Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 125 "Big Fish" became popular on the Internet, and "Longing for Life" st

Chapter 125 "Big Fish" became popular all over the Internet, and "Longing for Life" started (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
At this time, Zhou Qiang was scrolling through Weibo with his mobile phone, and seeing the comments of these netizens on the Internet, he was immediately very happy.

He really didn't expect that these netizens on the Internet would have such a high evaluation of him.

Zhou Qiang now has a hunch, a very strong hunch, that after such a song, he might be on fire.

Liu Awei patted Zhou Qiang's shoulder at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "You are really very good, I thought you couldn't finish this song within the stipulated time, and you couldn't compose this song well. The song was performed, I didn’t expect you to do such a good job, it’s really amazing!"

"I've bought a few hot searches on Weibo Kuaidou for you. With such a classic song, you only need to promote it well, and your popularity will rise immediately!"

"At that time, you can go to variety shows first to catch the popularity, and then I will help you contact some TV drama theme songs and the like, and you can help sing, and you can improve slowly and steadily!"

When Zhou Qiang heard Liu Awei's words at this time, his whole heart was filled with joy, and he said excitedly: "Brother Awei, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

At this time, Zhou Qiang couldn't help crying while talking.

He remembered that since he entered the society after graduating from school, he was beaten by the society all day long.

Especially some time ago, he couldn't even pay the rent, and the landlord owed two months' rent to be kicked out by the landlord.

Zhou Qiang remembers very clearly that during that time he could only eat instant noodles every day.

In this world, people are indifferent and the world is cold. It can be said that he has experienced enough.

He already had no hope for this cold world.

He put in so much effort, sweat, and struggle to participate in The Voice, but he was eliminated in the end.

This made him lose confidence in his whole body, and he even doubted whether he was not suitable for taking the road of music.

To be honest, after being eliminated by The Voice this time, he almost wanted to give up.

In the end, I didn't expect that there would be no way out in the mountains and rivers, and there would be another village, and I would meet my nobleman on the stage of Good Voice, and even get a song as good as "Big Fish".

And both Zhang Fan and Liu Awei treated him so well, which really moved him so much.


Seeing Zhou Qiang's appearance at this time, Liu Awei couldn't help sighing deeply. He completely understood Zhou Qiang's inner feelings.

People who have not experienced this kind of thing will not understand, he has experienced such a thing before.

Liu Awei patted Zhou Qiang on the shoulder at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Young man, come on, work hard, your life is bright in the future, and now your song is popular, which is a good thing. You should be happy, don't cry!"

"You said that you are a big man anyway, what do you look like crying?"

Zhou Qiang was a little embarrassed when he heard Liu Awei's words at this time, and said with an explanation: "I, I... I'm not crying, I'm just very happy, thank you Brother Awei, and Teacher Zhang Fan, really Thank you so much, without you, I might have been desperate, and I was ready to give up the road of music!"



a room

"Afraid of you flying away, afraid of you leaving me
I'm even more afraid that you will stay here forever

Every tear is flowing towards you

The bottom of the sea flowing back into the sky"

Li Shengnan swiped to his mobile phone at this time, and when he heard the latest song on his mobile phone, he couldn't help but said with admiration: "It sounds good, it sounds good, it's really good, this Zhang Fan won't be It's really amazing that a musical genius has written such a beautiful song again!"

"Also, Zhou Qiang is pretty good. I didn't expect his voice to be so special, and this song was sung so well by him. It's really amazing. It seems that this time Zhang Fan picked up another genius! "

"What? Did I hear you right? Zhang Fan actually wrote another song for someone else? Aunt Li, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Lin Yuqing was exercising on the company's treadmill at this time, when she suddenly heard her manager's words, she was startled.

Hmph, this Zhang Fan is also true, he promised to write a song for himself last time and he has not yet written it, yet he wrote another song for someone else.

I don't know why, but at this moment, Lin Yuqing suddenly felt very jealous!

That's right, she was just envious and jealous.

You must know that it belonged to her alone before, but she didn't expect to share it with others now, which really made him very upset.

Li Shengnan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Why am I lying to you? Don't tell me you don't know about this? The song "Big Fish" written by Zhang Fan is already on the top searches."

