Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 85 I Didn't Expect To Come In This Way

Chapter 85 I Didn't Expect To Come Back In This Way

"Zhiyu, you lied to me."

"You lied to me!!!"

Shen Zhiyu was awakened from confusion by the last three words.

She looked at Shen Lingyu with a cold expression in front of her in a daze, her lips twitched a few times, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say, the shock filled her brain, making her confused.

The Qingya sword floating beside him fell to the ground at some point, and the defensive sword energy all over his body faded completely.

"...Why did you lie to me?" Shen Lingyu gradually approached the stunned Shen Zhiyu.

"Not only did you fail to protect me, you even pushed me off the cliff yourself!!" Shen Lingyu approached her step by step, her voice shrill.

Shen Zhiyu involuntarily took a few steps back, and when she heard Shen Lingyu's question, she subconsciously shook her head and explained: "I didn't push you... I... I just..." It was too late to save you.

"You're lying!" Shen Lingyu interrupted the explanation, sneered inwardly, and silently said to the person who had left long ago.

See, this is when you trust your friend so much, she pushes you off the cliff with her own hands, and makes you die in boundless panic, but she doesn't feel guilty about you at all.She lives so happily, she almost forgets your existence, she doesn't care about your life or death at all!

But don't worry, I will get justice for you with my own hands.Shen Lingyu's eyes were firm.

"I didn't lie!" After all, Shen Zhiyu was still the tough and mature swordsman, even though his mind was shocked, he didn't lose his mind for too long.

She suddenly raised her head to look directly at Shen Lingyu, and said word by word: "I never lied, let alone broke my promise!"

"I don't know why you came back from the dead, but I can say with a clear conscience that I have never broken my promise. Except..." Shen Zhiyu's eyes were slightly sour and red, but she did not dodge, her eyes were still burning Looking at her, "On the cliff, I failed to save you."

For a moment, Shen Lingyu was even a little shaken by the burning light in her eyes, she avoided it slightly, and said coldly: "Of course you won't admit it!"

"I didn't do it, of course I don't admit it." Shen Zhiyu said.

"You didn't do it?" Shen Lingyu seemed to have heard a big joke, she laughed out loud, she couldn't breathe, "I saw it with my own eyes, you still have the face to deny sophistry?!"

Shen Zhiyu said resolutely: "Impossible! When you fell off the cliff, you and I were half a foot apart." In the past ten years, among the few memories that have impressed her the most, the one she remembers most clearly is the moment when she was on the cliff. That scene.

She revisited her old place countless times, imitating in her mind what she would do to save Shen Lingyu countless times. In the half year that Shen Lingyu had just left, she woke up countless times from midnight dreams, and she fell off the cliff. that moment.

So she was pretty sure that her own memory was accurate.

Shen Lingyu's eyes showed disappointment and worthlessness, and when she looked at Shen Zhiyu, she was very contemptuous, "People who do wrong things are always used to excuse themselves."

After she climbed out of the tomb, the memory of the original owner was incomplete, but among the memories left behind, the most clear ones were the thrust from behind, the terrifying weightlessness and the outstretched palm.What's more, there are other witnesses.

"Do you think there will be no proof?" Shen Lingyu sneered again and again, "The dirty facts will not be covered up so easily!"

"Confirmation?" Shen Zhiyu's thoughts turned, thinking of Shen Lingjun who pushed her before, she couldn't help frowning, "You mean Shen Lingjun?"

"You would rather believe Shen Lingjun than me?" Shen Zhiyu looked at her, feeling ridiculous.

Shen Lingyu didn't speak, she put a hand on Shen Zhiyu's shoulder, and seemed to want to hug her.

Shen Zhiyu subconsciously wanted to break free, but in the end she was forced to suppress her, and then lowered her body's defense.

With a sound of "噗嗤", there was the sound of a sharp blade piercing into flesh and blood.

Shen Zhiyu snorted, her abdomen was in severe pain, she stretched out her hand to touch it, her hand was covered with warm and red liquid.

The tyrannical power entered into the body from the dagger, raging everywhere, twisting her internal organs so painfully.

The dagger that pierced her abdomen was the one she gave to Shen Lingyu after forging it with meteorite.

Unexpectedly, the dagger returned to her hand in such a way.

Shen Zhiyu closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes were already calm, "Shen Lingyu, I have suffered this knife, and it can be regarded as repayment for not being able to save you. From then on, I have nothing to owe you. .”

"No more debts?" Shen Lingyu's eyes were dark, "You want beauty, but you are only interested in interest. What I want is your life, and only when a life is worth a life, can there really be no more debts."

"As for why I believe Shen Lingjun?" Shen Lingyu laughed out loud, and asked disdainfully, "He is my biological brother, but you are the one who bullied me and harmed me. I don't believe him, should I believe you?"

With that said, Shen Lingyu raised her hand, and a golden-red hot flame ignited on the palm of her hand, and she patted it down.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Zhiyu's eyes suddenly changed, and she rolled on the spot to avoid Shen Lingyu's palm.

A few hits on her body stopped the bleeding, Shen Zhiyu reached out and wiped the storage bag at her waist, quickly took out a few pills and stuffed them into her mouth, then forced herself to stand up, Qingya Sword flew into her hand, pointing at Shen Lingyu, " You are not Shen Lingyu."

"Why, when it comes to things you don't want to face, you don't want to admit that I'm still alive?" Shen Lingyu's eyes flickered, then she looked at her with a sneer and said, "Have you always been this hypocritical?"

Shen Zhiyu is now very sure that the person in front of her is not Shen Lingyu, then she was too wronged for the injury just now!
Shen Zhiyu laughed back angrily, feeling that the injury in her abdomen had been temporarily stabilized, she let go of Qingya Sword, pushed her palm on the hilt of the sword, and the long sword turned into a beam of sword light and rushed towards Shen Lingyu.

At the same time, Shen Zhiyu lifted up Zongyun, and while his body was changing, he was also getting closer to Shen Lingyu, and the thunder and fire talisman in his hand was ready to go.

Shen Lingyu raised her hand, and the golden-red flame immediately set off a fire wave, wrestling Qingya sword in mid-air.

But Shen Zhiyu managed to approach.

After sensing Shen Zhiyu, the wall of fire surrounding Shen Lingyu even parted a path, exposing Shen Lingyu directly.

Shen Zhiyu didn't get too close, so he stopped outside the fire wave, and then threw out the Thunder Fire Talisman.

Just when Shen Zhiyu was about to detonate the Thunder Fire Talisman, Shen Lingyu suddenly smiled, raised her hand and pulled the clothes on her shoulders, revealing the familiar birthmark on her shoulders.

Shen Zhiyu's hand paused, and immediately withdrew the urging genital energy, and at the same time tapped a sword energy, knocking the half-flying Thunder Fire Talisman into the air.

The thunder fire talisman fell into the distance, bursting purple and thunder light, and the ground ignited raging fire.

Shen Zhiyu floated and then retreated, recalling Qingya sword floating beside him, looking at Shen Lingyu coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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