Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 117 I Am Duan Yingjun Is Not Born To Heaven

Chapter 117 I Am Duan Yingjun Is Not Born To Heaven
"Give you a chance? Give you a chance to be a new person???"

At this moment, Duan Jiabao looked at his younger brother kneeling in front of him, and said with a blank expression: "Are you worthy? Have you forgotten what you said about me behind your back?"

"It's fine for you to sell me my favorite bags secretly, but you still dare to slander me behind my back, you even dare to slander me in front of my idol, and call me a shrew, and a woman Man, you still say that I am a female neurosis???"

"You think you have done so many things behind your back, you have said so many bad things about me behind your back, do you think I should forgive you?"

At this moment, Duan Jiabao saw that his younger brother who was kneeling in front of him really wanted to kill him.

I hope that my idol, my favorite star, and my boss Zhang Fan will not have any bad influence on me because of what my brother said just now.

Otherwise, Duan Jiabao would definitely let his younger brother know why Hua'er is so popular.

At this time, Duan Yingjun saw that begging his sister was useless, thinking of what he said just now, and thinking of the bad things he said about his sister behind his back, Duan Yingjun felt a chill in his whole body at this moment.

Based on Duan Yingjun's understanding of his sister, and what he said about her behind her back just now, it would be difficult for him to see the sun tomorrow.

At this moment, Duan Yingjun knew that begging his sister was useless, so he quickly hugged Zhang Fan's thigh, and said with snot and tears: "Mr. Zhang Fan, please help me, save the child, I was wrong, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, and I will never dare again!"

"You are not only my sister's boss, but also my sister's favorite star and her idol. As long as you are willing to say a few words for me, my sister will definitely listen to you!"

"Please, please, please save the child, I really know I was wrong!"


At this moment, Zhang Fan couldn't help sighing when he saw Duan Yingjun's snot and tears.

Are you scared now?

When you spoke ill of your sister behind your back just now, why didn't you know how to be afraid?

Besides, I have already reminded you so clearly just now, but you are still here to speak ill of your sister, you really can't die.

But Duan Yingjun just bought him so many breakfasts this morning. Although Duan Yingjun is a bit strange, he is indeed quite interesting, and he appreciates him more.

So he didn't want to see Duan Yingjun not seeing the sun tomorrow, or missing arms and legs.

At this time, Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face: "It's okay for a short period of time, give me face, and don't bother with your brother about this matter."

"You just take what he just said as a fart. He must have drunk too much last night, so he hasn't woken up until now. The whole person is in a daze, so he dared to say something stupid. In other words, he is drunk, don't be as knowledgeable as a drunk!"

When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he retorted and said, "No, I didn't drink too much, I wasn't drunk, I'm a person who never gets drunk after a thousand cups, how could I be drunk?"

Zhang Fan heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, pressed his head domineeringly, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, don't talk anymore, I said you are drunk, you are drunk, you Why do people talk so much nonsense?!"

"That's enough, we still have work today, let's deal with it quickly, don't be as knowledgeable as that drunkard, he is still not sober after drinking too much!"

At this time, Zhang Fan saw that Duan Yingjun was still unconvinced, and he still wanted to say that he was not drunk, so he sighed helplessly in his heart: "Silly boy, silly boy, do you know that I am helping you? You even said that you are not drunk, you are simply an old birthday star who hanged himself and thought his life was too long!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Duan Jiabao glared at his younger brother fiercely: "Okay, okay, this time, for the sake of my idol and my boss, I will let you go, but if there is another Next time... hum!"

At this time, Duan Jiabao moved his wrist while talking, and there was a crackling sound.

At this time, Duan Yingjun saw his sister like this, and when he heard what his sister said, he couldn't help but gasped.

My own sister is really terrible.

At this moment, Duan Yingjun finally understood that the reason why Zhang Fan said that just now was to help him.

I was so stupid just now that I didn't react for a while.

Duan Yingjun knew very well that if Zhang Fan hadn't spoken for him this time, he might not have seen the sun tomorrow, so at this time Duan Yingjun hugged Zhang Fan's thigh and said gratefully: "Mr. Zhang Fan, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

"From now on, you will be my Duan Shuan's lifesaver. If you hadn't saved my life today, I might not be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, and your song, you can rest assured that I will carry this song forward, and I will never dishonor your reputation as a musical genius!"

