Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 220 When the Formation Breaks

Chapter 220 When the Formation Breaks
Shen Zhiyu also went to one side and sat cross-legged. She stretched out her hand and waved the pill bottles into her hand, then poured the pills into the palm of her hand, and then raised her hand to feed Han Lian's mouth.

Facing Han Lian's surprised and inexplicably gentle eyes, Shen Zhiyu raised his chin, "Although it doesn't have much effect, it's better than nothing after all."

"Oh." Han Lian nodded, and leaned over to eat the pill that was piled up in her palm.

After Han Lian finished eating the elixir, he leaned against the rockery in a weak posture, and swallowed the elixir slowly, his face wrinkled suddenly.

Shen Zhiyu looked at his expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

"...It's so bitter." Han Lian frowned tightly, his face full of disgust, and then he sighed unhappily, "Can't these alchemists sweeten the taste?"

Shen Zhiyu: "..." I think you are making trouble for no reason!Can this taste be as sweet as you want?
Looking at his wrinkled face, Shen Zhiyu took out a jade bottle from the storage ring, and then poured out a green ball the size of a longan from the jade bottle, and when Han Lian closed his eyes to digest the bitterness, she quickly Stuffed the peppermint pill into his mouth.

"Huh?" Han Lian suddenly opened his eyes, looking at her with a pair of moist peach eyes, and subconsciously licked the lips touched by his fingers.

Shen Zhiyu watched his movements and trembled her fingertips, feeling as if she had been scalded by something.

"Where did you get the candy?" Han Lian slurred his speech while holding a mint pill in his mouth.

"It was originally prepared for the teleportation formation, but it was useless." Shen Zhiyu explained.

"Oh." Han Lian nodded, sucked it for a while, and after the bitterness in his mouth was washed away by the coolness and sweetness of the peppermint pills, he swallowed the peppermint pills whole.

"Senior brother Han, why do you think those demons outside surrounded him?" Shen Zhiyu put the Qingya sword flat on his knees, squinted his eyes slightly, and asked suspiciously.

"That's right, logically speaking, this shouldn't be right. Even if they knew that you were with us, they shouldn't have made such a big move." What Shen Zhiyu asked was exactly what Han Lian was puzzled about.

Shen Zhiyu lowered her eyes, thinking quickly in her heart.

The Lantern Carrier organization must not know her true identity, at most they can only guess that she is with the man from the sky, but the posture of the demons clearly knows that she is the one who is destined to do so.

The demons know that Shen Zhiyu is the destined person, but she has never revealed her real appearance, let alone her real name, whether she is in the wasteland or in the crevice of spirits and demons.

However, among them, only Han Lian, Qin Xi, Chen Xingwei, Zhou Jiyao and He Chong knew that she was Shen Zhiyu.

So, who revealed to the demons that she was Shen Zhiyu?
Thinking of this, she glanced at Han Lian, and sighed in her heart. There was obviously suspicion on him, but she found that she subconsciously ruled him out.

Han Lian noticed Shen Zhiyu's gaze. He was a little puzzled at first, but after thinking about it, his face was full of surprise, "You are the man of destiny in Qiming Realm?!" Then he pursed his lips slightly, watering The bright peach blossom eyes stared at her closely, "Do you suspect that I am a traitor?"

"No," Shen Zhiyu pressed his temple helplessly, "I was just wondering who exposed my identity. And that person may not necessarily be a traitor, it may just be someone who accidentally revealed my identity." Let the demons know the name, and the demons should all know that the man of destiny is Shen Zhiyu."

If she really doubted anyone, in her heart, she doubted Chen Xingwei, Zhou Jiyao and He Chong much more than Han Lian and Qin Xi.

After listening to Shen Zhiyu's words, Han Lian slightly widened his eyes, looking a little naive, "How could the demons know all about it?!"

Shen Zhiyu glanced at him helplessly, nodded, "Yes, we don't know how the demons got it, anyway, they know everything."

