Chapter 73
The surroundings are too quiet, and the environment is extremely cold, the surroundings are dead silent, and there is no sound at all.

Shen Zhiyu wandered around for a long time, and found that there was no living thing here, and it was still dark.

At this time, she realized that the time here was very wrong.

When she just woke up from here, the sky was always foggy, and it seemed that it was already getting dark.

But after shopping for a long time before, the weather didn't change, she thought it was because of the bad weather, but now she has been here for about five or six hours, but it is still the same.It was foggy and gloomy, neither dark nor bright.

This is……?
Shen Zhiyu was lost in thought.

Fixed sky color, no black and white changes and surrounding stars.This kind of situation is not like the Enlightenment Realm, but more like the performance in some secret realms.

God!Thinking of this possibility, Shen Zhiyu collapsed a little.

When will the space teleportation talisman be able to break through the protective barrier outside the secret realm?
All secret realms, imaginary realms, and various small spaces with independent spatial laws are independent of the Enlightenment Realm, floating in the turbulent space in the Enlightenment Realm like small bubbles one after another.

She read the principles and information about the space teleportation talisman before, and recorded that there are several space teleportation talismans that are still in the world, but none of them have enough penetrating power to pass through the barriers protecting the secret realm.Can only shuttle in space turbulence.

What happened this time, why was she suddenly teleported into the secret realm?Where is the protective barrier of the independent small space?

I just hope that she has entered those mature secret realms that have been cleaned up, and don't fall into those wild secret realms unluckily.

Shen Zhiyu put away her broken emotions and began to search for the environment and laws of this secret place.

But any independent small space that does not belong to the Qiming Realm will have its own set of laws of operation, just like the very famous Nine Heavens Secret Realm in Tianji, which is a big secret realm that will be developed throughout the day. The space laws in the Nine Heavens Secret Realm are perfect, so Can be open all day.

However, the number of large secret realms like Jiutian is very small. Generally, secret realms will only open again after a fixed period of time.

However, there is another situation, that is, the undiscovered wild secret realm, whose spatial rules are very unstable, so there is no way to reach an agreement with the spatial fluctuations of the Enlightenment Realm, and there is no way to connect to the space of the Enlightenment Realm, so no will be found.

I don't know what kind of spatial law the secret realm she is in now.

Shen Zhiyu surveyed around, trying to find the space node connecting the Qiming Realm.

But after stopping and searching for a long time, in the end she had forgotten how long it had been, and she had searched almost the entire environment of the secret realm, but she still couldn't find any relevant information.Shen Zhiyu took a deep breath and exhaled again.

It's over, I really fell into the wild mystery.

Shen Zhiyu's mood at this moment was beyond words, she just felt that several large buckets of cold water were poured on her heart, shivering in the howling cold wind.

But the only good thing is that she has been here for such a long time, but she has never encountered a space storm, which shows that the space rules of this wild secret realm are barely consistent, and the structure is relatively stable.

She thought optimistically, maybe this wild secret realm will be opened soon.But she knew it was just a thought.

Shen Zhiyu found a safe place with abundant aura, and lived in peace of mind to practice.

Although this secret realm is desolate and there is nothing, there is still no shortage of aura.

Moreover, the materials she brought with her when she came out were enough for her to practice without pressure for five years. After five years, she might have advanced to the foundation building and could completely indica.

Shen Zhiyu started a boring practice life.Practice the "Longevity Classic" step by step, and ponder the sword moves in "Breaking the Army".

When she was free, Shen Zhiyu still thought about not wasting her excellent physical fitness, and also practiced some common physical training moves widely spread by Tianji.

With the passage of time, Shen Zhiyu gradually discovered that earth-shaking changes seemed to be taking place in this secret realm.

The place where she first discovered the abnormality was the pool she dug out when she had something wrong with herself.

At some point, fish appeared in the pool, but they were all mortal beasts with a bit of aura in their bodies.

There is life?Shen Zhiyu looked at the fish she caught in the bucket in surprise.

After observing for a long time, I didn't find anything special.Afterwards, she took the time to visit the secret realm again, and found that when she devoted herself to cultivation, the changes in this secret realm were far more than just the appearance of fish.

And after she observed it deliberately for a month, she found that not only had there been changes, but the changes had also been rapid, changing every day.

A month ago, the fish in the pond were still mortal beasts, but now a month has passed, and when I look at them again, they have already turned into first-order monsters.

this……?Are you progressing so fast?

Another month later, when Shen Zhiyu went to look in the pool again, the fish had already turned into a second-order monster.

Not only that, in the valley not far from her temporary residence, faint greenery has appeared on the gray and black land.

She squatted in the valley to watch the plant seedlings that suddenly appeared.

Seeing that it took only three days, those seedlings that had just appeared had completed the process of germination, growth, twigs, and then flowering to fruiting in a short period of time.

All of this is so wonderful, the vigorous growth of vitality made her suddenly have a mysterious feeling, but she couldn't describe it in detail, what kind of feeling it was.

However, Shen Zhiyu could faintly feel that she seemed to have got a great opportunity.

Not only that, those plants did not stop growing, but developed in another wonderful and mysterious direction.

This is... Ordinary plants are slowly, oh no, rapidly evolving into spiritual plants.

In order to grasp that mysterious and mysterious feeling, Shen Zhiyu squatted in front of a five-year-old Jade Bright Grass, preparing to observe its evolution process all the way.

The tender green grass is no more than two inches high, and the aura it exudes is so thin that it is almost non-existent, but there are mysterious and complex lines looming between the branches and leaves on its body.

After guarding this Jade Bright Grass nonstop for half a month, Shen Zhiyu's whole body almost merged with the gray and black soil.

Her reddened eyes were still staring unblinkingly at the hundred-year-old Jade Bright Grass in front of her, and her mind, which was already a little bewildered, was filled with the faintly mysterious rules beside the Jade Bright Grass.

She felt that she was surrounded by an inexplicable force, and everything came to a standstill.

There were inexplicable things slowly circulating around, Shen Zhiyu felt that she seemed to be still, and seemed to be passing by something quickly.

Shen Zhiyu's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier...

Gradually, her mind became blank.

Just when her consciousness was blurred and confused, she heard a few sounds of something breaking and breaking.

But at this moment, her body was lying beside the Yuming Grass, and an inexplicable breath flowed from her body, and the same mysterious lines appeared on her skin as the branches and leaves of the Yuming Grass, faintly echoing the breathing of this space.

And the aura on Shen Zhiyu's body is also constantly rising, and even the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness is also rapidly becoming stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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