"Your great kindness, little girl, really has nothing to repay, and I can only promise it with my body!"

When he said the last sentence, Duan Yingjun's voice suddenly changed. His voice gradually changed from a male voice to a cheap female voice, which was very clear and pleasant.

To be honest, if Zhang Fan hadn't known in advance that Duan Yingjun was a man, he would have thought that the owner of this voice was a woman just by hearing this voice.

And as soon as you hear this voice, you know that the owner of this voice must be very beautiful.

At this time, Duan Yingjun saw Zhang Fan looking at him in shock, hugged Zhang Fan's thigh, and said with a smile on his face: "I hate it, don't stare at him like that, he will be shy!"

"As a master of women's clothing, this is just one of my necessary skills. To become a real master of women's clothing, one must not only learn how to match clothes, but also match one's appearance to look like a girl, and even have to do a lifelike voice. , more women than women!"

"You saved my life by being so kind to me, and you wrote me such a good song. If you need me, I can always dress up as a girl, and I can not only sing loli, but I can also sing royal and queen ..., and people will pose in various poses, if you need..."


Duan Yingjun was interrupted by Zhang Fan before he finished speaking at this time, and Zhang Fan only gave him one word at this time.

vomit vomit...

I can't take it, I can't take it, I really can't take it!
Disgusting, disgusting, really disgusting.

Duan Yingjun was reprimanded by Zhang Fan at this time, and immediately showed an aggrieved expression, and said pitifully: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Are you angry, okay? If you don't like the loli voice, I can change to a queen voice, I can do it!"

Hearing Duan Yingjun's crisp and tender voice at this moment, Zhang Fan couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Zhang Fan hugged his arm at this time, and said with disgust on his face: "It's okay, you don't have to treat me like this, people who don't know think there is something between us, I don't want to be misunderstood by others! "

Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, wiped his eyes, and said in that woman's voice: "Woooooooooo... I never thought that you are such a person, I didn't expect you to be so heartless, The two of us are upright, bright and bright, what do you do with the words of others?"

"Anyway, the two of us didn't do anything bad, we have a clear conscience!"

"What if I have a guilty conscience!"

Zhang Fan heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, especially Duan Yingjun's voice imitated a female voice really very similar!

At this moment, if he didn't look at Duan Shuai's face, he really thought that Duan Shuai was a woman!
Moreover, when Zhang Fan heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, he suddenly thought of the dialogue between Zhou Zhiruo and Zhang Wuji in a classic martial arts novel "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" that he had read in his previous life.

There are two sentences in the classic martial arts novel "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" that impressed Zhang Fan very much. One is Zhao Min's sentence, I will force it, and the other is Zhou Zhiruo's sentence if I have a guilty conscience.

So I heard Duan Yingjun's words just now, especially Duan Yingjun's voice is clear and tender, especially like a woman's voice.

That's why Zhang Fan couldn't help blurting out these words.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Did I hear correctly? Did I hear correctly? Did I really hear correctly?"

"Are you really interested in me? I was just joking with you just now? I didn't expect you to be serious. Well, since you are serious, then I will not be polite, and I will be serious for you too." of!"

"You wait, I'll find you a woman's dress now, I'll change into a woman's dress and come here, then I'll let you see what is called a real, real beauty, and then I'll let you see what a real woman is Charm!"

"You wait, I'll come as soon as I go!"

When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he was extremely excited.

Then he rushed out to find his own women's clothes, wanted to change into women's clothes, show off his skills as a woman's master, and completely conquer the high-quality man in front of him.

At this time, not only Duan Yingjun, but even Duan Jiabao looked at Zhang Fan in shock when he heard Zhang Fan's words.

Zhang Fan also felt Duan Jiabao's strange gaze looking at him at this time, especially at this time Duan Jiabao's mouth was so wide open that he could almost stuff an egg into it.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhang Fan coughed a few times at this time, relieved his embarrassment, and said with a smile on his face: "Xiao Duan, listen to my explanation, things are not what you think, I, I... really didn't mean that just now, I just uttered the sentence just now, without any other meaning, you must believe me!"

