Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 116 Do You Have Her Perfume Smell on You?

Chapter 116 Do You Have Her Perfume Smell on You?
PS: Something has happened in the past two days, and the update has been relatively late. I am really sorry!

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Lin Yuqing screamed at this time and woke up suddenly.

Only at this time did Lin Yuqing realize that everything just now was just a dream of her own.

It's just that the dream just now was too real, making her think that everything seemed real.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing thought of all the sweet things in the dream, touched her lips, and couldn't help but smile foolishly.

Lin Yuqing turned on her mobile phone at this time, checked the time, and found that it was already seven o'clock.

I never thought that I would sleep for such a long time.


At this moment, Lin Yuqing stretched, yawned, and got up slowly.

Lin Yuqing came to the bathroom at this time and looked at herself in the mirror.

What catches my eyes is a delicate girlish face, with bright eyes, willow eyebrows, Qiong nose, pretty ears, and thin pink lips. These already outstanding features are perfectly matched with her light yellow face, with delicate eyebrows. Wrinkles make people feel affectionate, and the rolling eyes are full of spirit.
The morning sun outside the window shines on her body, making her skin fairer than snow. The eyes under Chunshan's black eyebrows are deep and charming, the bridge of the nose is just right, and the flaming red lips have thrilling and seductive lines. The whole person will be innocent, pure and charming. The different temperaments are perfectly combined.

At this time, Lin Yuqing looked at this pure, beautiful and charming figure in the mirror, and she nodded in satisfaction.

Regarding her appearance, Lin Yuqing has always been very confident.

Lin Yuqing saw herself in the mirror at this time, and suddenly found that the self in the mirror seemed a little different from her previous self.

Could it be because of the dream I had last night?
This dream is really a bit too scary.

As a girl, how can I have such a dream without shame?
Shame, shame, it's really too tempting.

"Baby girl, wash up and come out to eat, Dad has already made your breakfast!"

Lin Yuqing heard her father's words at this time, and only at this time did she slowly come back to her senses, shook her head and put away her child's heart, messy thoughts, and responded with a little smile: "Dad, I understand, wait I'll be here in a second!"



The next day

After Zhang Fan washed his face and brushed his teeth, he moved his body on the treadmill at home. When he returned to the hall, he suddenly found that the table in the hall was full of breakfast.

When Duan Yingjun saw Zhang Fan at this time, he welcomed Zhang Fan down with a gracious face, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, these are the breakfasts I bought for you. What do you like to eat? "

Seeing Duan Yingjun's appearance at this time, Zhang Fan said in surprise, "I haven't seen you all night, how did you become like this? You must have taken some wrong medicine, right? Do you want me to take you to the hospital for a look? "

Duan Yingjun: "..."

Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time and really wanted to ask this Zhang Fan: Are you polite?

I got up early in the morning and went to so many places to buy so many breakfasts for you, but you actually suspected that I was sick? ? ?

Damn, hate, it's really too hateful, these days it's really good people who don't get rewarded.

Although Duan Yingjun felt a little wronged at this time, he still said with a smile on his mouth: "Mr. Zhang, how can you miss me so much? Who do you think I am?"

"I, Duan Yingjun, have always been handsome, suave, willing to help others, patriotic and dedicated...a five-good young man in the new era, but I used to be relatively low-key, and I didn't want others to discover these advantages of me! "

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you try these things quickly, I woke up at six o'clock today and started buying you all kinds of breakfast around here!"

At this time, Zhang Fan saw a large pile of breakfast on the table, including milk tea, deep-fried dough sticks, soy milk, tofu nao, and all kinds of delicious things.

Zhang Fan was not interested in milk tea, he only ate steamed buns and tofu nao, these two things were his favorite.

But this tofu nao, without coriander this time, is really...

Bad review, this must give a bad review!
How can you eat tofu without coriander?
Tofu nao without coriander has no soul at all!
After all, for a person who likes to eat coriander, this is really too uncomfortable.



