Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 126 Liu Cuihua's salted buns are a must!

Chapter 126 Liu Cuihua's Salty Buns Are Amazing!


Wang Teng sighed when he heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said helplessly: "This village is actually not as good as you imagined. The conditions in the village we went to are not convenient. Big city bustling…”

"Besides, the Internet in our rural area is relatively poor. If you go to this rural area with us, you may not be able to access the Internet at that time!"

"Mr. Wang, you are a rich man, and a rich man should live a rich life. You should not go with us, or you will suffer..."

Wang Xue heard Wang Teng's words at this time, slammed the table, and said domineeringly: "No, I'm going, no one can stop me, and besides, isn't it the countryside? Isn't it just suffering? Do you think this girl is afraid of suffering?"

"Let me tell you that if anyone dares to stop me today, I will prevent him from seeing the sun tomorrow! Besides, your show is still sponsored by me. I am the boss of your show. You are not honest with the boss's request." Is it really arranged? Do you still think about it?"

Wang Teng: "???"


Seeing Wang Xue like this at this time, Wang Teng not only sighed deeply, but also looked helpless!

He knew he couldn't stop this woman.

But for some reason, he always had an ominous premonition that if this woman went there, their show might be disrupted by this woman.

At this moment, Wang Xue took Lin Yuqing's hand and said with a smile on her face, "I can finally play with you, Yuqing. Are you happy? Are you happy?"

Lin Yuqing heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said with an angry face: "I said how excited you were just now, which made me startled. It turns out that you want to go too!"

Wang Xue heard what her best friend Lin Yuqing said at this time, and said with a smile: "Aren't I afraid that you will be lonely in the countryside alone? So I will go with you?"

"And I haven't been to the countryside before, and now I finally have the opportunity to go and have fun. You don't know that I work all day and all day, and I'm almost bored to death!"

"Now I finally have a chance to let me relax and adjust. How could I let this opportunity go?"



So that night, a few people took a commercial vehicle to the very beautiful and fun Guangming Village that Wang Teng had mentioned.

The car carrying these people was walking on the roads of this city. At this moment, Wang Xue suddenly saw Lin Yuqing on the big screen, and said excitedly: "Yuqing Yuqing, look here is your advertisement. But how about a large-scale advertisement specially placed for you by our Michelle Ice City? As a good girlfriend, am I interesting enough?"

Zhang Fan was sitting in front at this time, and when he heard Wang Xue's words behind him, he also looked at a large screen next to him.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Because he saw himself in this big screen.

The point is that it doesn't matter if he sees himself on the big screen, he is so small, if he didn't look carefully, he almost missed it.

Lin Yuqing also seemed to have discovered something at this time, and said with a surprised face: "What's going on with Xiaoxue? Why is Teacher Zhang's image so small? Could it be that your advertisement was placed wrong?"

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, Wang Xue heard what her best friend said, and then looked at the strange eyes of this man looking at her, and couldn't help coughing violently: "This, this... I don't know what's going on? It may be that the staff of the company accidentally misplaced it carelessly."

"What are you looking at? I didn't target you on purpose, and I didn't do it! Do you think I, a boss worth hundreds of millions, would do such a small thing? It's all done by my staff, This...maybe they accidentally misplaced it!"

"Don't worry, I must talk about them and reprimand them when you go back. What they did this time is really too much. How can they do this?"

"But have you noticed that this looks quite fun, you don't look like a couple anymore, but more like a mother and son..."

Lin Yuqing blushed when she heard what her best friend Wang Xue said at this time, "Xiaoxue, what are you talking about? How can I be so old?"

When Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he didn't know that the reason why Wang Xue did this must be to target him deliberately.

What else did she say that her staff did?
Without the acquiescence of her boss, would his staff dare to do this? ? ?
Since this woman is unkind first, don't blame him for being unrighteous.

Zhang Fan said with a mocking face at this time: "Tsk tsk offended two people with your words, today I finally know what real low EQ is!"

When Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she was so angry that she slapped the chair Zhang Fan was sitting on, and said angrily: "You stinky man, if you have the ability, tell me again, you say Who has low EQ? You have low EQ, and your whole family has low EQ!"

