Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 133 "Angel Wings", Wang Xue cried!

Chapter 133 "Angel's Wings", Wang Xue cried! (seeking subscription)
Liu Yutong was hugged by her boyfriend at this time, and when she heard what her boyfriend said, her eyes were sore and tears flowed like rain.

How much she wished she didn't have this disease at this time.

At this time, how she wished that she could stay in this world for a while longer.

This world is so beautiful, she is really reluctant to leave.



mushroom house

After Zhang Fan finished recording the first episode of Longing for Life in the morning, he was planning to leave in the afternoon.

As a result, he never expected such a thing to happen suddenly.

Now that this kind of thing happened, he must not be able to leave.

Lin Yuqing also paid attention to what happened on the Internet at this time. At this time, she sighed and said with a distressed face: "This girl is really pitiful. She is so beautiful and has such a good personality. She could have A very beautiful life, I could have had a very beautiful relationship, but I was about to leave this beautiful world because of the torment of illness..."


Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are things that no one can escape.

So this time he can have a chance to do it again, he pays great attention to his body!
He is exercising his body every day, he just doesn't want to be entangled in some disease and leave this beautiful world, if this is the case, it will be too bad luck.

There is a saying that is good, the king of Hades let you die on the third watch, how could he keep you until the fifth watch.

Life is like this, you never know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

Zhang Fan sighed at this time and said: "This girl is indeed too pitiful, so what I can do now is to fulfill her last wish, and at the same time fulfill the boy's wish, so that he can marry this girl!"

"So I have a great responsibility going forward, and I need your help, because I may not be able to complete the next thing well by myself!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, patted her underdeveloped chest, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you are so polite. What is the relationship between the two of us? Your business is You used to help me with my affairs, and now I finally have the opportunity to help you once, I am so happy!"

"If you need me to do anything, just tell me directly. After all, the two of us are friends now, and good friends should help each other out!"

Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing when he heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time.



What will be the song that Zhang Fan will send to the most beautiful girl? #At this time, this topic rushed to Weibo hot search, and it directly rushed to the top three Weibo hot search.

The previous two hot searches were also about Zhang Fan and the most beautiful girl.

Now all the netizens on the Internet are focusing on the most beautiful girl and Zhang Fan.

They were really curious what kind of song Zhang Fan would bring to this most beautiful girl?
If it is an ordinary person, they may directly choose one of their previous songs and sing.

But is this Zhang Fan an ordinary person?
This Zhang Fan is definitely not an ordinary person.

This Zhang Fan is not just an ordinary singer who can sing, he is also a music creator, and he is also a musical genius in the entertainment industry.

Compared with his singing, his creation is the scariest, and his talent is the scariest.

So many netizens speculate that this time Zhang Fan may bring a new song to this most beautiful girl.

Many netizens are very curious, what kind of song will this new song that Zhang Fan brings to this most beautiful girl be?
"Ahhhhh... looking forward, looking forward, really looking forward to it!"

"It's useless to expect it, and you can't see it. I heard that Zhang Fan wants to connect with this most beautiful girl and sing a song for her personally!"

"Ah? No, I don't want to disturb this most beautiful girl, but I really want to hear this song!"

"Yes, yes, I also want to hear this song very much. I also want to know what kind of song Zhang Fan sang to this most beautiful girl?"

"A product produced by Zhang Fan must be a high-quality product. This has become a well-known law, and this time Zhang Fan still wrote a song for this most beautiful girl, and this is very likely to be the last song of this most beautiful girl in her life." I'm really curious, what kind of song is this song?"

"To be honest, I really want to look forward to it. I hope that after Zhang Fan sings this song, this most beautiful girl can agree to her boyfriend's request, accept her boyfriend's pro-marriage, and become a happy bride!"

"I have to say, it's really rare to have such a good boyfriend these days!"

"That's right, that's right, the average man might run away long ago when he encounters such a thing, this girl didn't fall in love with the wrong person!"

"At first, I thought that men don't have a good thing. I didn't expect that there are such affectionate men in this world, but I believe it's just his young and impulsive thoughts. After his girlfriend is gone, he will definitely come back again." Looking for a girlfriend. A man? You know everything!"

"Women are gentle, don't be afraid, it must be you stinky men who angered us and we resisted a little bit. You are not allowed to fight back, didn't you say it yourself "I never hit women" "Anyway, men You can’t hit a woman.” “A good man doesn’t fight a woman.”

"Fuck, why are these boxers here again? This punch has at least 20 years of skill, I'm afraid even the champion may not be able to stop it!"



Liu Yutong was also paying attention to the situation on the Internet at this time. He saw that many netizens on the Internet really wanted to see what kind of song Zhang Fan sang to her. They are all very curious.

At this time, Liu Yutong saw that these netizens were so looking forward to this song, and thought that he would not have much time left in this world, and it is better to be alone than to be happy alone!
And she is a fan of Zhang Fan, she knows Zhang Fan's musical talent very well!

As a fan of Zhang Fan, she also hopes that Zhang Fan's musical talent can be seen by more people, and the songs she creates can be heard and liked by more people, not just her own. .


