Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 149 I am a virgin who is almost 1 years old

Chapter 149 I am a virgin who is almost 30 years old (Happy National Day!!!)

At this time, the most surprising person in the whole scene is none other than Chen Yiting, the chief photographer this time.

Before she photographed Zhang Fan, she had a thorough understanding of Zhang Fan.

This is one of his working habits. When he shoots an artist, he will have a detailed understanding of the artist's life, hoping to capture the most authentic and individual side of the artist.

And given how prosperous Zhang Fan is in the entertainment industry, it's a little difficult for her to understand.

According to Chen Yiting's understanding, this Zhang Fan is currently a very famous music genius in the entertainment industry. Every song of his is excellent, every song of his is very classic, and every song of him is very popular.

Ever since Zhang Fan sang the two songs "The Most Romantic Thing" and "Unfortunately No If" at the wedding, his status as a singer-songwriter has been completely confirmed, and since then he has been enlightened The same, creating one after another classic and excellent songs.

As Zhang Fan's songs became more and more popular in the entertainment industry, his reputation as a musical genius was getting bigger and bigger. Now many singers in the entertainment industry and even some kings and queens wanted to invite Zhang Fan to sing.

But the current Zhang Fan is not the Zhang Fan of the past, even if he was invited by the king of heaven and the queen, he refused all of them. So far, he has only written songs for Lin Yuqing and a few people.

According to Chen Yiting's understanding, money is not the most important thing to Zhang Fan. If you make him look good, he may write songs for you. I won't write songs for you.

Chen Yiting understands very well how precious a song by Zhang Fan is now. She never thought that when she was shooting magazines for Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing today, this Zhang Fan would come up with a new song.

This really made her feel incredible.

But after shock comes surprise.

Chen Yiting knew very well that this time her chance had come.

It can be said that Zhang Fan's songs are hard to find in the market now. Many songs that the kings and queens wanted to sing were rejected by him. Now there is such a song by Zhang Fan. If I don't make good use of it, Isn't he too stupid?
Tut tut...

Now that there is such a good song, it is a bit difficult to think whether the video made this time will be popular or not.

At that time, once the video I shot becomes popular, and Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's popularity is so high, it will be the first time for these two people to shoot a magazine together. It's no wonder that the magazine I shot this time is not crazy.


Thinking of her pride, Chen Yiting couldn't help but secretly laughed in her heart.

At this time, Zhang Fan has completely devoted himself to this song. This song is a song he likes very much, because he used to empathize with many things in this song.

Zhang Fan remembers very clearly that when he went to KTV in his previous life, sometimes he would order this song when he was drinking, so he has a particularly deep feeling for this song.

At this time, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the snow is getting bigger and bigger.

But at this time, Zhang Fan no longer had any evasion like before, but chose to face it directly.

Seeing the snowflakes fluttering in front of him, Zhang Fan suddenly had a very strange feeling in his heart. At this moment, he continued to sing: "The snow is falling so deeply and so seriously.

Reflecting my wounds lying in the snow

I don't care how scarred I am
But I care about who will accompany you in the future"

At this time, Lin Yuqing who was standing in front of Zhang Fan was completely immersed in this song.

She thinks this song is really good!
This song is really the best song she has ever heard.

Zhang Fan's singing is sometimes moving, like gurgling water, singing softly, with unique charm;Sometimes it is as thick as an eagle's long cry when it spreads its wings, which is deafening;

Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that Zhang Fan sang this song for her, and she really likes this song so much.

But what makes Lin Yuqing more curious is that neither of them has experienced the things written in Zhang Fan's song.

The two of them did not love so deeply and seriously as the song said, nor did they break up on a snowy day like the song said.

So at this time, after Lin Yuqing heard this song, she couldn't help wondering if this song was really written for herself?

Even if this song is written for myself, is the woman in this song really me?
However, Lin Yuqing also had a better understanding of Zhang Fan's previous affairs. According to her previous understanding of Zhang Fan, this Zhang Fan had never been in love with each other, and he didn't even have a girlfriend when he was in college.

Therefore, Lin Yuqing is sure that Zhang Fan has never loved other women in his heart, and the reason why this song is written like this must be just for an artistic expression.

In any case, this song is written for myself, and it is enough for myself.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing saw that the man in front of her was full of little stars.

This song has come to the end, Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time: "Love is so deep than anyone else is serious

But in the end I'm the only one left
Please don't wipe away my tears
After all, that's my favorite woman
After all, I was once her beloved

song is over

The staff members at the scene were still deeply immersed in Zhang Fan's beautiful and affectionate singing.

I don't know if it was because the sky felt something, or because of some other reasons, just when Zhang Fan finished singing this song, the heavy snow that was still all over the sky just now stopped instantly.

At this time, I don't know who was the first to slap my palm. When the others heard the sound, they slowly realized that the song was over, and they all patted their palms.

It seems that at this moment, only in this way can they express the excitement in each of them.

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it's really good!"

"This song really made me cry when I heard it!"

