Chapter 25 Tokens
Shen Zhiyu replied with a smile: "My name is Shen Zhiyu."

Chen Chen tilted his head, "Hello, Sister Shen."

Cute, want to fuck.

Shen Zhiyu twirled her fingers, "Hello." She put the tools for learning talisman making on the table.

"Sister, is this your first time here? I haven't seen you before." Chen Chen approached her and asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's the first time I came to learn talismans, and I was busy with other things before." Shen Zhiyu nodded, "How long have you been studying?"

"It's been half a month," Chen said, wrinkling his face. "It's so difficult to draw symbols. Up to now, I can't even draw the simplest sound-transmitting symbols."

Shen Zhiyu smiled and comforted her, "Take your time, whatever you do, it's very difficult for the first time."

Chen Chen nodded, then looked around, and whispered to her again: "Mr.'s speech makes me want to sleep."

Shen Zhiyu laughed.

At this time, the teacher who taught came.

Mr. is an old Qi-training seven-level monk, who looks kind and gentle.

He stood on the podium, looked around the classroom, and said, "Today, let's learn the Qingchen Talisman, which has the same function as the Qingchen Jue."

The old gentleman spoke slowly, and the tone of a sentence was drawn out, and it took a long time to finish.

Shen Zhiyu: "..." She knew why she stated that she wanted to sleep after listening to it, and at this speed, she would fall asleep after listening to it for a long time.

"First, let's take out the talisman..."

At first, Shen Zhiyu listened carefully and practiced following the demonstration steps of her husband, but later, listening to the explanation like chanting sutras, she was also a little bit out of her mind.

"...The Cleansing Talisman, that's it."

"...Okay, this is the end of our class." The teacher packed up his things and left.

After listening to a class, Shen Zhiyu also felt bored and wanted to sleep.

She pinched a heart-clearing formula to wake herself up, then looked sideways, and stated that her head was getting sleepy little by little.

She made a Qingchen formula and threw it at Chen Chen.

It was like a bucket of cold water was poured over the head, and a shock was uttered, and I woke up immediately.

"... Another piece of talisman was wasted!" As soon as Chen Chen woke up, he saw the dust-cleaning talisman painted by himself, and immediately wailed.

Shen Zhiyu silently glanced at the waste talisman on her desk, and put it away without changing her expression.

"Sister, how are you doing?" Chen Chen threw away the talisman paper he had drawn, and turned to look at her desktop.

Shen Zhiyu, who had already wiped out the evidence, said calmly, "I also scrapped the drawing." It was completely scrapped, obviously following the steps, and completed the process naked, but the talisman failed.

"It's really difficult." Chen Chen sighed sadly.

Shen Zhiyu nodded in agreement.She couldn't understand the husband's class at all, so she was going to go back to Zangshuge to find books for self-study.

Unwilling to give up, she took out a piece of blank talisman paper again, and followed the steps to draw it again.

After finishing the painting smoothly and smoothly, after the talisman paper shimmered, the aura dissipated, and it became a useless talisman again.

Shen Zhiyu picked it up and looked at it carefully, wondering what went wrong?Obviously the pen and ink flowed smoothly, and the spiritual power was even and unbroken during the process, but it still failed.

Let's show it to Mr. tomorrow to see what's wrong.

Just about to put away the waste talisman, the statement suddenly said, "Sister, you made a mistake in one place."

Ok? ? ?
Shen Zhiyu turned to look over, "What's wrong?"

"Here, here it is," the statement pointed out, "and there is no hook here."

Shen Zhiyu looked down and found that she subconsciously used the habit of calligraphy when drawing the talisman, and subconsciously ticked it when she wrote a stroke.

"Ah, so it is."

"Mr. said in the first class that the structure of the runes is rigorous, and one more stroke or one stroke will not work." The statement said with a serious face.

Shen Zhiyu noticed this problem and drew a new one. As expected, it was successful this time.

Seeing the faint aura flashing from the dust-cleaning talisman she had drawn, she was pleasantly surprised, and thanked Chen Chen, "Thank you for pointing out the problem for me."

The statement looked envious, "Sister, you are so precise in controlling the true energy. I always have a bad control, always a little too much or too little, and I don't have enough wrist strength when drawing symbols. I always lose strength after halfway through the drawing."

"You can hang a stone on your hand, and then practice calligraphy on the wall, which can exercise your wrist strength. I also exercised like this when I was learning to write." Shen Zhiyu remembered the situation of learning to write before, and the smile on his face faded a little.

At that time, she and Shen Lingyu always couldn't write well when they were practicing calligraphy. The teacher who taught them calligraphy was strict and would often punish them for copying books. If Shen Lingyu didn't want to write, she would write along with Shen Lingyu's share.Her good handwriting was practiced at that time.

"Okay, then I'll practice according to the method my sister told you when I go back." Chen said happily.

"As for controlling the true energy, you can practice more, there is no special method for this." She also has previous experience in controlling internal energy, and she is so proficient in practicing Yujian flying recently.

"Okay." Chen said with a sweet smile.

Shen Zhiyu couldn't hold it back, reached out to pat her head, and withdrew his hand in satisfaction, "I'm going to Zangshu Pavilion later, do you want to go with me?"

Chen Chen shook his head, "No, I have to go to the alchemy class later. The master of the alchemy class is very fierce, and I will be scolded if I go a little later."

"That's fine, I'll go first, you study well." After Shen Zhiyu said goodbye to her with a smile, she left the school and went to Zangshu Pavilion.

"Yeah, goodbye sister!"


In the Talisman Gate in the Library Pavilion, I found books for beginners such as "Fundamentals of Talisman Making", "Making of Talisman Pens", "Materials of Talisman Paper"... "Basic Talisman Collection", and took them back after re-engraving them with Lingshi.

In the afternoon, I continued to practice "Breaking the Army".

In the evening, I read these books about talisman beginners, and then started to practice drawing some simple talismans, such as Qingchen talisman, sound transmission talisman, and vigorous talisman...

After watching tired, I started to meditate.

In the early morning of the next day, she practiced the body cultivation method of "Boundary".

When Chenshi came, she went to the school to listen to the teacher's lecture.

Week after month.

She has gained a lot in this month. Her cultivation has broken through the late stage of the fifth level of Qi training, and she has also learned the first level and first form of "Breaking the Army", and the physical training method "Boundary" has also broken through the first level.

She can already draw some simple talismans, but her talent for talismans is average, and her success rate is not very high.

On the other hand, she has mastered the two crafts of making talisman pens and talisman paper, and the quality is no worse than those made by veterans, so she has earned a lot of spirit stones this month by making talisman pens and talisman paper.

Overall, she's had a great deal.

Shen Zhiyu is now going to find Luo Hongmian with five talisman pens.

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ! !

(End of this chapter)

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