"I have to say that this song is really good, very nice. If you haven't heard it, I really recommend you to listen to it!"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing stopped running when she heard Li Shengnan's words. When she came to Li Shengnan, she took her mobile phone and swiped up and down. After looking at it, she found that Zhang Fan had actually written a song for this person.

But after finding out that Zhou Qiang was a man, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not a woman.

Although Lin Yuqing thought so in her heart, she said with a very angry face on the surface: "This Zhang Fan is really, he promised to write a song for me last time, but he didn't expect to write a song for me until now." Come out, and now I’m writing songs for others, I’m really mad, no, I’ll give him a call and ask!”

Just do it, Lin Yuqing didn't hesitate at this time, she directly picked up her mobile phone and made a video call to Zhang Fan.

That's right, she just wanted to start the video.

But before the video, Lin Yuqing suddenly realized a very important problem.

He wiped the sweat off his face with a paper towel, straightened his hair, and asked nervously, "What do you think of me now? Is my hair messy now, is there any dirt on my face or Not pretty or something???"

Li Shengnan: "..."

Li Shengnan was stunned when he heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time.

"Oh, Aunt Li, tell me quickly, what's wrong with my face, there shouldn't be any dirt on my face???"

Li Shengnan said with a smile on his face at this time: "No, you are very beautiful now. Although you don't have makeup now, you have a plain face, but now you have the pure beauty of a hibiscus coming out of clear water!"

"Besides, since when have you been so unconfident about your appearance? If you're not beautiful, there aren't many beautiful people in the entire entertainment industry!"

Lin Yuqing heard Li Shengnan's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face, "That's good, that's good!"

Lin Yuqing heard Li Shengnan's words at this time and knew that there was nothing wrong with her, so she made the video call.

Before making this video call, Lin Yuqing specially ran to the treadmill at this time, and turned on the treadmill to run on it by herself.

I heard that Zhang Fan often works out in the company and likes sports very much. I must give him a feeling that he likes sports and fitness very much.

This is what Lin Yuqing saw on the Internet before. If you want to quickly enter a person's heart, you must let yourself share the same hobbies with him.

Zhang Fan connected to the video call at this time, and saw Lin Yuqing in the video. At this time, Lin Yuqing flickered, as if she was running.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Yuqing, I finally took a day off today, why did you suddenly call me? What are you doing? Why is your whole body shaking."

Lin Yuqing said with a smile on her face at this time: "Of course I'm running and exercising, didn't you see?"

Lin Yuqing said at this time, and even shook the lens of her mobile phone, so that Zhang Fan could see her treadmill.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "I didn't expect you to like sports so much. I usually like sports very much too! By the way, but you should stop running on the treadmill when answering the phone. It's dangerous, you come down first, let's talk slowly after we come down, okay?"

Lin Yuqing was very happy when she heard Zhang Fan say that he usually likes sports very much.

It seems that apart from music, I have found another topic to share with Zhang Fan.

It seems that these love books and love cheats on the Internet are still very useful.

Especially when he heard that Zhang Fan worried about her injury and cared about her, he felt even happier.

Lin Yuqing left the treadmill at this time, found a place to sit down, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang, we don't have a break from filming today, what are you doing???"

Zhang Fan said: "What are you doing? I didn't do anything either. It's just that a stray cat came from somewhere in my company recently. At the beginning, I was afraid of me. Now I've fed it a few breads, and it's getting more and more familiar with me. I'm licking it every day now!"

Lin Yuqing heard such words at this time, and said in surprise: "Little cat? Where is the little cat? Let me take a look!"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Wenfan shook the camera of the phone so that the camera of the phone caught the white cat in his arms, and said with a smile on his face: "See, this is the cat I just picked up." Xiaobai who arrived, you don’t even know, this cat is really cool to stroke.”

When Lin Yuqing saw this snow-white kitten at this time, she couldn't help but greeted the kitten with a smile on her face: "Hi kitty, you are really cute!"

The little cat looked at Lin Yuqing in the camera and greeted it with a smile on his face. As if realizing something, he also stretched out one of his calves and waved to Lin Yuqing.

