Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 96 The Siege of Xuan Dao Sect

Chapter 96 The Siege of Xuan Dao Sect
The expression on Han Lian's face paused for a moment, and suddenly, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. He was obviously smiling, but for no reason, he showed some strange coldness, "You stand up for Xuan Dao Sect like this, and I don't know what happened to you. After Xuan Dao Will Zong also stand up for you like this?"

Hearing the threat in Han Lian's words, the female cultivator snorted coldly, "I don't need to bother you." But she didn't continue to sneer.

After taking a deep look at the female cultivator, Han Lian glanced at the disciples of Qingxu Palace beside him, and said coldly, "What are you still doing here?"

After the Qingxu Palace disciples who wanted to block Shen Zhiyu's way dispersed before, Han Lian glanced at the Xuandaozong disciples with a half-smile, and said slowly, "Go ahead, we people from Qingxu Palace will not interfere with you." And this bullying thing." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

The female cultivator let out a "bah", and cursed secretly in her heart: You Qingxu Palace have done the most of this kind of thing!

When Shen Zhiyu was listening to the chatter between the two sides, she sensed that the monks of the Xuanji Sword Sect were approaching, and slowly leaned over.

Just when she was about to escape from the encirclement, the nun who had taunted Han Lian before stared at her sharply. After Shen Zhiyu paused for a moment, she suddenly accelerated and rushed out.

A dozen or so qi training monks from Xuan Dao Sect immediately chased after him.

While running, Shen Zhiyu glanced at Gu Xiao who was being dragged by the moon. It is estimated that this tenth-level Qi training monk named Gu Xiao had a special status, so she was pursued by the people of Xuan Dao Sect.

But now she can't throw the person out for the time being. Now that the person is in her hands, the monks of the Xuandao Sect will be more or less afraid of throwing the mouse.

Shen Zhiyu looked up and estimated the distance to the monks of the Xuanji Sword Sect. Although the distance was not long, there were many monks fighting in the middle, and the monks who survived until now were not easy to deal with, so they could not meet for a short time.

Zongyun's agility is better at moving around in battle, and it doesn't improve the speed much.Moreover, Xuan Dao Sect is a body cultivation sect, and the disciples under the sect are very rich in physical evasion techniques, so it didn't take long for Shen Zhiyu to feel a strong wind coming from behind, which gave her a chill down her spine.

Shen Zhiyu's true energy gushed out from her body, and Zongyun took her body away from the spot, and moved half a foot to the left.

Just as her body left the spot, a black image fell from the sky like a swift leopard, her fist hit the ground with a "boom", and a deep pit the size of a human head appeared where Shen Zhiyu was standing. Numerous cracks spread from the center of the deep pit.

Shen Zhiyu felt a strong pressure, and she took advantage of the impact of the man's hammer on the ground, and rushed outward.

At this moment, from the corner of Shen Zhiyu's eyes, she saw the black shadow move slightly, and in the next second it appeared in front of Shen Zhiyu's fleeing direction.

Her heart tightened, she stopped abruptly, twisted her body, and Shen Zhiyu immediately rushed in another direction.

But soon, the black shadow blocked Shen Zhiyu again.

Shen Zhiyu stood still, looking solemnly at the extremely oppressive male cultivator in front of him.

The male cultivator in front of him was wearing a black uniform of Xuan Dao Sect. He looked like a young man about 24 or [-] years old. He had good facial features and a cold temperament. At this moment, he looked at Shen Zhiyu with cold eyes.

After seeing his face clearly, Shen Zhiyu knew who the person in front of him was.

Gu Ting, the eldest son of the Patriarch of the Xuandao Sect, and Du Lansheng of the Xuanji Sword Sect, were both preparing for retreat to attack the Foundation Establishment period, but because of this Ruin Realm, they came out specially.The proud son of the Xuandao Sect, even in the many Qi training periods of the ten major sects, he is also a top figure.

Gu Xiao looks somewhat similar to him.Could it be that the two are brothers?
Shen Zhiyu raised her hand slightly, Qingya sword fell into her hand, she flicked it slightly, pointing at the sharp sword obliquely.

"Hand over the person." Gu Ting's voice was low.

Shen Zhiyu glanced at the Xuandao Sect disciples who came up from all around, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly: She is not stupid, if she handed over her now, wouldn't she be slaughtered?
This disciple tried to follow the rules, so Gu Xiao would not have to worry about his life at all, so why are these people from Xuan Dao Sect so nervous about Gu Xiao?Is there something hidden?
But it may also be because of Gu Xiao's valuable status, no matter what, it is impossible for people to hand it over.

Shen Zhiyu's mind was full of thoughts, she made up her mind to delay the time, when she was about to speak, Gu Ting's body who had been quiet all this time suddenly rushed towards her like lightning.

Shen Zhiyu's complexion changed slightly, she pointed her finger, and Qingya Sword flew out, facing Gu Ting.

But Gu Ting's speed was really too fast. When the Qingya sword was about to stab him, his body flashed slightly, and the next moment, he had already appeared on the other side, and the offensive of his fist continued unabated, directly attacking Shen Zhiyu. Come.

Depend on!
Before they even had time to say a word of disagreement, they fought directly, that is, relying on the rules of the disciples, even if she had someone in her hands, she couldn't threaten them and make them restrain their hands and feet.

However, did you waste so much effort just to vent your anger on that Gu Xiao?
Shen Zhiyu scolded her mother in her heart.But soon, she felt that in this kind of competition for resources, the monks of Xuan Dao Sect would not besiege her for such a boring reason, and it would be easy to lose the talk.

There must be some other reason, for example, to ensure that Gu Xiao has the qualification to enter the ruins world in the Xuanxu ruins?

But no matter what the reason was, she wanted to take Gu Xiao and his number plate back from her hand.

Shen Zhiyu rolled on the spot, dodging Gu Ting's punch in embarrassment.

Soon, Gu Ting's fist hit again with the force of thunder.

While rolling and crawling to dodge, Shen Zhiyu looked for Gu Ting's weakness.

However, although this Gu Ting of Xuan Dao Sect is the same as the previous Feng Die, he is a Qi training monk with great perfection, but Shen Zhiyu knows that the two cannot be compared.

Although Gu Ting's few blows did not hit her just now, Shen Zhiyu could feel the power from the remaining wind. If it really hit her, she would be seriously injured on the spot.

Gu Ting's movements didn't have any fancy movements, he just moved extremely fast, and then punched straight at the target.

Shen Zhiyu was really embarrassed to hide, and in the end, she was cornered by Gu Ting.

Facing the mighty fist, Shen Zhiyu's mind was tense, her powerful consciousness spread out, and her eyes calmly calculated the distance between herself and Gu Ting.

The first style of "Breaking the Army" is full of flames.

In the gorgeous and icy sword light, Shen Zhiyu's sword energy swirled all over her body, and then quickly formed a network of sword energy and spread towards Gu Ting.

The sword energy net and spiritual consciousness accurately captured Gu Ting's movements, but Shen Zhiyu had no way to do it. Although she could see Gu Ting's movements clearly, she also controlled Qingya Sword to quickly make sword moves.

But Gu Ting's dodging speed was really too fast, and the sword light from the flames of the flames hit him "jingling", not even a white mark appeared.

Not only is the reaction speed extremely fast, but the physical defense is also amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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