"Then your situation..." Han Lian's eyes tightened slightly.

Shen Zhiyu spread out his hands, "Didn't you see it now?"

Han Lian sighed worriedly, and glanced at her, "Man of fate, why are you so unlucky?"

"You think I'm willing?!" Speaking of this, Shen Zhiyu died of anger. She has never received the benefits of being a man of destiny, because this ghost has suffered a lot.

"Besides, when it comes to bad luck, Brother Han, you and I are just as good!" Shen Zhiyu retorted.

Han Lian: "..." That's true.

Shen Zhiyu waved his hand, "We are the same, don't talk about anyone else!"

"Then what should we do now? We have to find a way to get out sooner." Just as he was speaking, Han Lian suddenly frowned. He glanced at the formation on the left, and moved his finger on the light and shadow formation disk a few times.

Shen Zhiyu saw that the small array that was originally placed there on the array was quickly removed and replaced with the Liangyi Sword Array that she had controlled to block the gap, and then the array shone brightly.

But it didn't take long for Shen Zhiyu to see the flashing light of the Liangyi sword array, which seemed to be due to lack of aura.

Shen Zhiyu stood up, "Is there not enough aura?" The spirit stone on her body is gone, but the aura is not lacking, and at worst, she can use the aura of the Tianlingzhu to keep the formation running.

Anyway, when she came out of the demon cultivator's cave before, Han Lian should have noticed something strange about her aura, and besides, there was no need to hide it at this critical moment.

As expected, after Shen Zhiyu finished asking, Han Lian tapped a spot on the light and shadow array, "Input spiritual energy here."

Sure enough, she knew it, Shen Zhiyu walked forward to inject spiritual energy into the array designated by Han Lian as she said, and at the same time glanced at him with a complicated expression, "You..."

"I guessed it at first, but after you poured spiritual energy into that top-grade spirit stone, I was sure." Han Lian explained lazily.

Should I praise you for being smart?Shen Zhiyu had no expression on her face, she tried her best to hide it, but people already knew about it.

Seeing that the formation disk stabilized again after the infusion of spiritual energy, Shen Zhiyu watched Han Lian focus on moving the light and shadow formation disk to resist the attacking demons from outside, "There are so many demons and monks in the wilderness outside, want to It would be as difficult as getting out," she said, looking down at Han Lian, "How long can this formation last?"

"I've added all the arrays that can be used. As for how long it can resist, I don't know." Han Lian shook his head.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the shadowy shadows outside, and frowned slightly, "It stands to reason that with so many of them, if I swarmed up, I couldn't have lasted so long before, but why did they just do it in small waves?"

"Could it be that you are waiting for a certain opportunity?" Shen Zhiyu wondered.

Before the words were finished, suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky, the Thunder Snake rolled in layers of dark clouds, and countless electric lights shone, illuminating the entire sky.

At the same time, huge pressure quietly shrouded down, and there was a cold breath in the air, and a huge claw suddenly protruded from the dark clouds, and slowly grabbed towards the place of the formation as if the black clouds were overwhelming.

Shen Zhiyu felt like a big mountain was pressing on her back, almost crushing her. At the same time as her thoughts moved, Qingya Sword suddenly uttered a clear sword cry, and the tyrannical sword force radiated out, helping her resist the powerful force. pressure.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Han Lian who was spitting out a mouthful of blood under the tremendous pressure, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Not long after, I only heard the sound of "Kacha Kacha" coming from my ear, it was the sound of the light and shadow array disc shattering!
A trace of despair flashed in Shen Zhiyu's heart, she lightly waved her hand, and the Qingya sword immediately let out a sharp and compelling howling sound, and countless sword qi gushed out, but none of them had any effect.

Soon, the huge pressure intensified again, and only a "bang" was heard, and the array disk completely collapsed, and the array light was annihilated.

The formation was completely shattered.

Shen Zhiyu was crushed to the ground by the pressure, and watched helplessly as the paw that covered the sky and the sun was pressed down.

(End of this chapter)

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