Liu Yutong sighed at this time, and made a decision: "Li Tong, you can tell Teacher Zhang Fan that this time there is no need for video connection, just live broadcast directly, I hope more people will Everyone has heard this song by Teacher Zhang Fan, this song is not just for me!"

"I'm really, really happy. At the last moment of my life, the person I love the most can be by my side, and I can also hear a song sung to me by one of my favorite singers. I'm really happy now. I think I am the happiest and happiest woman in the world!"

At this time, Li Tong saw that Liu Yutong's face was much rosier than before, and he was very happy. He held Liu Yutong's hand tightly and said with a smile on his face: "You are really kind, Yutong. At this time, you still think about so many people."

"Don't worry, I'm here to contact Teacher Zhang Fan's agent, I hope Teacher Zhang Fan can change this video connection into a live broadcast, so that more people can see this song and let more people listen to it to this song!"



mushroom house

Wang Teng, the director of the variety show, and Wang Xue, Lin Yuqing's best friend, walked back and forth in front of the mushroom house at this time.

At this moment, the two collided.

Wang Xue was already very irritable at this time, but when someone hit her at this time, her mood became even more irritable, and she said with a very angry face: "Hey, let me ask you if you are crazy, why are you Want to hit me?"

"Let me tell you, this girl is very upset right now, you'd better not come here to provoke this girl, or else don't blame this girl for being rude to you!"

Wang Teng: "..."

Wang Teng was speechless when he heard Wang Xue's words at this time.

At this moment, he didn't even know what to say.

Obviously it was this woman who bumped into him first, but this woman turned out to be the first to complain, and even said that he hit her first? ? ?
He really had never seen such a brazen person.

However, he can also see that this woman is in a fit of anger now, if you can't provoke this woman, don't provoke this woman, otherwise, once this woman explodes, it will be really terrible.

Wang Xue said with a very angry face at this time: "This Zhang Fan is really true. If he doesn't have that ability, he shouldn't write songs. Just take out some of his old songs and sing them."

"It's such a time, and he's still here thinking about pretending to be aggressive. Does he feel uncomfortable all day long if he doesn't pretend to be aggressive!"

Hearing Wang Xue's words at this time, Wang Teng couldn't help listening to Zhang Fan's excuse: "Mr. Wang, you can't say that. In fact, the reason why Zhang Fan did this is to fulfill this girl's last wish?"

"After all, this girl is a fan of Zhang Fan. Her last wish is to hear Zhang Fan sing to her. Zhang Fan definitely wants to give this girl a special gift. He must write a new song for this girl. !"

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xue heard Wang Teng's words at this time, hehehe twice: "Of course I know what he is thinking in his heart, but everything must be done within one's ability. If you don't have that diamond, don't take on that porcelain job, or you will end up with nothing but It's just a bitter fruit!"

"This girl has already reached such an urgent moment, and she may leave this world at any time, but he is still dawdling here, dawdling, in case the girl is accidentally in the process of writing a song out of this world..."

"At that time, he will be finished. He will know what it means to pretend to be aggressive and get fucked. Now that this matter has attracted so much attention on the Internet, if he fails to complete the girl's final act for some reason If he wants to, he will definitely be scolded to death by these netizens!"

"It seems that Zhang Fan really doesn't know the horror of cyber violence, right? Cyber ​​violence is really terrible. Fortunately, I am the perpetrator!"


When Wang Teng heard Wang Xue's words at this time, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

As a director of a variety show who has worked in the entertainment industry for several years, Wang Teng is very clear that what Wang Xue said is very reasonable.

In fact, the safest way for Zhang Fan is to take out some of his previous songs and sing one by one. This is the safest way to say it. Although it is not very brilliant, at least there is no fault.

But this Zhang Fan wants to write a new song, if he writes this song well and satisfies people, that's fine!

If he did not write well, he was ridiculed by others instead.

Stars in the entertainment industry basically live under flashlights, their strengths will be magnified under the astigmatism light, and their shortcomings will also be magnified under the astigmatism light...

So sometimes I would rather not do it, would rather do less than do more.

After all, sometimes doing more means making mistakes.

The stars in the entertainment industry are all observed by netizens with a magnifying glass. If a little thing of yours is magnified, it will become a big thing.

Just as the two of them were sighing and sighing outside the room, suddenly there was a very pleasant and bleak singing voice from inside the room:
"Where will the fallen leaves go with the wind?
Just leave the sky beautiful

flying figure
like angel wings
across my happy past
where love has been

Still retaining the fragrance of yesterday

that familiar warmth
like angel wings
across my boundless heartache

When Wang Teng, who was standing outside the house, heard the singing at this time, he couldn't help but gasped.

I don't know why, when he heard this lyrics and this song, he suddenly felt a tightness in his chest.

He felt as if his chest had been hit by a big hammer at this moment.

At this time, he felt very, very tight in his chest.

When he heard this song, he felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his whole body.


At this moment, Wang Teng seemed to hear something. He turned his head and saw that Wang Xue was squatting on the ground and crying.

When Wang Teng saw such a scene at this time, he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

This woman who was powerful in the mall and had a very poisonous tongue actually cried.

This is too incredible.

He...he read it right?

I don't know why when he saw Wang Xue crying, his eyes couldn't help but feel sore for a while!
He couldn't help but want to cry! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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