"I told you today that I made this advertisement on purpose. What can you do? I just want to see you upset and deliberately target you. What can you do?"

Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's words at this time, picked up his mobile phone, and said with a smile: "I can't do anything to you, I just recorded everything you said just now, although I am now the spokesperson of your Michelle Ice City, but you Michelle Ice City did not fulfill your obligations according to our agreement!"

"Now that you have this recording, even if it's a lawsuit, you're the one at fault!"


At this time, Wang Xue saw the recording in Zhang Fan's hands, and couldn't help but pooh: "Pooh, I've never seen such a brazen person, I didn't expect you to be so despicable, let me talk to you You are still recording, you are really shameless!"

When Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he said in disbelief, "Are you making a mistake? You say I'm despicable, don't you know who the two of us are despicable?"

"Who tampered with the advertisement first? If you hadn't tampered with the advertisement, would I have behaved like this? It's obvious that you made a mistake first, are you still reasonable?"

"Okay, okay, I don't want to quarrel with you anymore, I've been busy all day, I'm really sleepy, I'm going to bed now, I have to record a show tomorrow, do you think everyone is idle like you every day? What are you doing?"

ah ah ah ah...

I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off, I'm really pissed off.

When Wang Xue heard the man in front of him at this time, she was very angry. Just when she wanted to get angry, she found that the man in front of her had already put on the earphones and was sleeping there as if she didn't hear anything outside the window.

Damn, hate, this smelly man is really too hateful.

I was so angry here that he actually fell asleep leisurely here.

How could there be such a brazen man in this world?

At this moment, Wang Xue held the hand of her best friend Lin Yuqing, and said angrily, "Have you seen Yuqing? Now you have seen the true face of this man, now you know what this man is like." your man?"

"It's still too late for you to regret it now. If you regret it now, sever the so-called master-student relationship with this man as soon as possible, and never have any contact with this stinky man again..."


Lin Yuqing couldn't help sighing deeply when she heard what her best friend Wang Xue said at this time: "Okay, okay, Xiaoxue, stop talking, Teacher Zhang is not the person you said at all What’s more, this time it’s true that what you said was wrong, Mr. Zhang is also the spokesperson of your Michelle Ice City, how could you treat him like this?”

Wang Xue heard what her best friend said at this time, and seeing that her best friend didn't understand her, she said with an aggrieved look on her face, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow? so sad!"

"It's fine for others to say that. I didn't expect Yuqing to say that. You really make me sad. Do you know why I did this? Isn't it because of you?"

Lin Yuqing saw her best friend like this at this time, although she knew she was crying fake, but at this time she still hugged him and said comfortingly: "Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that to you just now!"

"But you really shouldn't do this. You said you did it for my own good, but have you ever asked me what I really want?"

"Mr. Zhang and I are very good friends, you are betraying our relationship by doing this!"

"Besides, this advertisement we shot is for your Michelle Ice City. You are so big and small that you are not coordinated at all. When others see it, you feel very awkward. To your Michelle Ice City Development is also very unfavorable!"

"Hurry up and tell your staff, let them quickly change this ad, let's change it to what it used to be, the previous ad looked so good, but now it looks so awkward, it looks like something A son with a small head is like a father with a big head!"



At this time, Wang Xue was hugged by Lin Yuqing, and when she heard Lin Yuqing's words, she suddenly couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Hey, hey... have you ever watched this cartoon? Little-headed dad, okay, but what kind of little-headed son and big-headed dad are you talking about? You said everything the wrong way, okay?"




The next day

"Yawn, yawn!"

Zhang Fan just got out of the car and yawned several times in a row.

He slept in the car last night.

It was already in the village at midnight last night.

In the end, he slept in the car so comfortably that no matter what Wang Teng told him, he didn't want to go down anymore, so he slept in the car.

"Oh oh oh……"

Just as Zhang Fan got off the car, he suddenly heard a rooster crowing.

The cry was really too loud, making Zhang Fan feel both familiar and unfamiliar.

Hearing this familiar cry, Zhang Fan seemed to have returned to his childhood.