"Meow meow meow……"

Even at this time, the cat meowed a few times.

Lin Yuqing was very excited when she saw this cat at this time: "Mr. Zhang, did you see it? This little cat greeted me. It is so cute, I couldn't help it." I want to go over there and lick it!"

"By the way, I almost forgot one thing, Mr. Zhang, I want to ask you a question, I want to ask you a very serious question!"

Seeing Lin Yuqing's suddenly serious expression at this time, Zhang Fan was shocked.

No, no, why did this woman suddenly become serious? Does she really have something to tell herself?
Zhang Fan thinks about it carefully at this time, he has been honestly filming recently and seems to have done nothing.

No, I have nothing to do with her, even if I do something, what can she do.

How can I be afraid of her?
Zhang Fan said: "There's something wrong with your expression. What question do you want to ask? You don't mean to ask me if your outfit is pretty today, right? I can tell you the truth, today's outfit is really beautiful. !"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, pouted and said angrily: "Mr. Zhang Fan, you are not sincere at all. I didn't dress up at all today. I was wearing sportswear and I was running just now!"

But even though Lin Yuqing said so, she was very happy when she heard Zhang Fan's praise just now.

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan suddenly said with a face full of enlightenment: "Wow, no, no, no, you didn't even dress up? You are so beautiful without any dress up, if you win, will you still get it? "

"All right, all right, you better stop dressing up and save some life for other women!"


When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't stop laughing all of a sudden.

She felt that Zhang Fan's talking was really fun, and every time she was with him, she was very happy, very happy.

Seeing Lin Yuqing smiling happily at this time, Zhang Fan was not only very proud.

Are you kidding me?
Is it too contemptuous of me for such a small problem?
"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Yuqing coughed a few times at this time, and said with a proud face: "Okay, okay, since you have already said that, then I will keep a low profile in the future, and try to leave a way for other women to survive!"

"But in fact, what I want to ask is not this question. What I want to ask is when will you give me the song you wrote for me?"

"You wrote the song for that Zhou Qiang, but the song for me has not been written yet. You really make me sad. Is it because I am not as important as Zhou Qiang in your heart???"

Lin Yuqing still can't figure it out, this Zhang Fan has written it for Zhou Qiang's brother, why hasn't the song for herself been written yet?
Is it because you are not beautiful enough?

Is it because your body is not good enough?

Could it be that you are not cute enough, not cute enough?

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's question at this time, he immediately had a question mark on his face.

He really couldn't understand why Lin Yuqing would suddenly ask such a question.

Besides, what is meant by "Is it because I am not as important as Zhou Qiang in your heart?"

How could this woman compare herself to Zhou Qiang?

Those who don't know think what they mean to Zhou Qiang?

Zhang Fan is a man, an upright man, he is not interested in men!
He is a male, and he likes women.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "You really think too much, how can you ask this question? Of course you are more important to me!"

"Besides, I'm a man. I'm a real man. Of course I like women, especially beautiful beauties. How could I be interested in men?"

"Of course, I have no resistance to beauties, especially top-notch beauties like you. You say who is more important to me, you or Zhou Qiang? Isn't this a question that doesn't need to be asked at all? "

huh huh...

Lin Yuqing couldn't help being very happy when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time.

Although she already knew the answer when she asked this question, she was very happy when she heard Zhang Fan say it himself.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing brushed the hair on her forehead.

It seems that he is still very beautiful.

Although Lin Yuqing has always been very confident about her appearance before, since she met Zhang Fan, she always seems to be lukewarm towards herself, and she is not as concerned about her appearance as other men. Shock!

This made Lin Yuqing wonder if she was not so beautiful anymore.

Now hearing Zhang Fan's personal admission that she is still very beautiful in his heart, Lin Yuqing was instantly overjoyed.

Zhang Fan continued to say at this time: "And writing songs is not a matter of minutes for me? I have already engraved all the songs in my mind, but I have been a little busy recently, so I didn't have time to write this The song is made for you!"

"Let me tell you, I'm busy with a big event recently, a very fun big event!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, saw Zhang Fan's mysterious look, and asked curiously: "Mr. Zhang, can you tell me what you are busy with? I am really very curious, you What the hell are you doing for fun?"

