." Han Lian twitched his lips.

Shen Zhiyu stood there without moving, she stared at the Wanzhentu for a while, and was dazed by the complicated patterns and textures on it, she pursed her lips, feeling depressed.

Although she has specialized in the formation method, she has no talent and has no way to do it. After all, she is not as good as a formation mage who is proficient in the formation method.

"Why are you frustrated? It's not your fault that you're not good at formation." Han Lian stopped moving the light and shadow formation disk, and smiled gently in his peach blossom eyes.

"Of course I know it's not my problem." She is still not proficient in formations, but most of the formations can't trap her now, it's just that Shen Zhiyu can't bear to see Han Lian's disfigured state.

"I'm a little sleepy, please talk to me." Han Lian's hand that moved the light and shadow array suddenly trembled a few times, he clenched his fist to stop the trembling, and said slowly.

After Han Lian assembled the external formations, the area surrounded by the formations shrunk.

After Shen Zhiyu sensed it for a while, he found that the demons and monks in the wilderness outside had somehow weakened their attacks and did not attack aggressively, so the combined formation was not fully activated.

After she thought about it, Han Lian was able to deal with it easily because the demons didn't make a big attack anyway. Now, the two of them are talking about the reasons for this situation, and it's time to discuss whether there is a way to escape.

Now Shen Zhiyu is also at a loss, she has too many questions.

Most importantly, how did the demons know her identity?
 Wait for the next chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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