He remembered that when he was a child and lived in the countryside with his grandparents, he would hear the rooster crowing every morning.

He hadn't heard the familiar crow of a rooster since he went to his parents' house for high school.

After Zhang Fan got off the car at this time, he carefully looked at some things in the courtyard.

There are also vines in this courtyard, with grapes on them, and some pear trees, and there are some pears on them now, and there are also some cucumbers and other things planted here.

When Zhang Fan saw the green cucumber at this time, he suddenly felt very greedy. He picked a cucumber from it at random, and wanted to take it under the faucet to rinse it, but found that there was no faucet in the yard.

However, although Zhang Fan didn't find a faucet in the yard, he found a very special thing, that is the well suppression! ! !

To be honest, when Zhang Fan saw this thing, he suddenly felt as if he had passed away.

To be honest, he really hasn't seen this thing for a long, long, long time.

Zhang Fan remembered that he had only seen this kind of well suppression when he was a child in his previous life.

It's just that when he was in junior high school, the well suppression in his home was no longer used frequently, and he replaced it with that kind of water pipe.

After all, this kind of well killing is not as convenient as the water pipe, and this kind of well killing has to be done by yourself!
That kind of water pipe directly unscrews the faucet, and all kinds of water come directly.

But to be honest, Zhang Fan really likes this kind of well killing, because the water from this kind of well killing is really very clear and cool.

Zhang Fan pressed down a few times at this time, and immediately a pool of clear well water came out from a tube in front of him.

At this time, Zhang Fan held the well water and washed his face, and suddenly felt a feeling of coolness in his heart.

I have to say that the well water is really too cold.

After washing his face with well water, he became sober all of a sudden.

"crunch, crunch, crunch..."

At this time, Zhang Fan kept biting the crispy cucumber, chewing it in his mouth.

"It's good, it's really good, this cucumber is really delicious, I haven't eaten such a crisp and delicious cucumber for a long time!"

At this moment, Lin Yuqing rubbed her eyes and came out of a room.

Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan as soon as she came out of the room at this time, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, why did you get up so early? When we arrived at the place yesterday, you were told to sleep in the room and you still didn't go , must sleep in the car!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "'s okay, the main reason is that I was too sleepy last night, and I slept soundly in the car, so I don't want to go down anymore! "

"But you guys are really serious, if you really want me to go down, just lift me down, don't wake me up?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a speechless face: "Mr. Zhang, you really underestimated your weight a bit. Even if we wanted to carry you in, we couldn't help it. You are too heavy. !"

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, what are you eating? Seeing that you eat with such relish, I want to eat too!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, shook the cucumber in his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Of course it is a cucumber, you don't even know that this cucumber is so authentic, you don't even know this cucumber It's really delicious!"

"If you want to eat, there are many there, you can pick one yourself!"

Lin Yuqing shook her head when she heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, looked at the cucumber in Zhang Fan's hand, and said seriously: "No, teacher, I want to eat the cucumber in your hand!"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan said with a look of surprise: "This...not so good, I have already eaten my cucumbers, besides, there are so many cucumbers here, why do you have to follow me?" Where should I grab this cucumber?"

"Don't tell me that you are too lazy to pick cucumbers or wash cucumbers, or I will help you pick one and wash it for you."

"Strange, strange, really strange, when did you become as lazy as this woman Wang Xue, you are really close to Zhu Zhechi, close to Mo Zhehei, you will stay with this woman less and less in the future , or learn all her bad habits!"

"Ah, ah..."

At this time, Wang Xue, who was still asleep, didn't know what was going on, and suddenly sneezed a few times?
Wang Xue didn't know what was going on with her. In her dream just now, she seemed to have dreamed of a stinky man scolding her.

And this suddenly he was very familiar with, that smelly and shameless Zhang Fan she often saw!
"Okay, Zhang Fan, you are so hateful. You can just steal my best friend, but you still dare to scold me. It seems that I really gave you too much face. If this is the case, then don't blame me for treating you You are welcome!"

