Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 108 This song "You at the Same Table" is for everyone

Chapter 108 This song "You at the Same Table" is for everyone (please subscribe)

When Zhang Fan came to a classroom of the Capital Normal University, he suddenly felt a very dazed feeling.

At this time, Zhang Fan suddenly remembered the situation in his previous life when he was in college.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I haven't been in this kind of classroom for many years.

That's why when he walked into this classroom just now, he felt very dazed.

He felt that everything was very, very, very far away from him.

"Ms. Zhang, you walked into this classroom again this time, do you feel a very trance feeling? Do you have a very familiar feeling?"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words, Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face: "You are right, I have graduated for many years, returning to this classroom again really makes me feel very dazed, like the last time It’s been a lifetime since I entered the classroom to study!”

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face, "I don't feel this way, because I'm still a college student, and I was in my class a month ago."

"However, I feel that the classrooms in the Normal University seem to be a little bigger than the classrooms in our Conservatory of Music!"

Soon, these college student ensemble performers called by the director all sat in their proper seats in the classroom.

Zhang Fan was sitting in the third row right now, next to Lin Yuqing.

When the director Yang Tianbao was preparing to film at this time, he suddenly saw that the students sitting behind Zhang Fan were all looking at Zhang Fan, and even the students sitting in front of him couldn't help it. look back.

This scene made it impossible for him to shoot.

After all, this is a class.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yang Tianbao coughed a few times at this time, attracted everyone's attention, and then said with a smile on his face: "I know that everyone likes Zhang Fan very much, and everyone came here to help us because of Zhang Fan." Busy, but this is in class, we are filming class scenes now, so don't always focus on Zhang Fan!"

"How do you usually go to class? You must be staring at the blackboard when you are in class, so everyone, don't just stare at Zhang Fan after a while, and keep staring at the blackboard. After all, our teacher is also quite handsome! "


Hearing the director's words, all the students in the audience couldn't help laughing.

The director is right, they are students of prestigious universities anyway, image, image, we must pay attention to image.

Lin Jing said: "Mengyao, did you hear that? The teacher talked about you just now. You can't wait to put your eyes on Zhang Fan. I remember that you are not like this when you are in class. You are not always in class. Are you paying attention to the class?"

"Gluck cluck cluck..."

Lin Jing wanted to tease her best friend at this time, but she couldn't help laughing while talking.

At this time, Qin Mengyao saw her best friend's appearance, and couldn't help retorting: "Hey, hey, hey... You are really going too far, and you still have the nerve to talk about me? Didn't you just put your eyes on me? Is this Lin Yuqing's body? Your image just now is no better than mine?"


At this moment, Lin Yuqing suddenly saw Zhang Fan's signature on the book in her best friend's hand, she couldn't help but sighed, and said enviously: "Meng Yao, I really envy you, you Just now I bravely stepped forward and got the autograph of my favorite idol."

"I like Lin Yuqing so much but I can't get her autograph, I'm really sad!"

Qin Mengyao saw his signature on this book at this time, and said with a proud face: "Hmph, then you are not brave. Just now you said that what I said was very good, that you let me meet my idol. It’s time to be brave, now it’s your turn, why aren’t you brave at all???”

Lin Jing:"……"

Lin Jing heard what her best friend said at this time, although she wanted to refute it very much, but what her best friend said seemed to make sense, and she didn't know what to say to refute it!



The scene in the classroom probably took less than an hour to finish filming.

Then it was almost noon.

Because the weather at noon is really too hot, and everyone has been busy all morning, everyone is extremely hot, everyone is extremely tired, and everyone is extremely hungry.

Yang Tianbao knew that it would not be efficient to continue shooting like this, so he just let everyone go to eat first!

After eating, she planned to start work at three o'clock in the afternoon. After all, the weather was too hot at noon. Even if they started work earlier, it would be difficult for these people to devote themselves to work wholeheartedly.


Duan Jiabao said: "Teacher Zhang Fan, what do you want for lunch today? I'll get you some!"

