Chapter 109 (Seeking Subscription Asking Monthly Pass)
The students who were talking about it just now couldn't help but gasp when they heard Zhang Fan's words.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I heard right, Mr. Zhang Fan, he said just now that he would sing us a new song???"

"Yeah, I really can't believe it, I thought I had hallucinations just now!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, this is something I never dared to dream about. I didn't expect it to appear in reality. This is too incredible!"

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to hear Teacher Zhang Fan's new song. I look forward to it. I am really looking forward to it!"

"Is this the legendary musical genius? This is really awesome. It's only been a while, yet a new song has come out!"

"I still understand Li Bai's words in Glory of the King. If hard work is useful, what do you need a genius for?"

"Fortunately, I didn't become a singer at the beginning, otherwise, I would really have lost my life to meet such a genius!"

"You at the same table? Could it be that this song was written about Teacher Zhang Fan's deskmate when he was in school? This deskmate is too lucky, she was able to get a song written for her by Teacher Zhang Fan himself, I am really envious Already!"

"Do you think this tablemate is male or female?"



Zhang Fan was surrounded by a group of people at this time. He stood in the middle of the lawn, holding the guitar that a student had just handed him, and slowly started playing.

For campus songs like "You at the Same Table", Zhang Fan actually quite likes them.

I don't know if it's because too much time has passed, or because of some other reasons, Zhang Fan has no impression of his deskmate at this time.

The only impression he has of his deskmate now is the smiling face in the morning sun.

And even that smiling face is getting more and more blurred with time.

Thinking of this, the emotions in Zhang Fan's heart became very complicated. At this time, he slowly sang:
"Will you remember tomorrow?

The diary you wrote yesterday

Do you still think about tomorrow
You who used to cry the most
Teachers can't remember
You who can't guess the problem

I also flipped pictures by accident
I just remembered you at the same table"

When the onlookers at the scene heard Zhang Fan's singing, they couldn't help but gasped.

When they just found out that they could hear Zhang Fan's new song, they were all extremely excited, but now when they heard Zhang Fan's singing, their hearts suddenly became heavy again. Woke up.

Zhang Fan's soft, warm and slightly sad singing voice, like a time shuttle, brought them back to the time when they were in junior high school and high school.

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good!"

"Woooooooo... When I heard this song, I really couldn't help crying. I really thought of my deskmate in high school again. In fact, he didn't know that I liked him!"

"People say that high school is a purgatory, high school students are very hard, but I don't think so, because I have a deskmate, every day I look forward to going to school to see her, and my classmates are looking forward to the holiday , but I look forward to being able to attend class every day!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu have deskmates, can I say that I've been sitting in the last row since high school, and I've always been alone without a deskmate?"

"Hahaha... You are too miserable!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, there is no difference between having a deskmate and not having a deskmate, because my deskmate is also a man with handles!"

"What's wrong with the one with the handle? Do you look down on the one with the handle? Haven't you heard that men and women are just accidents, and men and women are true love?"

"Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, why are you all thinking so dirty? You have such unruly thoughts about your deskmate, I'm not like you, you all have a crush on your deskmate , and I have a crush on the head teacher!"

"Brother is awesome, awesome, really awesome, I really admire you!"

"Brother, don't be afraid, as long as you are brave, the teacher will take maternity leave!!!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, our head teacher is either a middle-aged woman in her 50s or [-] years old, or that kind of bald middle-aged man. Even if I want to have a crush, I can't help it!"



Zhou Tao is a programmer for an Internet company and needs 996 every day.

Although some people say that 966 is a blessing, he doesn't think so at all.

Although he has now reached an annual salary of 50, his life is still not so happy.

He is too busy with work, leaving early and returning late every day.

Every night when I leave work, the sky is already dark.

He is 32 years old this year and has not had a girlfriend yet.

Although his family had urged him many times to go on a blind date and find a girlfriend, he refused them all.

Because there is another person in his heart.

This person is Li Jingjing, his deskmate in high school!

He remembered very clearly that he confessed his love to his deskmate after the college entrance examination, and then his deskmate agreed to him.

