Chapter 252
The sword technique exchanged in Zangshu Pavilion is simple, there are only three moves in total, and I have learned it before the Wanjian Club started, and now I just practice it over and over again, in order to be able to master the mystery more proficiently.

The opponent in the second fight was a celestial casual cultivator whose strength was not as good as that of He Weizhen before. Shen Zhiyu easily solved the battle without even using the sword moves that he had specially thought out.

However, although Shen Zhiyu got the promotion quota, her mood was rather solemn.

Because after the sword competition, the 25 winners will conduct a ranking ranking.

It is divided into three lists of heaven, earth and people.

The top three monks can enter the first batch, which is the monks on the Tianbang list, the monks from No. 4 to No. 10 are on the ground list, and the five monks from No. 11 to No. 20 are on the human list.

But this time the ranking is only temporary, in the following competitions, you can challenge at any time, and then surpass and come back.It's just that it's an extremely difficult thing to do.

Because if you want to surpass the list, you not only have to compete for the ranking of this list, but you also have to defeat the monks on the list of the upper class.

However, in the last round of Wanjianhui, the top [-] players in the three rankings of heaven, earth and people will be selected for the final decisive battle.Even if the monks at the bottom of the list fail to cross the list, as long as they reach the top [-] of this list, they can also enter the final round of finals.

But no matter which list you are on, it is extremely difficult to get in the top [-].

Relatively speaking, the number of monks in the Tianbang is the least, so the monks in the Tianbang need to play the least number of times, and the pressure of competition is relatively small.

The number of monks in the earth list is twice as many as that in the sky list, and the competition is much greater than that in the sky list.

And the monks on the human list have the largest number of people, so the competition for the top [-] monks on the human list has always been the fiercest.

Generally speaking, there are very few people who are able to surpass the rankings. Similarly, there are very few people who drop the rankings themselves.

Just like the wild sword cultivator incident that happened before, those disciples of the Xuanji Sword Sect who went to clean up the wild sword cultivators were on the top list, but in order to protect their shortcomings, they controlled their scores to drop to the bottom list, which is extremely weird.

Anyway, once the list is finalized, very few people can move their positions, and most of them are desperately fighting for the top [-] places on this list.

In this way, although the sorting this time will not have the effect of being fixed and irreversible, Shen Zhiyu knows in his heart that if the sorting this time fails and the ranking falls on the ground list or even the person list, it will cost money later. It took a lot of mental effort to raise the ranking again.

What's more likely is that in the battles for rankings in this list, there is no spare energy to sprint upwards.

Moreover, this time the battle for ranking is not a one-on-one battle like before, but a scuffle similar to the previous disciple trial.

Shen Zhiyu felt a little headache when he thought of Gu Lei and the few strong Foundation Establishment cultivators who followed him.

Before, Shen Zhiyu wondered if Gu Lei still didn't know about the things between her, Gu Xiao and Gu Ting, but later, in the second competition of the hundred-person group, when Shen Zhiyu saw Gu Ting, who had already advanced to build a foundation, came to watch her fight, she thought When she knows the order of the list, she will definitely run into trouble.

After Gu Ting watched her fight, in a short period of time, this Gu Lei successfully formed a clique and attracted more than half of the monks in the third group who had been promoted, even the remaining neutral monks who were not recruited , and would not take the risk of offending Xuan Daozong to help her.

And those monks who have been recruited are mostly casual cultivators from all over the place. They came to participate in the Wanjian Club because they wanted to gain more or less benefits through the competition. Now, people from the Xuandao Sect are recruited and promised to come out. There are more benefits, and casual cultivators who put their own interests first naturally agreed without saying a word.

As for the Xuanji Sword Sect's revenge, they are not afraid at all. Anyway, they have already obtained enough benefits. At worst, they just abandon the game and leave after the ranking is determined. Anyway, the people who think about it are the Xuandao Sect, and the Xuanji Sword Sect wants revenge. It's not their turn either.

After Shen Zhiyu took a long breath, his eyes gradually became fierce.

Gu Lei was obviously trying to cheat her hard, and even he did these actions not only to trip her up, but more likely to take the opportunity to get rid of her.

Shen Zhiyu didn't mind imagining people in the worst direction. After quickly guessing Gu Lei's motives from the clues revealed in Gu Lei's behavior, an inexplicable killing intent surged in his heart, But only in an instant, that trace of killing intent cooled down again, sank into the bottom of my heart, and there was no trace anymore.

After silently reciting the meditation mantra several times, the boredom calmed down, and Shen Zhiyu began to think about the way to break the situation.

In fact, these people are not difficult to deal with, the difficulty lies in how she can deal with them without revealing her true strength, and then get the top three and enter the list.

The current competition is just an appetizer, the real tough one is the opponent behind, if she reveals her strength prematurely, she may be thoroughly studied, and she will not have the advantage.

Moreover, it seems that the number of people on the heaven list is the least, and the number of shots that need to be made is relatively less than that of the monks on the ground list and the human list. Moreover, it is easy for monks to get injured when fighting with each other. Comparing the two, it may be more difficult for a monk in the Tianbang to win one game than to win three or five games in the other two lists.

After Shen Zhiyu finished the fight, he stayed to watch the remaining fight in the second round.

The name of the monk behind her was Chen Yi, one of the names Shen Zhiyu was familiar with after the list was posted. He was a foundation-building monk belonging to a subsidiary family of Xuan Dao Sect. After Gu Ting appeared, he was the first one to look like Gu Ting. Lei Toucheng.

The first one to surrender was another wave of strong strength. Shen Zhiyu decided that if he needed to make an example of others, he would be the first to go to Chen Yi, so now he made a special trip to stay to see his fighting style.

Chen Yi was strong, but the monk he was fighting with had hidden his strength before, and now he exploded. Chen Yi, who was playing casually, was caught off guard and almost capsized in the gutter. In the end, although he was injured, he still won.

However, his injury is not light.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the bloodstains dripping from his body, and rolled her eyes slightly.

At this moment, a figure suddenly approached, and sat down beside her calmly, and the distance was too close, when the two sat, the corners of their clothes touched each other.

Shen Zhiyu was a little displeased, but there were obviously many empty seats in the stands, why did she have to squeeze beside her?
Looking sideways, I found that the foundation-building cultivator who sat over looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old, with red lips and white teeth, and some rebellious aloofness in his eyebrows and eyes. He was a very good-looking young man, and Shen Zhiyu felt that The monk's eyes were somehow familiar.

After seeing his appearance, the displeasure in Shen Zhiyu's heart faded a bit, and she asked softly, "I don't know this fellow Taoist..."

Before finishing speaking, Shen Zhiyu saw that the monk's complexion was dark for a moment, and then he spoke with resentment, "Shen Zhiyu, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have forgotten me!"

In the tone of voice, there was inexplicably the same accusations, resentment, dissatisfaction and grievance as those who saw a heartbroken man.

This confident tone and those familiar eyes made Shen Zhiyu's mind stuck for a moment, and she even thought that she had really done something messy and abandoned, but now she has forgotten it.

(End of this chapter)

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