"As the saying goes, it's better to have fun alone than to have fun with others. If you have any fun time, why don't you tell me and share it with me!"

Seeing Lin Yuqing's curious face, Zhang Fan said with a smile at this time: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that filming and working every day is a bit too boring, so I'm going to do something interesting!"

"I am going to do a variety show. This variety show is far away from the city and goes to the countryside. At that time, we can temporarily get rid of the hustle and bustle of these cities and various jobs in this variety show, and go to our own kind of landscape. An idyllic and poetic life!"

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she opened her mouth in shock: "This, this... can you really have it?"

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuqing's surprised face, and said with a smile: "Actually, there is nothing mysterious about it. If we go to the countryside to play, it is considered a trip. We work every day. Filming is really a bit too boring!"

"When the time comes, we will find a village where we can grow some vegetables and fruits, and then if we want to eat something, we can do it ourselves!"

"Away from the city, away from the hustle and bustle, back to the countryside, back to the wonderful life of nature, it is very exciting to think about it!"

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's description at this time, she couldn't help imagining that wonderful pastoral life in her mind!
To be honest, Lin Yuqing has been in the capital since she was a child, and she really wants to go to the countryside to have a look.

Especially when Zhang Fan described this thing so well, she couldn't help but want to go over and have a look.

Lin Yuqing said excitedly at this time: "Mr. Zhang, I'm going, I'm going, you must take me with you, okay? Please, please, really please!"

"I've never been to the countryside, you must take me to see it, and as you said, working and filming every day, it's really a bit boring!"

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he didn't even smile and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, your good deeds are indispensable. I have already told Wang Teng about this matter. He has already started looking for a place. Yesterday When I chatted with him, he said that he has almost found a place, and basically he is ready to start work!"

"It's just that no one has ever done our show, so many sponsors are basically not optimistic about it, so basically no one is willing to sponsor this show now, even the endorsers on me are not willing to sponsor this show. programme."

"They feel that this show has no future, no future, and no attention. At that time, there must be no audience willing to watch this show. Otherwise, you can tell your good girlfriend Xiao Wangxue and let her honey Xuebing How about being the exclusive title sponsor of our show?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and agreed without any hesitation: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely tell Xiaoxue about this matter, and she will definitely agree!"

After Lin Yuqing hung up the phone, she was extremely happy.

She can also go to the countryside,

she can go play
And still go to the countryside with Zhang Fan, play with Zhang Fan.

Happy, happy, really happy.

As Lin Yuqing's manager, Li Shengnan saw Lin Yuqing's appearance at this time, and asked a little curiously: "Yuqing, who did you call just now? You are so happy to answer the phone!"

Lin Yuqing said with a smile on her face at this time: "I was on the phone with Mr. Zhang just now, and Mr. Zhang said that he is going to host a program, and this program is in a village in a small town."

"At that time, we can stay away from the city, work, the Internet, and all these things, return to the countryside, return to nature, and enjoy all the beauty of nature!"

Li Shengnan was startled when he heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and immediately stood up: "Zhang Fan is going to hold a variety show, and it's still in the countryside. Did he make a mistake?"

"Now that the Internet is so developed and there are so many variety shows on the Internet, it's almost impossible to run a good show. It's not like he hasn't appeared in a variety show in the countryside before. A certain episode of the program went to the countryside to play casually!"

"But he wants to run all the variety shows in the countryside. He is too funny! The variety show he made at the previous Tucao Conference was good. It can be said to be a bright spot in the variety show industry. I thought he was He has a good idea, but I didn't expect him to come up with such a bad idea this time."

"Yuqing, you are at the time when you are most popular. You should do your job well, make your songs hard, finish filming this TV series well, and strive to make your popularity even higher!"

Lin Yuqing heard Li Shengnan's words at this time, shook her head, and said firmly: "Aunt Li, stop talking, I have already promised Teacher Zhang Fan to go to his variety show, where will Teacher Zhang Fan be from now on? right there!"

"No, I have to call Xiaoxue first to discuss the sponsorship with her. I hope Xiaoxue will not be so stingy and give us more sponsorship money..."