But after going to university, although they are in the same city, they are not in the same school, and the distance between the two schools is quite far, and it takes more than an hour to sit by car.

So their relationship ended in a hurry in less than a year.

After breaking up with his high school deskmate, Zhou Tao found that it was difficult for him to really like other people.

When he wanted to fall in love, his mind was full of the shadow of his deskmate.

Alas, that sentence is indeed true. When you are young, you can't meet someone who is too amazing. Otherwise, it will be really difficult to fall in love with others.

Zhou Tao was sitting in a taxi at this time, and he took out this mobile phone when he was free. He wanted to swipe his mobile phone to see what new things appeared on the Internet.

Zhou Tao was swiping fast at this time, and he soon saw that someone had uploaded a video of Zhang Fan singing at Normal University on the Internet.

"Teachers can't remember
You who can't guess the problem

I also flipped pictures by accident
I just remembered you at the same table

who married the sentimental you

who read your diary

who put your long hair up
who made your wedding dress


When Zhou Tao heard the singing from his mobile phone, he didn't know what was going on, and suddenly his eyes became sour, and he couldn't help but shed tears.

"Who married you who was sentimental, who read your diary, who coiled your long hair, who made your wedding dress..." This line of lyrics hit him directly like a heavy hammer His heart felt as if a big rock had been pressed against it, and he felt an indescribably blocked feeling.

He opened his WeChat at this time, and saw the WeChat chat history of the tablemate with the note titled favorite!
"I'm getting married. When I was sending invitations to these friends in my WeChat, I suddenly turned to your WeChat. I didn't want to send you this invitation, but after thinking about it, I decided to send it to you." Sending such an invitation..."

Zhou Tao buried his head in his arms at this time, crying like a child.

"I lost you, I lost you, I lost you completely!"

Zhou Tao originally thought that the bitterest thing he had ever eaten in his life must be the traditional Chinese medicine he had eaten, but he never thought that the bitterest thing he had ever eaten turned out to be her wedding candy.

In fact, he had already seen this wechat, but he didn't have the courage to face it.

Because he really couldn't believe it was true.

Because all this was too cruel for him.

Although they broke up for a long time, he has never forgotten his deskmate over the years!

Until now, he still remembers when they were deskmates in high school.

Whenever she was sleeping on the table at noon every day, he could smell the scent of the fragrant shampoo on her hair next to her.

At that time, the happiest time for him every day was when he came to school and saw this familiar deskmate.

Every weekend, other students will be very happy, and they can have a holiday again tomorrow, and they don't have to go to school tomorrow.

Only he was very sad, because tomorrow was a holiday and he didn't have to go to class tomorrow, so he couldn't see his deskmate again.

Thinking of all the good things they had experienced together before, he cried like a child at this moment.

It's a pity that there is no going back.



Zhang Fan was playing the guitar at this time.

At this time, the scene can be said to be very quiet.

Apart from his singing, there was no sound anymore.

Because at this time everyone is quietly listening to his song.

This song is like a time shuttle, taking them back to a long time ago.

Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time:

"You were always careful

Ask me to borrow half an eraser

You also accidentally mentioned
like being with me

At that time the sky was always blue
days always pass too slowly

You always say graduation is nowhere in sight
In a blink of an eye

who met the sentimental you

who comforts you who cry

Who read the letter I wrote to you

who threw it in the wind



At this time, more and more people gathered around the scene. When they heard this, they all couldn't help sighing.

Even some sentimental girls couldn't help crying when they heard this.

This song really touched their hearts.


"Woooooooooo... I don't know why, but when I hear this song, I can't help but want to cry!"

"Maybe it's because this song really touched our hearts. When I heard this song, I also remembered my life in high school and my deskmate in high school!"

"I used to look forward to class because of my deskmate, no matter what class I take, even the math class I hate the most!"




At this time, some students at the scene used their mobile phones to start the live broadcast.

Then some videos of Zhang Fan singing on the spot were also continuously uploaded to the Internet.

Zhang Fan's "You at the Same Table" has also been heard by more and more people, and more and more people like it.