At this time, Zhang Fan was eating steamed stuffed buns and drinking tofu nao, and said with admiration: "Not bad, not bad, it's really not bad. It's said that being courteous for nothing is either adultery or stealing. You suddenly treated me like this today." Okay, do you have any plans for me?!"

Cough cough cough...

When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he couldn't help coughing violently.

He really didn't expect that his thoughts would be hit by Zhang Fan so quickly.

This time he did have some plans for Zhang Fan.

"Cough cough cough..."

Since Zhang Fan hadn't noticed it, it would be meaningless to hide it like this.

Duan Yingjun coughed a few times at this time, to ease his embarrassment, and then continued: "Mr. Zhang, I heard it before, you are a music genius in the entertainment industry, and you are very good at writing songs!"

"Every one of your songs is very good, very excellent, very classic, I like every one of your songs very much!"

"I was wondering if you could write me a song. Don't worry, I will never let your song go for nothing. I will give you a price for your song, 100 million, 200 million, or 300 million. I'm fine with that!"

"I don't need any good songs, just give me any song you want, even if it's rubbish you don't like, even if it's the draft paper you threw into the trash can, just throw it to me!"

"Mr. Zhang, please give me a song. I can accept any song. I'm not picky at all!"

At this time, Zhang Fan took another mouthful of steamed buns and another mouthful of tofu nao, and said with a smile on his face, "I said, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? You bought me so much to drink!"

"Then they said all kinds of good things about me, saying that I am a musical genius, a musical ghost, and I said why you are so kind to me all of a sudden. It turns out that there is a purpose!"

Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said a little embarrassedly: "Misunderstanding, all this is a misunderstanding!"

"Mr. Zhang Fan, I really admire you very much. I admire your musical talent very much. I really can't imagine that you can write so many classic songs at such a young age. You are really amazing. Already!"

"I've been fond of singing since I was a child, so I always wanted to be able to use my own songs, but Duan Yingjun has self-knowledge, I don't have the talent to write a song of my own, so I can only I'm asking for your help!"

"Of course, I bought you so many breakfasts, and I'm sincere. What I said was just incidental. It doesn't matter if you disagree!"

"After all, I know your current popularity. With your singing skills, I'm afraid there are many kings and queens who want you to write songs for them!"

"I don't need very good songs. You can just give me any song, even if it's rubbish that you don't like. I'm not picky at all!"

At this time, Zhang Fan finished drinking the tofu nao, wiped his mouth, and said with a serious face: "You can say whatever song you want, you are not picky at all, are you serious?"

When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he was taken aback for a moment, then he reacted and said excitedly: "Of course, of course, everything I just said is true, just give me a little Any song is fine, I’m really not picky at all!”

At this time, Duan Yingjun knew that he might have something to play when he heard Zhang Fan's words.

Such a good opportunity, I must not let it go.

Duan Yingjun hugged Zhang Fan's thigh at this time, knelt down beside him, and said with snot and tears: "Mr. Zhang Fan, Brother Fan, Uncle Zhang, please, please look For the sake of being so pitiful, you can give me a song, for the child is so miserable, let you give me a song for the child!"

"Don't worry, I'm not picky at all. You can just give me a song, even if you don't like rubbish. As long as you can write a song for me, I will be the only one in the future." If you tell me to go east, I will never go west; if you tell me to beat a dog, I will never chase a chicken!"

"From now on you will be my little brother, bah, from now on I will be your little brother, I will do whatever you ask me to do, please, please, please pity the poor child!"


Well, Zhang Fan saw Duan Yingjun's miserable appearance at this time, shook his head, took a breath, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, don't pretend, don't pretend, I don't know if your singing skills are not very good, but your acting skills are really good, and you're really pretending to be full of snot and tears. It's a pity that you don't use your acting skills to act!"

"But can you not get so close to me, this is the clothes I just changed today, your snot just now almost wiped my clothes, it's really disgusting!"

"Seeing how disgusting you are, I really thought of a song, but I don't know if you dare to sing this song!"



"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Teacher Zhang Fan, I heard you right, you promised me, you promised me, you promised to write songs for me!"