What are you having for lunch today?
This is indeed a question worth thinking about.

To be honest, he didn't know what he wanted to eat at noon.

Just when Zhang Fan was thinking about what he would eat for lunch today, he suddenly felt someone pat on the shoulder.

Zhang Fan turned his head at this time, and saw Lin Yuqing smiling: "Mr. Zhang, what are you going to have for lunch today?"

Zhang Fan listened to Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I don't know about this, just now I was thinking about what I am going to eat for lunch today? How about a stewed yellow chicken and rice or a spicy hot pot?" Kind of thing!"

Lin Yuqing said with a smile on her face at this time: "Mr. Zhang, I have a good idea. We finally came to the Normal University to film a movie today. Why don't we go to the cafeteria of this school to eat!"

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile on his face, "Yes, yes, why didn't I think of such a good idea, we have already come to this university , If you don’t go to this university, you can only have a meal, it’s really a pity, let’s go, let’s go there quickly!”

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Duan Jiabao said in surprise, "Mr. Zhang Fan, you don't order takeaway today, you are going to eat in the cafeteria!"

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "There is already a cafeteria here, why do we still eat takeaway? The cafeteria of the university is quite good, you can go with us, don't eat any takeaway , Eating too much takeaway is unhealthy, hurry up and eat in the university cafeteria with us!"



Soon several people came to the cafeteria of Capital Normal University.

This Capital Normal University is worthy of being a prestigious university. The canteen inside the school is also quite large, and there are all kinds of meals in it.

At this time, Zhang Fan ordered a piece of meat for himself, plus a side of noodles.

Lin Yuqing ordered a big bowl of wontons for herself.

At this time, Zhang Fan smelled the aroma of Lin Yuqing's wontons, took a deep breath, and said with a sigh: "It's really fragrant, it's really fragrant, the wontons in this school are really fragrant, I regret that I didn't eat wontons !"

Lin Yuqing heard the swear words at this time, and directly pushed the bowl of wonton in front of her to Steaming, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, if you want to eat wonton, I will give you this bowl of wonton." Already!"

When Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuqing's actions at this time, he didn't expect the girl to be so sincere, and said with a smile: "No, no, I'm just joking with you, eat it yourself, I There's still a lot of uneaten food here."

"Anyway, we will be filming in this school for a while. I have plenty of chances to eat these wontons. Let's eat them later!"



Zhang Fan had been filming for a whole morning this morning, and his whole body was already so hot that his chest was sticking to his back. At this moment, facing the delicious food in front of him, he hurriedly got up.

The bowl of noodles and sliced ​​meat he ordered was quickly eaten up, so Zhang Fan ordered another bowl of big wontons for himself.

Zhang Fan quickly finished the big bowl of wontons in front of him.

At this time, he still had a feeling of unfinished business.


At this time, Lin Yuqing couldn't help laughing seeing the man in front of him eating in a storm.

Hearing Lin Yuqing's laughter, Zhang Fan asked with a puzzled expression, "What are you laughing at? What's so funny?"

Lin Yuqing waved her hand at this time and said: "No, no, I just think you eat too fast. If you are not full, I have half a bowl of wontons left for you to eat!"

At this time, Zhang Fan saw that there was still half a bowl of wonton left in front of Lin Yuqing, and he said with a look of surprise: "You are eating too slowly, I ate all the things I ordered originally. , ordered another portion and finished it, you actually only ate half of this bowl of wontons."

"You eat at the same speed as a kitten. It's really too slow. Besides, you eat half of this bowl of wontons, and you have to give me the remaining half. You just eat like this." A little bit, are you full?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "I want to maintain my figure. I have already weighed 96 catties. I can't gain any more weight, so I have to lose weight. This half bowl of wontons It's enough for me to eat!"

"If you are not full, I will give you the remaining half bowl. If you don't eat it, you will dislike me, and I can't eat the half bowl. If you don't eat it, then I will just eat it." If you can pour out half a bowl of wontons, you will only be wasting food, and wasting food is a very bad behavior!"


