Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 134 Zhang Fan Wants Old Cow to Eat Young Grass? ? ?

Chapter 134 Zhang Fan Wants Old Cows to Eat Young Grass? ? ? (seeking subscription)

He thought the song was really sad.

But anyone who hears this song can't help but feel like crying.

Lin Yuqing was sitting in front of the piano at this time, her slender and fair fingers were constantly beating on the black and white keys. At this moment, she looked at the man standing in front of her, singing this song with a full face, and there was not only a burst of emotion in her heart. happy and happy.

For Lin Yuqing, the thing that made him most happy was that she was able to participate in Zhang Fan's songs.

In the past, she was the one who asked to accompany Zhang Fan when Zhang Fan sang, just like the first time Zhang Fan went to their music academy to sing, she was the one who asked to accompany Zhang Fan.

But now when Zhang Fan wanted to make a song, Lin Yuqing didn't have to ask for it as before, and now Zhang Fan was able to actively think of her.

Although the relationship between the two of them has not reached the level that Lin Yuqing imagined, but now Zhang Fan can actively ask her to accompany any songs, which is already a huge improvement for Lin Yuqing.

Lin Yuqing now believes in one sentence - as long as you work hard, you can grind an iron pestle into a needle.

She believes that as long as she persists, one day she will be able to achieve the imaginary wish in her heart.

There is a saying that men look the most handsome when they are serious, Lin Yuqing thinks this sentence is really very reasonable.

Although Zhang Fan is usually very handsome, but at this time when he is completely devoted to this song and interprets this song seriously, Lin Yuqing feels that Zhang Fan is really the most handsome man in the world at this time up.

"I believe you are still here
never left

My love protects you like an angel

If life is here

from now on without me

I will find an angel to love you for me

I will find an angel to love you for me"

song is over

At this time, Lin Yuqing was still deeply immersed in Zhang Fan's wonderful singing.

At this time, for some unknown reason, her eyes were sore for a while, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

This song is just so sad.

In addition, Zhang Fan really interpreted this song really well. Zhang Fan's sadness in this song can be said to be vividly interpreted.

This really makes the hearer sad and the listener shed tears.

At this time, when Lin Yuqing heard this song, she thought of the most beautiful girl lying on the hospital bed again.

This song is really suitable for this most beautiful girl.



When Zhang Fan sang this song at this time, his whole body was deeply immersed in this sad atmosphere, and he didn't slow down for a long time.

At this time, he was sad because of this song, and even more sad because of this girl lying on the hospital bed.

He really couldn't understand why God would let such a kind and beautiful girl suffer such a thing.

When Zhang Fan used to sing any song, he basically just went up and sang it directly, because he was absolutely confident in his own strength, and he never did too much rehearsal or anything.

This time when he sang this song for the most beautiful girl, he didn't go up and sing it directly, but chose to rehearse the song with Lin Yuqing first, and then he sang it for the most beautiful girl song.

Because he wanted to give a wonderful performance in front of this most beautiful girl later.

So this time he prepared for the performance very, very carefully, even more attentively than any other large party he had attended before.

Although he didn't have any big stage for this performance, he just stood in this small room with only Lin Yuqing accompanying him.

Compared with the luxurious stage he attended those satellite TV evening parties before, it was simply too simple.

But this time Zhang Fan felt that this performance was a very important one for him.

His dedication to this performance is no less than any performance at a large party he has participated in before.

"Mr. Zhang, how is your preparation? I think your singing is very, very, very good!"

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "I also think that my singing is not bad. If that's the case, then let's quickly start a video connection with that most beautiful girl!"

ding ding ding...

Just when Zhang Fan was about to start the video connection and was about to perform for the most beautiful girl with Lin Yuqing, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Zhang Fan looked at his mobile phone at this time, and he found that it was his manager Liu Awei who called him.

Not only was Zhang Fan very strange seeing this call at this time, what was his manager doing calling him at this time?
Could it be that something happened again?