When Duan Jiabao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he looked at the man in front of him in disbelief: "I heard from others that the words that a person says casually are the truth. I'm ashamed, this sentence is not really your heartfelt words!"

Zhang Fan was shocked when he heard Duan Jiabao's words at this time.

He really didn't expect that what he said just now would cause such a big misunderstanding.

Tut tut...

This Duan Jiabao doesn't think he has any special hobbies, does he?

He didn't, he didn't, he really didn't.

Zhang Fan said: "Whoever says what is blurted out is telling the truth, there is absolutely no reason in this sentence, there is absolutely no logic in this sentence!"

"Do you know why I blurted out this sentence just now? It's because I saw this sentence in a novel, so when I heard your brother say this sentence just now, I was very familiar with it. Can't help but blurt out!"

Duan Jiabao took a deep breath at this time, and still chose to trust the man in front of him.

After all, no matter what, this man is also my idol, a singer I like very much, and my boss, so I should choose to trust him.

Duan Jiabao: "Okay, this time I choose to believe you!"

When Zhang Fan heard Duan Jiabao's words at this time, he couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief: "Should you trust me? How could I be this kind of person?"

Who knew that Duan Jiabao's next sentence immediately made Zhang Fan dumbfounded: "Didn't you just say that you saw this sentence in a novel, so you were very familiar with it when you saw it just now, Is that why you can't help but blurt out?"

"Then can you tell me, what is this novel you are reading? I will also read this novel. If this novel really has the words you said, then I will believe you! "

Zhang Fan: "???"

Zhang Fan was a little dumbfounded when he heard Duan Jiabao's words at this time.

No, no, it's not true, is it?

There is no such thing as "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" in this world, how could he find this novel?
This is obviously embarrassing him.

Zhang Fan patted the back of his head at this time, sighed, and said helplessly: "Oh, people's memory is poor when they are old. This is a novel I read a long time ago, and I also forgot about it. What's the name of this novel!"

"Anyway, you have to trust me, I'm sure I won't be such a person, well, we still have filming today, go to filming quickly, don't waste time here!"

Zhang Fan had no choice but to resort to his own method of changing the subject.

Because this question is really too difficult for him.

It seems that he is looking for an opportunity to write the novel "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji"!


At this time, Duan Yingjun hurriedly found out his women's clothing from yesterday, gave himself a hard toss, put on the women's clothing and put on makeup for himself, looked at the coquettish and beautiful self in the mirror, Duan Yingjun not only nodded in satisfaction .


At this time, Duan Yingjun made a gesture with both hands while saying these words.

Duan Yingjun saw this beautiful and coquettish self in the mirror at this time, and said with a sigh: "With my current coquettish and beautiful appearance, as long as I go out and show my face, I will definitely be able to charm a lot of men!"

"At that time, even a legendary musical genius like Zhang Fan may not be able to escape my clutches, hahahaha..."

Thinking of his pride, Duan Yingjun couldn't help laughing happily.

Duan Yingjun was very satisfied with his women's clothing, so he went over to find Zhang Fan, hoping to show Zhang Fan the power of his women's clothing.

Maybe Zhang Fan fell in love with him after seeing the power of his women's clothing!

Hehehe... I'm such a fucking talent!

As a result, what Duan Yingjun never expected was that when he went back, no one in the room disappeared.

Duan Yingjun was very helpless at this moment.

"Forget it, forget about it, let's practice the song "Perfume is Poisonous" first, I really like this song so much!"

At this time, Duan Yingjun was very excited and took out his mobile phone, and took out the accompaniment and lyrics recorded in his mobile phone.

"It's a very good song, such a song that writes a woman's mind so meticulously, it's really suitable for me, a woman who wears clothes like me!"

"Teacher Zhang Fan, don't worry, since you trust me so much, and since you are willing to entrust me with such a good song, don't worry, I will definitely perform this song well with my heart, and I will never disappoint your music The name of a ghost!"

So Duan Yingjun devoted himself to practicing frantically, he must practice this song well.




Five p.m

"I've done it, I've done it, I've finally done it!"

