Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 84 The Dagger Buried in the Grave

Chapter 84 The Dagger Buried in the Grave

"Playing with mystery." Shen Zhiyu recalled what happened in the evil cultivator's stronghold before, and sneered: "I don't know what you guys want to do, and I don't care, but..."

Shen Zhiyu looked up at her with cold eyes, "This kind of behavior is really disgusting."

With a wave of Shen Zhiyu's hand, Qingya sword flew out through the air, directly approaching Shen Lingyu.

The sharp sword energy was released, blocking all of Shen Lingyu's escape routes.

Facing the mighty sword momentum, Shen Lingyu did not dare to be careless. With a pinch of her fingers, a golden-red flame suddenly appeared in her palm. With a slight flip of her hand, the flame grew out of thin air, and the surging and jumping flames It instantly enveloped her whole body, forming a ring-shaped wall of flames.

The flame and its strength, as soon as it spread, Shen Zhiyu felt a suffocating burning intent, which was exactly the same as the scorching breath he felt at the stone gate before.

At the same time, as soon as the sword energy got close to the flame wall, it disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the flames around Shen Lingyu and felt solemn.

This is... a strange fire.

There are four types of flames in the practice world, namely sky fire, earth fire, real fire and abnormal fire.

Skyfire is the most powerful flame among all flames. As long as it appears, it can burn for thousands of years without extinguishing. No matter a mortal monk, as long as he touches it, he will be burned to death.Moreover, the sky fire will only come down when it is punished by the sky. According to the records in the history of Qiming, it has only appeared once since ancient times, and it landed in the abyss of the earth.

The ground fire is the spiritual fire produced from the volcano in the center of the earth. The most famous place in the first stop of the tour she made before is the ground fire. Generally, monks who do not have fire spirit roots need to use the ground fire when they need to make alchemy and tools. Fire to the alchemy platform, and then control the ground fire to refine the elixir and magic weapon.

The real fire is the flame produced by various monks after practicing, such as the pill fire that burns the golden core in the dantian of the golden core monk, the demon fire cultivated by some fire attribute demon cultivators, and the ghost fire specially aimed at the soul by ghost cultivators, etc. , vary.It is the most diverse type of flame.

The last one is different fire.The strange fire is a spiritual creature born between the heaven and the earth. Similar to other rare treasures, it is formed in various weird places.Moreover, the conditions for the birth of the strange fire are extremely harsh, and the formation process of the strange fire is very accidental and unique, but once it is formed, its power is very powerful, second only to the sky fire.

Moreover, the special feature of the strange fire is that it can produce spiritual wisdom, which can be regarded as a very special life form.However, generally intelligent beings are difficult to be subdued.

When I was in school, the teacher who told about the different fire said that when you meet a person with a different fire, it is best not to confront him head-on, and avoid it if you can.

And now, such a person appeared in front of Shen Zhiyu, but now, she didn't want to avoid it, and she couldn't avoid it.

Shen Zhiyu recalled Qingya Sword backhandedly, because she didn't know whether Qingya Sword could withstand the burning of the strange fire.

The Qingya sword was ups and downs all over her body, and Shen Zhiyu held a trick in her hand. During the confrontation, she kept looking for an opportunity to defeat Shen Lingyu.

Shen Lingyu seemed to have no intention of doing anything for the time being. She stood amidst the curtain of fire, looking at Shen Zhiyu with interest, "Why, don't you dare to show your true face to me?"

"You are too deep into the drama." Shen Zhiyu mocked in a cold voice with eyes like cold pools.

Shen Lingyu was neither angry nor annoyed, "You really... haven't changed at all." She had a strange look on her face, "You are as stubborn and rigid as you remember."

"You don't need to confuse me with words, I won't believe a single word." Shen Zhiyu's tone was flat.

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not, but I want to say this." Shen Lingyu let out a breath slowly, "Zhiyu, have you ever apologized to Shen Lingyu for what you did back then? "

When Shen Zhiyu thought of the girl's panicked eyes when she fell off the cliff, her heart fluctuated, but she remained calm, "You are not qualified to ask such a question."

"Really?" Shen Lingyu chuckled, she raised her hand slightly, and a black and slender object appeared in her palm, "Is the former Shen Lingyu qualified to ask you such a question?"

Shen Zhiyu's eyes fell on the dagger in her palm, her pupils shrank, and a huge wave arose in her heart.

"You..." Shen Zhiyu raised his head in disbelief, and when he was about to question, a huge fire appeared in his eyes and rushed towards him.

Before she had time to think about it, Shen Zhiyu pointed out the formula that Shen Zhiyu had been holding in her hand, and a stream of sword energy faintly appeared to meet the flames. At the same time, when her body retreated sharply, the Qingya sword spun around her body rapidly, swaying sword energy one after another. , covering the body and turning it into a three-layer shield.

Just when the flame and the sword energy were about to collide, the fire wave suddenly split into two, bypassing the sword energy from both sides, and then rushed straight towards her.

"Peng" sound.

The flame hit the shield of sword energy, and after melting away the outermost shield, it dissipated quietly, leaving only a talisman in the center blooming in front of her.

After a closer look, it turned out to be a revealing talisman.She has used the illusion technique on her face, and this appearance talisman is one of the methods to remove the illusion technique.

But Shen Zhiyu didn't care about the appearance talisman, but lightly rubbed her still warm fingers. I don't know if it was her illusion. Before the flame receded, she seemed to lick her fingertips lightly with a tongue of fire. .

The phantom face technique lost its effect, and Shen Zhiyu's true face appeared.

Shen Lingyu looked at the person standing not far in front of her. The face revealed after her ordinary face had faded away had sculpted eyebrows and phoenix eyes, a straight nose and red lips. The stern and unruly temperament unique to sword repairers looks like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

Shen Lingyu looked at Shen Zhiyu's appearance, which was completely different from the low-browed and pleasing eyes in memory, and let out a "chi" laugh.

She held the golden-red flame that shuttled between her fingers in the palm of her hand, then slowly clenched it tightly, ignoring the painful cries in her mind, her eyes were wide open, and she whispered a few words through her teeth, "Eat inside and outside, selfish The generation of Li..."

Shen Zhiyu raised her head, looked at the dagger in Shen Lingyu's hand, remained silent for a long time, and asked, "Where did you get the dagger in your hand?" She had obviously buried the dagger in Shen Lingyu's tomb before.

"Look at you, you are always so stubborn, the facts are clearly in front of you, but you always refuse to believe..."

"Zhiyu, don't you believe me?"

"Zhiyu, I will never lie to you in my life."

"Zhiyu, will you protect me?"

"Zhiyu, Zhiyu, will we be together forever?"


Sentence after sentence.

The ethereal voice of Shen Lingyu in front of her gradually overlapped with the cheerful and misty voice in memory.

(End of this chapter)

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