"Zhang Fan is really awesome, this song "You at the Same Table" is really good!"

"Now I have finally discovered that Zhang Fan's songs are all depressing. When I hear his songs, I can't help but want to cry!"

"In elementary school, there was a boundary between deskmates; in junior high school, it was a little shy to be at the same desk of the opposite sex; in high school, deskmates were a good helper for mutual learning; in college, there was no concept of deskmates~ "

"Yes, yes, what you said is so reasonable. Now that you are in college, you don't even know who your deskmate will be in the next class!"

"Give everyone a candy in the class, just to give him a candy, just to prevent him from seeing that I like him, just to let him get my candy. Many people in the class said he liked me, I I don’t believe it, but he confessed to me during the summer vacation that the boy in the white shirt is really super good-looking. I can still laugh when I think about it now. I also hope that we can always be together in the future.”


"How can you all meet such a good deskmate? My deskmate will only find an ugly picture, and this is you. But I will search all over the book to find an uglier picture, and this is you. "

"Hahaha... I laughed to death, I laughed to death, I really laughed to death!"



Lin Yuqing heard this song sung by Zhang Fan at the side at this time, and she couldn't help being deeply attracted by this very nice song.

No wonder Lin Yuqing didn't have a deep impression of her teacher at the same table.

Because she has to learn all kinds of musical instruments since she was a child, she doesn't have much time to go to school. She only needs to go to school to take a test during the exam.

In the rest of the time, she is either learning various musical instruments, or learning various singing, or participating in some competitions and the like. She spends very little time in school.

So after listening to "Same Table to You", she didn't feel much touched in her heart, she just thought the song was very nice.

But she was really curious, who is the deskmate you wrote in Zhang Fan's song?

He wrote this song so emotionally, he would never say that this story is also the story of him and one of his friends.

Lin Yuqing didn't believe that Zhang Fan really had so many friends.

Even if he really has so many friends, does each of his friends have these stories?
Are all his friends full of stories?
So many stories!
Although Lin Yuqing asked Teacher Huang to clarify that Zhang Fan didn't fall in love when he was in college, it didn't mean that Zhang Fan didn't have any crush on her deskmate or liked her deskmate very much when he was in high school.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have written such a sincere song "You at the Same Table".

Thinking of this, Lin Yuqing really envied Zhang Fan's tablemate.

No, wait a moment and I must ask who is this deskmate of his?
It's been so many years, and he can still remember it.

At this time, the song "You at the Same Table" has come to the end, Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time:

"The old days are gone

i will have my wife too

I will show her pictures too
Tell her about you at the same table

who married the sentimental you

who comforts you who cry

who put your long hair up
Who made your wedding dress?"

song is over

All the students at the scene were still deeply immersed in Zhang Fan's wonderful singing!

But at this time, rather than saying that they were immersed in Zhang Fan's wonderful singing, it would be better to say that they were immersed in their own good memories.

After all, when he was in school, who didn't have a tablemate who made him remember very deeply.

"Woooooooooooo... my deskmate, my deskmate, my deskmate..."

"Oh... this song "You at the Same Table" is simply a tearjerker, it is really too tearjerker!"

"This song reminds me of my deskmate in high school. He was a very cute girl with short hair at the ears. At that time, she didn't do well in studies, so she would often buy some snacks to bribe me, and then Come to ask me a question, I was quite arrogant at that time, and always ignored her..."

"Hehehe... At that time, our class arranged seats according to grades. At that time, I took the first place in the test every time, and she took the second place in the test every time. As a result, she always chose by my side every time she chose a seat. Every time she always told me that she would pass me next time, and then asked me to choose next to her when choosing a seat..."

"Fuck, why do you all have so many stories with your deskmate? I remember my deskmate in high school was also a girl, but nothing happened between me and her!"

"A girl has been at the same table with you for so long, and you have nothing to do with her. Are you still a person? No, should I say you are still a man?"

"Don't say it, don't say it, none of you are as miserable as I am. When I was in junior high school and high school, I never sat at the same table with a girl, so even if I want to have some stories, I have no chance!"



