Chapter 38
When Shen Zhiyu came out of Xinglin Peak, he saw Zhang Suicheng standing at the foot of the mountain.

He was holding a fluffy kitten with a loveless face, and kept stroking the cat's head with his hands.

Shen Zhiyu saw the wilting little flower, and felt that if it wasn't for the little flower's inability to resist, it could scratch him to death with one paw.

Seeing Shen Zhiyu, Zhang Suicheng hurried forward and handed the little flower to her, a little embarrassed, "Junior Sister Shen, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Shen Zhiyu glanced at Xiaohua who was almost bald, and the corners of her mouth twitched, "Senior brother is also responsible, just act cautiously," she said, remembering what happened before she fell into a coma, and asked, "Those people in the secret realm caught him?" ?"

Xiaohua finally escaped from the clutches of the devil, and as soon as she touched Shen Zhiyu's hand, she ran along her arm to her shoulder, squatted down and covered her ears with her claws.

There was nothing in his hand for a while, Zhang Suicheng looked a little stiff, and when he heard Shen Zhiyu's question, he nodded quickly and said happily, "I've caught it!" Speaking of this, he looked at Shen Zhiyu with a guilty conscience, "It's kind of a mistake Mistake."

"That's good!" Shen Zhiyu didn't pay attention to his expression, and was relieved when he heard that someone had caught him.

"By the way, Junior Sister Shen," Zhang Suicheng took out a storage bag and handed it over, "An accident caused you to be unable to participate in the competition, and it was also because of my mistake in judgment, so this is compensation from our Law Enforcement Hall."

Shen Zhiyu's eyes fell on the storage bag, and she was really surprised. Logically speaking, it was an accident this time, and the law enforcement hall paid compensation?This is too reasonable, and it doesn't quite match the rumored reputation of being unreasonable.

One must know that during the more than a year in the sect, although she has not dealt with the law enforcement hall, she has heard a lot of complaints about her from Luo Hongmian.

Unreasonable, unselfish, poor and upright, the rules of the family are too big, and the justice is so strict that it is almost harsh.And this time they were just doing business. It's not too surprising that Zhang Suicheng came to apologize, but the compensation is a bit...

This storage bag is a little hot.

Shen Zhiyu shook her head, "I can't accept this. Cooperating with the law enforcement hall's investigation is what I should do."

Zhang Suicheng stuffed the storage bag to her, "Just take it, it was ordered by our hall master."


Shen Zhiyu was about to ask again, but Zhang Suicheng apologized and stuffed the storage bag, feeling that he had completed the task and ran fast.

But for a moment, the figure was gone, and Shen Zhiyu didn't even have time to speak.


On the way back to Jinyuyuan slowly, Shen Zhiyu received a sound transmission talisman from Lu Baiheng.

Ask her if she is in the cave.

Shen Zhiyu returned truthfully, and when he was about to return to the Jinyu Courtyard, he found two people standing at the door.

It was Lu Baiheng and Qin Xi.

When Shen Zhiyu was walking towards the door, his eyes lingered on Qin Xi who was standing upright like a green bamboo for a moment, and then his eyelids drooped slightly.

not him.

"Junior Sister Shen!" Lu Baiheng greeted happily.

"Why are you here?" Shen Zhiyu opened the restriction and invited them in.

They sat down under the grape arbor, and Shen Zhiyu brewed a pot of spiritual tea and poured a cup for each of them.

"I'm here to thank you. If it wasn't for you that day, Senior Brother Qin and I would have been doomed." Lu Baiheng said a little shyly.

"Thank you!" Qin Xi also bowed his hands.

"Senior brothers, you are welcome. If your fellow disciple is in distress, you should help." Shen Zhiyu shook his head.

"Junior Sister Shen, has the aura on your body been resolved?"

Shen Zhiyu sighed after hearing the words, "No, it is said that it can only be completely removed after the foundation is established."

