Chapter 37 Demonic Qi
Isn't it true, are these Law Enforcing Hall disciples also with those people?Even though Shen Zhiyu was always calm and composed, she was a little dumbfounded by this change.

Facing Shen Zhiyu's shocked gaze, the leading disciple sneered, "I have been in the Xuanji Sword Sect for many years, and this is the first time I heard that someone can track the hidden sword energy."

"That's fine. I thought you had some special secret technique, but you wanted to lure us there by ourselves. Why, are you afraid that we will attack you after we discover the ambush?"

"Also, this secret realm is not small, but you have precisely pointed out where those people are. With so many obvious suspicious points, you must be underestimating us!"

Shen Zhiyu was a little speechless, after such an analysis, even she herself felt that there was something wrong with her.But what can she do, the sword energy can be felt, she just remembered the problem because of her own sword energy, pointed out the exact location because she had been there before, and she was used to observing the surrounding environment.

This can't be explained, and it gets darker and darker.

She took a deep breath, "Those people are really there."

"Of course I know he's there, but the few of us won't fall into such an obvious trap." The leading disciple was unmoved.

After waiting for a while, another group of people came.

Shen Zhiyu knew the leader. She had met her in the arena before. A female cultivator named Xie Ying who had perfected Qi training was the master of a ring. She was powerful and had a high status in the Law Enforcement Hall.

Seeing the situation at the scene, she looked at Shen Zhiyu who was being detained. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's going on?"

"Thank you, Senior Sister, it's like this." The leading disciple explained the situation.

Xie Ying took a look at Shen Zhiyu and nodded, "Okay, let someone send her out of the secret realm. As for us, let's go to the place she said."

The leading disciple nodded in agreement.

At this time, Shen Zhiyu suddenly felt a little cold in her body, and her brain throbbed in pain, and her eyes gradually became dark. She shook her head and tried to make herself more awake, but failed.

It's that breath!
Shen Zhiyu was short of breath and wanted to speak, but her vision went dark and she completely lost consciousness.

"Senior Sister Xie, she fainted." The disciple who was escorting Shen Zhiyu was a little dazed.

"Huh?" Xie Ying was surprised. When she came over, she saw that her breathing was weak, and there were even faint black lines appearing on her face. She pondered for a moment, "Something is wrong, Suicheng, you send her out personally and give it to Uncle Sun."

The former leading disciple came out in response, cupped his hands and said, "Yes, thank you, Senior Sister."

Zhang Suicheng summoned a sword, made a tactic, the long sword swelled against the wind and became huge, he put Shen Zhiyu on the sword, and flew towards the secret border.


In the main hall of Tianxuan Peak, all the high-ranking monks had already seen the appearance of the disciple named Shen Zhiyu from the water mirror, but no one spoke, and the atmosphere in the main hall was a little stagnant for a while.

This kind of thing was the nightmare of the entire enlightened world many years ago, but it has disappeared for many years so far, and it did not expect to reappear now.

Is it because the prophesied day is drawing near?
The monks bowed their heads in thought.

Several Nascent Soul cultivators sitting on the main seat looked at each other secretly.

'Brother, I want to see that disciple. '

Qingling Yuanjun sent a voice transmission to Qingyun Zhenjun.

Qingyun Zhenjun was a little surprised, his junior sister has always been very nosy.

Thinking of the original intention of gathering here today, he asked via voice transmission: "Have you taken a fancy to her?" '

Qing Lingyuan Lord looked calm, obviously acquiescing.

Qingyun Zhenjun thought of what the previous head said, each relying on his own means, and after weighing it in his heart, he nodded unobtrusively.

Lord Qing Lingyuan got up and walked out of the hall.

"Where is Junior Sister Qingling going?" the Nascent Soul Nuxie who was holding a fan beside her asked with a smile.

Qingling Yuanjun stopped to look at Fengyi Yuanjun who was not dealing with her, and didn't bother to answer her, "What does it have to do with you?"

Fengyi Yuanjun's face changed slightly, and he sneered, "In the current situation, maybe there is a traitor lurking in the sect. What do you want to do when you go out now?"

Lord Qing Lingyuan didn't return and left in a huff.


When Shen Zhiyu regained consciousness, he smelled a faint scent of incense.

I don't know where it is?

After opening her eyes, she closed them again because she was not used to the light, and waited for a while before slowly opening them.

This is an ordinary bedroom, which is very elegantly furnished. The white bed curtain embroidered with flowing clouds and cloud patterns hangs from the top and is piled up on the ivory white jade bed. The ball is fringed with white.

She sat up from the bed, and saw a snow-white figure sitting not far away holding the Qingya sword and looking at it with a calm expression.

It was Qingling Yuanjun who had met once before.

What's the situation, wasn't she arrested by the Law Enforcement Hall?Shen Zhiyu was surprised.

"Disciple has met Lord Qing Lingyuan." Shen Zhiyu got up from the bed and greeted her.

"This spirit sword of yours is interesting." Qing Lingyuan-Jun smiled slightly, and put down the Qingya sword, "It looks like an intermediate magic weapon refined by an ordinary iron mother, but it has the strength not inferior to ordinary magic weapons, and even There are already signs of a spirit being produced."

Shen Zhiyu probably also knew that there was something special about her, but she searched through Zangshuge, but couldn't find any records about what happened to her.

"According to what Zhang Suicheng said, you can still feel the sword energy you released from a distance?" Lord Qing Lingyuan didn't expect Shen Zhiyu to answer, she had already read her case file.

"Yes." Shen Zhiyu was a little cautious. She was not used to this kind of special thing being discovered by others.

Lord Qing Lingyuan obviously saw her emotions, and said with a touch of comfort: "You don't have to be nervous, the Law Enforcement Hall has already checked it out, and you have nothing to do with the incident of attacking the disciple."

Shen Zhiyu nodded, "Just check it out."

Thinking of the cold breath before, Shen Zhiyu was a little worried, "Senior, what happened to this disciple?"

"You lost consciousness because of demonic energy entering your body before, but now your cultivation base is too weak to be eradicated, so you can only temporarily suppress it. How do you feel now?"

Magical energy?Shen Zhiyu was taken aback, it was not a good thing to hear.

Shen Zhiyu quickly checked her body carefully, and found that there was nothing unusual except for a string of Buddhist beads on her wrist, so she honestly replied: "I don't feel anything."

Lord Qing Lingyuan laughed, and said meaningfully: "You will understand when you practice, you can go back, and come to Xinglin Peak to completely remove the devil energy after building the foundation."

"Yes." Shen Zhiyu stepped back obediently.

This should be the Xinglin Peak where the sect's lineage of medical practitioners is located. She walked all the way and found that this place is really a good place.

There is a refreshing medicinal fragrance in the air. At a glance, there are endless medicinal fields. All kinds of precious elixir are planted in different fields. There are many kinds, and the entire mountain is filled with rich spiritual energy.

Shen Zhiyu took a deep breath, this is the breath of wealth!
(End of this chapter)

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