Zhang Fan was very curious at this time, so he quickly connected the call, and soon a very familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Zhang Fan, how are you preparing for this song? If it doesn’t work, just choose one of your previous songs and sing it, don’t force it!”

"Of course, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you can't do it. I know that you are a very talented person in music, but even a person with musical talent needs inspiration when creating. You may not have this inspiration for a while. , don't force yourself too much!"

Zhang Fan heard his manager's words at this time, and said with a proud face: "Awei, you look down on me too much. My inspiration is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. I have already written this song." The composition is finished, I just prepared to have a video connection with this most beautiful girl, and I am ready to sing this song to them!"

Although Liu Awei had already seen Zhang Fan's musical talent, when he heard Zhang Fan say that he had created this song, he couldn't help but gasped: "Is it true? You are not kidding me, you have really created this song!"

"You are too powerful, you are really becoming more and more powerful now, I almost don't know you when you become, to be honest, even I didn't find out when you secretly became So powerful!"

Zhang Fan was startled when he heard Liu Awei's words at this time, he laughed and said, "When did I secretly become so powerful? I have always been so powerful, okay?"

"I've been studying secretly here before, and I've always had the idea that I want to study secretly, and then write something that amazes everyone, and now I finally did it!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, do you have something to tell me when you called me suddenly this time?"

Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, shook his head, and said solemnly: "The reason why I called you this time is that I have something to tell you, and I mainly want to tell you Make a mistake this time and replace the video connection with a live broadcast!"

Hearing Liu Awei's words at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help frowning: "Isn't it the video connection we agreed to? Why is it suddenly going to be a live broadcast now?"

"Awei, haven't I told you before? This time we don't want to do any more marketing, this time I just want to sing the last song for this most beautiful girl!"

"The reason why I didn't choose to broadcast live before was because I didn't want too many people to come and disturb me. I just wanted to sing a song to this most beautiful girl quietly. Now why are you suddenly becoming a live broadcast again?"

Liu Awei knew that Zhang Fan had misunderstood him when he heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and quickly explained: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, this time it's not me who wants to switch to a live broadcast, this time it's the most beautiful girl who asked for it. Change it to a live broadcast!"

"Many netizens on the Internet guessed that you might sing a new song for this most beautiful girl this time, so many netizens on the Internet are very curious about what this song is? They all want to hear this song very much !"

"So this most beautiful girl directly asked her boyfriend to contact us and said that this video connection will be replaced by a live broadcast. She wants more netizens to see and hear this song. !"

Zhang Fan only understood what was going on after listening to Liu Awei's explanation at this time.

It turned out that all of this was requested by the most beautiful girl herself.

He thought it was his agent who made it up on his own.

Although he also believes that in order to expand his influence, the necessary publicity and marketing are definitely essential, but he can't use everything for publicity and marketing.

Just like the matter of the most beautiful girl this time, he didn't think about any publicity or marketing at all!

He just wanted to make a video connection with this girl quietly, and then he and Lin Yuqing would sing this song to the most beautiful girl, which could be regarded as fulfilling the last wish of this most beautiful girl.

The reason why he directly chose to connect with this most beautiful girl via video instead of live broadcast was because he didn't want more people to disturb this most beautiful girl.

But now that the most beautiful girl has already said so, Zhang Fan can only do what the most beautiful girl said at this time.

The live broadcast was about to start again, this time his assistant Duan Jiabao was not around, these things made him flustered.

But fortunately, with the help of Wang Teng and his photographers this time, the live broadcast this time is considered acceptable.

Zhang Fan came to this small village to record a program this time. He thought it was nothing serious, so he gave Duan Jiabao two days off and let her go out to play and relax.

In the end, he didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing suddenly in this small village, which caught him off guard.

This time, Zhang Fan started the live broadcast with his Kuaidou account.

He now has more than 2300 million fans on his Kaidou account.

He just turned on the live broadcast room just now, and when the screen was black, there were tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room.

It seems that these netizens are very enthusiastic and very curious about his song!

They all really want to see what his song is?
Zhang Fan didn't worry too much at this time, because of the constraints of the conditions, he didn't have time to prepare too much.