"Ah? It's so tricky. What is it?" Lu Baiheng was surprised.

Even Qin Xi, who had been silent all this time, looked over.

"It's demon energy, but I don't know what it is." Shen Zhiyu shook her head, "By the way, senior brother, how are your injuries?"

"Our injuries are not serious, but it's a pity that this outer sect competition." Lu Baiheng sighed.

"It's a blessing in disguise. Maybe the Law Enforcement Hall will compensate us." Shen Zhiyu's eyes rolled slightly, looking at the expressions of the two of them.

Qin Xi, who had been quietly drinking tea as an invisible person, choked slightly.

On the other hand, Lu Baiheng's eyes widened in disbelief, "How is it possible, Yuan Ming Grand Master is the most stingy!"

Yuan Ming Zhenjun, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Shen Zhiyu: "..." Sure enough, she said that the storage bag was hot!
"By the way, Junior Sister Shen, do you still remember the baby-making ceremony of Master Qingling announced earlier?" Lu Baiheng asked after thinking about it.

Shen Zhiyu nodded, of course he remembered, after this incident, the whole sect was lively for several days.

"Something went wrong in the outer sect competition this time, so the defense was strengthened, resulting in a shortage of manpower for the grand ceremony. Now we are recruiting people everywhere. After the grand ceremony is over, we can get guidance from the ancestor of the golden alchemy. Are you interested, Junior Sister Shen?" ah?"

Shen Zhiyu was a little moved.

"Senior brother Qin and I will go, if you want to go, you will be in a group with us." Lu Baiheng said.

It is the first experience for Shen Zhiyu to organize a grand ceremony, and it is similar to holding a banquet in the mortal world. The matter is not difficult, but it will be a little cumbersome. He nodded in response.

After a few people chatting for a while, Lu Baiheng and Qin Xi left.

Not long after sending the two away, the restriction was touched again.

As soon as Shen Zhiyu opened the door, she saw a little Taoist boy she didn't know standing at the door. He had a round face and round eyes, and was very lucky. He looked only eight or nine years old, and he was at the fourth level of Qi training.

"This junior brother? You... looking for me?" Shen Zhiyu was puzzled.

"I am the errand boy under the seat of the True Monarch of Five Blessings," Xiaodaotong smiled kindly, "It's good for senior sister to call me Yuanbao."

"Oh, is Junior Brother Yuan Bao looking for something for me?" Shen Zhiyu asked.

Yuan Bao took out a storage bag and handed it to her respectfully, "Senior Sister Shen, this is what my Zhenjun asked me to give you."

"..." Shen Zhiyu remained silent.

Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, Yuan Bao said again: "My Zhenjun said, senior sister, you are rewarded for saving your fellow disciples regardless of danger today."

Shen Zhiyu suddenly thought a little bit of conspiracy theory, today Qingling Yuanjun said that the suspicion on her has been cleared, so it can't be a lie to her, right?In fact, it was to make her lower her guard and trick out her accomplice?

Shen Zhiyu didn't really want to take this hot potato, but later he was afraid that it would make him more suspicious, so he had no choice but to accept it.

This Taoist boy named Yuan Bao had just left, and not long after, another person came.

As soon as she opened the door, she came to deliver something again.


In the middle of the night, finally no one came.

Shen Zhiyu looked at more than a dozen storage bags on the table, speechless and panicked.

The head of the Law Enforcement Hall, the True Lord Wufu of Tiande Peak, the elder of the General Affairs Hall, the True Lord Duanning of Star Peak, the True Lord Ancient and Modern of Chaoyang Peak, and the master Minghua True Lord...

With such a big battle, you don't really think she is a traitor, do you?
After thinking about it for a while, she didn't want to understand what was going on, so she simply gave up thinking about it. Anyway, she didn't do anything bad, so she just faced it calmly.

all will be good.

On the bright side, with so many cultivation resources, she can be considered rich, and she won't worry about cultivation for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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