"Stop it!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said helplessly, "Don't talk, don't talk, I'll eat, can't I eat?"

"But I'm a little curious. Why did you tell me your weight? Didn't many people say that weight is a woman's secret? You just told me your secret. Yours made me a little I'm sorry!"

Lin Yuqing blushed a little after hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time: "Mr. Zhang, do you remember what scene we are going to shoot this afternoon?"

Seeing Lin Yuqing's blushing at this time, Zhang Fan said in surprise, "No way, no way, we're going to do a kiss scene this afternoon, right? This... I haven't prepared yet. OK!"


When Zhang Fan said this, he couldn't help sighing: "Oh... this is my first kiss scene, I have no experience with this, although I have seen it before. There are quite a few films, but this is the first time I have played in person after all, and I really have no experience with this thing."

"I believe you must have no experience. I heard that you didn't seem to have any boyfriends when you were in college. Otherwise, let's find another place later. Let's go get acquainted and practice!"

"What are you doing, why are you looking at me like this? Let me tell you that I am not the kind of person you imagined. I can perform better, so I just want to prepare and practice in advance!"

"There's a saying, don't write hand-written biographies for three days, don't give oral biographies for three days..."

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she blushed extremely, covered her face with her hands, and shook her head and said to him, "Stop it, stop it, you are really ashamed!"

Seeing Lin Yuqing's shy look at this time, Zhang Fan not only thought it was very funny, but said with a smile: "What's so shy about this? This is a hurdle we must overcome as actors. Not only do we have to kiss while filming, but we also kiss in front of so many people around us!"

"At that time we will face a lot of problems, but no matter what difficulties we have, we must overcome this psychological obstacle, we must devote ourselves to this kind of kiss, and strive to present a very sweet kiss to the audience. , very loving kiss scene!"


"Ahhhhh...don't say it, don't say it!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said a little bit annoyed: "Things are not what you imagined at all. The scene we are going to shoot this afternoon is a scene about you asking the princess to hug me!"

"I accidentally sprained my foot when I was going down the stairs, so you carried me to the medical room at the school. The reason why I ate so little at noon today is because I was afraid that you would not be able to hold me when you filmed this scene this afternoon." Move me!"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's explanation at this time, Zhang Fan suddenly realized: "Oh, so that's the case. If you didn't say it earlier, I thought we were going to do a kissing scene this afternoon. To be honest, I don't know." I can't wait, I'm ready!"

"However, there's nothing wrong with waiting a few more days for the kissing scene. Although I'm ready, but judging by your appearance, you probably aren't ready yet. You must prepare carefully in private these few days!"

"If you want to practice, you can find me at any time. My mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day. I have time anytime!"


Lin Yuqing sighed when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said helplessly, "Can we stop discussing this issue for now?"

Although Lin Yuqing is also looking forward to the arrival of this kiss scene.

It was her first kiss after all!

She has never been in love before!

She has never liked anyone before!
She had never kissed anyone before.

In the past few days, Lin Yuqing has been secretly getting to know each other in private. She also found some videos on the Internet. She is also constantly learning about kissing and learning to kiss.

Although she blushes with shame every time she watches these things, I have to say that she has learned a lot about kissing during these few viewings.

It's just that there is a saying that what is achieved on paper is always superficial, and you never know that you have to do it yourself.

Although I have learned a lot in theory, these are only theories and have not been put into practice.

She didn't know what this kind of thing would look like in practice.


Zhang Fan sighed at this time, and said helplessly: "It's not that I want to discuss this issue, but that this issue is the most serious issue we will face in the next filming of this film. Both of us are inexperienced in filming the kiss scene."

"So we have to discuss and discuss in advance, and practice in advance, otherwise we will be more nervous when we are filmed by so many people, and there will definitely be more problems at that time!"

"Do you want the two of us to practice secretly in private, or do you want to be in front of so many people, because the two of us can't shoot the kiss scene well, so the director asked us to do it again and again, and so many people watched!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and felt that what Zhang Fan said seemed to make sense.