This time the live broadcast was done in his small room in the mushroom house.

He, Lin Yuqing and Wang Teng's two photographers were the only ones in the room.

Zhang Fan looked at Lin Yuqing at this time, and said seriously, "Yuqing, are you ready?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and nodded seriously: "No problem, I'm ready, and I will definitely not make any mistakes when I perform later!"

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan gave Lin Yuqing a thumbs up!

He still believes in Lin Yuqing's ability in music. Lin Yuqing's piano level is much better than his.

After all, Lin Yuqing has been a musical genius since she was a child. She has been learning various musical instruments since she was a child. It is said that she was able to play various world famous songs when she was five or six years old.

Such a simple song is not particularly difficult for Lin Yuqing.

Seeing Zhang Fan giving him a thumbs up at this time, Lin Yuqing couldn't help being very happy in her heart.

Lin Yuqing felt that the happiest thing for her was being able to collaborate with Zhang Fan on a song.

It's just that she has always accompanied Zhang Fan and Zhang Fan sang; when will it be this man's turn to accompany him and sing by himself?

Lin Yuqing was really looking forward to this day.

Zhang Fan was extended a gesture by Lin Yuqing at this time. After Lin Yuqing received Zhang Fan's gesture at this time, her slender and slender fingers began to dance quickly on the black and white keys.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuqing's long and slender fingers beating fast on the black and white keys, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, Lin Yuqing's hands are really beautiful.

How to put it in that sentence, this hand can be played for a year.

Seeing such a beautiful woman as Lin Yuqing playing the piano by his side, Zhang Fan immediately felt a sense of redness in his sleeves.

At this time, Zhang Fan's live broadcast room had already flooded with many netizens, and the live broadcast room suddenly burst into bullet screens.

"Fuck, shit, shit, I'm finally here, I'm so happy!"

"Looking forward, looking forward, really looking forward to it!"

"I heard that this time Zhang Fan was planning to sing such a song to the most beautiful girl alone through the video connection. It was the most beautiful girl who said that being alone is worse than being together, so Zhang Fan started this live broadcast. Let us Everyone can hear this song!"

"Hey... I don't know why God treats a kind person like the most beautiful girl like this?"

"Hey... this most beautiful girl is really pitiful, why does God treat this most beautiful girl like this? What did she do wrong?"

"Fortunately, this girl still has a boyfriend who loves her, otherwise she would be really miserable!"



With the sound of music, Zhang Fan closed his eyes and began to sing slowly:

"Where will the fallen leaves go with the wind?
Just leave the sky beautiful

flying figure
like angel wings
across my happy past
where love has been

Still retaining the fragrance of yesterday

that familiar warmth
like angel wings
across my boundless heartache"

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but gasp when they heard this.

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good!"

"I don't know why, but when I hear this song, I always feel like crying!"

"Me too. This song is really sad. I have to say that Lin Yuqing's piano playing is really good. It sounds really mesmerizing!"

"Of course, this Lin Yuqing is a musical genius. I heard that she was able to play world famous music when she was five or six years old. Playing the piano is nothing to her!"

"You all come to praise Lin Yuqing for playing the piano well, then I'll praise Zhang Fan for singing, well, his voice is really magnetic, his voice is really charming , His voice is so emotional that people can't help but be deeply immersed in it after listening to it!"

"Zhang Fan really deserves to be a musical genius in the entertainment circle, he really is YYDS!"

"What does yyds mean? There are really more and more Internet words these days, so you can't speak normally?"

"That's right, that's right, young people are really getting more and more good at playing, what else is there to do!"

"Wuyuzi went to buy milk tea today. The milk tea in this store is really yyds! The cake is also amazing! I inhaled the storm and it was so delicious that I stomped on jiojio! I saw a Puxin man on the road, help me, I really don't care about it. Today, Jimei is also a princess on the run day [laughs]!"



Liu Yutong was lying on the hospital bed at this moment, looking at her boyfriend holding this iPad, watching Zhang Fan's live broadcast, and listening to this song sung by Zhang Fan!

