Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 74 Appears in a Secret Realm

Chapter 74 Appears in a Secret Realm
Hengzhou, Qingyi Mansion, is a valley that faintly reveals aura.

Around the valley, Qingxu Palace disciples wearing uniform light blue costumes gathered around. On the highest cliff, several Foundation Establishment cultivators gathered, facing each other faintly, with different shapes and colors, but they all paid close attention to what was going on underneath. The aura of the valley fluctuated.

"Fellow Luo Zhengfeng, do you want to monopolize this secret place in Qingxu Palace?" Among a group of foundation-building monks, a short and hunchbacked foundation-building monk couldn't hold back his breath, his cloudy and cold eyes were exposed from under his messy hair Come on, and asked the Foundation Establishment monks of Qingxu Palace who were surrounded not far away.

The foundation-building cultivator of Qingxu Palace had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looked very decent. Hearing this, he laughed, "Fang Shengping, what are you talking about? Qingxu Palace cannot afford such a crime."

Fang Shengping sneered, pointed at the disciples of Qingxu Palace who surrounded the valley, "Then what do you mean?"

"Tianji's rule after discovering the wild secret realm is that the first come first, and the capable get the most, isn't it?" Luo Zhengfeng had an innocent smile on his face when he heard this.

"But it's also agreed that no matter which side it is, it can't occupy the secret realm privately and block other people's opportunities." Another tall and thin foundation cultivator also supported Fang Shengping.

"When did we occupy it privately?" Luo Zhengfeng disagreed, "Fellow Daoist Gao can't slander us."

"Then what does it mean that you Qingxu Palace stopped monks coming from all directions at a distance?" Fang Shengping stared at him with dark eyes.

The monks around him also looked at him, waiting for an explanation.

Generally, wild secret realms appear, and when they first appear, there will be a steady stream of monks rushing to them, and every time they will be surrounded by a sea of ​​people.Only now, except for those monks who came here before Qingxu Palace, no other monks arrived within half an hour of Qingxu Palace's arrival. Clearly, Qingxu Palace made a move.

The Foundation Establishment cultivators present were not the ones who spoke out against injustice. If possible, they hoped that the fewer people would come, the better, so as not to lose their chance, but they absolutely do not want to see such a small number of people now. scene.

Most of them are casual cultivators without backing. If this secret realm is really controlled by the people of Qingxu Palace, let alone chance, I am afraid that Qingxu Palace will do something to them in order to keep it secret.

"When did our Qingxu Palace stop the monks who came, fellow Taoists, we must speak with evidence." Luo Zhengfeng said righteously.

"Do you want evidence? I brought it." A loud voice came from afar.

All the monks who heard the sound followed the sound, and saw dozens of escaping lights flying from the sky from a distance.

Soon, those escaping lights all fell on the cliff, revealing their physical appearance, impressively wearing the uniform costumes of Xuandao Sect and Xuanji Sword Sect.

After Luo Zhengfeng saw the person coming, his face was gloomy for a moment, but soon he smiled again, and went forward with joy, "It turns out that he is a Taoist friend of Xuan Dao Sect and Xuanji Sword Sect. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The Foundation Establishment cultivators headed by Xuan Daozong glanced sideways at Luo Zhengfeng, and threw the person who was carrying him to the ground, "Here, the evidence you want."

Luo Zhengfeng's face froze, he secretly glared at the monk on the ground, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist may have misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding?" The foundation-building cultivator sent by Xuanji Sword hugged his sword, and laughed mockingly, "You people from Qingxu Palace not only prevent other cultivators from approaching this valley, but also attack people. Fortunately, I met Daoist Ni Tianlai from Xuan Dao Sect and me, otherwise I don’t know what will happen to the pair of loose cultivators and their daughter.” It’s because I didn’t save the slightest bit of face, and casual cultivators dare not offend people in Qingxu Palace, but He has no such concerns.

"Oh my God, you actually hurt people with your hands!" Among the casual cultivators at the side, a female cultivator who was hiding her appearance, repeated it loudly, and covered her mouth exaggeratedly.

With her taking the lead, the rest of the casual cultivators also began to discuss in a low voice, looking at Luo Zhengfeng once or twice from time to time.

Luo Zhengfeng gritted his teeth secretly. This place is close to the big city affiliated to Qingxu Palace, and there is no foreign affairs hall set up by other sects, so the sect still wanted to search for resources before people from other sects rushed over.In the undeveloped wild secret realm, resources will be very rich. Whoever can seize the opportunity first will be able to take a step closer. He finally got this opportunity!
Although he was very annoyed in his heart, there was no embarrassment on his face, and he looked calm and composed.

Now it is obviously unrealistic to want to make a big fortune. Although Luo Zhengfeng was very unwilling, he still sent several summons to stop his movements.

There was no one secretly blocking them, and soon, many people came from around the valley like a tide.

Soon, a powerful spiritual pressure rose in the valley, and a clean and pure spiritual energy rose from the valley, and everyone looked into the valley together.


Shen Lingyu squatted on a big tree, hiding her figure. She stared intently at the constantly turbulent space vortex not far away, feeling excited.

After such a long time, there was finally movement in this broken secret realm, and she finally had hope that she could go out.

Not long after, the space vortex slowly stabilized.

Shen Zhiyu didn't dare to act rashly, she knew that after such a wild secret realm appeared, there would definitely be many people rushing into it.

And before, she only learned about the rich resources in the wild secret realm from books, but now she has stayed in the secret realm for an unknown amount of time, and she has personally realized how rich the wild secret realm is.

Thousand-year-old spiritual plants grow everywhere, and there are not a few thousand-year-old spiritual plants. Also, there are no particularly powerful monsters in it, and they are simply treasures everywhere.

Now Shen Zhiyu's storage bag is full of resources, and she has also gained a lot of benefits in this secret realm. Not only has her cultivation been upgraded two levels in a row, but the most important thing is her soul, which is much stronger than before. She probably After a test, the range covered by the spiritual consciousness has reached a hundred miles, which has basically reached the limit range of ordinary foundation-building monks.

Gradually, people began to enter that space vortex.

The first ones who came in were the disciples of Qingxu Palace in light blue clothes, followed by the disciples of several other major sects. Shen Zhiyu also saw people from the Xuanji Sword Sect among them.

After that, there are casual cultivators wearing different costumes, and there is an endless stream of people coming in.

Shen Zhiyu looked at these people and found that they seemed to be Qi training monks.

Could it be that the restrictive condition of this secret realm is the cultivation base of the Qi training period?If this is the case, her safety will be greatly improved.When Shen Zhiyu was thinking this way in her heart, she was sensitively aware of a gaze falling on her.

Shen Zhiyu raised her head vigilantly and looked back, but there was no one in that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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