Chapter 72 Teleportation

"Junior Sister Shen..." Xie Ying saw Shen Zhiyu the first time she woke up, she subconsciously called out, and then she seemed to suddenly think of something, she sat up suddenly from the ground, but because her body strength had not yet recovered, she felt weak again. Soft down.

Shen Zhiyu hurried over to support her.

Xie Ying looked around, her expression turned from agitated to disappointed, she met Shen Zhiyu's worried eyes, calmed down, and asked with concern: "Why are you caught here?"

"I don't know. I went to look for you before, but I was affected by the aftermath of the explosion of spiritual power. I closed and opened my eyes, and I came here." Shen Zhiyu shook her head, and she also seemed to be in a dream. "However, I was just taken by those evil cultivators to meet a female cultivator named Saintess. I accidentally discovered that her strength is not strong, so I brought her here directly." The red gauze woman on the ground.

"However, I feel something is wrong. I have been holding this holy girl hostage for a long time, but I haven't been found out. Besides, I just wanted to try to find out whether there are soft spirit powder and dream in her storage bag. The antidote, I just found a dose that is enough for you to use, so I feel a little strange." Shen Zhiyu directly stated his doubts.

"It is indeed very suspicious." Xie Ying looked at the remaining fellow students and nodded slowly.

Shen Zhiyu was nervous because of her uneasiness, she pursed her lips, and said, "Let's get out of here as soon as possible." Anyway, let's go out first, if there is an evil cultivator in this prison, it will be Catch a turtle in an urn.After going out, even if there is really some conspiracy, the room for maneuver will be relatively larger.

After a group of people came to the gate, their footsteps stopped suddenly.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the dense crowd of evil cultivators outside the door, and took a deep breath: Well, now I have become a turtle in the urn.

Seeing this, Xie Ying's face became serious, and she whispered to Shen Zhiyu, "The leader of the Foundation Establishment Evil Cultivator is the one we hunted down before."

It was him.

Shen Zhiyu was thoughtful, she recalled the female cultivators in the prison, she didn't seem to see the woman who was looking at her in the gap in the cave before.Is it because the important level is not on the same level, so you are not locked up with them?

"You can't escape." The leader, Xiexiu Zhuji, looked at them, playing with a bead in his hand, with a cold smile, "Hand over the saint girl obediently, and I can let one of you go, how about it?"

Several people looked at each other, and finally looked at Xie Ying.

"Not really." Xie Ying would not be fooled by such a mindless trick.If they really hand over this woman, they will have no bargaining chips at all, and it will be up to the evil cultivators who have no worries about life or death.

Shen Zhiyu, on the other hand, looked at the woman in red gauze who was caught between two fellow students, feeling a little puzzled.Is the person who can be easily held hostage by her and disappeared after so long is really an important person?Why does it feel more and more wrong.

"How about this, you put the people back, and I'll give you weapons, how about it?" Establishment Evil Cultivator seemed to know that they would not agree, smiled, and proposed another exchange condition.

"No weapons, just return our own things." After thinking for a moment, Xie Ying made another request.

Shen Zhiyu looked sideways at Xie Ying, seeing her calm expression, suppressed the doubts in her heart.

"Okay." Establishment Evil Cultivator readily agreed, he waved his hand, and someone went down behind him to bring things up.

After taking the things up, Xiexiu Zhuji sent many things to the middle of the two sides with a wave of his hand, and then looked at them.

The two parties, who didn't know how to complete the exchange for a while, suddenly froze.

"You retreat to the distance of Baizhang, and then each send one person to exchange." Xie Ying came up with a plan, Baizhang is a very clever distance, even if it is a foundation-building cultivator, it will take a few breaths of time to come over.

"Okay." Foundation Establishment Xiexiu readily agreed.

As expected, the Xiexiu side withdrew a hundred feet away, and Xie Ying came forward alone with the red-veiled woman.

Shen Zhiyu looked at her nervously.

The exchange was unexpectedly smooth. The moment Xie Ying came back, all the evil cultivators rushed forward from a hundred feet away.

But Xie Ying, who had already returned, threw everything out, then grabbed her storage bag, took out a pale golden talisman and activated it instantly.

A burst of dazzling golden light bloomed from the talisman, and all the people around were enveloped by this burst of golden light, and a violent spatial storm rose from the spot and swept the surroundings.

After the golden light gradually dispersed, everyone disappeared in place.

All the evil cultivators suddenly stopped in their tracks, and looked at the foundation building evil cultivators in panic.

The foundation building evil cultivator looked indifferent, but looked at the woman in red gauze who was being escorted.

Immediately, he remembered the fear he had before, and said with a smirk, "This is the reward for you." After speaking, he flew away.


When the violent spatial fluctuations similar to the teleportation array appeared, Shen Zhiyu instantly understood what Xie Ying's pale golden talisman was.

A space talisman that can tear apart space and teleport people out.There are two types: directional and non-directional, and I don't know which one Senior Sister Xie Ying is.

In a hurry, Shen Zhiyu grabbed her own things with quick eyes and hands, and the next moment, the feeling of weightlessness filled all her senses.

I don't know how long it has been in the chaos.

Shen Zhiyu suddenly felt a cold chill, and suddenly fell into a pool of soft soil.

She was lying on the ground, her eyes were gray, the sky in all directions was distorted into strange shapes, and her brain was throbbing with severe pain.

Shen Zhiyu lay on the ground, and after a long time, she had the strength to stand up.

She tried her best to stand up, and after scanning around, she found that there was no one around, and those fellow students were not teleported by her side.

It seems that Senior Sister Xie Ying's teleportation talisman is a non-directional space talisman.

Ordinary directional space teleportation talismans transport all the people or things they teleport to the same place, only non-directional space teleportation talismans throw people everywhere like leaking dumplings.

I don't know where she was taken.

After Shen Zhiyu checked, she found that all her belongings were there, and Xiao Hua and Yue Yue were also sleeping soundly in the spirit animal bag.And this is a quagmire, surrounded by quiet and no one, very safe.

After she took out two pills and took them, she sat on the spot and meditated to adjust her breathing, which was still disordered.

An hour later, Shen Zhiyu stood up, ready to look around, to see if he could find someone to confirm where he was.

It was very cold all around, Shen Zhiyu panicked, quickly took out two clothes and put them on.

After wandering aimlessly for half a day, she has walked around hundreds of miles away, and she has not met a single person.

Not to mention people, not even a bird.

(End of this chapter)

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