Chapter 274

Shen Zhiyu was surprised when she heard Xie Ying's words, "Gu Ting wants to see me?"

Xie Ying nodded, and said: "Yes, I came here specifically to ask you if you want to see him." Such trivial matters as assigning a room did not require her to make a special trip at all.

"Did he say what he wanted me for?" Shen Zhiyu asked.

Xie Ying shook her head, "He refused to say, but said that he must see you, do you want to go and see him?"

Shen Zhiyu frowned without any trace, and asked, "Where is he now?"

"In the Law Enforcement Hall near the Xuandaozong's accommodation area," Xie Ying looked at Shen Zhiyu, "Are you determined to go there?"

"It takes about a time to touch a stick of incense from here. When Su Zining and I were attacked before, we were only about a hundred feet away from the meeting hall." Shen Zhiyu said after pondering for a while.

According to the customary rules in the practice world, the use of spiritual consciousness is very taboo. Generally, it can only be widely used in one's own territory. It must be used with caution in public places like streets or other people's territories.

Although Jindan cultivator's spiritual consciousness has a relatively wide range, the previous Daoist Xiyun's spiritual consciousness can only be spread within the scope of the meeting hall and cannot be extended, so she and Su Zining were attacked so close to the meeting hall. be noticed.

Hearing this, Xie Ying paused, "You mean, Gu Ting is using this excuse to lure you out?"

"It's not for sure, but I'm wondering why he suddenly met me. If you want to say something about the ambush, it's more useful to tell you than to tell me about the person who was attacked, and it's dark now, so It was even more unsafe in the past." Shen Zhiyu analyzed calmly.

Shen Zhiyu knew that although she was the one who was ambushed, her being ambushed had nothing to do with personal grievances, but an uncontrollable reason, so she couldn't understand why Gu Ting wanted to see her.

In the current situation, I don’t know if there are other evil cultivators lurking around in the dark. It’s not safe anywhere outside. There are Jindan monks within the scope of this conference hall, and within the range of the Jindan monk’s spiritual consciousness, it is safe. can be guaranteed.

But it's not so safe to go out, she doesn't need to take risks because of someone who wants to harm her.

"But..." Shen Zhiyu changed his voice and made a suitable suggestion, "It is indeed possible, there is something he wants to tell me alone. Can he come here?"

"This," Xie Ying frowned, showing embarrassment, and then said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid it won't work..."

"Why?" Shen Zhiyu was puzzled.

"Identity issue." Xie Ying did not hide it, "After all, he is a disciple of Xuandaozong, and he has a noble status in Xuandaozong. Now he is detained in the Law Enforcement Hall in the Xuandaozong's accommodation area, and he is already a member of Xuandaozong. Bian backed down and asked him to come to see you alone, Xuan Daozong would definitely disagree."

That's right, she didn't consider this aspect. From Xuan Daozong's standpoint, she must have hated Gu Ting to the bone. If Gu Ting really came to the meeting alone, at least he would have to break an arm and a leg. The danger is too high.

After Shen Zhiyu thought for a while, he smiled, "If he doesn't come, he will disappear."

Xie Ying looked at the cold smile on her face in surprise, "What?"

"Senior Sister Xie, we made a mistake in logic." Shen Zhiyu raised his eyebrows slightly, with a playful look on his face, "It's him, Gu Ting, who wants to see me, not me. If you want to ask someone, how can you sit in the room and pretend to be a gentleman?"

"If you want to see me, come here by yourself."

Hearing what Shen Zhiyu said, Xie Ying suddenly recalled it, and instantly became sober as if enlightened, "Yes, that's the reason." She patted her forehead amusedly, "I ran all the way here to give You send the letter."

Shen Zhiyu and Xie Ying walked into the side room and sat down while talking.

"By the way, Senior Sister Xie, have you caught the cultivator who ambushed?" Shen Zhiyu thought of the guy who manipulated the puppet, and felt that he was not so easy to catch.

At this moment, she suddenly recalled a detail that she had overlooked when she reported it to Master Xiyun, and said it quickly, "The second monk who ambushed me and Su Zining seems to be good at using swords."

Xie Ying thought about it for a while, and felt that it would be okay to tell the person who was attacked, otherwise, as the person who was ambushed, if he didn't know anything, it would be easy to suffer, "I found it, and the details I told you can also match."

"In addition to Gu Ting, the second monk who ambushed you is also the real mastermind. That monk's name is Zhou Libai. He doesn't belong to the top ten sects, and he is also a swordsman. But that person is conceited. He thinks he threatened Gu Ting and killed him. After getting on the thief boat, you can sit back and relax, the old god is staying in his room, you didn't see him when we went in to arrest him, his face is extremely exciting." Xie Ying said with a smile.

Shen Zhiyu also smiled and said, "Probably I didn't expect Gu Ting to lift the table suddenly." The two sides played chess, and there were winners and losers. Although Gu Ting almost lost in the game, he lifted the chessboard in time and successfully cut off the tail to survive. .

"Gu Ting's choice is normal, but anyone with a clear head can't accept the threat. In that case, he will give the blame to Xie Xiu for nothing. Xie Xiu will definitely not just threaten him once." Xie Ying shook her head. , "No, as long as he is normal, he will not think of ambushing others. If there is a conflict, wouldn't it be better to resolve it face to face? Such a secretive action is really despised."

Although Xie Ying is a highly valued disciple in the Law Enforcement Hall, she is still a straight-hearted swordsman and can't stand these dark lawsuits.

Shen Zhiyu smiled, but did not comment on Xie Ying's words.

However, she felt that Gu Ting was a tough and persevering person, at least he was very courageous in surrendering himself.

Not everyone has the determination to survive by docking their tails, nor does everyone have the courage to face gossip calmly.

It is disgraceful for Gu Ting to find someone to ambush her, and it may even become a stain on him for the rest of his life, but when he received the threat, he decisively flipped the table and destroyed the chessboard. Jianxiu was speechless.

But in this way, even though Gu Ting was notorious, he quickly pulled Xuandaozong and himself out of the sticky mud when he was not deep in the mud.

Otherwise, according to what Senior Sister Xie said just now, the evil cultivator will hold Gu Ting's handle, and it will definitely not be used only once, and once the weakness compromises once, it means that he will have to compromise every time. When the time comes, it will not be now With such a disgraceful infamy, maybe the entire Xuan Dao Sect will be dragged into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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