"I forgot to tell you, my girl, I have been practicing Taekwondo since I was a child. I already had a black belt in Taekwondo when I was a girl. Although I am a bit rusty after not practicing for a few years, I still have no problem dealing with people like you! "

At this time, Wang Xue kicked and fell to the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"It hurts me to death, it hurts me to death, it really hurts me to death!"

"Hey, why am I on the ground?"

"It's all the fault of this stinky man, it's all the fault of this stinky shameless man, if it wasn't for him, would I have fallen to the ground?"

"Damn, hate, it's really hateful, this smelly man is really hateful!"

At this time, Wang Xue woke up and found that she had fallen to the ground, and immediately scolded Zhang Fan.


At this time, Lin Yuqing snatched the cucumber from Zhang Fan's hand, took a bite at the place he had bitten just now, and said with a smile on her face, "Don't bother, I don't dislike it, you're right, This cucumber is really delicious, it seems that the cucumbers grown here in the countryside are different from those sold in supermarkets, they are really fresh and crisp!"

Wang Teng had just come back from the outside at this time, when he saw such a scene, he said in a little fright: "I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything, you go on, you go on, don't worry about me..."

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Wang Teng covering his eyes with his hands, while opening his fingers wide, looking at him excitedly, and said speechlessly, "Okay, okay, don't worry about it." Just pretend, if you want to see it, just watch it, let me tell you, there is nothing between us, the relationship between us is not what you imagined, what you saw just now is just a misunderstanding!"

"If you want to listen, I can explain to you what happened just now?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Wang Teng smiled and said, "No need to explain, no need to explain, I understand, I understand, I understand, I am not a three-year-old child anymore, you still have to talk to me about this kind of thing." Shall I explain?"

"Okay, okay, I came here this time to ask you to have breakfast. Let me tell you that you all have good food. The grandma who rented my yard made a big pot of salty buns today and said she would invite Let's go eat!"

Salty buns?

When Zhang Fan heard Wang Teng say these two words at this time, he felt a sense of familiarity and strangeness.

He really hasn't eaten this thing for a long, long, long time.

Zhang Fan remembers that when he was in elementary school in his previous life, he lived with his grandparents, and his favorite was salty buns!

Every once in a while, grandma would make him his favorite salty buns, and he could eat five or six of them each time, until he couldn't eat anymore.

It's just that after he went to school outside, he didn't eat this salty bun again.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Wang Teng say something about salty buns, and he felt a very cordial feeling in his whole body.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Hahaha... I didn't expect there to be salty buns here. I remember this was my favorite food when I was young. Let's go there quickly. What are you waiting for?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Wang Teng stretched out his head to look into the yard, and said with a strange expression: "What about Mr. Wang, she hasn't woken up yet, why don't we go there together after Mr. Wang gets up?" !"

Zhang Fan waved his hand at this time, and said impatiently: "What are you waiting for her to do? We should go over there quickly, she probably won't wake up until noon, so let her eat lunch directly!" "

Zhang Fan had just finished speaking at this time, when he heard the sound of kicking the door behind him.

Zhang Fan looked back at this time and found that it was Wang Xue.

Thinking of what he said just now, Zhang Fan was not only embarrassed for a while at this time.

This woman probably heard everything I said just now.


Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

He and this Wang Xue had always disliked each other, but now the hatred between the two of them is probably even deeper.

But Zhang Fan didn't care about these things any more. After all, he didn't worry about debts, and he didn't feel ticklish when he had too many lice.

Anyway, there is enough hatred between him and this woman, and one more is not too much.

Wang Xue said with a very angry face at this time: "Okay, Zhang Fan, I misread you, I am also a sponsor of your program after all, I didn't expect that you would secretly carry me behind your back when you went to eat. Don't call me yet, you guys are really going too far!"

"Zhang Fan, you stinky man, you are really too much, you still slander me behind my back, what do you take me for? You also said that I wake up naturally from sleep, and I eat lunch directly from sleep until noon, What do you take me for? Do you take me for a pig?"

"Let me tell you, when this girl used to work, she got up at five o'clock every day, much earlier than you. Let me tell you, I have seen the capital at four o'clock in the morning!"

When Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he said indifferently: "I have seen the capital at four o'clock in the morning. I have also seen the capital at one o'clock in the morning. Don't think I don't know who you are. Did you just go to bed at that time?"

Wang Xue: "???"

When Wang Xue heard this man's words at this time, she was almost so angry that she spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Damn, hate, this smelly man is really ugly.

But what this man said just now was not wrong. He said that he had seen the capital at four o'clock in the morning, and it was because he had just gone to the bathroom at that time to take a look at the night sky outside.

But so what?

Didn't I have seen the capital at four o'clock in the morning?

Several people soon came to a yard together.

Zhang Fan had just entered the courtyard at this time, and immediately smelled a very strong fragrance.

It's a familiar recipe, and it's a familiar taste.

goo goo...

Smelling the rich aroma, Zhang Fan's stomach couldn't help but growl.

So fragrant! ! !


"You guys are finally here, hurry up and sit down, I'll go and serve the salted buns, they're all ready to eat!"

At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly came from the room.

It didn't take long before they saw a vigorous old woman holding a large plate of salty buns on the table in front of them.

Wang Teng introduced them just now, this woman is called Liu Cuihua.

The fate of this Liu Cuihua is actually quite miserable.

Her husband passed away when the child was six or seven years old, and she worked hard to bring up her son and daughter, both of whom are very promising!
I heard that her son is now the CEO of a company with an annual salary of several million. Her son wants to take her to live in a big city, but she refuses to go and insists on staying in the village alone.

Liu Cuihua saw Lin Yuqing at this time, and when she suddenly grabbed Lin Yuqing, she said with a smile on her face: "Where did this girl come from? Why is she so beautiful, she is just like the princess in the TV series, really It's so beautiful!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing looked at the old man with a very kind smile in front of her, and she felt a very kind feeling in her whole body, and she said with a smile on her face, "Hi grandma, my name is Lin Yuqing, if you don't mind, just call me It's fine, Yuqing, we may have to disturb you during this time, I'm really sorry!"

Liu Cuihua heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "It's okay, it's okay, I, an old woman, just like to be lively. I used to feel a little too lonely by myself, but now I feel that you people are here. It feels more lively!"

"Come, come, eat my salty buns quickly. If you don't eat them again, they will be cold. If they are cold, they will not taste good. Let me tell you that the salty buns I make are excellent. Many people want to eat them but they can't. Go to a restaurant The salty bun bought here is definitely not as delicious as the one I made!"

"Let me tell you that this noodle is all made by myself, and some of the leeks in it are also grown and picked from my field."

"By the way, do you want to drink porridge? If you want to drink porridge, I will cook some porridge for you to drink? Since you have come here, just treat this place as your own home!"

When Wang Xue heard the old woman's words at this time, she immediately became confused: "You can all understand what she is talking about, what porridge is she talking about, what is this porridge?"

Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said mockingly: "You don't even know something as simple as porridge, I really don't know how you have lived so long, porridge is the porridge you usually drink, you understand ? We rural people call porridge porridge, do you understand?"

Wang Xue: "???"

Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's ridicule at this time, and really wanted to ask this Zhang Fan: Are you polite?

Haven't I never been to the countryside?

I don't know?
Wang Xuedao: "Did I ask you? Who asked you to answer my question, did you understand it alone? Does it seem that you are an old brother?"

"Do you think you know everything? Believe it or not, I just ask you a simple question and you don't know. Do you know how many stars there are in the sky? Do you know how many hairs are on my head? Do you know that you have How many bacteria?"

"I don't know, I know you don't know, you don't know such a simple question, I really don't know how you live so big???"

At this time, Wang Xue finished what she wanted to say in one breath, and suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

One word to describe her current feeling is cool! ! !
Now he finally knows why there are so many keyboard warriors on the Internet, this feeling of being a keyboard warrior is really cool, this feeling of spraying people is really cool, this feeling of being a descendant of Zu'an is really cool.

In reality, I swallowed my anger and did not dare to insult others. On the Internet, I punched hard and insulted netizens with high spirits!Heaven did not give birth to me as a keyboard warrior, my spray path is like a long night through the ages.key!The top of the fairy, proud of the world, if there is my keyboard man, there will be a sky, the key of the river will come from the sky, the key will come...