"Great, great, really great, I'm so happy!"

"Don't worry, no matter what song you write for me, I like him very, very much. No matter what song you write for me, I will absolutely dare to sing it. There is no song in this world that I, Duan Shuan, dare not sing!"

When Duan Yingjun heard that Zhang Fan was willing to write a song for him, he was extremely excited.

To be honest, at this moment, he really couldn't help but want to take off his clothes and run around naked in this room a few times, so as to express the excitement in his heart at this moment.

However, he finally suppressed this impulse in his heart. Duan Yingjun knew that if he really did this, he would definitely be regarded as a pervert by others.

Of course, he doesn't care about being treated as a pervert by others, but if Zhang Fan treats him as a pervert and he doesn't want to write songs for himself, then he will be in serious trouble.

This time, Zhang Fan was finally willing to write a song for himself. If Zhang Fan thought of himself as a pervert again because of this matter, and he didn't want to write a song for himself, then he would be at a big loss.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Duan Yingjun's excited face, and said without a smile on his face: "Okay, come with me, if you still want to sing this song after listening to this song, how dare you sing it?" If you sing this, then it is not impossible to write such a song for you!"


Duan Yingjun followed Zhang Fan to a room full of musical instruments.

This room is where Zhang Fan specially keeps some of his musical instruments.

Just as those generals cherish their swords, as a musician, he also cherishes his musical instruments very much.



Zhang Fan was sitting in front of a piano and playing softly.

Duan Yingjun just wanted to ask Zhang Fan why he brought him here, but he saw that Zhang Fan had already sat in front of the piano and began to play slowly.

No, no, he read it right, Zhang Fan wrote a song for him on the spot when he said he would write a song for him, this is too awesome.

Could this be the strength of the legendary musical genius?
It's really awesome, awesome, so awesome.

This is simply awesome fucking opening the door for awesome - awesome at home.

This song knew it was a very good song as soon as I heard the prelude, and I really made a lot of money all of a sudden.

As a prelude sounded, Zhang Fan sang slowly at this time:

"I once loved such a man

He said I was the most beautiful woman in the world
I keep that innocence for him

close the door to love

It's also the man I love so much

turn me into the dumbest woman in the world
I mean everything he says

He said he loves my lips the most"

When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's singing beside him at this time, he couldn't help but gasped.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!
This song sounds really good.

Of course, these are not the most important, the most important thing is that these lyrics are written too boldly.

No wonder he is willing to sing this song for me. I guess he himself is embarrassed to sing this song in front of a large audience.

But as soon as you hear this song, you know that this song was written from a woman's perspective.

And this song can be said to express the heart of a woman who has been hurt in her relationship to the fullest!

Duan Yingjun is really curious, how can a man like Zhang Fan understand women's hearts so well, how can he write such heartfelt lyrics.



Although Duan Jiabao drank a lot of wine last night, even though she woke up at almost seven o'clock in the morning.

But Duan Jiabao still didn't forget her responsibilities as an assistant. She quickly went to Zhang Fan's usual steamed stuffed bun shop to buy steamed stuffed buns and tofu nao for him, and then hurried to Zhang Fan's house!
Duan Jiabao had just arrived at Zhang Fan's house at this time, and saw a lot of food on the table, including soy milk, fried dough sticks, steamed stuffed buns, and all kinds of food.

When Duan Jiabao saw the food on this big table at this time, he was very strange. Who bought the food on this big table?Why did you buy so many at once?

Duan Jiabao was the first to rule out that Zhang Fan bought these breakfasts by himself, because even if Zhang Fan didn't eat breakfast, he couldn't buy breakfasts by himself.

Although Zhang Fan is very serious and responsible for his work once he gets up to work, and will try his best to do his job better, but he is still very lazy in normal times, and he would rather move less for a while.

And this will be a special star status, if he goes to buy breakfast, it may attract onlookers.

It might not be such an easy task to buy something early and then figure it out and get away.

"Could it be that these things were all bought by Brother Awei?"