Zhang Fan Studio

"Oh, no, no, I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I'm really exhausted!"

"I searched for a long time and finally found this place. This small town is very nice. I found a village called Guangming Village. The people in this village are relatively simple and kind..."

"They have a lot of vacant houses here, so I rented another yard and used it as a shooting base for our show!"

"Let me tell you that I have really been to this Guangming Village. It is really beautiful inside. Let me tell you that it is really beautiful inside. I don't want to come out if I stay here for a day!"

"When I get old and retire one day, I plan to buy a yard here and retire in it. It's really cool!"

Zhang Fan heard Wang Teng's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "You are too efficient in handling things, I just told you that you have already found the place in a short time!"

Wang Teng heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, patted himself on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Of course, who am I, who am I, Wang Teng? As you said, I, Wang Teng, have A man with the appearance of a great emperor!"

"Go to the rivers and lakes to inquire about my reputation in the industry. The reason why Wang Teng is so good is because I am very efficient in handling things."

"Hehehe... Now that our place has been laid out, when will we go to shoot? To be honest, I really like this Guangming Village. I just stayed there for a day, and I fell in love with this village. Already!"

"You don't even know, I just returned to the capital today and I'm a little out of control. Seeing the endless stream of cars, seeing the busy people... I'm numb!"

"I used to like this kind of big city very much. I think this kind of big city is full of hard work, full of struggle. Now I look at these things, and I feel very depressed, so now I want to go to this place like you The countryside relaxes and relaxes!"

Zhang Fan heard Wang Teng's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry about this matter, we can pass when our sponsors are in place. If there are really no sponsors in the end, I will do it myself." Money sponsors this show!"

"It doesn't matter to me how the program's ratings are, the most important thing is to play!"

At this moment, the door of Zhang Fan's studio was suddenly kicked open.

Zhang Fan and Wang Teng were startled when they heard the bang at this time, thinking that someone had come to rob them.

Seeing that it was Wang Xue at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said helplessly, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... let me ask you, can you be a little polite? Do you want to knock on the door of your house? It’s fine if you don’t knock, but you still have to kick the door!”

"Oh, my door is really miserable. I don't know how long this poor door can last. I don't think it will take long. My door will have to be replaced!"

At this time, Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words and directly found a seat to sit down, and said domineeringly: "I said, can you stop selling miserably, I didn't expect you to be such a person, you actually fooled me the most!" My best friend Lin Yuqing came to lie to my sponsorship, you are too disrespectful of martial arts, young man, I advise you to use rat tail juice!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing Wang Xue's words at this time, Zhang Huan couldn't help coughing violently. He didn't expect that Wang Xue would find this matter so soon.

But this matter is indeed a bit wrong for him.

Zhang Fan said in embarrassment at this time: "How can this be called cheating? Let me tell you, I asked you to sponsor my program because I saw that you were a friend. Do you know how popular I am now? You Do you know how many people want to sponsor my program may not necessarily have a chance when I said in one sentence?"

"I still give you this opportunity to sponsor our program because we are friends, and because I am the endorsement of Michelle Ice City. Let me tell you, don't be ungrateful!"


Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and took a sip: "I have never seen such a brazen person, don't think I don't know, I have already inquired about it before I came, your crap No one wants to sponsor!"

"Of course, if you want me to sponsor, there is no problem, but I not only want to sponsor this show, I also want to participate in it, I don't want to be just a sponsor, I want to be a shareholder of this show, how much money does it cost You just say it directly?"

Zhang Fan was startled when he heard Wang Xue's words at this time.

This is completely out of his mind, so many investors are unwilling to sponsor this program, he not only wants to sponsor this program, but even invests in this program.

Zhang Fan said: "You should know this program very well, don't you know that many sponsors are unwilling to sponsor this program?"

"You should know that the prospect of this show is not very good, but you still want to invest in this show, aren't you afraid of losing money?"

Wang Xue patted the table at this time, and said domineeringly: "What's wrong with losing money? My girl is not short of money. In short, I have to invest in this show. Didn't we say it before? Next time you When there is any good program, you must let me participate in the investment, so don't talk too much!"

Zhang Fan said hesitantly at this time: "This...isn't so good, we are such good friends, I really don't want to cheat you!"