At this time, Lin Yuqing saw that the two of them looked like they were about to quarrel, and she sighed deeply, and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, can you two stop arguing? Even if you If you want to quarrel, can you wait until you have finished this breakfast before you quarrel, you will have more energy to quarrel when you are full!"

Wang Xuedao: "For the sake of my best friend Lin Yuqing this time, I will let you go. This time, we will read the file first. I will take a note and write down where we quarreled this time. Next time we will talk again." Keep making noise!"

Lin Yuqing: "???"

When Lin Yuqing heard her best friend's words at this time, she immediately became confused.

She really didn't expect that even things like quarrels could be read and saved for later quarrels? ? ?
This is truly the wonder of the world.

At this time, Wang Xue praised the salted bun while eating it: "Wow, delicious, delicious, really delicious, I have never eaten such a delicious salted bun!"

"Although I, Wang Xue, am not very rich, I can still be regarded as a person who has eaten delicacies from mountains and seas, big fish and big meat. Now I suddenly feel that these things I have eaten before are nothing compared to this salty bun. This salty bun It's really delicious!"



At this time, Zhang Fan can basically eat a salty bun in a few mouthfuls. I have to say that the salty bun is really delicious.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, Zhang Fan choked suddenly because he ate too fast.

Seeing Zhang Fan coughing like this at this time, Lin Yuqing was terribly worried, so she quickly took out a bottle of Yuan Qi Forest, unscrewed the bottle of Yuan Qi Forest, and handed it to Zhang Fan: "Mr. Urgent, quickly drink a bottle of Yuan Qi Forest, moisten your throat, there are so many salty buns here, enough for you to eat, no one will snatch it from you!"

At this time, Zhang Fan took the Yuanqi Forest that Lin Yuqing handed him, and drank a few sips. Only then did he feel much better.

Zhang Fan took a deep breath at this time, and said with a sigh: "It's delicious, it's delicious, it's really delicious, I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time!"

"But Yuqing said something wrong, are you sure no one snatched it from me? Look at your good girlfriend, who looks like a starving ghost reincarnated..."

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and quickly looked to the side, and found that her best friend Wang Xue was holding a salty bun in one hand at this time, took a bite from one side, another bite from that side, and finished a salty bun in just a few bites , no worse than Zhang Fan.

At this time, Wang Xue saw that several people were all looking at him, and she was not only a little embarrassed, she said with a face of shame and anger: "What are you looking at? What are you looking at? What's so good? Have you ever seen something? ?"

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "I've seen eating, but it's really rare to see people who eat like this!"

Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's ridicule at this time, and said indifferently: "Cut, what do you know? Haven't you heard that the only things in life that can't live up to you are good wine and good food?"

"To be honest, I have never eaten salted buns before. I didn't expect this salted bun to be so delicious. It is really delicious. It is even more delicious than the abalone and lobster I have eaten! "

"This girl has never eaten such a delicious thing. It is really delicious. Now I really think that my decision to come to this place is really wise. I don't even want to leave!"



At this time, Wang Teng saw how wolfish a few people were, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay, eat slowly. In fact, when I ate this food for the first time, I was so wolfish like you. I'm in a turmoil, I'm afraid that these delicious things will be snatched away by others..."

"Now you know that what I told you before is not false, as long as you come here for a while, you don't want to leave at all!"

"While you are eating now, let me tell you about the flow of this show. The flow of our show is very simple..."

"Our program team will provide you with a courtyard, and you will use this courtyard to entertain some guests. We will not provide you with any ingredients. If you want any ingredients, you must go to the field to pick corn, and then Go to a nearby town to sell for money, and then go buy the ingredients you need..."

The flow of this "Longing for Life" program is basically similar to the flow of the "Longing for Life" program that Zhang Fan watched in his previous life, but Zhang Fan and Wang Teng have made some changes to some things in this program.

For example, the corn they picked was not directly exchanged for some ingredients or food and drink from the program group!

They need to go to the nearby market to sell their own corn, and then use the money from selling corn to buy some food, food and other things.

(End of this chapter)

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