At this time, Duan Jiabao saw the soy milk and fried dough sticks on this big table, as well as all kinds of food, and couldn't help thinking about it silently in his heart.

Probably not, Duan Jiabao soon realized the idea in his mind.

If it is possible to talk about the past, after all, Zhang Fan didn't have any assistants by his side, and Liu Awei would often buy Zhang Fan some breakfast.

But now that he has become Zhang Fan's assistant, and Liu Awei has to pick up and drop off two children to school, he probably has no time to buy something early for Zhang Fan.

At this moment, Duan Jiabao suddenly heard a burst of singing.

Although the singing voice was not too loud, Duan Jiabao clearly felt that the person who sang this song must live in this house.

At this moment, Duan Jiabao hurriedly carried the breakfast in her hand, and walked towards the place where the singing came from. She wanted to see who was singing.

When Duan Jiabao came to the room where Zhang Fan usually placed his musical instruments, when she heard this familiar singing voice, Duan Jiabao knew that Zhang Fan was singing at this time.

The door of the room was not closed at this time, Duan Jiabao came to the door of the room at this time, looked in along the door, and suddenly saw his younger brother.

When Duan Jiabao saw his younger brother, not only was he very shocked
Why is my younger brother here?

Just when Duan Jiabao was about to go in, at this moment, a very soft singing voice suddenly came from her ear:

"My requirements are not high
treat me as good as ever
But one day you said the same thing
hug someone

You have her perfume on you

it's my nose that's to blame

shouldn't smell her beauty

Wipe everything away and sleep with you
You have her perfume on you

the inferiority complex you gave

the love you want is too perfect

I'll never learn"

When Duan Jiabao heard the familiar singing voice, he couldn't help but gasped.

No, no, such a song was actually sung from Zhang Fan's mouth.

Listening to this lyrics is clearly the voice and accusation of a woman who has been hurt in her feelings.

And this song sounds good, but she has never heard this song.

Duan Jiabao had some understanding of Zhang Fan's musical talent, and Duan Jiabao knew very well that this song was probably Zhang Fan's original song.

No, no, Zhang Fan actually wrote a new song in just a few days, which is too unbelievable.

Although Duan Jiabao couldn't believe that Zhang Fan had written another song when she heard this song at this time, but the facts were in front of her, and she couldn't help but not believe it.

It's just that this song seems to be a bit weird!
Duan Jiabao did not expect that Zhang Fan would write such a song.

This Zhang Fan is obviously a man, how could he write such a song, how could he understand the voice of a woman so well.

This lyric can be said to vividly express the mentality of a woman who has been hurt in her relationship.

In particular, the line "you smell of her perfume" adds an indescribable feeling to this song.



The song is over!
Zhang Fan looked up at Duan Yingjun at this time.

He found that Duan Yingjun opened his mouth wide in shock at this moment, and his mouth was still drooling.

It seemed that he saw something that shocked him very much.

When Zhang Fan saw Duan Yingjun's performance at this time, he couldn't help being shocked.

Isn't it just a song?

You don't need to have such an expression.

Even the saliva flowed out.

It seems that it is a pity that Mango TV did not ask you to be an extra performer.

Although I know that I am a person with both good looks and good looks, gentle and elegant, fresh and handsome, extraordinary in appearance, amazing in both appearance and talent, elegant in style, elegant in spirit, radiant in spirit, handsome and sunny... But you don't have to treat me like that Worship me, you adore me so much, it makes me a little embarrassed.

Zhang Fan came to Duan Yunjun's side at this time, but Duan Yingjun hadn't noticed it yet, Zhang Fan patted Duan Yingjun's shoulder at this time, and said with a smile: "What do you think of this song?"

To be honest, Zhang Fan still likes this song "Perfume is Toxic" very much. If it weren't for the lyrics of this song, he would really like to sing this song.

At this moment, Duan Shuai suddenly slapped himself across the face.

This slap can be said to be very loud, it startled Zhang Fan who was standing next to Duan Yingjun.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Duan Yingjun's behavior, and he took a few steps back. This guy must not have listened to this song and was frightened by his own song.