Seeing Wang Xue's firm look at this time, Zhang Fan was startled.

He wondered if this Wang Xue had also time-traveled?

Otherwise, why would he support his show so firmly.

You must know that the program "Longing for Life" is not an ordinary program. Although the program was very popular in the previous life on earth, it was very difficult at the beginning, and even investors could not be found.

Now this show is the same in this world. When I started this show, I couldn't even find a sponsor. He really didn't understand why Wang Xue was so optimistic about his show.
Could it be that this woman has any special talent, or that this woman also traveled through time?

Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, you are a man after all, can you stop talking so much, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? Don't worry, Even if you lose money, I won't bother you!"

"Let me tell you, I don't sponsor this show for your sake, I sponsor this show for the sake of my best friend Yuqing, if it wasn't for Yuqing who insisted on participating in this show, I really wouldn't have sponsored it What about your broken show!"

"Of course, these are not important. The important point is that I have a feeling that your show may be very popular at that time. My feeling has always been very accurate, so I believe in my feeling!"

"Of course, you stinky man, although your personality is not very good, but I have to say that you still have some skills. As long as the programs you participate in are very good so far, so although I am very despised You, but I am still very willing to believe in your ability!"

Zhang Fan didn't know what to say after hearing Wang Xue's words at this time.

Could this be the sixth sense of the legendary woman?

Is the sixth sense of women so accurate?

Of course, even if this show was very popular on earth before, it doesn’t mean that this show will still be very popular in this world

After all, the time environment and various things have changed, and a very popular program may not be popular if the environment changes.

Of course, whether it is hot or not is not important to him.

He just doesn't want to live his own life, he is filming every day, work is so boring, he wants to toss it, he wants to have fun.

In his previous life, he worked every day, every day, if he lived it again in this life, if he worked every day again, why would he still work hard?
Of course, work must be done, but you must also learn to relax and adjust.

Zhang Fan remembered that when he was in school, the teacher said something to him, which left a deep impression on him, that is, study hard when you are studying, and have fun when you are playing.

He basically did the same thing, so although he played golf on Saturdays and weekends after class, or went to Internet cafes with friends, his grades have always been very good.

After that, he went to university and became the chairman of the student union. It was the same when he started his own business. When he earned money, he would basically buy food and drink to enjoy himself.

After all, life is like this, you never know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident, if one day a car hits you and kills you while walking on the road, and you still have a lot of money to spend, wouldn’t it be too wronged.

So Zhang Fan has always had a principle, that is, if you earn money, you must not wrong yourself, and the truth is to enjoy it well.

clap clap clap!
Wang Teng patted the palm at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Since we already have sponsors, why don't we start now!"

When Zhang Fan heard Wang Teng's words at this time, he stood on his mouth in shock: "No, no, you're not mistaken, are we? Are we going to go there today?"

Wang Teng took it for granted at this time: "Of course, all the problems have been solved now? Can't we just go there now? Anyway, my filming teams are already there!"

"You don't even know how good this Guangming Village is. I tell you that as long as you go there, you will never want to come back. Then you will know what a real paradise is, and what is a real pastoral life!"

"It just so happens that we are going now, and we should be able to make it around 9:[-] pm. Then I can treat you to the special roasted whole lamb in the village!"

When Wang Xue heard Wang Teng's words at this time, she opened her mouth wide and said in shock, "I heard from you that this place seems very interesting. If it doesn't work, I'm going to play!"

Hearing Wang Xue's words at this time, Wang Teng said with a surprised face: "Mr. Wang, don't go, you are also the general manager of a company, and you have to manage a company. What if you go to your company?" Do? You should go back to work properly!"

"No, I have to go!"

At this time, Wang Xue said with a domineering face: "Besides, my company is so big. If I usually handle the work alone, I would have been exhausted."

"Now I just need to make some specific decisions. The usual work is done by these employees. If I, the boss, do everything, what do I need these employees for?"

"Besides, the place you mentioned is so fun, I've never been there before, I'm going to have a go this time!"

"My mother, since I graduated from school, I have been busy with work and almost exhausted. Now I should give myself a vacation and relax!"

(End of this chapter)

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