Chapter 253
But very soon, Shen Zhiyu resolutely denied the idea of ​​chaos and abandonment, but after thinking about it for a long time, he never thought that he had met this flowery young monk somewhere.

Seeing that she didn't remember himself after thinking for so long, the young monk's complexion became even darker. He stared at her faintly, sighed and didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing his expressions and movements, the figure of a kid who had been left behind emerged from Shen Zhiyu's mind.

Looking at the beautiful young man beside the jade tree facing the wind, and thinking about the gloomy and lonely Su Zining who looked like a ghost child in his memory, Shen Zhiyu couldn't believe it. It took him a long time before he opened his mouth, and hesitantly confirmed, "You are... Su Zining ?”

Seeing that she finally recognized him, Su Zining let out an annoyed "hum".

Speaking of which, Shen Zhiyu knew for the first time that there were monks in this world, it was because of the middle-aged scribe next to Su Zining who looked like a guard and an elder.

Seriously, the middle-aged scribe was still her guide on the path of cultivation, and he gave her the "Five Spirits Jue" exercises, and Su Zining also taught her a few things on the way she escorted Su Zining to Linyang City in Dasui. A practical spell.

However, after entering Linyang City, on the first night of staying in the inn, Su Zining left a letter and left without saying goodbye. Unexpectedly, after going around for so many years, the person who left without saying goodbye appeared again.

Shen Zhiyu looked him up and down, raised his eyebrows, "Why are you here?"

"What are you here for, I have the same reason." Su Zining said flatly.

Oh, I also came to participate in the Ten Thousand Swords Club.

"Then how do you know I'm here?" Shen Zhiyu asked again.

It's only the first round now, three or four hundred groups of hundreds of people are competing together, how did Su Zining know that she participated in the Ten Thousand Swords Club, and find her here so accurately.

There was a sly smile on Su Zining's face, and he blinked triumphantly, "Guess?"

Shen Zhiyu: "..." Childish!
After seeing her speechless expression, Su Zining leaned back happily, and the layered sleeves floated during his movements.

"You are asking the disciples of Xianzong now. He Weizhen heard it from you?" Shen Zhiyu's eyes paused for a moment on the faintly visible patterns on his sleeves, and he guessed casually.

"Huh? How did you find out?" Su Zining was a little surprised. When he came over, he did a special inspection to make sure there was nothing revealing his identity.

Shen Zhiyu smiled back at him, and replied slowly, "Guess?"

Su Zining: "..." Guess what!I don't guess!

After a moment of silence, Su Zining changed the topic by himself, "I came to this ring to look for you several times before, but you were not here."

Except for the first three days when Shen Zhiyu stayed to watch the battle, the rest of the time was basically spent in the room reading a book or going to a remote corner to practice the sword moves that he had learned, or wandering around the Sword Valley. The formed square market.

All in all, she basically didn't run towards the ring, and she came here today because her second competition started.

However, once you know the name and the group number you belong to, do you still need to sit on the sidelines like this if you want to find someone?

Shen Zhiyu was silent for a moment, but still couldn't hold back, and asked, "Do you know that the room where every monk who participates in the Ten Thousand Swords Club's Sword Discussion Club corresponds to the number plate he receives?"

Su Zining nodded, "I know, what's wrong?"

After asking the words, Su Zining met the indescribable look in Shen Zhiyu's eyes, Su Zining recalled the conversation just now, and his face suddenly showed a bit of embarrassment. Stupid as hell.

Su Zining forced himself to restore his dignity, and said dryly, "I think it's not good to bother you rashly..."

Before Shen Zhiyu could speak, he was discouraged, "I was a little happy when I heard your name, so I ran over to confirm it, so I didn't think about it."

Okay, I've also confirmed that all of your former agility is gone, and now you are a brainless one.

A smile flashed in Shen Zhiyu's eyes. Su Zining was a sensitive and suspicious little hedgehog before, but now he is raised so innocently and honestly. It seems that he is doing well.

"Let's go, let's go to Guxi teahouse to have a chat." The final battle of the second round just now was over, and now there was no one around, Shen Zhiyu stood up, and led Su Zining to the teahouse where he could chat casually.

This monk's business vision is not much inferior to that of ordinary people. Since the Xuanji Sword Sect selected the venue for the Ten Thousand Swords Club, many monks have contacted the Zongmen, intending to set up their shops around the Sword Valley.

Originally, the senior officials of the Xuanji Sword Sect didn't care about such a small amount of land, and were about to wave their hands to let all the traders who wanted to come come by themselves, the elders of the Shuwutang talked to the poor and generous head in time, and stopped the head of the shop. The door's brain-twitch behavior.

Afterwards, the Xuanji Sword Sect comfortably worked as a landlord and guards. The Xuanji Sword Sect received the money and sent a Nascent Soul monk to protect those merchants who came to Sword Valley to do business.

Resources are tight, but there is absolutely no shortage of part-time workers.

A few days ago, when Shen Zhiyu and Luo Hongmian communicated with each other through sound transmission before the Wanjian meeting started, she realized that in the past, Xuanji Sword Sect would always lose money when holding the Wanjian meeting, which led to a deficit in the accounts of the sect's treasury. It's been a stretch for several months, but this time when the Wanjian Festival is held, the sect miraculously makes money!

When Shen Zhiyu saw the news, she felt the corners of her mouth twitching.

She probably knew that the supplies in the Xuanji Sword Sect sect were not rich, but she did not expect that her own sect would not be so rich. In addition to the current martial law in the sect, more than half of the mountain protection array has been activated, and the daily consumption The amount of resources is huge, and gradually, it is almost beyond the means.

When the head of the sect was in a hurry every day, Shuwutang suddenly made such a good suggestion, which was a timely help.

And later, the Shuwutang put forward a lot of good suggestions that could be implemented, and earned a lot of Lingshi. Gradually, [-]% of the shops around the Sword Valley were owned by Xuanji.

The Guxi teahouse that Shen Zhiyu and Su Zining entered now is one of them.

The two asked for a private room.

"By the way, which group are you in? Have you advanced?" Shen Zhiyu asked.

Back then, Su Zining was only a child of seven or eight years old, but now he is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he has already advanced to the foundation building stage, which is too shocking.

They are all on par with the earliest foundation-building age record in Tianji's history.

"Of course!" Hearing Shen Zhiyu's question, Su Zining suddenly became happy, and his face was very embarrassed, but soon he sighed, his expression lost, "After I joined the Xianzong, I went to the mortal world to find you , but I haven’t found it all the time, I didn’t expect that you have joined the Xuanji Sword Sect now, I originally wanted you to ask Xianzong.”

"After you left, I left Linyang City to travel around by myself. I accidentally found the entrance to the practice world, and I came in by myself. Later, I met a senior sister, and I took advantage of the opportunity to worship Xuanji." Shen Zhiyu didn't elaborate, Just a few words summarizing my experience.

(End of this chapter)

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