"I finally learned the song "Perfume is Poisonous", I can finally sing this song, and I can finally perform this song perfectly!"

"Who else? Who else? I'll just ask who else?"

At this moment, Duan Yingjun was jumping up and down in the room, very excited.

goo goo...

At this moment, Duan Yingjun's stomach suddenly growled in spite of himself.

At this moment, Duan Yingjun suddenly felt a pang of hunger.

At this moment, his legs softened, and he almost couldn't help but sat down on the ground.

Duan Yingjun checked the time at this time and found that it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

I was so obsessed with singing and practicing before that I even forgot the time!

He didn't even eat lunch, and it was almost night now, no wonder he was so hungry.

Alas, I am really too serious!
Duan Yingjun originally wanted to order a takeaway for himself, but he was so hungry that he couldn't take it anymore.

At this time, Duan Yingjun seemed to suddenly realize that he bought a lot of breakfast this morning, but he didn't seem to eat much of this breakfast.

Thinking of this, Duan Yingjun was not only very excited, but rushed to the guest table in the hall, and found that there were indeed a lot of food on the guest table in the hall, all of which he bought this morning.

At this time, Duan Yingjun didn't care about being picky or not, it was already good enough to have something to eat.

At this moment, Duan Yingjun grabbed these things on the table and started to gobble them up.

"You smell of her perfume
it's my nose that's to blame

shouldn't smell her beauty

Wipe everything away and sleep with you
You have her perfume on you

the inferiority complex you gave

the love you want is too perfect

I'll never learn"

Duan Yingjun was devouring food at this moment, when he suddenly found his cell phone rang.

Now Duan Yingjun has changed his mobile phone ringtone to this "Perfume is Toxic", and this "Perfume is Toxic" is sung by himself.

When Duan Yingjun heard the song "Perfume is Poisonous", he nodded in satisfaction.

"Zhang Yao, why is this woman calling?"

It was very strange for Duan Yingjun to see an incoming call from his mobile phone at this time, but he still connected his phone at this time: "Duan Yingjun, what are you doing? Why haven't you come here yet? Have you forgotten that today is our capital city? Is there a comic show for you?"

"Did we all make an appointment a few days ago to come and participate together? Why haven't you come yet? Everyone has arrived, and there are many, many people at the scene. It will be your turn to present on stage soon. Why don't you come?" Haven't come yet?"

When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Yao's words at this time, he suddenly remembered that he was going to participate in a comic exhibition.

At this time, Duan Yingjun said with a look of embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, something happened recently, I almost forgot that I still have to participate in this comic exhibition!"

"Don't worry, I'll rush over now, and I will definitely not delay my participation in this comic exhibition. You can help me delay it for a while, that is, I will perform on stage later!"

Zhang Yao heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, shook her head, and said helplessly: "You are always so careless, you can even forget such important things, okay, okay, I will help you delay In a while, come here quickly!"

"By the way, I forgot to ask you what your cell phone ringtone was just now? Why does this sound so much like yours, and this song sounds very good, I don't think I've heard it before, what's the name of your song, I'll download it and listen to it!"

When Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Yao's words at this time, he couldn't help feeling proud for a while.

Hum hum……

Of course you don't know the song!
I haven't released this song yet.

Duan Yingjun didn't tell Zhang Yao directly at this time, but said with a mysterious face: "I won't tell you this, you will know tonight, and then I will let you see how I show my skills .”

Zhang Yao heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, saw Duan Yingjun's mysterious appearance, and said angrily: "Huh, isn't it just a song? Don't say it if you don't say it. It's nothing special, that's fine." , Alright, I won’t tell you anymore, come here quickly!”

After Zhang Yao finished speaking, she hung up the phone very angrily.

Humph, cheapskate, isn't it just a song?

Give me back mysteries.

"Zhang Yao, Duan Yingjun hasn't come yet? It's his turn to play. If he doesn't come again, we can only cancel his place to play!"

At this time, Zhang Yao heard that the organizer wanted to cancel Duan Yingjun's quota, so she hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, Duan Yingjun is just delayed by something on the way, he will come here soon, otherwise you will send him to Get in the back row!"