But wouldn't it be a bad idea to do it yourself? After all, caring for the mentally retarded is everyone's responsibility.

"I'm not dreaming, I'm not dreaming, I'm really not dreaming, it's all real!!!"

After Duan Shuai slapped himself on the face, he became very excited.

Seeing Duan Yingjun's crazy look, Zhang Fan was startled and took a few steps back.

He took back what he said just now - everyone is responsible for mental retardation!

Staying away from mental retardation is everyone's responsibility.

If you encounter this kind of psychosis, you should stay away from him, or you will be hurt when lightning strikes him.

At this moment, Duan Yingjun slapped his face twice again.

At this time, Zhang Fan heard two more popping sounds, and his whole body was shocked.

No, no, this guy must be addicted to slapping himself in the face, right?

How could there be such a perversion in this world?

Zhang Fan couldn't stand watching from the sidelines at this moment, so he quickly came to Duan Yingjun's side, grabbed his hand, and said with a concerned face: "Handsome, don't do this, don't do this, isn't it just a song? Don't be so Excited!"

Duan Yingjun saw Zhang Fan beside him at this time, hugged Zhang Fan, and said excitedly: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, How excited, I really like this song, this song is really suitable for me, a big girl in women's clothing!"

"You don't even know that I have been dressing up as a woman all these years. I understand women's heart. This song of yours really expresses the psychology of a woman who has been hurt in her relationship!"

"When I was listening to this song of yours just now, I seemed to see a lonely woman who devoted herself to love and was crazy about love. I felt a little bit sorry for this woman!"

"As a woman who wears clothes and is a man who understands women very well, I really understand her mood very well. This song is really well written. Are you sure you are really willing to give this song to me? ?"

At this time, Zhang Fan was also taken aback by the sudden behavior of the guy in front of him.

Isn't it just a song?

Why is this guy so excited?

And even if this guy was excited, he still hugged himself and took advantage of him? ? ?
Zhang Fan pushed Duan Yingjun at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Of course, haven't we already talked about this before? If you like this song, this song is for you!"

"woo woo woo woo………"

When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he couldn't help crying: "Mr. Zhang Fan, you are really kind to me. No one has ever been so kind to me since I was a child. You are really willing to give me a song, you are so kind to me, I don't even know how to thank you!"

"You don't even know that I have lived under the oppression of my sister since I was a child, and my parents are even more eccentric. They don't love me as a son, they only love their daughter. All good things in the house belong to my sister. , my status in the family is the lowest!"

"Sometimes I feel that I am superfluous in our family. Sometimes I wonder if my parents picked me up from the trash can. Otherwise, why did they treat my sister so well and treat me so badly?"

"Actually, I also asked them this question. They always told me that a rich daughter raised a poor son, but they are too poor to raise my son!"

"Mr. Zhang Fan, thank you, thank you for being so kind to me. This is my bank card with 200 million in it. This is the New Year's Eve money I have saved in the past few years, and some money I earned from doing live broadcasts on the Internet. This is all my possessions, and I will give it all to you!"

"I know, this song is a very good song, even if this money can't buy this song, don't worry, I will definitely give you more money when I have money in the future!"

When Zhang Fan saw the bank card that Yingjun handed him at this time, he was taken aback, and said in surprise: "Isn't it? Isn't it? You're not kidding me, are you? Does Kari really have 200 million? You are not very old, where did you get so much money?

Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a little face proudly: "Hehehe, Brother Fan, you don't know, in fact, a lot of money here belongs to my elder sister. My elder sister likes bags more, so she often Buy some bags and go home!"

"But she buys so many bags that she doesn't even know how many bags she has, so I often sell some of her bags on second-hand websites, and they can sell for tens of thousands of dollars!"

"It is because of this money that I have the start-up capital to do what I like to do, such as buying a variety of cosplay costumes. Without the funding of this money, I would not be able to become what I am today. The master of cosplay!"

