Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 24 Breaking the Army

Chapter 24 Breaking the Army
The few books Shen Zhiyu was looking for before were all found in Zamen. This time, he should enter Jianmen to find the matching sword formulas of "Longevity Sutra".

She stepped into the sword gate, and after a burst of soft white light slowly lit up, she came to a huge library.

There are many bookshelves, filled with all kinds of jade slips and books. The light inside is bright, and you can't see the end when you are in it.

There are stone walls in the center, with restrictions on them, each stone wall corresponds to a kind of sword formula, 24 stone walls are 24 sets of sword formulas.

"Five Elements Sword"

"Hundred Battle Poems"

"Soul Killing"



"Breaking the military"

……and many more.

Shen Zhiyu remembered Master Xue Youliang's suggestion, and his eyes fell on the two stone walls of "Five Elements Sword" and "Broken Army".

The most suitable one is "Breaking the Army", but it is too hostile. According to Xue Youliang's intention, let her practice "Five Elements Sword", but...

The identity sword order at the waist shone faintly, lifting the restriction covering the stone wall for a moment.

She hesitated for a moment, stood in front of the stone wall represented by "Five Elements Sword", and stretched out her hand, but at this moment, the black sword she wrapped with cloth strips suddenly trembled, and the sword wind gusts.

Shen Zhiyu lowered her eyes, sensing the consciousness coming from the sword, she remained silent, sighed after a long while, turned and walked away, came to "Po Jun", and stretched out her palm to touch it.

Her nature is so strong, after all, she can't accept the choice of taking second place, and even the black sword is reminding her to follow her heart when practicing.

Shen Zhiyu only felt a suction force, she was in a trance for a while, and when she woke up again, she found that she had appeared in a gray space.

"All enemies in front of you, behead!" The deafening roar resounded like thunder in her mind.

A majestic sword light pierced the sky and went vertically and horizontally.The aftermath of the sword energy scattered in all directions, and the entire space was shattered inch by inch like shattered glass, and finally turned into flying smoke and disappeared.

Shen Zhiyu was so shocked by this shocking sword that she lost her mind. She looked at the direction where the sword light was going away, and she yearned for it.

She clenched her hands a little excitedly, one day, one day... She will also have such strength, and she will cross the world with one sword.

At this time, the remaining sword energy in the space turned into twisted small characters one after another, forming a profound and obscure sword art in midair.

The first two characters, breaking the army.

Shen Zhiyu felt the seemingly invisible guidance, sat down cross-legged, held the black sword horizontally in front of her body, and then concentrated on contemplating.

The sword art in mid-air turned into a stream of light, sinking into the center of her eyebrows.

The sword formula is profound and complicated, she can't comprehend it for the time being, so she will forcefully write it down first, and read it later.

The text was very long, so she didn't dare to be distracted. After the sword formula disappeared in her mind, she recalled and checked for a long time, and after confirming that it was all written down, her consciousness withdrew from the stone wall.

The prohibition on the stone wall has been activated again, and she was pushed away by a gentle force, away from the stone wall.

Shen Zhiyu picked up the sword order and saw that the contribution points were gone.

Her heart was bleeding with pain, and she became a pauper again.

At that time, I have to exchange for a body technique.

Thinking of this, she withdrew from Jianmen, and walked around the Baguamen marked with the word "Technique".

Good guy, the cheapest agility requires [-] contribution points.

Shen Zhiyu, with straight eyes, went to the market to buy things to learn the Four Arts.

Yes, seeing the high prices again, she decided to start a side business ahead of schedule.

She has learned about the four arts of Dan, Array, Qi, and Talisman before, and after comprehensive consideration, she is going to choose one of Qi and Talisman.

For alchemy, the initial investment is too high, and she doesn't have that kind of financial resources.

She had a little understanding of the formation method, read some basic books, and found that the seven orifices were connected to the six orifices, and the rest did not know anything.

Refining tools and talismans can be considered.

When she was wandering around in the school before, she saw that the Qitang was recruiting apprentices, as long as they had the spiritual root of the fire attribute, they didn't need to know about training equipment. If she wanted to learn training equipment, she could apply for the job.It's just that as an apprentice training tool, she has to stay in the tool hall for six hours a day for three years, which will undoubtedly slow down her cultivation speed.

For Fulu, the investment in learning is not high, and it will not take up too much time, and her calligraphy is acceptable, and it is more suitable in all aspects.

Shen Zhiyu made a decision in her heart, go to the school tomorrow to attend two classes in Futang, and if it is not suitable, go to Qitang again.

With a decision, she bought the basic tools for learning talismans with a clear goal.

Twenty sheets of low-level talisman paper, one low-level talisman pen, and one piece of low-level talisman ink for practice.

It cost her ten spirit stones in total, talisman paper was cheap, ten spirit stones for one piece, five spirit stones for talisman brush, and three spirit stones for talisman ink.

The money is not spent, she mainly took the task of earning contribution points for the first half month, and only got 20 yuan of spirit stones.

Now she only has 90 yuan of spirit stones on her body, and she will soon start paying contribution points to the sect every month.

After buying the tools and going back to the Jinyu Academy, Shen Zhiyu began to comprehend the sword formula of "Breaking the Army".

"Breaking the Army" has three levels in total, corresponding to the three realms of Qi training, foundation building, and golden core. Now she only got the heart formula and sword moves of the first level.

The first level corresponds to the state after comprehending the sword energy, there are thirteen moves in total, all of which are killing techniques, blood will be seen when the sword is struck, as Xue Youliang said, it is very suitable for her sword energy.

Her sword qi was comprehended between life and death. At that time, life and death were on the line, and the killing aura she comprehended, everything that blocked her, was broken with a single sword.

It is somewhat different from the mainstream of comprehending sword energy based on the characteristics of spiritual roots in the practice world.

"Breaking the Army", the first layer and the first style, the flames are raging.

After Shen Zhiyu saw it, she held the black sword and began to practice. She recited the heart formula silently, and the sword moved with her heart, and she slashed out with one sword.

A sword energy flashed in the air, and dissipated halfway, without any fluctuations.


But she is not discouraged, nothing can be achieved overnight, she practiced over and over again.

After practicing for most of the day, he still didn't display that dazzling sword light.

Shen Zhiyu began to meditate and practice at night. Recently, she had faintly touched the barriers in the middle stage of the fifth level of Qi training, and she could reach the later stage only by a thin line.

Spend the night practicing quietly.

Early the next morning, she went out to the school, where Qitang was teaching.

When Shen Zhiyu arrived, there was already someone inside, someone she knew—the one she had seen on the flying boat before was the little girl who bumped into her leg. A level of cultivation.

After looking up and seeing Shen Zhiyu, he smiled at her and pointed to the empty seat beside him.

Shen Zhiyu went over to sit down and congratulated her: "Congratulations on drawing the breath into your body."

"Many people have already drawn their breath into their bodies," the little girl blinked, "Sister, my name is Statement."

 I have something to do today, there may not be a second update, but I will try my best to catch up, if I can't make it out, please forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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