"Isn't your organizer holding this event to attract more people to watch? Duan Yingjun is very famous in our cosplay circle, and he has millions of fans on station b."

"Many of the people who came to the scene today are his fans. If you don't let him go up, you will suffer a lot. Please wait a little longer, and he will come over in a little while!"

Hearing Zhang Yao's words at this time, the organizer looked at Zhang Yao's words and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, just tell this Duan Yingjun and tell him to come here quickly, and I will put him in the back row. If he still has no time to come, then we can only cancel his name, our activity time is limited, and we will not extend it later!"

Zhang Yao heard the organizer's words at this time, clasped her hands together, and said with a very grateful face: "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Manager Hu, don't worry, I will definitely tell Duan Yingjun to come over quickly, Don't worry, he'll be here soon!"


After Zhang Yao sent the organizer away, she couldn't help but sighed.

"Duan Yingjun, Duan Yingjun, didn't you like to show off the most before? Now you finally have such a chance to show off, why haven't you come here yet?"



10 minutes later

Duan Yingjun finally arrived at the event site at this time.

At this time, Duan Yingjun took out a piece of red leather on his body and gave it to the driver, and said excitedly: "Master, the money is all for you, you don't need to look for it, I have something to do, so I will leave first!"

After Duan Yingjun finished speaking, he threw the money in the car and ran away in a hurry.

At this time, the driver heard Duan Yingjun's words, saw the 100 yuan on his seat, and couldn't help but said with contempt: "Bah, I've never seen such a brazen person, the fare shows almost 101, You only gave me 100 yuan, and you said you don’t need to look for it???”

"Tsk tsk tsk... a dick is a dick, and you pretend to be a rich man. I think you have watched too many TV dramas. Do you really think you are the eldest son of a rich family?"

"But what's wrong with all the young people nowadays, they put away good clothes and don't wear them, they insist on wearing such strange clothes, this clothes are like the Ba La La Xiao Moxian in the TV series my daughter watched Same……"

Duan Yingjun just wanted to rush to the event site as soon as possible at this time, so he didn't hear the driver's contempt for him at this time.

But even if he heard it, he wouldn't care, anyway, he was already pretending.

Heaven did not give birth to me Duan handsome, the eternal force is like a long night.

And this is a start, next he will pretend to be a bigger dick.



Zhang Yao was standing at the event site at this time, looking around anxiously: "Duan Yingjun, Duan Yingjun, it's been such a long time, why haven't you come here yet? If you don't come here again, wait for the event It's almost over!"



"Give me a way, make a way, give me a way!"

Just when Zhang Yao was in despair, she suddenly heard a very familiar voice.

When Zhang Yao heard this familiar voice at this time, she still couldn't believe it, but when she raised her head and saw this familiar face, she immediately believed it.

"Duan Yingjun, you are finally here!"

Duan Yingjun rushed to Zhang Yao's side at this time, took a few breaths, and then slowly recovered: "How is it? How is it? Is it my turn? I'm not late, am I?"

Zhang Yao heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, and said with an angry face: "What are you talking about, I really don't know what you are doing, can you forget such an important thing? Fortunately, I just asked the organizer to arrange your appearance Later, but if you don't come again, you really have no chance!"

Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Yao's words at this time, and said proudly: "Hey hey...what am I busy with? Of course I'm busy with something important!"

"It doesn't matter if you are late, anyway, pretending is the same sooner or later, and a perpetrator like me who has been pretending for thousands of years should be the finale. Next, I will let you take a look at what is called real pretending! "

Zhang Yao heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, and said with a grumpy face: "Okay, okay, I know you like to pretend, but now is not the time for you to pretend, you should hurry up and get ready!"

Duan Yingjun patted Zhang Fan's shoulder at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, then I will go up first, and you must not be handsome by me later, you will know what it is later It's called real pretense!"

"Hahaha... I'm really looking forward to it, what will your expression look like when you see my performance on stage???"

Zhang Yao heard Duan Yingjun's bragging words at this time, and said with a speechless face: "Okay, okay, it's fine if you brag in front of others, but bragging in front of me, don't I know how many brushes you have? "



Duan Yinghou came on stage at this time.

He told the organizer that he was going to sing a song now.

He had already downloaded the accompaniment of the song "Perfume is Poisonous".

