Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 95 The reason why Han Lian's realm fell

Chapter 95 The reason why Han Lian's realm fell

Soon, the situation became chaotic.

It used to be like a battle between two sides, but now it looks like a chaotic battle. Except for the same sect, the other monks, whether they are casual cultivators or other sects, will not be polite if they encounter each other.

During the previous rest, Shen Zhiyu recovered about [-]% of her strength, and now she is in a melee. She dodges and wanders around, avoiding those famous masters. When encountering monks who attack her on the way, they all deal with them as soon as possible. Caught in a stalemate.

Under careful control, she eliminated more than a dozen people one after another. The injuries on her body were not serious, and the loss of her true energy was not particularly serious.

This time, there is no special encounter like that. Now the monks are busy protecting themselves and trying to eliminate others, and they have no time to hunt down a little monk like her who is running around like a mouse.

Running around, Shen Zhiyu suddenly saw Han Lian.

He was guarded by a small group of Qingxu Palace disciples in the middle, surrounded by swords, spears and halberds, but his face was full of leisure, and the magic robe on his body was brand new, not even stained with blood.

The dude who is rich, powerful and powerful is really happy.She sighed inwardly.

Shen Zhiyu took a glance and stopped paying attention, avoiding this group of disciples from Qingxu Palace, and ran to the area with few monks and low cultivation base.

But after avoiding for a long time, it is inevitable that we will encounter monks who are not forgiving.

No, a body repairer from Xuan Dao Sect had to chase after her.

The key point is that the physical evasion technique of that body repairer is much better than Zong Yun's, even if Shen Zhiyu speeds up, he still clings to her tightly.

After running more than half a circle, seeing that she couldn't get rid of the monk, Shen Zhiyu simply stopped and looked straight at the monk who stopped two feet in front of her.

The body repairer had thick eyebrows and big eyes, regular facial features, and slightly dark skin. Looking at Shen Zhiyu at this moment, his face was cold, with a simple and honest smile on his face, he cupped his hands at Shen Zhiyu and said, "Xuan Daozong, Gu Xiao, practice A tenth-level monk."

Shen Zhiyu was speechless, what name should I give now, but he had already announced his family name, and she couldn't justify it if she didn't return, so she bowed her hands and bowed back, "Xuanji Sword Sect, Shen Zhiyu, a monk at the tenth level of Qi training."

"Fellow Daoist Shen, please." Gu Xiao took half a step slightly, shifted his weight back, and raised his hand to make a gesture.

Shen Zhiyu didn't say much, raised his hand and pointed, and Qingya Sword flew towards him with mighty sword energy.

Gu Xiao is a disciple of Xuan Dao Sect, and he observed Shen Zhiyu for a long time before, so he naturally knew that the sword formula she practiced was "Breaking the Army".

Facing the thrust of the long sword, he didn't dare to be careless, the true energy in his body rushed out, the whole body was shocked, and the metal-like brilliance faintly appeared on the skin.

Seeing the long sword close in front of his eyes, and feeling the unparalleled sharpness of the sword wind, he didn't have the idea of ​​confronting it head-on, turned slightly, his body almost brushed past Qingya sword, and then his feet were on the ground, his whole body He jumped out and flew straight at Shen Zhiyu.

Shen Zhiyu just wanted to make a quick decision, raised his hand, swung several sword qi, and stabbed at Gu Xiao who was approaching.

Probably after seeing how she dealt with Feng Die, Gu Xiao hurriedly stopped his feet, and at the same time, his skin almost turned copper-colored, and then only heard a few "ding ding ding", and several sword qi fell on his body. body, was thrown out.

Shen Zhiyu doesn't have much real energy in his body, so of course he won't use the "Breaking Army" sword formula that consumes a lot of real energy.

While recalling Qingya Sword in her heart, she also leaned forward, quickly approached Gu Xiao, and then punched out.

This Gu Xiao is a physical trainer, and it just so happens that she also practiced physical training exercises, and her body strength is extremely high, so she wanted to try her hand-to-hand combat ability.

Three different forces in the body are rushing out, the first layer of repairing power, the second layer of blood power and the third layer of special energy are integrated, and then become a kind of tyrannical true energy, Wrap Shen Zhiyu's body, making her body glow like white jade.

Gu Xiao didn't pay much attention to Shen Zhiyu's movements when he saw Shen Zhiyu's movements. For physical cultivators, as long as the sword of the sword cultivator is not in their hands, then close combat will not pose any threat to them.

Seeing Shen Zhiyu's fist enlarged in his eyes, a flash of indifference flashed in Gu Xiao's eyes, and he punched him casually.

Sure enough, when the two punches met, he easily caught the blow that Shen Zhiyu had stored up for a long time.

When Gu Xiao felt disdain in his heart, he didn't see the seemingly invisible curvature of Shen Zhiyu's mouth.

Just when Gu Xiao lost his vigilance, Shen Zhiyu punched out the dark energy stored in his body.

Caught off guard, a tyrannical force burst out from that seemingly small white fist, and directly hit Gu Xiao's fist, sending him flying.

At the same time, the Qingya sword flew back backwards, the hilt of the sword slammed into Gu Xiao's back, and then knocked him back again.

The two impacts did not hurt Gu Xiao, but made him lose the ability to control his body in mid-air. Shen Zhiyu asked the moon to tie him up.

Just when Yue Yue was about to take off Gu Xiao's number plate and throw him out of the competition venue, Shen Zhiyu noticed the Xuandao Sect monks who were faintly surrounding him, and she quickly stopped Yue Yue's movement.

She slowly retreated in the direction of the Xuanji Sword Sect, but was halfway blocked by monks from Qingxu Palace intentionally or unintentionally.

There are tigers in front and wolves in back, and the situation is worrisome.

Shen Zhiyu took a deep breath, her eyes became resolute, even if she was eliminated, she would have to pull a few people as backers!

After Shen Zhiyu quickly swallowed a nourishing pill, the Qingya sword floating beside her swung, and dozens of sword qi surrounded her, ready to go.

Just when he was about to do something, a mocking voice came from not far away, "The reason for such a big battle is to eliminate a monk who has cultivated the tenth level of Qi?" He sneered lazily, "You people from the Xuan Dao Sect It's becoming more and more shameless."

Shen Zhiyu recognized the voice, it was Han Lian.

She quickly glanced at the source of the sound, and saw him slowly walking out from the crowd of Qingxu Palace disciples.

Hearing this ridicule, the cultivator of Xuan Dao Sect couldn't hold back a little. A tall female cultivator walked out of it, looked Han Lian up and down, with a flash of disdain on his face, and retorted, "Aren't you just a person who depends on others?" waste."

"Speaking of it, I don't understand where you came from. You went out, a dignified foundation-building monk, but was knocked down by a Qi-training disciple, and now you still have the face to meddle in other people's business. You are not afraid of being slapped when you come out. Slap to death." After she finished speaking, there were voices of chorus behind her, as well as laughter one after another.

Shen Zhiyu was very surprised when he heard it.

Knocked down by a Qi training period? !It shouldn't be, Han Lian's formation skills are so high, even a random formation is enough to trap the Qi training period.What's more, there is a huge gap between the Qi training period and the foundation building period, how could it be...

(End of this chapter)

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