That night, Zhang Fan's song "You at the Same Table" will soon become the number one most searched on Weibo.

This song immediately aroused the attention and discussion of many netizens.

At this time, Weibo even opened a special topic-tell the story between you and your deskmate.

This topic immediately sparked discussions among countless netizens.

A netizen who was married to a deskmate in junior high school shared: "The first deskmate in junior high school, although we only stayed at the same table for half a semester, but I like him for three years."

"At that time, seats were adjusted based on grades. He was the top three in the class, and I was only in the top ten. I knew he liked girlfriends with good grades and good looks, but in order to be at the same table with him again, I worked hard to get into the top six."

"But the teacher still couldn't get us back together, because the teacher had already seen that I liked him. Later we went to different high schools, but when I was in college, one day I was surprised to find that he was with me. into the same university!"

"I was really happy at that time. I deliberately created an opportunity to run into him, but what I didn't expect was that he recognized me immediately and told me that you were my deskmate when I was in junior high school. ?”

"When I heard what he said, I was really surprised. After all, when we were in junior high school, we only worked as deskmates for half a semester. I didn't expect that he still remembered me until now. Later, we went around and walked together. Together."

"Now I am the mother of the child, and he is the father of the child. When we first met, it was not as beautiful as this song "You at the Same Table", but the final result was not as good as the song "You at the Same Table" "So sad."

"Because he took the sentimental me, he comforted the crying me, he made me a wedding dress, and he tied up my long hair. Today, I listened to the song "You at the Same Table". Thinking of the period of my youth, I couldn't help crying!"

"But now I am no longer afraid to cry, because someone will comfort me who loves to cry!"

After this netizen called married to a junior high school deskmate shared the story of her and her deskmate, many netizens were not only moved by the love story between them!

"Fuck, envy, envy, really envy!"

"Some people may not be so good when they first met, but as long as the final result is good, it doesn't matter, does it?"

"It's a good thing that you, whom I have a crush on, are finally in my hands. I can finally put my hand in your pocket, inadvertently interlock your fingers and smile at each other, and I can just follow you like that all the time without any scruples.

The back seat of your bicycle also belongs to me, and I can hug your waist or bump into your arms without any scruples.Willing to be with you from school uniform to wedding dress, waiting for you to tie up my long hair!

Although our first meeting was not so good, but in the end we came together.The landlord's story is so touching, I can't help but make up a sweet romance novel in my mind! "

"Fuck, landlord, where can I buy your book?"

"I went to the bookstore to search for a long time but couldn't find your book, so I smashed the bookstore, brothers, do you think I did the right thing?"

"Here's the pen, you write it, I'm ready to give you a reward!"

"It's really a pity that you don't want to write novels with your writing style. Hurry up and write, I'm sure!"



"Mr. Zhang, can I ask you a question?"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Our relationship is already so good, don't ask a question, even if you ask a hundred questions, there will be no problem?"

"I am a person who knows astronomy first, and geography second. No matter what you want to ask is a subset of classics and history or physics and arithmetic, I can answer it for you. Of course, if you have some physiological questions to ask me, I will help you." I can also help you answer, after all, popularizing physiological knowledge is everyone's responsibility!"

"Okay, if you have any questions, hurry up and ask. If there are any questions that I can't answer, I will use my mobile phone to Baidu!"



When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't help laughing: "You still want Baidu, you are too funny, I thought you just said so much, you know everything! "

"But don't worry this time, the question I'm asking you is not a very difficult question, and you don't need to use Baidu."

"Is the deskmate in the song "You at the Same Table" that you sang just now your deskmate in high school? Is your deskmate a girl? Do you like her very much or have a crush on her?"

"Of course, these are not the most important, the most important thing is whether he is as beautiful as me!"

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's question at this time, he couldn't help being shocked: "Hahaha... I didn't expect you to ask this question, but your question really made me wonder what to do. Answer, I can only say that your imagination is too rich!"

"I wrote such a song "You at the same table", do I have to like my deskmate in high school? What kind of logic is this? Your logic is too unreasonable!"