From now on, the organizer only needs to play this accompaniment, and he can sing along with it when the time comes.

When the organizer heard Duan Yingjun's words at this time, he couldn't help being shocked!
Their original plan was to ask Duan Yingjun to go up and introduce some of his cosplay experience, some skills, and some insights!
As a result, what they never expected was that Duan Yingjun wanted to sing.

What do you think this is?
Do you think this is for you to hold a concert?

But Duan Yingjun finally convinced the organizer with his good words.

He also promised the organizer that as long as he is asked to sing this song, he can increase the online number of the organizer's live broadcast by half this time.

If this requirement is not met in the end, he is willing to bear all the losses of the organizer.

This time, Duan Yingjun is ready to burn the boat.

"I have been waiting for three years, just to wait for an opportunity. I want to fight for my breath. I don't want to prove that I am great. I just want to tell people that I didn't pretend to be forceful before, and I must pretend to be back now."

"Come on, Duan Yingjun, you have to believe in yourself, this is your chance to act aggressive, this time you have to prove to everyone that Duan Yingjun was not born in heaven, the eternal force is like a long night, force it!"



"Fuck, I've been waiting here for a long time, why hasn't Brother Handsome come over?"

"That's right, the reason why I came to this event is to watch Brother Handsome!"

"Hahaha... People in the same way, people in the same way, I didn't expect that you are also fans of Brother Handsome!"

"I've watched some of handsome brother's videos on station b, and some of his women's clothing are really fun!"

"Yes, yes, I watched it too, I also watched handsome brother's cosplay, it is simply a masterpiece, I came here this time just to watch him!"

"But why hasn't Brother Handsome come over now? Could it be that he's having trouble coming over?"

"No, no, it can't really be like this?"

"Be safe and don't be impatient, be safe and don't be impatient, the awesome person is of course the finale!"



At this moment, a burst of sad music suddenly sounded.

The eyes of many people at the scene were attracted by the music.

At this time, a big guy in women's clothing came up on the stage. When the big guy in women's clothing came up, there was a burst of fierce screams at the scene.

"Brother handsome, brother handsome, brother handsome, he is finally here!"

"Hahaha... I said that handsome brother will definitely come over today, and I was right!"

"Brother Handsome's female attire today is really beautiful, but what's going on with Brother Handsome, is Brother Handsome going to sing a song and show off his talent today?"

"Hahaha... Handsome brother is really awesome. I never thought that handsome brother not only knows so much about women's clothing, but also can sing. Handsome brother is really versatile!"

"I really like the handsome man's cosplay, especially when he is dressed as a woman, he is really beautiful. Not only does he imitate his appearance very much, but his voice is also very similar. You can listen to his voice You will definitely think this is a very cute girl!"

"That's right, Brother Handsome's voice makes people kneel!"



At this time, Duan Shuai walked slowly onto the stage. Hearing the fierce screams of the audience on the stage, Duan Shuai was immediately overjoyed.

Duan Yingjun really didn't expect that one day he would experience this much-anticipated feeling.

This feeling is really cool.

This feeling was something he had never experienced before.

At this moment, a very distressing female voice came over:

"I once loved such a man

He said I was the most beautiful woman in the world
I keep that innocence for him

close the door to love

It's also the man I love so much

turn me into the dumbest woman in the world
I mean everything he says

He said he loves my lips the most"

Of course, when many audience members heard Duan Yingjun's singing, they couldn't help but gasp.

They really couldn't imagine that such a crisp and soft girl came out of a man's mouth.

And listening to this song, it really makes people feel very distressed.

"Fuck, what song is this? It sounds good, it sounds good, it's really good!"

"No, no, I read it right. Such a voice that is more feminine than a woman actually came from a man's mouth. Could this be the strength of the legendary women's clothing boss? It's really awesome Forced!"

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, just hearing this voice, I can't help feeling heartbroken, I want to hold this girl in my arms, and cherish it!"

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ..."

"Sister, you are so naive, you still believe what a man says, don't you know how a man's mouth is deceiving?"

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo After being pursued by so many handsome guys, I never thought that he would have sex with my best friend in the end!"



(End of this chapter)

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