"Hahaha... You don't even know how stupid my sister is. She hasn't found out that I sold some of her bags secretly. She thought she lost it by accident???"

" sister is really stupid. She is really the stupidest fool I have ever seen. Do you think I inherited all my IQ when my parents were the two of us? On me, otherwise how could my sister be so stupid?"

At this time, Zhang Fan suddenly saw Duan Jiabao at the door, and he was startled.

Duan Jiabao probably heard all the bad things Duan Yingjun said about Duan Jiabao just now.

Tut tut...

Seeing Duan Jiabao's murderous expression, Zhang Fan couldn't help saying a moment of silence in his heart.

"My child, you are so pitiful. I hope you can still live well, and I hope you can still see the sun tomorrow!"

At this time, Zhang Fan deliberately patted Duan Yingjun on the back, wanting to give him a little reminder to stop talking.

Who knew that Duan Yingjun felt Zhang Fan patting him on the back at this time, and said with a strange expression: "Brother Fan, why are you patting my back? Is there something wrong with what I said? You can't My sister is your assistant, so you just want to say something nice to her!"

"Actually, my sister's real face is not like this at all, because you are my sister's idol, so my sister has been pretending in front of you all the time, but I tell you that all this is her disguise, you haven't seen her true face , her true face is actually a shrew, a female man!"

"She's really going crazy, if she's really going crazy, if she's really hitting someone, it's really scary, it's even scarier than a man..."

When Zhang Fan heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, black lines immediately appeared on his face.

He originally wanted to remind Duan Shuai in this way, but he didn't expect Duan Shuai to be so deadly.

Sometimes people want to die, but they can't stop it even if they really want to.

Now Zhang Fan finally understands what does the phrase no Zuo, no die mean?

"Duan Yingjun, you are dead!!!"

At this time, Duan Yingjun suddenly heard a very familiar voice. At this time, his whole body couldn't help trembling. It was a kind of trembling from the soul.

Duan Yingjun really couldn't believe all of this at this time, really.

"I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I must be dreaming, all of this is definitely not real, all of this is a dream, just wake up from the dream!"

At this time, Duan Yingjun has been silently comforting himself in his heart.

Duan Jiabao said with a very angry face at this time: "Duan Yingjun, I never thought that I have always been a big fool in your heart for so many years. I said that the bags I bought home have been running low all the time? It turns out that You secretly sold it to me!"

"It's fine if you sell my bag secretly, and you call me a fool. I'm really curious, who gave you the courage!"

"Are you floating or am I unable to carry the knife?"

Duan Yingjun just said silently in his heart: "This is not real, this is not real, I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming."

It's just that when this clear and familiar voice sounded, he knew that all this was not a dream, and all this was real.

The clear and familiar footsteps completely shattered all his reactions.

Duan Yingjun really wanted to give himself a big mouth at this time, why is his mouth so cheap?

Zhang Fan patted Duan Yingjun on the shoulder at this time, and said seriously: "Come on, Ollie, a true warrior dares to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood, Sao Nian, I am optimistic about you!"


When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he immediately sighed helplessly.

When is this all?

Are you on fire?
Is this already in a hurry?

This Zhang Fan is still joking with him? ? ?

He may not be able to see the sun tomorrow now, and Zhang Fan is still gloating here, so he doesn't know how to say a few words for him.

Does watching himself die make him so happy?

Duan Yingjun turned around resolutely at this time, and then saw his sister standing in front of him, and he saw anger from Ziyi's sister's eyes.

He had never seen his sister so angry before. If eyes could kill, he would have been cut to pieces by his sister's eyes by now.

Duan Yingjun really regretted it very much at this time, he shouldn't have said what was in his heart on the spur of the moment just now.

Just because he said what was in his heart on the spur of the moment, this time he might really not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

thump! ! !
At this time, Duan Yingjun didn't say anything else, he knelt down with a plop, hugged his sister's legs, and said beggingly: "Sister, I was wrong, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I really did just now It wasn't intentional, just give me a chance to be a man again!"

(End of this chapter)

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