She also checked a lot of information on the Internet before, and knew that kissing scenes were really difficult to film, not to mention that it was the first time for the two of them to film kissing scenes.

To be precise, the two of them are not only filming a kissing scene for the first time, but also filming a film for the first time.

If you don't discuss and practice in advance, then you will definitely feel more nervous when filming this kiss scene in front of so many people, and you will not be able to shoot well. Come.

To be watched by so many people and kissed over and over again is just horrific.

Teacher Zhang Fan's suggestion is indeed worthy of careful consideration.

This thing must be practiced in advance, otherwise it will be really difficult to do it well.



in the afternoon
Yang Tianbao said to him with a smile on his face at this time: "The next scene you are going to shoot is very simple. The heroine played by Yuqing accidentally sprained her foot while walking. You were very worried, so you hugged her and hurried to school. The medical room inside!"

"Although the content of this scene is very simple, it is not so simple to do it. The next scene will test your physical strength. After all, there is a long distance from the place where Lin Yuqing was injured to the medical room."

"I'm going to take more close-ups and more shots for you in this scene. After all, this scene can be regarded as a classic scene in the novel. This can be said to be a very big test for your physical strength!"

"I've filmed quite a few male actors before, and their bodies are really too weak. Even when shooting this kind of princess hug scene, they have to use doubles or fake hugs, which give people a very fake feeling. !"

"But even if you wait until you can't hold yourself up, you don't have to be too inferior. After all, according to relevant statistics, more than 80% of the men in the country can't hold their girlfriends or wives for a minute..."

Before Yang Tianbao finished speaking at this time, he was interrupted by Zhang Fan: "Director, I am definitely not among the 80% of men. I can admit that I am not good at acting, but if you say that my body is not good, then I absolutely disagree!"

"Don't say it's the princess holding Yuqing for 1 minute, even if the princess is holding her for a hundred squats, I'm fine with it!"

Lin Yuqing just said at lunch today that she weighs less than a hundred catties.

With his current physical fitness, it is not a problem to do dozens of squats while holding such a person who weighs less than [-] catties.

As for whether it is possible to make a hundred, he has not tried, but Zhang Fan believes that this should not be too difficult.

Yang Tianbao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and saw Zhang Fan's confident face, and suddenly remembered the scene of Zhang Fan playing on the basketball court during filming this morning.

When playing basketball this morning, he was stronger than these young guys.

These young guys played for more than 20 minutes, and none of them could move. This guy was still like a bull, rushing back and forth on the basketball court, as if he was tireless.

Although this guy's strength is unknown, this guy's physical strength is indeed quite good.

Yang Tianbao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay, you are so confident, then I will wait and see!"

"To be honest, I have also filmed a lot of scenes 7. You are the most physically fit actor among all the actors I met in filming. I hope you will not let me down!"



"Three, two, one, action, start!"

Following the order of director Yang Tianbao, the scene began.

Bei Weiwei, played by Lin Yuqing, just came out of the library. When she was going down the steps in front of the library, she accidentally stepped on the air and sprained her foot.

Zhang Fan was walking behind Wei Wei at this time, seeing that Bei Weiwei accidentally stepped on the stairs when walking up the stairs, his whole body was startled.Hastily rushed over.

Zhang Fan came to Bei Weiwei's side at this time, and said with concern: "Are you okay?"

Bei Weiwei didn't say anything at this time, just seeing her wrinkled beautiful brows exposed her pain at this moment.

"I'll take you to the medical room!"

At this moment, Zhang Fan hugged Lin Yuqing without saying a word!

"Fuck, this is too light!"

This was Zhang Fan's first thought when he hugged Lin Yuqing.

At this time, Zhang Fan felt that Lin Yuqing was definitely not as heavy as she said, and he definitely didn't weigh 96 catties.

It feels like a little over ninety catties at most.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing was suddenly embraced by Princess Zhang Fan, and her face flushed red for a while.

This is the first time she has been hugged by a man like a princess since she was a child.

"Will I be heavy???"

This was Lin Yuqing's first thought when she was hugged by Zhang Fan.

