Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 86 In the Sea of ​​Consciousness

Chapter 86 In the Sea of ​​Consciousness
Facing Shen Zhiyu's murderous eyes, Shen Lingyu just smiled playfully.

"Seize the house? No..."

Before Shen Lingyu could refute, Shen Zhiyu himself denied this idea.

The technique of seizing the house is a forbidden technique, and the conditions for its implementation are almost as difficult as generating strange fire, and the general object of seizing the house must also be a living monk.

If it wasn't a forbidden technique, a folk legend floated in Shen Zhiyu's mind, "Could it be returning the soul from a dead body?"

But this is too much to challenge her cognition.Even for a monk, it is impossible to borrow a body to return to life like a resurrection. It is possible to borrow a body for a short time, but it is absolutely impossible now!

Thinking about it, I still find it incredible.

"Who are you?" Shen Zhiyu asked coldly.

"Guess?" Shen Lingyu showed her a serious smile.

Still pretending!

Shen Zhiyu didn't want to waste any more words, put her foot on the ground, flew out, and stretched out her hand to restrain Shen Lingyu.

After Shen Lingyu glanced in a certain direction in surprise, she floated back, dodging Shen Zhiyu's movements, "I have something to do and I won't play with you, you can enjoy the taste of the monster." After she finished speaking, she smiled softly With a sound, after snapping his fingers, it turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the sky.

After Shen Lingyu snapped her fingers, the raging force in her abdomen increased, and Shen Zhiyu endured it expressionlessly.

As soon as Shen Lingyu left, Shen Zhiyu spat out a mouthful of blood. She knelt down on one knee, and the veins on her forehead throbbed because of the severe pain in her abdominal meridians.

She waited quietly for a while, wanting to wait for the situation to ease, but instead of getting better, it became more serious. Her ears began to hum continuously, her temples throbbed, and her eyeballs were bloodshot as if she could get out of it in the next second. The eye sockets fell out, and the internal organs seemed to be stirred by several hands. After holding back for a long time, I finally couldn't help but started to vomit, but I couldn't vomit anything.

In the end, Shen Zhiyu couldn't bear it any longer, looked up at the Shimen not far away, staggered in with Qingya sword in hand, and leaned against the wall weakly.

After she closed the stone gate, she threw down a few formation disks, and the concealment formation, fantasy town and seven killing formations sealed the stone gate tightly.

After doing all this, Shen Zhiyu had no strength anymore, she collapsed on the ground weakly, and soon lost consciousness due to the pain.

Just when Shen Zhiyu was about to arrive, she kept pressing her to keep her from coming out, lest the moon, who was accidentally injured by the strange fire, feel the disappearance of the confinement power, she instantly poked her body out of Shen Zhiyu's sleeve, and then caught Shen Zhiyu's limp body .


In the extreme pain, Shen Zhiyu suddenly felt his body lighten.

Shen Zhiyu felt that she became very light, as if she was constantly floating and floating, as if she was drifting with the current in the flowing water.

This...like the feeling she felt when she sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

While thinking about it, Shen Zhiyu felt a pulling force of gentle nostalgia, wanting to pull her to sink deeper.

This time Shen Zhiyu didn't refuse, she let the gentle pulling force pull her down.

Slowly and calmly, she could clearly feel that the space around her was getting darker and darker, even though she couldn't see it.

The consciousness that was still drowsy before gradually became more and more awake.

Suddenly, Shen Zhiyu felt a shock in his consciousness, as if he had sunk to the bottom, but he also seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, as if sinking slowly in a stagnation.

She wanted to move, but since she was only a conscious body now, she didn't have the heavy but obedient feeling like waving her arms, she could only feel a sense of emptiness and nothingness.

Such a feeling of powerlessness made Shen Zhiyu very uncomfortable.

Her mood could not help but fluctuate.

At this time, the feeling of stagnation like being trapped in quicksand suddenly disappeared, and then the feeling of falling struck. She seemed to have passed through a layer of something, and fell rapidly from midair.

Shen Zhiyu shuddered violently, and when she subconsciously wanted to struggle, the feeling of the existence of her hands and feet was noticed belatedly.

At the same time, she seems to have eyes and can see the surrounding environment.

Shen Zhiyu was falling quickly on his back, and as far as his eyes could see was a clear blue sky, "whistling" passing the clouds and mist around him.

Slowly, the brisk chirping of birds came to my ears, and the sweet and pleasant aroma of grass and trees appeared in my nose.

Shen Zhiyu: "???"

With a thought, she summoned Qingya Sword.

But the Qingya sword that was summoned in the past did not appear.

After Shen Zhiyu was surprised for a short time, she quickly made a light-weight tactic, trying to keep herself from falling so fast, otherwise she might be thrown to death!
But the tactic of light body is also useless.

Shen Zhiyu noticed something was wrong, and quickly checked her own cultivation, but she didn't notice it when she didn't pay attention before, and now she found out after special inspection that she didn't have any cultivation at all, there was no real energy in her body, and she didn't even have the internal force when she was in the mortal world. exists.

Now she has not only become a mortal, but also an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken!

Seeing the faint greenness appearing in the peripheral vision, Shen Zhiyu couldn't help feeling anxious.

No way? !

At this time, Shen Zhiyu could already see the tall tree crown branches and leaves above Shen Zhiyu's eyes.

stop!stop now! !
Suddenly, an invisible wave emanated from Shen Zhiyu's body.

After the waves passed by, the surroundings suddenly stopped.

The flowing clouds in the sky stopped, the chirping of insects and birds stopped abruptly, the aroma of grass and trees at the nose also suddenly disappeared, and even the leaves falling from the trees stopped in mid-air.

Shen Zhiyu's body suddenly stopped in mid-air, but that kind of stop was completely different from Yujian's flight. She had nowhere to rely on and no support, which made her feel extremely insecure.

How is this going?

Shen Zhiyu saw the stillness around her, and doubts arose in her heart.

Didn't she sink to the bottom of the Sea of ​​Consciousness with that traction force, why did she suddenly appear here?

Could this be the bottom of the Sea of ​​Consciousness?Shen Zhiyu was taken aback by her guess.

Shen Zhiyu thought about how she kept yelling to stop because she was afraid of being thrown to death just now, so now...?
"Start?!" she said tentatively.

Before the words fell, the sense of weightlessness struck again.

Shen Zhiyu is not far from the ground now, but within half a breath, she has already fallen to the ground.

But unexpectedly, she didn't fall into a pulp like she imagined.On the contrary, like a feather, it fell on the ground without any anti-shock force, but bounced lightly on the ground a few times before it settled down completely. It felt like landing but it didn't hurt at all.

Shen Zhiyu lay limply and looked at the blue sky, white clouds and green trees above her, her mind was already numb.

Is this place really in the sea of ​​consciousness?Or did she actually fall into another strange place after entering the stone gate?

(End of this chapter)

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