When Zhang Fan finished singing the lyrics, Liu Yutong couldn't control herself, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Liu Yutong listened to this song at this time, and she thought of the good times she had with her boyfriend when she was in college.

They were very young at that time!
They are full of hope for the future life!

From the moment they first met, they gradually got to know each other. They went to the library to study together, went to the cafeteria to eat together, went to the playground to run at night, and did a lot of things together.

It was at that time that Liu Yutong tasted the beauty of love for the first time.

At that time, she realized that falling in love is such a feeling, and this feeling is really wonderful.

When Liu Yutong held her boyfriend tightly at this time, she saw her boyfriend's side face, recalling all the beautiful things they had in the past, as if it all happened yesterday.

"Where love once came, the fragrance of yesterday remains in the past, and the familiar warmth, like the wings of an angel, strokes my boundless heartache." This lyrics is really written in her heart.

At this time, Li Tong saw his girlfriend bursting into tears, and while wiping her tears, he hugged her quietly. At this time, when he heard this song, he couldn't control his feelings. , couldn't help but burst into tears.

#张凡为最美女孩写歌《Angel’s Wings》This topic quickly rushed to Weibo and Kuaidou hot search number one#
This topic immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

"I'm connected to the 2G network? Can anyone tell me what happened? Did Zhang Fan write a new song?"

"That's right, that's right. I'm at work today. I just got off work. When I turned on my phone, I suddenly saw this trending search. Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Damn it, isn't there an Internet cafe in your village? You don't know such an important thing?"

"You're right. Zhang Fan has indeed released a new song at this time. He is currently singing this song live. If you haven't watched it, hurry up and watch it!"

"Ahhhhhhh...I'm also a fan of Zhang Fan, who can tell me what kind of program this is? I also want to watch this song sung by Zhang Fan!"

"The name of this show is My Brother is Shun Liu!"

"I asked what kind of TV, and they said it was an LCD TV. I asked what kind of drama it was, and they said it was a TV series! I asked how I could watch it, and they said that I could watch it sitting, lying down, or standing! I asked where I could watch it. , They said that the balcony, kitchen, hall, bedroom, and bathroom are all OK!"

"I have Qiyiguo Mango Tencent's VIP, I can watch any program I watch, and I can also watch high-definition Blu-rays!"

"You are amazing, you are high-definition, his Blu-ray, I am fluent, do you know that because I have no money and no VIP, they want me to watch an advertisement for more than a minute? I am very scared, I am very afraid that one day they will want me I watched the ad for more than two minutes, so I can only finish watching the ad step by step."

"Hahaha... I laughed to death, I laughed to death, did I laugh to death!"



At this time, Wang Teng stood outside and looked at Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing who cooperated so tacitly in the room. One sang and the other accompanied; one was handsome and the other was beautiful. I have to say that these two people are really It's such a good match.

At this time, Wang Teng couldn't help but said with admiration: "Tsk tsk tsk... I have to say that these two people are really a good match. Two people, one is a handsome guy, the other is a beautiful woman, and both of them know music, and both So interested in music!"

"And the two of them have such a tacit understanding every time they cooperate. One person plays and the other sings. This cooperation is really too tacit. This is simply a match made in heaven. The two of them are really good. It fits so well!"

"No, this isn't just a good match, it's simply a perfect match! A match made by a fairy!"


Wang Xue heard Wang Teng's words at the side at this time, and couldn't help but pooh: "I said, why are you blind at such a young age? What makes the two of them a good match?"

"One of them is almost 30 years old, the other is only in his early twenties; the other is already a veteran in society, and the other is still a college student; one can be an uncle, and the other Still a young lady; one is already a greasy middle-aged man, and the other is still a pure and beautiful school girl..."

"From top to bottom, from front to back, from left to right, from inside to outside, the two of them are not compatible at all. From what point can you tell that the two of them are well matched? What is a perfect match? A fairy match?? ?”