At this time, Lin Yuqing was really afraid that she was a little heavy and would give Zhang Fan a bad impression.

When she saw Zhang Fan hugging her and walking like flying, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that I am not so heavy?

It seems that my worry just now is completely unnecessary.

At this time, some students around looked at Zhang Fan holding Lin Yuqing and walking like flying, and all of them couldn't help opening their mouths in shock.

"Damn it, have you noticed that Princess Zhang Fan hugged Lin Yuqing just now, she was so handsome!"

"I want to be hugged by Zhang Fan. It must be very happy to be hugged by such a handsome man and princess!"

"Sister, wake up, it's not night yet, why did you start dreaming?"

"I suddenly discovered that Zhang Fan's physical strength is really good. When I asked my boyfriend to hug me at work, my boyfriend lasted for three seconds at most!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, it makes me cry, my boyfriend can't get up because of the princess hugging me!"

"Hey... they are both men, why is there such a big difference?"

"That's right, that's right, I didn't expect that Zhang Fan is so handsome, and his body is so good. The princess hugs Lin Yuqing without any effort, and he can walk like flying briskly!"

"Yes, yes, having a boyfriend who is so handsome and has such good physical fitness must be very sexually blessed!"

"Fuck, I suspect you are driving, I have no proof!"

"No, sir, this broken road can be opened!"



Zhang Fan didn't know how far he had run with Lin Yuqing in his arms at this time, he only knew that he had been running with Lin Yuqing in his arms without hearing the director's call to stop.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!!"

After the director yelled, Zhang Fan still held Lin Yuqing and sprinted forward for a certain distance due to inertia, and then slowly stopped.

At this time, Zhang Fan looked at Lin Yuqing in his arms, and said with a smile on his face, "Are you okay, although I tried my best to control it just now, but I was basically running just now, so I was a little wobbly!"

Lin Yuqing blushed and said at this time: "It's nothing, nothing, just a little dizzy!"

"You... put me down quickly!"

Seeing Lin Yuqing's appearance at this time, Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face, "What? Are you worried that my body won't be able to bear it? You don't have to worry about this. My body is in good shape. Even if you hug me again It's fine for you to run back and forth a few times, do you want me to carry you back?"

It would have been fine if it was just the two of them, but at this moment, with so many people watching around, Lin Yuqing felt a little embarrassed, so she blushed a little at this time and said, "No need, no need, please let me down quickly, this time This... so many people are watching!"

Zhang Fan said: "What's the matter with watching? They want to let them watch. Have you noticed that all these girls are envious and jealous of you!"

"After all, they won't have a boyfriend as physically strong as me to run back and forth on the playground with them. The most important thing is that even if they find a boyfriend with better physical strength, they may not be as handsome as me."

"Why do you look at me like this? It's the first time I've hugged a girl like this. You snatched away my first hug. You really made a lot of money!"

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she immediately asked in surprise, "What is the first hug?"

Zhang Fan said: "Aren't you a musical genius? You don't know such a simple question. People's first kiss is called the first kiss, and the first princess hug is naturally called the first hug!"


When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's explanation at this time, she couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Hehehe... This explanation is really invincible. I have to say that your first hug is really apt. .”

"But is this really the first time you have hugged a girl? Why do you hug a girl so familiarly? I can't believe that this is the first time a princess has hugged a girl. Is it the first time you are so familiar? ?”

Cough cough cough...

Zhang Fan coughed a few times at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Of course, I really didn't lie to you, this is really the first time in my life that such a princess hugs a girl, if you don't believe me , I can swear!"

Zhang Fan didn't say anything, this was indeed the first time in his life that such a princess hugged a girl!

According to Zhang Fan's understanding, his body has never even been in a relationship before, and he has never even held a girl's hand, let alone go to the princess to hug a girl.

But what he said was only this life.

In his previous life, he was indeed a princess who hugged many girls.

After all, girls like this kind of princess hug, and they all like this kind of romantic thing.

In addition, he often plays basketball, exercises regularly, and is in good health, so it is not too difficult for him to hug a girl from the princess.