"Actually, this matter is not so complicated. I did have a deskmate in high school, but I didn't like my deskmate or secretly love my deskmate as said in this song. I saw it in a magazine, and I was very moved after reading it."

"That's why I discovered such a song. If you have the last question, I can answer you. My deskmate is not as beautiful as you. Just kidding. If I had such a beautiful deskmate at the time, I might not be able to fail the exam." Going to college!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing realized that things were not as she thought after hearing Zhang Fan's explanation, and she felt very happy immediately, and she was no longer as depressed as she was just now.

Especially Zhang Fan's last sentence made him very happy.

At this time, Lin Yuqing said with a smile on her face: "giggle... so it is like this, I thought you would say this time it was a story that happened to your friend again, if you say this reason again this time, I will Definitely won't believe it!"

"However, there is one thing to say, Mr. Zhang, you are very good, that is, your vision is very good!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help coughing violently.

To be honest, he really wanted to say this reason just now.

It's just that he felt that it was too monotonous to always say this kind of reason, and he couldn't always make friends out of nothing like this, so he found another reason, but he didn't expect Lin Yuqing to believe it.

Zhang Fan said: "How is this possible? What do you take me for? Am I that kind of person?"

Seeing Zhang Fan like this at this time, Lin Yuqing said with apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, Teacher Zhang, I... misunderstood you, I imagined you as this kind of person, it really shouldn't be! "

"But I finally understand now, Mr. Zhang, where does your usual creative inspiration come from? It turns out that you usually read books and absorb nutrients from books. It seems that I usually read books often. study!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Hold-key, low-key, I don't want others to know about this kind of thing. I usually only read a few thousand books every year!"

"If you still want to read books, I can recommend a few books to you, like... These books are very good and very nutritious!"



The next day

When Zhang Fan came to the theater to prepare for filming, he suddenly found an old man with a gray beard following the director.

When Zhang Fan saw this old man at this time, he always felt that this old man seemed very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

But after thinking for a long time, he really couldn't remember who this old man was.

Zhang Fan can be regarded as a relatively open-minded person, since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it.

Just when Zhang Fan was about to change clothes, put on makeup, and prepare for filming, he suddenly saw director Yang Tianbao waving at him.

Although Zhang Fan didn't know what the director wanted him for, he still hurried over.

Zhang Fan quickly ran to the director's side at this time, and said with a smile on his face, "Director, why did you ask me to come here?"

Yang Tianbao saw Zhang Fan at this time, and said with a smile on his face, "It's nothing, I just want to introduce you to someone. This is the well-known director Li Gang in the industry."

"Director Li, let me introduce this young man to you. This young man is the leading actor in my play, and also a very famous singer in the entertainment circle. Music genius Zhang Fan!"

"Although this is the first time to film a film, he is really very spiritual and very talented in acting. I am very optimistic about him. If you have any good scripts in the future, you can also ask him to cooperate with you!"

When Zhang Fan heard Yang Tianbao's words at this time, he realized that this old man with a gray beard was also a director.

And it seems that this director is not simple, otherwise Yang Tianbao would not have paid so much attention to it.

But what he didn't expect was that Yang Tianbao took the initiative to introduce him.

Although he is not interested in these directors, he can't let down Yang Tianbao's kindness towards him.

Zhang Fan said with a slight smile: "Hello, Director Li, hello, I've heard of you for a long time!"

Zhang Fan is not talking nonsense, he has indeed admired the name Li Gang for a long time, after all, the saying that my father is Li Gang was very popular back then.

But what Zhang Fan never expected was that the bearded director in front of him suddenly grabbed his hand at this moment, and said excitedly: " are Zhang Fan? You are the legendary A musical genius who can write songs?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan was taken aback by the sudden action of the man in front of him.

Tut tut...

This old man is quite old, and he suddenly grabbed his hand in front of so many people. Does he have any special hobbies?
After all, he is so handsome, let alone a woman likes him, even if a man likes him, he will not be surprised.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, these are just some exaggerated names from the outside world, in fact, I am just an ordinary singer who can write songs!"