"If you don't know how to use words, can you not use them? Don't think that you can use them casually after learning two words. If you use them well, you are literate. If you don't use them well, you are stupid!"

Wang Teng: "..."

Wang Teng had just finished saying this sentence at this time, and was stunned by this Wang Xue for a while. At this time, he really wanted to ask this Wang Xue: Are you polite?

When Wang Teng usually sees Zhang Fan and Wang Xue arguing, he finds it very amusing, very interesting!
But this time it was his turn, and he saw the ability of this woman's poisonous tongue!

I have to say that this woman's venomous tongue is really extraordinary

Except for Zhang Fan, this woman's poisonous tongue is really no match for this woman.

But he, Wang Teng, is a man after all. If he can't even beat a woman in arguing, it would be really shameful!

Besides, even if he really can't beat this woman, he won't give up so easily.

At this time, Wang Teng couldn't help arguing: "How could you be so exaggerated? Could it be that what I just said was wrong? Isn't Zhang Fan handsome? Isn't Zhang Fan a handsome guy?"

"Besides, Zhang Fan is only 28 years old this year, not 30 years old as you said. As for Lin Yuqing, she is indeed a few years younger than Zhang Fan, but this does not affect it. Haven't you heard that love can transcend age boundaries? ?"

"Besides, although this Zhang Fan is a few years older, he exercises every day and takes care of himself every day. He looks like a boy in his 20s if he is so well maintained. Don't be too demanding!"

"After all, this Lin Yuqing is really outstanding, and her family conditions are also very good. If you want to find a man at her age who is as good as her, or better than her, it is really too difficult. Already!"


When Wang Xue heard Wang Teng's words at this time, she couldn't help but slapped hard: "I've never seen such a brazen person like you, who said that old cows eat tender grass so fresh and refined!"

"This Zhang Fan is already 28 years old, isn't it already 30 years old when rounded up? Our family Yuqing is only 21 years old this year, so it is equivalent to 20 years old rounded up, and now he is ten years old!"

"Haven't you heard of the three-year generation gap? They are ten years behind at once, which is equivalent to three generation gaps. Do you know how exaggerated it is?"

"Furthermore, according to relevant statistics, our women generally live longer than your men. Zhang Fan is a man, and he is so many years older than Lin Yuqing..."

Wang Teng: "???"

When Wang Teng heard what the woman in front of him said at this time, he immediately had question marks on his face.

The difference between the two of them was six or seven years, but this woman made a calculation like this, and it turned out that they were ten years apart.

He really wanted to ask this woman, was your physical education taught by your math teacher?
Bah, is your math taught by your physical education teacher?
There is also the later saying that women live longer than men, what kind of bullshit theory is this.

Anyway, based on what he saw, men generally lived longer than women.

He really didn't know how Wang Xue came to the conclusion that women lived longer than men.

At this time, Wang Teng saw Wang Teng look at him, and said domineeringly: "What are you looking at? Are you unconvinced? Are you going to fight with someone? Let me tell you, I am Taekwondo Black belt!"

Wang Xue was talking at this time, while breaking her wrist and stretching her leg, there was a burst of crackling sound.

Wang Teng was about to argue with this woman for three hundred rounds at this time, but the woman suddenly wanted to fight.

This woman is really too much, doesn't he know that a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands?
If he can't argue with himself, is he ready to do it?
This is too unethical.

Why do young people nowadays not talk about martial arts like this?
But those who know the current affairs are Junjie, Wang Teng made a calculation at this time!
He felt that he might not be able to beat this woman, so he quickly moved away from her.

After all, as a man, he never hits a woman.

He had heard that Wang Xue was very proficient in boxing, with 20 years of skill in one punch, and he couldn't stop him with 20 years of skill in one punch.

He had heard that Wang Xue was a boxer who was very good at boxing.



At this time, Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing who were inside the room didn't know that Wang Teng and Wang Xue outside just had a quarrel outside because of their incompatibility, arguing for [-] rounds.

At this time, the song has reached its climax. Zhang Fan has calmed down and devoted himself completely to the song. At this time, he has no distracting thoughts. He only has one thought, which is to give this song a good performance. Deduce it.