After all, his body is really good, and he also wants to keep a low profile, but his strength really doesn't allow it.

Zhang Fan remembered that when the princess hugged a girl for the first time, he didn't perform very well. After all, it was the first time, and he lacked a lot of experience and skills.

After hugging more, he became more and more familiar.

There is more and more experience and skill in such matters.

The more you do this, the more experience you have!
Without him, you are familiar with it.

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, not only did her eyes bend into crescent moons, but she was very happy.

Zhang Fan has already said so, it seems that he is not lying, this is really his first time a princess hugs a girl.

As expected of the man I like, the first time a princess can hug a girl so well, it's really amazing.

It seems that Zhang Fan is not only a genius in music, but also very talented in other aspects!



at night
Zhang Fan filmed another night scene with the crew.

After filming, the director left work.

Just after work, Zhang Fan was surrounded by this group of college students.

"Mr. Zhang Fan, don't go, don't go, you sing so well, why don't you sing us a song!"

"Yes, yes, we are all your fans, we really want to hear you sing!"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, when are you going to hold a concert? You sing so well, but if you don't hold a concert, we don't even have a chance to hear you sing!"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, you can't leave. We have been a group performer for you all day today. If you don't sing us a song, are you worthy of our hard work all day?"

"No, I have to sing a song, otherwise I can't leave!"

"I brought you all my guitars, or you can play a guitar for us!"

"It's only past eight o'clock, it's still early, and you can't sleep when you go back now, why don't you sing us a song!"



At this time, Zhang Fan saw the enthusiasm of these students. If he just rejected these students like this, it seemed that he was a little too unreasonable.

And today, in order to watch him, these students did act as extras for the crew for a day for free.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Okay, okay, since you are so enthusiastic, if you just refuse like this, it will appear that I am a bit too unreasonable. I will sing for you what song you want to listen to." !"

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's words, the students around couldn't help screaming excitedly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Zhang Fan is really willing to sing for us!"

"Great, great, really great!"

"Let's play "Unfortunately No If". I just broke up with my girlfriend recently, and I really want to listen to this song!"

"No, no, why do you want to listen to such a sad song? How about a song called "Tomorrow Will Be Better", I like this song better!"

"Why don't we play "Serving the Country with Loyalty", this song is very passionate, I really like this song very much!"

"Let's play "The Wind Rises", I really like this song very much!"

"It's okay to play "The Drunken Concubine of the New Dynasty"!"

"If it's really not possible, I can play "Chi Ling". I also like this song more!"

"I just talked about a boyfriend recently, why don't I play "The Most Romantic Thing", I really like this song very much, my boyfriend chased me with this song! "



At this time, Zhang Fan heard these students chattering for a long time, but he didn't come up with a unified song after discussing it. One sang this and the other sang that, and he shook his head helplessly and smiled.

Seeing the immature faces of these students, seeing the youthful atmosphere of each of these students, and seeing the vigorous appearance of each of these students, Zhang Fan remembered at this time when he was in college. situation!

Not just college, he also remembered when he was in high school, and the beautiful deskmate sitting next to him when he was in high school.

Although they went to different cities and universities after they went to college, and they never contacted each other again, he was still deeply impressed by his beautiful tablemate in high school.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "I have also listened to the discussion just now, and there is no unified statement among you. One asked me to sing this song, and the other asked me to sing that song. I don’t even know how to separate myself!”

"Since everyone doesn't have a unified statement, why don't I sing a new song for you today? I believe that everyone had their own tablemates when they were in junior high school and high school. For three years, you and your tablemates got along day and night. , I believe you must have a deep impression on your tablemate!"

"To be honest, when I came to your university today, I felt very dazed. I seemed to have returned to the time when I was in college. I remembered the youthful years when I was in school, and I also thought of me That tablemate when I was in high school!"

"I don't know what everyone's impression of your tablemate is. I believe that everyone must have a different impression of your tablemate. This is "You at the Tablemate" for everyone. I hope you like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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