"Wooooow... Zhang Fan's products must be high-quality products. It seems that this sentence is not false at all. Zhang Fan's songs are really tear-jerking. I really like his songs so much!"

"Yes, yes, Zhang Fan's songs are really awesome. I, a 30-year-old man, couldn't help crying when I heard Zhang Fan's songs!"

"A musical genius is a musical genius. He is really awesome. I have never heard of this Zhang Fan who has experienced any emotional things before. How could he write such deep emotions? If he didn't experience it personally, I would Do you really not believe that you can write such feelings?"

"Yes, yes, I also experienced such an unforgettable relationship at the beginning. My girlfriend and I were so in love, but we separated in the end, so when I heard this song, I was really deeply moved. I feel it!"

"There are two women that a man can't forget, one is the one who gave him a romantic relationship at the beginning of love, and the other is the one who understands him after years and can't marry him. Insomnia, one amazes the time, and the other wets the eye sockets."

"There are two men that a woman can't forget. One is the man who gave her a romantic night when she first fell in love, and the other is the man who understands her but can't give her home after years. The former is her first love, the latter is a beauty, and the former is her love. Heartbroken, the latter is insomnia, - one is amazing time, the other wet sleep sockets"

"Fuck, confidant, I didn't expect you to experience such an unforgettable relationship like me!"

"You're wrong, I have indeed experienced unforgettable relationships, but I have experienced more than one period, I have experienced several unforgettable relationships!"

"I... am speechless!"



After Zhang Fan sang this song at this time, he was still immersed in the song, so his mood was not only a little depressed.

When he was singing this song just now, he couldn't help but think of his girlfriends in his previous life, especially his first love. When he broke up with him, her beautiful face was covered with tears .

Lin Yuqing also saw something wrong with Zhang Fan at this time, Lin Yuqing came to Zhang Fan's side at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, are you okay? Why do you look so bad?"

Zhang Fan didn't speak when he heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, but squatted on the ground holding a handful of snow, breathed on his face, a biting cold hit his face, Zhang Fan suddenly felt his whole body I couldn't help shivering, and said with a smile: "It's okay, maybe it's because the weather is too cold."

"What do you think of the song I sang just now? Do you still like this song?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said excitedly: "I like it, I like it, I really like this song, this song makes me almost cry!"


When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he suddenly sighed deeply and said, "I just sang with such affection and devotion, I didn't expect that you just almost cried, but you still didn't cry. It seems that my singing is still not touching enough!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, shook her head, and said seriously: "No, Mr. Zhang, your song is very well written and sung very well, but what you sang in the song After all, I have never experienced these things, after all, I have never even talked about love, I have never experienced those falling in love and breaking up!"

"So although your song was very moving, and I was also very moved when I heard it, but I still can't cry, maybe it's because I don't feel the same way!"

"However, Mr. Zhang, I am a little strange. I have known Mr. Huang before. You never talked about any love when you were in college, so who is the woman in the song you wrote?"

"Who do you love so deeply and so seriously??? I really want to know which woman is so lucky to make Teacher Zhang love you so deeply and seriously!"

"Cough cough cough..."

When Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, he couldn't help coughing violently: "This, this... just because I wrote such a song, it doesn't mean that I have experienced such a thing, just like those novel authors and their Write about all kinds of gods and ghosts, have they all seen gods and ghosts??? They must have never seen them, it's just their imagination!"

"By analogy, what I wrote in this song just now is just my imagination. I have never been in a relationship before. I am still a virgin!"

"Think about a man who is almost 30 years old and still a virgin, how sad, pitiful, and pitiful he is!"

Originally, based on Lin Yuqing's understanding of Zhang Fan's previous affairs, she believed that Zhang Fan had never been in a relationship, nor had he ever liked any woman, but when she heard what Zhang Fan said at this time, she felt A little suspicious.

Because she really couldn't understand why this man was so excited when Zhang Fan mentioned that this man was a virgin?

This really doesn't match Zhang Fan's usual image.

Just when Lin Yuqing was about to ask Zhang Fan, Chen Yiting came over suddenly at this moment, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, the song you sang just now is really good. I recorded this song, I wonder if we can put this song in the promotional video of our magazine!"

"Mr. Zhang, if you are willing to put this song of yours in the promotional video of our own magazine, I can make the decision for Mr. Zhang to open our single-cover magazine for two consecutive months!"

Zhang Fan heard what the woman in front of him said at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Of course there is no problem with this. I have no opinion. If you need it, I can make some more of this song later." The accompaniment and the like can make this song sound more complete and better, after all, I just sang a cappella!"

Chen Yiting heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with disbelief: "Mr. Zhang Fan, what did you just say? You just said that you are willing to put this song of yours in our video, and you are willing to give it to us. Using this song as an accompaniment, I, I... heard it right, right?"

At this time, Zhang Fan saw the excited look of the woman in front of him, and he was puzzled when he heard the woman in front of him!

Could it be that this woman has a problem with her ears?

She said it so clearly just now, and she asked herself if she heard it wrong?

This woman looks pretty good at a young age, why is her ear not good?
It's really pathetic.

(End of this chapter)

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