Chapter 275
In fact, most of the time, it is just a small trick, but many people in the world will give in and compromise step by step for the sake of the so-called face or other things, and in the end, it will lead to a big mistake.

But when it really came to a catastrophe, it was already too late to regret it.

Therefore, sometimes, we must learn to accept ourselves and have the courage to admit mistakes.

Fake names outside the world are all drags, only what you really want to protect is the most important.

After Shen Zhiyu silently tried to understand these principles, her eyes slowly cleared, and her mind suddenly became clear.

At this time, there was a very miraculous feeling, there was no reaction in terms of cultivation, but the mind suddenly became open-minded, like a spiritual altar that was originally covered with dust and mist, suddenly being thoroughly washed by a basin of cold water.

At this moment, the state of mind, which had been stagnant for a long time, was elevated to the foundation establishment Dzogchen under the epiphany of this moment.

The cultivation of mental state has always been a mysterious thing. Most of the time, it depends on the boring practice day after day to gradually sharpen and improve, but there are also people like her who suddenly want to understand a certain truth and have an epiphany.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that her cultivation of mental state has always been based on epiphany, and she has rarely had real meditation and meditation.

Relying on such mysterious and mysterious things as epiphany is still a bit unreliable after all, so let's take half an hour every day to meditate.

After all, there is a well-known Shenxiu verse that said that the body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand, which should be wiped diligently at all times to avoid dust.

Shen Zhiyu opened her eyes while thinking, and then saw Xie Ying who was looking at her with resentment.

Seeing that Shen Zhiyu opened her eyes, Xie Ying was in a depressed mood. She felt like she was being kicked by someone inexplicably while she was walking on the road. A freak of a game."

Shen Zhiyu touched the tip of her nose in embarrassment, but she didn't hide it. She explained the truth that she had thought through carefully, but after Xie Ying listened to it, there was no special effect.

Seeing the doubts on Shen Zhiyu's face, Xie Ying gave up, and said very freely: "This is very normal, everyone's experience is different, and the feelings born in the heart are naturally different, and the most important thing is that you have to be yourself. What comes out is real.”

"It's me." Shen Zhiyu nodded with a smile.

The two sat and chatted for a while, then got up and said goodbye, "Junior Sister Shen, I have to go back to be on duty, so I left first, and I will come to chat with you next time."

Shen Zhiyu got up to see her off, "Sister Xie, go slowly."

Now the sky has darkened, but the meeting hall is still brightly lit, and many monks are coming and going, which seems to be a bit lively with fireworks in the world.

After Shen Zhiyu closed the door and set a restriction, he took a pill of Guyuan Pill, and slowly circulated his true energy for a big circle.

Then she lay on her back on the bed, thinking about Wan Jianhui.

Now that she has hidden injuries on her body, it is not convenient to save trouble as before, so she desperately went to the Tianbang to fight. Most of the monks in the Tianbang are powerful figures. If she wants to win, the level of fighting must be higher than that of the next two rankings. It is fierce, but if you go to the human list, you need to do too many times, and the ground list is just right, that is, you can avoid the talented monks on the heavenly list, and you don't have to fight as much as the monks on the human list.

There is no need to work too hard when ranking in the local rankings, as long as you enter the top [-], you are guaranteed to enter the finals, and then consider the matter of competing for the leader based on reality.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to worry too much, it is better to relax the mind and adapt to the situation.

Shen Zhiyu wanted to have a good sleep, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt her eyelids burning slightly.

Although the hotness was fleeting, it still drove away Shen Zhiyu's drowsiness.

Shen Zhiyu sat up abruptly, staring at the messy red bean in front of her, stretched out her hand to squeeze it expressionlessly, and asked at the same time, "Why did you burn me just now?" She even picked sensitive and fragile places like eyelids to burn!
The red bean jumped up and down to avoid the hand grabbing it, "Wait, wait! Listen to me, ancestor, I have something to tell you, I didn't mean it!"

Shen Zhiyu twitched his lips, not believing its tricks, "You did it on purpose!"

Just as he was talking, Shen Zhiyu saw its dodging trajectory, and grabbed it with quick eyes and hands.

Shen Zhiyu pinched Xiao Huomiao between two fingers, "Speak up, I'll give you a chance to argue."

"What is sophistry? Young master, I..." Hongdou was upset and was about to argue. As soon as Shen Zhiyu pinched her arrogantly with two fingers, her voice suddenly disappeared.

"You're quite crazy." Shen Zhiyu looked at it with a half-smile, "You call yourself a young master in front of me, huh? Will you speak well?"

The red bean who had suffered so much shut up immediately, and said quickly in a sullen voice, "I see, ancestor, let go quickly, I can't breathe anymore."

Shen Zhiyu was happy, and let go of the force exerted on her fingers, "Do you still need to breathe?"

"Then you pin me, I feel uncomfortable, let me describe it." Hong Dou was released from the shackles, and the middle breath in his voice suddenly returned.

"What did you want to say just now, I will give you a cup of tea to explain clearly, don't delay my sleep." Shen Zhiyu shook the little flame on his fingertips.

Hongdou was a little upset, and protested: "It's too long for a cup of tea."

Shen Zhiyu was unmoved, "Let's make a long story short."

"Short words are not enough!"

Shen Zhiyu clenched Xiao Huomiao into her fist, "Then don't talk about it." She has to participate in the ranking competition tomorrow, but now she needs to cultivate her energy.

After the red bean was held, she worked hard to get between her fingers, intending to break free, and the vague voice was transmitted to Shen Zhiyu's ears.

"Well... I didn't lie, really... I can't finish it..."

It was extremely difficult for Hongdou to speak, but it didn't give up, and kept howling at the top of its throat. Although the voice was vague, it was enough for Shen Zhiyu to make her sleepless.

Shen Zhiyu sat up again violently, released the red beans, and stared at it with gloomy eyes, "You'd better stop talking nonsense, or I'll soak you in water for 49 days!"

The red bean was suddenly let go, first fell a certain height, and then flew up unsteadily, "No, no, absolutely no nonsense."

"It's been so long since we signed the contract, but I've been sleeping and recovering from my injuries, so you probably don't know what specific roles I have until now?" Hong Dou also admires the master he met this time. Said, the heart is really big, people are really dumb.

(End of this chapter)

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