Li Gang heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said excitedly: "That's great, that's great, I'm here to look for you this time, I made a movie, this movie is called "The Last Emperor", this movie It is about the ups and downs of Wang Yi, the last emperor of China's last feudal dynasty Qing Dynasty!"

"It took me several years to make this movie, but now that the movie is finished, I can't find a suitable theme song. This makes me very annoying!"

"I have also found some famous lyricists and composers to help me write songs, but I am always not satisfied with some of the songs they wrote. This movie is very important to me, so I have to find a suitable song. The theme song, otherwise I would not have released this movie!"

"It's just that I've been searching for so long, but I haven't found a suitable theme song. So Tianbao recommended to me that there is a musical genius Zhang Fan in the entertainment industry. He is very good at writing songs. Maybe he can help me. , so I came to find you!"

Zhang Fan only understood what was going on after hearing the old man's explanation at this time.

He said just now why did the old man grab his hand as soon as he heard his name, making him think that the old man had some special hobbies?
I didn't expect it to be like this! ! !
At this time, Yang Tianbao pulled Zhang Fan aside and said in a low voice: "Zhang Fan, Director Li is a very paranoid person, he pursues perfection very much when making movies, and every detail in the movie must meet his requirements. Request, otherwise, you will have to start all over again!"

"Now it took him several years to finally finish filming this movie, but because he couldn't find a suitable theme song, he never released the movie."

"This has made all the investors who have been investing for so many years very anxious. Now that the movie has been shot, if they delay the release, they will lose money."

"But this Li Gang is a very perfect person. If he can't find a suitable movie theme song, he won't release this movie!"

"If you can really write this song, please do your best to help. In fact, I also invested in this movie. If you can really write a theme song that satisfies him, you will be my debtor." You are alone!"

Zhang Fan heard Yang Tianbao's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Director, since you have already said so, then I will give it a try. For the director's favor, I will try my best to put this After the song is written, as for whether it can satisfy Director Li, then I don't know!"

Yang Tianbao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said gratefully: "Xiaofan, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, you don't even know that several of my friends and I have invested in Li Gang's project." Movie, if this movie is not released, we will lose our pants!"



In order to create a theme song suitable for this movie, he must understand what kind of story the movie is telling.

Zhang Fan said: "Director Li, since you think highly of me, I'll give it a try. Can you tell me in detail what kind of story your movie tells? What does your movie want to express?"

When Li Gang heard that Zhang Fan was willing to write the theme song for his movie, he was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly told the story of his movie: "This "The Last Emperor" movie mainly It is about the ups and downs of Wang Yi, the last emperor of Qing Dynasty, the last feudal dynasty in my country!"

"Although Wang Yi is an emperor, he has too much helplessness in his life. Originally, the emperor is the most powerful person in the world. He can do whatever he wants, but Wang Yi, the emperor, has no choice from the beginning to the end. He is just a tool used by others from the beginning to the end..."

"It wasn't until the establishment of our new country that Wang Yi changed from an emperor to an ordinary person. Only then did he live a life that a normal person could live. He was no longer a tool for others to use. He can finally live for himself!"

"In the end he wanted to go back to the place where he used to live, so he bought a ticket and went back to the palace where he used to live. Then he sat on the dragon chair and found the cricket box he played with when he was a child under the dragon chair. , and then he released the crickets in it, and he also released himself..."

"Wang Yi has been searching for himself since the beginning, and has been trying to prove that he is the emperor. In the end, he failed to become the emperor. After ten years of labor reform, he became a commoner."

"Because he became a citizen, he found that struggling to survive with his own labor is much freer and happier than being an emperor in name only."

"What this movie wants to express is that after Wang Yi let go of the throne and the heavy burden that weighed on him, he realized that this kind of life is the happiest, and he knows that freedom is the most precious. of!"

After Zhang Fan listened to the story of the last emperor Yuyi told by Li Gang at this time, he was not only sighing for a while.

This story is really wonderful, and he was also attracted by this very wonderful story.

This Wang Yi's life is really wonderful.

It can be said that his life was full of ups and downs. He changed from a supreme emperor to a commoner. His life experience may be richer than others' experience in ten lives.

(End of this chapter)

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