Chapter 75

Although there was no one there, Shen Zhiyu was sure that her senses were correct, she shrank from the big tree and sneaked into a very hidden place.The place where she lived before has been erased by her, so the place where she is hiding now is a remote cave.

Shen Zhiyu decided to hide herself from being discovered now. If people found out that she had entered this secret place a long time ago, she would definitely be besieged under the guilt of her crime.

It's better to sneak into these casual cultivators first, and then quietly leave the secret realm when the secret realm is closed.

After pinching a illusion technique to transform her appearance into a face that she can forget at a glance, she checked her current appearance, and Shen Zhiyu went out of the cave after making sure that there was nothing wrong with it.

Walking in the familiar dense forest, Shen Zhiyu was still a little emotional, but what made her even more excited was that she could finally leave this ghostly place!

While walking, Shen Zhiyu suddenly sensed movement in the south of the secret realm.

At the beginning, there was only a small earthquake, and Shen Zhiyu's consciousness spread on the ground felt the ground tremble slightly. Later, the earthquake became more and more powerful, and the frequency of occurrence became faster and faster. In the end, many tall ordinary people Trees were knocked down.

What's going on here?
In her memory, the south seemed to be a plain, very barren, without any powerful monsters or rare spiritual plants.Shen Zhiyu jumped onto a tall first-order spiritual tree and looked into the distance.

A tall and majestic mountain is slowly emerging from the ground. The sharp top is like a giant blade, splitting the foggy sky, and shining golden light from above, turning the entire mountain into a golden mountain. , looks like a miracle, holy.

The roar of monsters resounded in the secret realm, echoing round and round, deafening.

Countless birds and geese soared into the sky from various woods in the secret realm, and countless flying monsters flew up and down in the air, but they all flew towards Jinshan.The gray clouds floating around the mountain are inlaid with golden edges, and the birds disappear into it, making the slowly rising mountain look mysterious.

Moreover, there was an inexplicable sense of calling in her heart, which seemed to be urging her to go to the Jinshan that suddenly appeared.

This is... is there something attracting her?
Shen Zhiyu made a decision almost immediately, and rushed towards the place where the mutation happened.

At this time, dozens of rays of light rose from the vortex of space, with full force, they flew towards the direction of Jinshan.

These dozens of people are Foundation Establishment monks.

Shen Zhiyu stopped her hustle and watched the Foundation Establishment cultivators leave, realizing that now is a good time to leave.

However, after hesitating, she decided to go to Jinshan to find out the situation. After all, the most important thing for a monk in his life is the various opportunities on the road of cultivation. If she shrinks back today, she will definitely be very upset and regret it in the future. The practice of state of mind.

Quickly rushing to the direction of Jinshan, on the way, Shen Zhiyu suddenly bumped into the scene of murder and robbery.

A lot of foundation-building monks flew over her head just now, so she restrained the divine consciousness she had been exuding to a range of [-] meters around her. She never thought that a seventh-level Qi-training monk who looked like a casual cultivator would be chased and killed. Stumbling and flying towards her direction, it was already too late when she found out, she was about to leave without wanting to cause trouble.

As a result, the trees in this area were sparse, and the fleeing casual cultivator saw her as soon as he raised his head. His eyes lit up immediately, and seeing that she was about to leave, he hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Daoist! Fellow Daoist! Save me by your hand. I will give you two Ten Thousand Year Spirit Grass as a reward!!!"

While running, he rushed towards Shen Zhiyu's direction, his legs with the amulets stuck on them jumped up and down quickly, and the distance of [-] meters was crossed in an instant, and he came to Shen Zhiyu's side.

But he didn't stop, and ran away in a hurry, and shouted, "What? You said you don't need it? Your storage bag is full of ten thousand year spirit grass?"

Huoshuidong is very proficient in citing, but his cultivation base is not high and his heart is quite dark.Seeing that he had been involved, Shen Zhiyu ordered the moon to tie back the seven-level qi training monks who had escaped, while watching the five qi training monks who caught up.

Shen Zhiyu saw their situation at a glance.

Those who caught up were three men and two women, all wearing uniform clothes, they seemed to belong to the same sect, but they were not disciples of the top ten sects, they should be from some small sect and family.

Among them, the highest level of cultivation is a male cultivator in the mid-twelfth level of Qi training, the other two men are at the peak of the eleventh level of Qi training and the peak of the tenth level of Qi training, and the remaining female cultivator is at the eleventh level of Qi training , while the other has a low level of cultivation, only the eighth level of Qi training.

The five people who were chasing her also stopped at a distance of about five feet away from her, and secretly observed her.

With a long wooden box in front of her, the female cultivator has a mid-tenth level of cultivation, wearing a neat men's military uniform, her hair is tied high into a ponytail, and she has an extremely ordinary face, but her eyes are extremely clear , like stars.Although she is a female cultivator, her aura around her is cold and deep, and she looks very difficult to provoke.

At this moment, the moon tied back the seven-level qi-training monk who had brought disaster to the east, and Shen Zhiyu casually cast a silence spell, sealing his mouth that kept yelling.

The [-]th-floor Qi training male cultivator headed by the five first glanced at the tightly bound monks on the ground, then secretly glanced at the bulging storage bag on Shen Zhiyu's waist, and then raised his hand in a very gentle salute. He opened his mouth and said: "This fairy, this person is a sin slave of our Zengyangba He family, please don't make things difficult for the fairy, and give this person to us."

Just now he thought he was cryptic at that glance, but Shen Zhiyu saw the flashing greedy expression on his face, she sneered in her heart, and said lightly: "The person I caught, you will hand it over as soon as you touch your lips. , It’s too wishful thinking." And any criminal slaves are farting, just by the smell of blood on your body, it can be clearly seen that this is an incident of killing for money and getting money.

"Don't be shameless, hand him over quickly, otherwise..." The female cultivator at the eighth level of Qi training took a step forward, yelling arrogantly, but after being glared at by the lead male cultivator, she swallowed weakly Played the rest of the voice.

The leading male cultivator showed a false smile to Shen Zhiyu, "Fairy, sister-in-law has nothing to say, and my words conflicted with you, please..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a loud slap came along with the female nun's shrill cry.

The face of the qi training female cultivator who spoke before was swollen with a slap mark, and the corner of her mouth was also cracked, bleeding out.

Seeing this, the leading male cultivator was shocked and angry, and suddenly looked at Shen Zhiyu.

Shen Zhiyu showed the fake smile of the previous male cultivator, "I have already helped to teach Lingmei, you are welcome, fellow Taoist."

"You..." The male cultivator's voice choked up, his eyes showed a fierce look, "It seems that fellow Taoist is going to make an enemy of our He family."

The fake smile on Shen Zhiyu's face suddenly disappeared, and he said expressionlessly: "It's an enemy, what do you want?" It's as if if you give people to you, you won't know how to fight.

The two sides confronted each other without giving in.

(End of this chapter)

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