At this time, he even put himself into the story, into the most beautiful girl.

I'm leaving this world, I'm leaving you, but I'm still worried about you, so I'm going to find an angel to love you for me.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart. At this moment, he released all his emotions in the singing:
"I believe you are still here
never left

My love protects you like an angel

If life is here

from now on without me

I will find an angel to love you for me


Lying on the hospital bed at this time, when Liu Yutong heard this, he was already crying so hard.

This song is really well written!
This song was literally written in her heart.

She is really very grateful to Zhang Fan!
She is very grateful to Zhang Fan for writing such a song for her!
She really, really loves this song!
At this time, Liu Yutong lay beside her boyfriend's ear, and said softly: "Li Tong promises me, after I leave, you must take good care of yourself!"

"You are the person who is the worst at taking care of yourself. Once you start working, you even forget to eat. You must eat and rest on time from now on..."

"And you are the one who likes to lose everything. When you go out every day, you must prepare a few more keys. You must put the keys in your bag well. Don't accidentally lose them again. Otherwise, you will If you lose it again, no one will open the door for you when you go back!"

"And when you wash clothes, don't wash all the clothes together, don't put dark-colored clothes and light-colored clothes together, you must wash them separately..."

Li Tong heard this girlfriend's words at this time, hugged his girlfriend tightly, and burst into tears like a child.

These days, in order not to let his girlfriend worry about him, he has been pretending to be very strong.

But when he heard these words from his girlfriend at this time, he couldn't bear it anymore!

He could no longer control his emotions.

He really couldn't understand, why did God treat such a kind girl like this, why did God torture such a kind girl?

If possible, he would rather change with his girlfriend, and he would rather be the one lying on the hospital bed now.

Li Tong believes that if there is really some devil who can save his girlfriend at this time, no matter what price he pays, he is willing to make a deal with this devil.

For Li Tong, without his girlfriend, everything in this world seems to have nothing to do with him.

At this time, Liu Yutong saw Li Tong lying in her arms like a child, the crying man touched his head, and said with a smile on his face: "Promise me, I won't be here in the future, you must take good care of yourself." Can you take care of yourself? Don't make me worry!"

Hearing what his girlfriend said at this time, Li Tong seemed to think of something, sat up suddenly, wiped the tears on his face, and said seriously: "I can agree to this request, but you have to agree to my request. You must be my bride, you must be my wife!"

Liu Yutong: "..."

At this time, Liu Yutong looked at the man in front of her, and when she heard what the man in front of her said, she felt an indescribable pain in her heart.

How she wished she could be this man's bride!

How she wished she could be this man's wife!

How she wished she could walk into the palace of marriage with this man hand in hand.


But now he is a person who may leave this world at any time.

She can't make any promises to this man!
She can't accompany this man either.

So what qualifications does she have to be this man's wife?
Liu Yutong: "I, I..."

At this time, Li Tong quickly started his actions. At this time, he took out a ring box from his arms and knelt on the ground, and said seriously: "Ms. Liu Yutong, do you want to be Mr. Li Tong's wife? "

At this moment, Liu Yutong looked at her boyfriend who was kneeling in front of her, saw the ring in his boyfriend's hand, and just stopped crying. At this moment, it once again flowed out uncontrollably like a flood .

"Promise him, promise him, promise him..."

At this time, when the other patients in the ward saw this, they couldn't help screaming.

These patients and Liu Yutong are in the same ward, and they have known each other for a while, so they also hope that this beautiful and kind girl can have a good ending.

For a woman, the happiest thing in life is to marry a man who likes and likes herself.

They saw Liu Yutong's boyfriend, and they knew that her boyfriend was very good.

Ordinary people might run away long ago when encountering such a thing, but this Liu Yutong's boyfriend has always been by Liu Yutong's side, basically bringing her meals every day, talking to her by her side every day, and meeting her every day. Come and take care of her...

This Li Tong is undoubtedly a very qualified boyfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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